Bryan Kohberger’s lawyers outline alibi night on night of Idaho college murders

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the Idaho College murders lawyers for Brian cobber filed documents outlining The suspect's Alibi they claim he was driving in a remote area on the night of the murders and say cell phone data backs up his story Kana Whitworth is covering the case good morning Kana yeah George good morning so this is the first time that we're seeing how Brian cober's legal team plans to challenge the forensic evidence against him they say they have expert testimony that will Ed those cell phone records to prove that he was more than 20 miles away from the crime scene in a rural area at the time of the murders overnight lawyers for Brian coburger the former PhD student accused of stabbing four University of Idaho students to death saying they plan to use analysis of cell phone tower data to show coburger was not near the crime scene at the time of the murders all right last August cober's lawyers claimed in a court filing the suspected murderer was instead driving around alone as he often did when the murders were committed in November of 2022 the judge requesting cober's lawyers provide specific details like names and addresses about his Alibi that could be corroborated the new filing claims he was driving in the opposite direction of the King Road home to hike and run Andor see the moon and stars something he did on several occasions and that his cell phone contained numerous photographs taken on several late evenings and early mornings including in November depicting the night sky authorities say Kaylee gonzalves Madison Mogan Zanna kodal and Ethan chapen were killed between 4 and 4:20 a.m. on November 13th in their off-campus home experts say that while cell phone records can estimate where a person is it's difficult to pinpoint someone's exact location especially in rural or remote areas I can tell you with scientific certainty from his cell phone records if he was connected to the mosow cell tower or the Pullman Sal tower but I can't pinpoint him authorities also say for a 2hour period between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. cober's phone stopped reporting to the network entirely which is consistent with the phone being out of service or in airplane mode now his lawyers say that he was an avid Runner and hiker and that because the school year got busy those hikes turned into nighttime drives in the countryside now Brian cobber will be back in court next month for a change of venue hearing guys okay Kaa thanks Dan Abrams is back is cell phone data strong it can be uh it's used in a lot of cases now but remember prosecutors here also want to use cell phone data to show that he was at the home or near the home and that he'd been there multiple times before but here's the difference prosecutors are linking up the phone with video of the car which matched Brian cerg now we haven't even gotten to talk about the DNA evidence yet but when when you talk about even just those two pieces of evidence cell phone in conjunction with surveillance video of what they believe is his car together prosecutors believe they have a strong case but as you can tell when it comes to cell phone evidence there can be different interpretations and different experts can make different assessments and that's what it seems we're going to see here can you think of another case with cell phone data with such a critical part yeah I mean look there are a number of cases I've seen where cell phone evidence becomes critical but it tends to be supporting evidence right because there's ambiguity around it because there's a lack of certainty as to exactly where someone is it's typically used to support a case and not to say see this proves the entirety of our case and how about that DNA evidence look and it's going to be critical right they're going to have to make another argument as to why his DNA was found on a sheath on the knife at the scene and so they've got a challenge for them the reason they're laying out The Alibi now is because under Idol law they actually have to present The Alibi defense at this point in the case under Idaho law if you're going to say I was somewhere else you actually have to lay it out before the case starts for some of the other pieces of the defense we may learn that as the case moves on but if the DNA is there on that knife well look look there's a lot of evidence in this case all right let's be really clear if the DNA is there they're either going to say they're going to challenge the way the DNA was done they may say it was planted who knows okay
Channel: ABC News
Views: 70,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abc, alibi, bryan, evidence, gma, hiking, idaho, king, kohberger, murders, news, of, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-109375918, street, trial, univesity
Id: oDZsg6SPshE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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