BRUTAL 1950 FINISH, Hungary Air Controller MINMAX

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every single click is where I show 99.9% of the Clicks in a heart of ion 4 game I did seven days of it and you ready for another seven days well we're back and day one is going to be a single player game new game 1936 and we're going to be playing as some minor Powers now and some of the kind of bigger minor powers does that make sense Hungary so we're going to play kind of historical we try and remain as Hungarian as possible following the things that happened up until 1939 but then from 1939 onwards I'll kind of mid Max a little bit more to play a little bit more optimally the goal of these videos is the long form you can play along at home and for the most part try and reclick the clicks that I make so you can recreate them too so you can play along and make a similar kind of game be aware there's RNG and heart of 4 battles don't always go the same way every single time so be aware you will not get a one for one result with what I'm getting and also be aware when I say I'm mid maxing I will prioritize fun of trying to optimize everything cuz of of course I could gobble up all the bulans in 1936 1937 that wouldn't be very historical and for me that wouldn't be very fun so I'm trying to optimize my fun but then also give kind of a minmax experience for you guys and if there's anything in the comments that I miss and I will miss things cuz I'm not perfect please let me know in the comments on my objective will be to talk about game mechanics as I go but there are any major game mechanics you guys aren't familiar with let me know in the comments below and then the next video the next day I'll try and talk about those a little bit more for instance at the very start of the game you have free civilian factories when you click this you've got the option to build Mills or civies that's most of the time that's what you build at the start of the heart of i 4 game Hungary hasn't got a very big industry and if you're going to go to war early which we're not making Mills is usually a good idea but as hungry you've got this minus 50% construction speed for military factories you are actively banned from rearming you are very naughty in World War I so no however in this case civilian factories is what we're going to do and we're just going to queue those up by holding shift and that means if there's two slots we'll fill both slots just minimize the amount of clicks be aware that hot keys on the keyboard are just to minimize the amount of clicks you've got to make overall so if I wanted to I wanted to be lazy I'm going to call it lazy I could left click once twice three four but remember I've just done twice as many clicks than I actually needed to do end of the day the reason why we have a left hand on the keyboard and a right hand on the mouse is to minimize the amount of clicks overall once again if you don't use shortcuts at all use them for the very first time is going to feel really weird but when you start using them and become familiar with them all of a sudden you'll never be able to go back it is the drug that you can never get off free civilian factories you know what we're going to do we're going to be a Hungarian air controller very popular in multiplayer games by the way this is not a multiplayer game will this work in a multiplayer game possibly is it optimize for multiplayer though probably not what's the reason why this works in multiplayer is you have a lot of aluminium aluminum so therefore producing lots of planes is worthwhile as Hungary at the very start of the game though I'm just going to produce guns and supplement with a few trucks and maybe some trains as well be aware that this gun starts off not with a Mayo attached so add that on so you can gain funding and that also gains use a production efficiency cap on assign reassign F how we producing now the very start of the game you're not going to produce many like three trains a year is the but the production efficiency Camp goes up you'll be producing maybe like two a month something like that which should be more than you'll need taking care of these easy mean you don't have to worry about later in the game this is for supply and this is well this is also for Supply it's all about Supply do you know in a perfect world probably don't even want to focus that much on guns either so I'm going to actually make three on artillery and put that there yeah cuz what will happen is when I join the axis which is very historical hungry is I'm going to LLY things into Hungary and I probably have a lot of guns from Germany so I'll get that by land transfer and reason why I need to focus on guns so much nice all right so we're going to be an air controller but you don't want to skimp on your industry you need construction early on you need a proficiency cap cuz it unlocks building slots and also thirdly it's usually a good idea to go for research for radio but we're not going to go to war anytime soon so that's a waste of time but what we do need is planes so desperately need planes we don't even have the latest model 1936 so let's get on that and assign this mayo and look at this Mayo look at all the bonus you get extra agility max speed air attack and a research bonus nice it's like Paradox new the hungry gets used a lot multiplayer being an air controller yep anyway F3 which is usually this button your R right click and move it we'll G to merge there's nothing to merge there but we'll exercise to level three by left clicking on pilot exercises mean they'll exercise to level three then they'll stop exercising planes indefinitely is not what you recommend planes are very expensive and they will die to accidents quite frequently I don't know why I read this but somewhere about prior to the Battle of Britain more pilots were lost in exercises and training than actual battles which now I think about it doesn't make doesn't actually surprise me anyway left click on unassign divisions right click to assign it to an army I'm going to press V for area control area defense and left click here just to move them to one spot do we convert them all to horses no cuz that's a bigger division no we'll just keep as it is for now okay next up national Focus so if you notice at the very start of the game of you always want to go through the top buttons these are things you need to prioritize cuz if you ignore them you'll be missing out on precious resources all right there's a little bit of an exploit with this but this is what every multiplayer guy does in a multiplayer game of Hungary and we have to go economic intervention all the way down to Ally with the Italians to go to war with Ethiopia to cancel off the whole Focus tree you know what actually that might have been patched we're going to find out anyway economic intervention all right five speed off we go just to be aware at the start of the game is hungry there's less to do because you don't have much recruitable and you're not going to build many civilian factories too and because you are on civilian economy which also Nerfs your civilian production which now think about it it doesn't make really a lot of sense does it really toaster economy the civilian economy hinders your ability to build civilian factories Paradox that doesn't make sense okay economic intervention is done strengthen the f word the naughty f word but we're going there boys let's go strengthen next up we're going to renew the Rome protocols this is not the historical path however there are some cheeky Shenanigans with this hence the reason why we do this going to go for disperse industry end of the day any nation that isn't like an absolute minor power needs to be UND dispersed remember dispersed retains production efficiency whenever you change these lines so if if I was to change this to like an older truck for instance or a different guns this red bar would go bigger meaning that you're gaining less production efficiency over time but the beauty of dispersed is that this red bar will drop less compared to concentrate however concentrate does give more raw overall amount of production so the only times the concentrate effect is if you're on the same production you're not researching new stuff and also for the vast majority of the game you're not updating your equipment to the latest versions for instance changing from this to like guns three so therefore you wouldn't lose production efficiency there aren't many mations in the game that take advantage of that and that's not really a good mid Maxi way to play cuz you will lose so many extra stats that way so most of the time nine times out 10 you want to be on dispersed and that one time you want to be on concentrated I could think of like two or three times like Netherlands early game concentrated maybe communist China or CH regular China at the start of the game maybe we'll do one game as a concentrate just for something a little bit different but if you going to produce the same guns raw guns at the very start of the game for a long duration concentrated is the win basic airf frame and now we need to research all the guns that go with it we do have the first engine but we don't have the second one let's do the second engine now and use the Meer to assign that on we have myo bonuses we get to take advantage of these proper early on so production efficiency Gain Is Awesome reliability more efficiency game then we've also got agility bonuses so I'm going to go for the production ones first then I'm going to go for the agility ones there also another one there as well then the agility agility speed agility speed range the left ones about ground attack so I don't care about those and the right ones are more ground attack yeah we want to Stack agility cuz we want our fighters to be absolute Tip Top cons contion one is naturally followed by construction two we've renewed the Rome protocols creating very ahistorical faction does it actually create the faction no we have to go for the bottom one to create the faction can we join the faction no we have to actually do the focus we have to go further down protect Austria protect Austria at all costs all right now we need to go for the fascist demagogue CU we need to be stacking lots and lots of the f word I'm almost certain that YouTube doesn't demonetize me for saying fascist but I just say cuz he built into me it's like I say Mr H instead of Hitler YouTubers trained me and softened me by the fear of not eating in one said month the horror what I might do early on is just produce a tiny little bit of close air support no I can't can't even assign to a Maya we haven't got a close air support Maya cuz what I was thinking of doing is is going fashist as quick as I can so therefore I can join the Spanish Sil War they can grind some air XP the air XP is nowhere as strong as it used to be oh this is really lucky this is a random vent chance giving me fascism recruitable population but you lose a little bit of stability you've got great stability as hungry so it's not a big deal that one all right now we got the engines we need the machine guns next protect Austria at all costs and we're alliance with Italy so first of all this is not history this is not historical what I'm doing right now is not historical it's just a little Min Maxi thing you can do but I will be still joining a historical path as I Ally with the axis and with Germany it's just a kind of a fun little mechanic you can do to break away from the Treaty of Tron a little bit earlier than you would normally is it cheeky 100% is it historical nope by the way I didn't explain this at the start of the video but this is kind of an air control style build so this is less about micro in the armies less about micro in the Navy well there will be no Navy and more about micro in the plan so if you want to see me me maxing planes this is the video for you all right alliance with Italy pop there we go now we've create our own little faction and we are actually the control of that faction as well lovely in Pink by the way a little fact for you if you're in faction map mode which is F10 this little star in the bottom right the faction color is determined by the leader of the faction and look who else is a lovely salmon pink that's right it's me and you can see the same for the Allies as well as the axis the UK and Germany there you go random fact for you you notice it more in multiplayer games okay so right now we have the option to join the war against Ethiopia that puts us at War War okay we're at War now it's not really a war though because the war's kind of already ended which is really weird but you just notice that pop up on screen did you see that the Treaty of Tron has been broken and we can mobilize however we need to change ideology so we're going to be on that next next up though we are going to go for industrial revitalization this gives one industry buff my advice for you is to put that industrial buff on to disperse three for more building slots cuz you will run out of building slots as hungry it's of the issues you run into regularly and also you want to get this improved Machine Tools early on even though we need to improve our Air Force but trust there's lots of time for lots of things we we'll do everything why not everything right first thing we need to do is the chief of the Air Force giving ticking air XP we need that design our more ideal plane types all right things are going pretty smooth right there I'm really happy how things are going however we do need to produce some planes soon cuz that's how we fund our Mayo so for instance if we were to make I don't know a fighter plane we need to assign the Mayo to gain the bonuses which gives funding to that M so we can improve that M make it better one thing leads to another leads to another leads to another the way that Ethiopia works is it kind of behaves like a nation that's in Exile that you can declare war on even though it's not physically on the map usually if a nation isn't on the map and you're not war with anyone you would piece them out completely but because it's like a mechanic that they come back later you're able to declare war on them because we're at war with them we lose the Treaty of Trion which is null and void cuz we're at War so the focuses down here are about getting claims and CS now that is really sweet but not right now cuz we can't take advantage of a lot of this anyway so let's focus on our industry reintegrate the railroads we do have air XP now however we are missing something important and I think it's this one basic range improvements yeah that's the last one so just to recap we want the latest actual model plane and the latest model gives better stats overall the best ones are agility speed I think that's pretty much it yeah there's probably a build you could probably do on Range two range is a big one there's probably a build where you could make an older plane and there is a viable reason to make old planes because if you look the weight is less for the older models so there is a really janky way that you could put on really Advanced machine guns and engines on a really old janky old model and the production cost is less and also the resource use is less as well maybe I'll try that one day maybe that'll make a funky video who knows anyway we're going to disband our faction now anyway no we can't we have to kick everyone out the faction but we can't do that until 937 oh there we go boom there we go okay we eventually did get there disband the faction disband the faction off you go and then we can disband the faction completely and therefore we're back to where we were before now therefore it's still a historical game right press one in the comments if you think it's no longer a historical game because Dave's done too many Shenanigans all right we're 50% fascist now meaning we can press the button do a referendum can we open political discourse hold a referendum there we go just cost you 75 political power more can actually request a relent from Italy because we're in a mutual War together interesting that could be a mechanic I could later on abuse but I'm not going to do that right now next Focus we're going to go for is US of these two one or the other they're both good more civies is always good early game and then we can fire a referendum I actually just discredit the government cuz the buttons just moved as I clicked them I kid you not that is such a bad feature oh my goodness well we discredit the government and we lost stability we've gain more fascism I think it's time to work on a bit of science to get o I'm not actually sure stuff down here I even really desperately need but we'll just go this path anyway cuz there'll be something down here we'll need later on yeah so when a decision gets added and removed from here the list shifts up and down so if you're just about to click something the lift can shift and you click the wrong one because the the reordered them this is one issue in Paradox games where these scroll Wheels need to lock in place whenever you're on to something and if something gets added to the list it doesn't move cuz the scroll wheel sticks it happens quite a lot in like Victoria 3 for instance where you you change something in the list and it puts you back back to the top of the list oh ck3 does that as well like lock the scroll wheel when I'm on it so therefore I don't have to click on something else by mistake very frustrating Hey listen this video is a little bit scuffed okay I'm here to explain issues with the game improvements to the game and make you a better player so there will be little elements to this video they're a little bit scuffed all right disperse 2 follows Naturally by disperse 3 and I'm tempted to go ahead of time with one of these upgrades usually the natural Improvement is going to be bigger machine guns is going to be armor and a bigger chassis but also engine is super useful as well probably engine is the probably the most useful due to the fact that you can just put more modules onto your fighter so therefore it can well have better stats overall okay for the second time now we're going to go fascist please don't move the button in fact I'm actually going to pause the game to make sure I don't press the wrong button boom we are now the bad ideology the naughty ideology and now I can send volunteers right no I don't think I can because I haven't got enough divisions the 30 division requirement to send volunteers is really janky isn't it it feels like an old game mechanic that just never got updated you can exploit that by getting a little army XP like 5 XP and making a horse and then spamming horses then you got 30 really tiny small divisions then again do I really need to send planes I don't know it's just a it's just a thought that just entered my head anyway regardless we're going to go for the research slot cuz you desperately need it however you're fine because you're going down at one Narrow Path as hungry you tend to find you need less research and it's kind of such a Rel and I'm to be Branch out to all different research areas like you would with Italy or Japan kind of just have a very narrow research requirements all right let's go for mechanical computer I think I'm going to stack research and the objective is going to be to try and beine to more advanced technology like engine 3 which is 1940 Tech the beauty of going uh fascist Len Le from Austria okay I will accept that that's exactly where I was going with that that's the reason why I didn't produce many guns cuz I thought I'd get Lenley St so that helps me out massively thank you thank you so much Austria anyway next up announce the oh my goodness we're going to go with Gore program now I think about it doesn't sound very right does it you know modernizing Hungaria by Gore if you're ever in an emergency and you need trains and you're a minor power you have this magic button you lose five stability which is practically nothing and you gain 15 trains out of nowhere it's that situation when you're at War and you're like o i really desperately need some trains to fix my Supply that button to that off because you're fascist it's not 37 which is another reason why you want to go fast as eily as you can you get to hit this button which gives you uh 2.5k guns out of nowhere and there you go all our gun problems have been fixed just that easy so now we're in a position now that there's no technology that we immediately need right now cuz we're focusing on planes and it means we get to research things ahead of time so I think the thing right thing to do now is to focus on machine guns and armor we'll talk more about designing the perfect plane a little bit shortly but for now we'll just focus on research there's lot of downtime for this video before actually the video kind of begins I'm going to focus on working condition cuz stability isn't very high right now and I want to buff it as much as I can I've lost quite a lot of stability just by rushing fascism here's a random idea what if I were to sell 1,000 guns on the market at a high price wow now there now there's 700 cuz 300 wants to get bought by Italy however not many people are in my market that's one of the issues to Fascism in the international market you have to spend political power to put people into your Market market so therefore potentially they can buy from you but you don't know if they're going to buy from you so it's kind of like is it really worth it I don't know but regardless we're getting a little bit of Mile points here we put them on as a high price and Italy's buying them so hey no complaints there and it's going to buff Italy a little bit too so you can't complain with that either all right then the big unfortunate part here is this path on the left side is the stronger path cuz you get aluminium you get some more steel it's definitely the better pth you need the indigenous designs cuz it gives you the light airframe and then the light airframe which is kind of a glitch cuz of the change to the air system anyway regardless yeah domestic arms industry three civilian factories oh okay right we can actually make a better plane now yeah we can actually make a better plane so let's do that so we select the basic airf frame and we are going to assign the Maya which gives reliability and also those other bonuses we're also going to upgrade which gives the better engine as well we going to put drop tanks on it and then double machine guns well quad machine guns time two that's so difficult to say I don't know why it doesn't roll off the tongue this is going to be the subscriber plane are you subscribed maybe you want more content I don't know maybe tell YouTube you want more content this is the subscriber plane I'm also going to change the icon too cuz I hate that icon looks absolutely trash we'll go for that brown one at the bottom Boom asand the Mayo and now all excess planes will be produced from here so that means we produce less artillery yeah now is the point we need to make Mills so we're going to shift left click on the one with 100% infrastructure and then this one as well you run out of building slots is hungry so so quick and there we go we're actually producing planes at home with a resource penalty of 7% which is not great however later on we'll take care of rubber by building our own refiner Tech the beauty of this now is that we're gaining funds for our Mayo can you see that 46% size two for the Mayo but now he's adding funds based on the amount of Mills that are assigned and I'm kind of hoping it would go up come on go up 46% wow you gain funds really slowly actually you only gain 0.1 funds per Mill so if I sign more Mills I would actually gain more size man the goes up so slowly and it has gone up by 1% there you go it is going up the more Mills you assign the more funding you'll assign also make sure you assign the auto upgrade that way it'll save you air XP and it'll also assign upgrades automatically for instance if you get a new chass which eventually you will but if I sell some other gear as well I feel like I want to sell a bunch of stuff right now just in the event I could just gain a little bit of construction bonus so FYI when you sell things on the market you gain myo points economic surplus this one which gives a construction bonus when you sell things on the mar when you buy things on the market sorry you cost your civilian factories so you get different resources each way that you do it add that to the market is anyone going to buy it probably not Germany will buy us some support equipment you know have it it's yours also will say that you can also accept requests as well so that way I don't have to click at the top of the screen anymore once again this is worthwhile cuz it's given a construction bonus which will pay off in the long run I've just realized what I need to research next that's really crucial it's just popped into my head disperse 3 super important it gives building slots you've only got three building slots that will expand later on but for now that's really important make sure you get the building slots down you see when you play Min nation in H4 you have to Mid Max for smaller elements because if you're lacking a certain resource of certain kind and one resource we're lacking is building slots so that's the reason we want to focus on dispersed then we're going to rush for disperse for yes 400 Days 500 Days almost but it is worth it Computing machine for the research okay are we in a position now that we can assign something worthwhile while I think we want silent Workhorse then War industrialist will be useful as well yeah silent Workhorse all right next up we are going to go for either the Mills the civvy with the building slots is useful though or we can start working down the left the right path here which establishes an Air Force and gets us the design bonuses I think the right path here is the right path right path is the right path right is right press two in the chat if right is right and the other industrial bonus which you can see that if you go to research and hover over here you can see we have 100% research bonus for industrial Tech so in this case we'll go for basic Machine Tools no yeah we do because in this instance because we run out of building slots so quickly stacking uh construction is just not worthwhile in the long run now we will go for construction but it could be prioritized over other things because we run out of building slots I keep saying that don't I building slots building slots building slots I just forgot there's a Terrain map mode they just fallen out of my head this is actually quite a useful map mode cuz it shows you Terrain map modes for the sea and ocean as well as on land as well but I do think some of the colors aren't bright enough the gray Urban green for the forest and then orange for the planes actually I've just dawned on me actually the political power is not the one we want right now the one we wanted was to mobilize fully and go for war economy that would have gain us so much more extra civilian factories okay lesson learned anyway next up more research ahead of time we're going to go for the heavy machine guns and to top that off as well it's time to add on Armor this might not be viable yeah it will be viable so you got a choice here self sealing is great because it adds armor on and it doesn't hurt the range of the aircraft however it cost you plus one rubber and rubber is something we don't have much of right now so I think armor is the way forward yeah so once again with planes you want to try and get the agility as high as possible for dog fighting while while buffing other stats but not hurting their agility you can get more agility if you remove things off the aircraft however the other stats feeding to agility to help you agility is basically just defense in the air while dog fighting so right now I could make the jty higher however the other stats need to be balanced out evenly as well it is kind of a bit of a bouncing act it's a matter of getting most air defense most Air Attack while maintaining as much agility as possible without going over the weight limit perfectly balanced like all things should be just FYI by the way if you're scared that you're putting things on the market and you lose that equipment at any time you can just cancel it and he goes back into your stop pal so don't worry too much about losing all your equipment it's not a big deal trust me anyway next up establish an Air Force and then we can rush for the more advanced fighter models okay right now we're building in 80% in Northern Hungary but this region here has 100% so we want to prioritize that I held shift and control to shift this to the top when I left click and also to build the max amount of building slots even though there's only one so that the hotkey there was kind of redundant but it did shift it to the top anyway once again hot keys for the win Lads okay we need air XP all right and one way of getting that is to send Air Wings abroad so what I'm going to do is make a new Division and that is going to consist of a single horse which is universally good because what we get to do with this is use it as a occupied territory which we will be taking advantage of later on then we build we need at least 30 of them but what we'll do is convert all these to that smaller division to F fund what to flood our equipment back into the Stop pile so back into training so it goes in one continuous Circle type of fa we only need 14 actually we'll deploy those immediately I'll be fair actually now the more I think about this that we don't actually need the XP that badly for air cuz you gain an absolute crap turn for assigning this guy but regardless we'll do it anyway all right War economy which gives us access to another two civilian factories wow I thought there'd been more than that all right deploy these divisions now we're over the 30 requirements so I'll just assign them on to that one Army then I right click onto China send volunteers send just air volunteers I'm not caring about actual divisions then we'll send that the one fighter our best bio I'm probably going to exercise this to level three first we can also do a quick deploy here by clicking fighter click in here and that just assigns one extra firearm we'll use that more later on and it'll just save us a lot of clicks all right next up boost the Hungarian aviation industry there we go the fighter is now ready we just lost one of them I tell you you lose so many in air accidents anyway regardless we send that one airwing over and pop him here for some reason he doesn't want to go oh so there's actually a limit of how many planes we can actually send this is one of the issues with minor powers in Hoy you kind of limited what you can do and because our air force is so small we're unable to have one limit to send exactly just one plane one airwing we're under the limit and the only way we can increase that limit is by deploying more planes overall what if we send volunteers oh you can't send volunteers to both sides can you if we send volunteers to the cleck when if there's a way around it that's all no there isn't it would usually say zero of one meaning you can send one airwing but it won't let you we just need to deploy more planes overall then we'll eventually get the ability to do that regardless we've just got the latest machine guns so we'll pop on heavy machine gun one heavy machine gun 2 however we've run into an issue we're now overweight This Plane cannot take off now cuz it is too chunk so we can't save it so I think what we do here is we actually remove the armor this is the reason why having a bigger engine is worthwhile two heavy machine guns the weight and thrust is perfect now top that off we can add the extra myo upgrade which gives reliability and we're going to save that and start producing it so overall this plane now if you compare the two you click on equipment comparison out of date and it was the mark one versus the mark 2 so this is the mark one this is the mark 2 sorry the top one and the mark one is the bottom one the mark one had slightly better agility by the smallest margin also decent amount of extra Air Attack however this the amount of actual Air Attack now it's got is significantly more but I fluffed everything I just said there but if you look at the numbers they they stand for themselves really you want to add as much air attack on early on as possible and we just lost a tiny bit of defense and Agility so it's overall worth it it's worth it trust me start to Branch out our research a little bit now we definitely need synthetic oil experiments cuz we're going to be making our rubber locally and we diversify into Mills and to cves you'll make more sense later on when we start importing more weapons into our country Boom Big increase to our production now we have a penalty of 32% for rubber so we need to import that bit from France one thing we could also do is start upgrading old models too by putting on the machine guns upgrading allows you to upgrade a plane that has the same chassis for the basic small airf frame but change it from this to this by basically adjusting the modules and adjusting in this case the machine guns as well just realized this is am I making the mark 2 here without the best machine guns on I am because that puts me overweight okay I'm trying to get the big best balance between the right machine guns so we go for quad four light machine guns 14 weight but if we go dual Heavies that's okay too nine attack versus 10 attack so we are better off with the quad light machine guns okay boom there we go be aware don't keep changing models over and over again cuz you do lose a tiny bit of production efficiency every time you do it so just FYI and we're going to go for excavation too cuz that gives a tiny little bit of extra oil I think fuel refining will probably more worthwhile for the short term excavation is better cuz if you look people are actually trading our aluminium no they're actually not no one's getting our resources sad no one wants Hungarian resources very sad all right we're getting into the meat of the focus tree now so indigenous designs giving a big research bonus to AIR research not massive but it's these two ones we want these two focuses both of them give a cast ahead of time and a fighter frames ahead of time now due to the fact that cast and Fs now don't have their own independent categories on the research tree it means that this one could be boosted and this one could be boosted cuz they're technically both are light air frames which is kind of a slight Dev oversight maybe the Devils will return to that some some point but it is kind of strange that cast and Fighters now on focuses are kind of the same thing anyway big engine here we come we're about to go for the most ideal 1930 Fighter 3 2 1 pop okay it's Auto upgraded so he's added the big engine on we can now put on the biggest possible machine guns and then we also add on I'm going to go for the self-sealing just cuz I want the range yeah yes now this is the perfect 1930s plane it can be improved upon later on but for now it is perfect a lot of different icon cuz once again I hate the default icon it always gives you and I can Al also start upgrading too you can upgrade quicker than you can produce and also get in the f fighters in the long run is going to be better deploy more planes shift exercise let's go go go and we need more rubber so import that we loads more rubber this is the issue with self-sealing fuel it requires a considerable large amount of rubber if we go eventually go to war which we will eventually end up in situation where we might have to adjust the planes a little bit just to Mid Max the resources a little bit all right let's res search Radio eventually we'll end up using it at some point but for now we'll research it anyway all right can we send a plane over here yet yes one see Zero of one so we can actually send one plane now so send it over here we go the best of the best put it into a new theater prioritize the replacement of equipment here indigenous designs is done let's do light fighter frame the plane is here air superiority let's go I also hit the hotkey here which is Zed and X these two be aware this is Dave definitely moaning old man moan here coming but X do close air support but it also does this as well see this remove from Air selection so if you press it it removes the airwing from the theater I hate that mechanic I really hate it the devs are aware of it I just that's my one dream feature that to make Po before a perfect game anyway our planes are now in the air look how we're chewing Through Fire planes the Japanese chewing through them and this has giving us loads of air XP top it off go for branch independent Spirit which gives ticking air XP which will add up in the long run and also Central control for the extra range ability wow the ratios here are fantastic this is how you know if your fight is working right now the ratios are great and if you hover over here you can see that we have more Air Attack than them we have more speed than them however they have more agility than us which is a big surprise I can't explain why that's the case maybe because they've got less modules on maybe but you can see here the ratios are definitely in my favor we're absolutely chewing through them there used to be an explo if you made the airwing smaller you could get more Aces I don't think you could do that anymore no I don't think you can do that anymore all right let's go for Army defense to give a ticking Army XP it's something we will use later on oh we gain an ace as well for now gaining early gains the Army XP which is always going to be useful unfortunately he died the ace was promoted then he died bit of a weird mechanic it's a very old mechanic from the old days of Hoy but when your guy dies he does actually still give bonuses to the Air Force like it's almost like a little bit of a memory of this amazing Ace yeah he still projects extra stats so don't reassign him if you don't need too I think you can't even reassign it to be fair you can only put it on to someone else if you've got another Ace so don't worry about if he dies end of the day you still get actual bonuses killed in action F in the chat for our Pebbles f for pebbles in the chat boys we also have an air combat training expert which increases Ace generation so I'm going to go for that now maybe we'll generate more Aces who knows but we're dally gaining more air XP as well another Ace has been found on top of off we can also go for the cast focus and now we do the master plan are you ready for the master plan we wait for construction to finish done now we get the fighter bonus 2 years ahead of time 87 days and at the same time upgrade with a myo bonus save update and then upgrade the old designs which is going to give you the most agility the most range the most speed the most air defense but be aware you cannot upgrade if the it's a new chassis if it's a new actual plane body itself it can you cannot upgrade one of these to one of these it is basically just shifting out the mod modules and adding the myo bonuses hence the reason why I'm focusing on upgrades now before the new plane comes on does that make sense think we might have to do an agency too cuz we need to prioritize what Air Forces we're looking at okay we can actually shift out to a different Ace here even though this Ace is so good but he died so F you can actually still assign the dead body of Pebbles Pebbles has been replaced by demon demon for the win okay I'm going to go for captain of industry which feels weird cuz we're making it military industry right now but it gives the 10% extra refinery construction which is super big and we'll definitely take advantage of that when we start building refineries at some point we need the rubber desperately and we need to be able to get into the country Danzig oh War I can't believe we're even here I can't believe we're even here what the game has flown so fast feel a little bit disappointed anyway anyway I guess I'm joining the war right as to join faction yes realize I need to put these on the front line here otherwise I'm going to get overrun by the poles and then I'm asking to Call to Arms I'll say you yes to that in just a moment I guess I must be having fun guys I uh completely forgot the game was progressing so quickly and then we got the fires and we can put them into position uh here put them on air superiority now it's important to engage in dog fighting immediately even when it's not beneficial to us in the long run because we're going to gain Aces and simultane as well we're also going to gain air XP which we'll be a to use on our doctrines and they see the planes are now up and we are battling yes yes and now we're at War we're the Allies we have World War II at the same time we are needing convoys because reasons need to bring our guy back home I think the convoys is because we have a fighter plane elsewhere and that's why that's happening yeah that's the only explanation I can think of we don't have any rubber now cuz we've got no way of accessing it so we need to make a more rubber efficient plane but we're about to get the new plane anyway so it's not really going to matter yeah we'll just focus on what we've got for now the Cass focus is complete so therefore I going to research now you can see we got a limited bonus for Cass get this light air frames the class is cast so we get to rush this ahead of time once again I do think this is Dev oversight this will get patched at some point but you have the ability now to rush some pretty Advanced planes pretty early on which is amazing okay we do oh it's cuz we're trying to get convoys here so we need to do it by land ah they guys there we go and now planes are up we had no air efficiency too so it wouldn't have been doing any damage anyway and now we have refineries and the first thing we to do with refineries is focus on rubber and get that immediately all right so now we can focus on synthetic here synthetic bonus es we will come back to that though cuz I think there's something else we can do we can reaffirm claims which we will do at some point we can go for the extra building slots which we will do and then we can start focus on refineries we can go here and here because we've sided with the axis with this we've gained Southern Slovakia and also this bit here of Ukraine oh boy nothing good can come of this move the planes over and split them press s to split so to select different Air Wings and then start using them in this Air Zone and we're trading really well and once again we're damaging the Air Force for for the Allies so it is hurting them in the long run going to convert you guys to a better division this one and this is going to put us in a massive deficit of guns however it's not a big deal CU what we'll do is a sign a field Marshal which is always good too but then we'll also get Imports of guns and Germany has an anex Austria by the way because we' guaranteeing them so that actually denies them from getting Austria interesting can delete six divisions down anyway cuz we just need the full 24 but then we'll get Imports of Lenley so it'll all be good in the long run anyway move our planes forward now once to get the closer we get to the battlefield the less uh range penalty we get see air base insufficient Supply it's the supplier that's the problem can we just click on this SE Zone here and click don't use convoys but then there's no way for us to get supply here so we do need a few supplies a few convoys buy convoys 20 convoys from Italy yeah we've got to do that we need a few convoys just a handful of them so we can actually transport Supply we've just upgraded the plane again we've got the latest version here now boom and then guess what the next next plane 405 days do it look at all those myo bonuses as well and of course I absolutely detest that model so we'll change that over we've got another slot now for machine guns so we can add that on we do have another slot down here too but we're slightly close to weight weight to thrust ratio is very close so we'll just start producing the new model I want I realize too we need to change this from self-sealing to armor plates which reduces the amount of rubber requirement I realize we'll stop producing these two and put a spy into Britain put them into Czechoslovakia Maybe and then we have another airwing which we're going to sign into this theater here so we can keep them all together we might as well use all the planes right there's no reason not to yeah close air support air superity a there so I lost my airwing but regardless who cares just go also got an ace no we don't we don't have an Ace and then the trading here is amazing you can see now if you hover over the the skull you can see that you got more Air Attack more agility and more speed so we are absolutely demolishing them we've run out of manow so we desperately need to mobilize here we're losing manow from the division and also we need them for the air wings as well also need to focus now on Garrison so we are going to do local police force do the small Cavalry and also focus on the garrisons as well there's so much going on Lads but we do desperately need to mobilize now anyway I could have done that a little bit earlier now I think about it okay we have convoys now which we are getting from Italy that we bought through the market once again the ratios are super in my favorite I just gained another Ace right now we are chewing them and spitting them out doing a really good job at that support urbanization and now we can do I think we're not going to do anything at the moment cuz I need to mobilize unlike mobilizing your industry it only cost youal power to jump from here to here hence the reason why it's best just to jump all the way and not do it in steps just cost 150 PP but with mobilizing conscription it cost you 150 PP for each step and you need to go for extensive so it's going to cost 450 but remember when you don't select a national Focus you gain double political power per day or plus one per day in that case I'm not going to select any realize that Germany's is having a really hard time breaking Poland here oh no they're not we're actually on time I just thought it it was worse than it actually is oh okay I thought they've declared we a little bit early but they're taking a little bit longer to break Poland so in the word way it's working out okay either way get a little bit of rubber from Germany a tiny amount which is just going to help with the production so I'm going to do that I want to check on the miles you know so go click on Hungary the flag click on the plane Mayo the MW aircraft which is a now size four which is awesome you can see the bonuses you hover over it here reliability bonus speed agility Air Attack and production efficiency game and you can see the ones that we've completed so far the next one we're queuing up is this agility bonus here there's also a range bonus here so I'll queue this one up too and if you want to see the queue it's this one here Q tra Q so once again we focused on boosting the reliability as well as the production gain and then we're going to focus on maxing agility and speed to gain the maximum combat Effectiveness this play style which is more multiplay multiplayer orientated I find just way more enjoyable because right now we're only focusing on our industry our resource production and aircraft where before you would have to kind of like diversify into everything right now we keep running out of Manpower what's happening is we're mobilizing more we're getting more manpower but then it's getting FedEd into divisions it's also getting FedEd into the garrisons but the garrisons are also losing Manpower because they having to fight partisan so it's kind of like a back and forth system but eventually you'll catch up when you gain enough uh mobilization what we can do to mobilize quicker though is do these two buttons here this one gives 10 War support more war support gives faster mobilization which basically means Manpower gets mobilized quicker and then you gain more manow quicker so right now we're at 1.4% mobilization of our Manpower and you can see over time it's ticking up and it will tick up quicker if you have more war support Austria has joined the axis interesting Germany's having a really hard time breaking Poland and that worries me a lot that really worries me we have an extra Ace that's not assigned so sometimes an airwing that already has an ace will sometimes generate another Ace but you can't have two Aces on top of each other so what you have to do is assign another one there you go easy and that for it gains the ace bonuses which are all Air Attack Speed and Agility base which help for dog fighting massively hey we building refineries now and I realized too kind of want to build them in my home territories with the higher construction bonuses cuz 60% is not as good as 100% obviously one number is bigger than the other however this is like 33 % produced now so I want to finish that one before building it somewhere else right now we're actually low on Fiel too so we can actually get a little bit of that from the Soviet Union maybe just two ticks maybe even one tick actually yeah that's enough a new my bonus for guns does it matter go for the production efficiency once again I just queue them all ups that way I don't have to think about them ever again so rubber Tech taking advantage of the head of time for our model of our Fighters fuel ref firing gives more oil from Refinery so it will help in the long run another AA generated more research bonus I don't even know why even use this but we're running out things to do unfortunately one our races just died did he die or did he survive I don't I don't know but no we we generated another one another one another one and then coming back to it extra resources from the aluminium and yeah to be fair stacking research right now is not very helpful so I think what I'm going to do is focus on the artillery just if we need some attack and also just the passive bonuses too okay Germany is really worrying me right now cuz they're not actually breaking Poland so what we're going to do is press C to do a fall batt line assign three divisions here 1 2 3 and everyone else apart from the top three so we shift click them away is put them onto this front line here and then make a front line now you we're we're pulling from the other front line here so if you hold tab or you press tab it'll cycle through different front lines and it can control click onto here see that's a lot of steps but just fiddle around with the front lines eventually you'll figure it out more Fighters some reason this is not a fighter for some reason why is this not a fighter so I can't use oh we have no Manpower oh I was wasn't wondering why I wasn't reinforcing it's cuz we got no Manpower okay what i' like to do is focus on reinforcements first and garrisons then we're focusing on everything I suppose in that case aren't we so what difference would it make Dave what difference would it make none okay next up mobilize again and also I've forgotten about this bonus here air production making planes 10% cheaper oh it's worth it's waiting gold get it get it we have domestic supply of rubber now one one rubber in Slovakia one we need to produce at least 20 for it to make a worthwhile difference to our production overall all right can we exercise should we exercise no we shouldn't but if we attack we might incentivize the Germans to push and it has so what happens is sometimes the AI doesn't want to attack because it doesn't think he can win but if you put your troops on the front line then make a push it incentivizes them to push cuz then now they think they can actually win I think that's what was happening just there I think it's weird because of Austria existing and Germany not pushing I presume that's the problem but we've made in circulent way look at this we're not even focusing our Armed Forces but all of us sudden our armed forces are kicking absolute what I ideally want to do is research as much rubber as I can but then when it becomes ahead of time then take advantage of this 300% bonus yeah that's what ideally would like to do is this almost done yeah it is so we'll do that now cancel it synthetic resources then what happens then is because it's ahead of time it takes longer but with a 300% research bonus it takes less time so therefore you take advantage of futuristic technology but with a big research bonus so you take advantage of as much Tech as you can does that make sense all right Poland is finally Fallen now we can move our planes over to here and take advantage of the lowlands and now we're fighting proper planes now but we still have more Air Attack agility and speed than them and we're absolutely demolishing them good the second Vienna reward which means I a bit of Transylvania which is useful in a way because that we have more building slots then and one thing you can also do is ask control of these states but wait for Mullen toop rbent trop pack first cuz this land will be given to the Soviet Union which you don't want to do Germany is at war with Scandinavia okay I don't care about that though okay we've got Max Air XP so what we do now is change this onto air crew surveys then we assign the air theorist when we got 100 XP anyway then we'll do our doctrines and you can see the ratios once again which again it's not very visual in h for but right now you can see the ratios are in our favor cuz we're absolutely demolishing them in the air hey we finally got Manpower have we have we yeah it's finally taking up I told you this eventually will happen where you'll get ahead of the momentum of uh Manpower and then eventually you'll gain Manpower banked I'm worried that we might need uh convoys again yeah we're actually using some convoys there's no way you can get around that you need to and now at the same time we can deploy a bunch of our planes here exercise to level three assign them to this theater but say low priority so that means if we lose planes on the front line which we will when we produce new ones they'll be flooded to this airwing first before going into this one that's low strength does that make sense cuz obviously you want the highest amount of strength on the ones on the front line which makes sense we also have more Aces too so assign them one 2 3 be aware Aces aren't all the same just a heads up aces aren all the same if you look at the stats some of them are like higher levels this one moose has plus 10 agility compared to the other ones which have plus five you just be aware some of them are like better than others but it's kind of hard to tell just by an eyeball in them which one better than others so look we've got 300 planes here they have 1,000 and we're absolutely demolishing them the ratios are massively in my favor if you look really closely are we actually projecting our points here yeah the enemy is losing 24% of its defense due to our air superiority bonus we are very fat more more rubber and then more rubber more rubber we've got 100 XP now so we can select the air theorist then we can VI for Air Tech and then we can go down the path of strategic destruction giving ground attack air Mission efficiency darkg fighting experience this one's a big one and also this one's a big one too giving 10% extra agility and you want all the way to the bottom because you want the extra air superity bonuses which projects more air superity which means more planes have like more projection for one individual plane which reduces enemy defense and breakthrough all right the planes are here and also click more air Crews gives overall more air efficiency which overall gives more range and once again the ratios here are massively in my favorite as I absolutely chew through them the issue is going to be when we run into the British planes which tend to have better stats overall and in that circumstance they're probably going to do a lot better against us otar is done next up synthetic industry giving one synthetic Refinery that makes me so sad 70 days for one building and makes me super sad same again myos for guns because we're producing a steady flow of guns I'm trying to stack all these myos in advance something that I'm not really going to look at too much with this game cuz it's mously focused towards an air wars and air battles we' got two Air Wings here they've completely depleted all of their planes just delete them then the fall of Paris Paris is gone next up the Battle of Britain what we'll do is wait for these guys to Max their out so they level three so they get the biggest bonus then then what we'll do is send them over the English Channel V friends would like to send us convoys that's very nice of them and also I've noticed this plane can be upgraded see this plus arrow here this is a myo bonus if you select it it gives Max Speed and Agility which is something we desperately need so take advantage of it do it also V friend can offers a bit of rubber I will definitely take that the benefit of upgrading the chassis of your Fighters is they have extra modules slots so for instance this one you can see three weapon modules at the top where the older model will uses is an example this is the super old model only has two and I believe the most advanced fire in the game has four uh weapon slots at the top so you can put fre machine guns and like a Bombay for instance okay we're just going to put you guys here actually no what we need you guys is here oh hang on Yugoslavia we're going to declare war on them so we're going to put them here what I was thinking of doing is putting my infantry in Italy just to avoid getting Naval invaded from the Allies which always happens every game so I'm going to put everyone on the border of Yugoslavia I'm tempted to declare war on them too cuz eventually we gain cores to this Focus anyway which is going to help us cuz with CES we get to build more building slots The Great Battle of the building slots big issue for Hungary so what happens is if you lose your planes through accidents which happens naturally you end up losing it and that way he doesn't when it gets to level three it won't keep exercising them again so exercise them to level three again get them all the way up assign the aces not they are anymore and then in this case put them all together in one Big Blob and then start doing air superiority which is z more air Cruise here we go the Battle of Britain and the ratios massively favor me oh look at these ratios Lads 17 losses 15 losses three on my end we are taking heavy losses as a proportion of overall industry cuz remember Britain has 17 Ms where we have 18 so from a ratio of Industry perspective it's kind of even even though it doesn't look that way of course favorably from a war perspective they're losing badly but from a industry perspective it's kind of even so we need to be trading maybe like 30 to zero before we can get like an even trade based on the overall now of Mills and noticed that the oil is ticking down so showing red so what this red means is it's 46 days until I run out of fuel so if I import one more oil from the Soviet Union it hops up to Green which basically means until the stop pile is full so red means until depleted green number means until full stop pile so it'll be 340 days 45 days until we have a full stop pile of fuel and look at the ratios now oh yeah yes zero on ourside that's what I like to see nice and of course when you get more Aces Please Please assign them aces are worth a waiting gold also war bonds super useful it gives you overall more industry so therefore you can build your synthetics how much rubber are producing now we are producing 10 10 locally that's pretty good Romania has joined the axis we could now get a call on Yugoslavia we can exercise our infantry to level three by shift left clicking on this one level level three and then they were out position so they're going to be fighting strength Romania has joined the war can we get oil from Romania now we click neighbors Romania two ticks of oil yes and we are trading really favorably in the English Channel to the stage we're trading so favorably uh Britain's not put their planes up anymore I'm going to do s to only select half of these Air Wings and then right click into Britain and do more air Crews just see if we can hit anything and we are actually trading with them as well English Channel they brought the planes back there we go we're trading in two areas now so therefore we're getting lots of efficient air XP top that off as well more doctrines why not another episode we Dave doesn't usually do this uh we're going to do Grand battle plan I lie I do Grand battle plan all the time but this one's really awesome you see this logistical Focus means air fuel consumption dropped by 5% not big 5% is tiny but it's something okay we need to focus on our Air Force so that's the reason why that's a good idea another Ace more than likely it's an ace that's already in flight so you just assign it on to a new guy this is super mid maxy once again another one episode of Dave doesn't usually do this but you kind if look for Aces and see if they're better ones in the previous Ace and therefore assign them on because therefore they've got better stats this is super Min maxy though multiplayer I guess it applies in single play does it really apply probably not so the Serv Union is justifying oners are they what are they justifying on must be something to do with their focus they're selecting cuz I don't know what's going on there Italy has lost Albania and Libya and Ethiopia so Yugoslavia has to be eaten now cuz we to connect Greece and Albania in the Balkans the axis are all looking at Yugoslavia and Greece right now and we're like territorial expansion Don't Mind If I Do meanwhile trading relatively well by the way if this number is in Brackets what it basically means is they're not actually operating in this Air Zone what they're doing is they're from here or going through here to a different location so my guess is these Fighters these Haw of hurricanes are operating in Western France but they're based in Southern England so what I'm doing here is intercepting them by fighting them here so it basically just means they're not projecting as many stats in this region if they would go into a different that make sense so what I could do is put them all on interception here which will do the exact same thing my numbers are in Brackets now and they're basically intercepting Fighters as to go through and the ratios are really in my favor yes do it I don't know why they're operating in Western France though maybe they're on logistical strike trying to hit trains here that's the only thing I can think of another Doctrine another air Doctrine and then I guess we could do interception and then bombing doesn't matter as much anymore though so what I'd recommend is when you max out Air Cruise surveys even though reducing accident Chance by 25% is really op if you're in a position where you're really winning you go for this one where is it it's not actually one of these oh it's not this one it's this one it's the right button which allows you go for this one Airborne Heroes Ace Effectiveness plus 50 50% this isn't a 5% this isn't a tiny amount this is bloody huge 50% % Ace Effectiveness is giving you a massive chunk of extra stats and remember 50% more than these little numbers that's a lot of numbers okay are we at war with Yugoslavia but Italy has declared war in Greece is anyone justifying on Hungary yet no I might be the one who has to do that then okay bun of the focus in the south of D we need 175 total Army size if you go into equipment details here if we make our division a little bit bigger about adding an extra Battalion on you can actually pop it over the ratio equipment details there you go 178 and that means what will happen is the man power will trickle in and then we can go for the band V viina which doesn't really apply anymore cuz I'm going to declare war on them anyway we'll do it regardless and also Germany and Italy are going to Le Le's guns which is super helpful and so will Norway and so will Austria okay justify retake course stes VOD of Vena exercise to level three we got the latest fighter model now be aware there's kind of a wiky quirky weird mechanic that when you impress your airwing because they've got more weight it can push you over the weight limit ratios it it's really strange it's cuz you need the bigger engine overall which will'll research that immediately anyway we'll use this one biggest engine yes so even though you do gain better stats overall if for going for a better chassis for your fighter plane be aware that it can push you over the weight ratio meaning this plane is not flyable so this is the upgraded version that it's made for me however it can't fly because it's too much weight to thrust ratio so what you might have to do is reduce the machine gun on it down to a light there you go this is actually flyable now we'll give it the latest fighter kind of looks like a jet 10K likes question mark maybe like the video maybe bu of Vina justification is complete I think we're going to our planes in this region now so we can project as much air power as we can oh my goodness when we shooting down planes here what nation is this Gladiators these look like British but a combination of different nationalities too but we're absolutely annihilating them exercise of level three is almost complet complet therefore we get the maximum projection of stats and declare war aggressive there's a gap in the front line declare war Yugoslavia yugoslavia's join the allies and shoot through them I want to see the stats difference with the planes so you click on an Army on a battle only 6% I wonder why that's so low I always get confused by that sometimes like why is sometimes the numbers really high oh it's cuz the Allies to put their planes in there so if it's almost a 50/50 air Superior projection no one has the advantage in natural battles until Planes start getting shot down but you can see now the ratios oh look at these ra 30 to2 22 to0 yeah these ratios so favor me now cuz our planes have Superior stats okay I'm going to actually cancel my orders now of oil and rubber my only spy has got captured which sucks cuz we're in a position now where we can self- sustain ourselves by keeping the economy rolling and when it comes down to our fuel only 5% penalty that's so good we do need a bigger engine though so we're still going to work on that now anyway and also logistical Focus to reduce Supply consumption of our planes and we're just chewing through the front line here the reason why we've chose to attack from our territory is it gives it to us automatically cuz we're the ones who first touched it and first claimed it so push and be the first one to claim it I'm going to shift right click here to try and push for belr cuz I want to be the first one that tags it cuz if I tag it first that means I get it and that's a land that's got a lot of factories oh look at at those factories so many the Swedish trade of ball bearings you lose air XP Army XP but it makes your planes cheaper oh this is such a win for me I definitely recommend it focuses is there any worthwhile ones I guess we could do the grand battle plan these two we can actually get Naval stuff if we get to the coastline here which we're getting really close to as well oh no we won't get Naval stuff actually because it's going to be given to Italy cuz they've got a claim on that region we'd have to ask for them from they probably won't be willing to give it us because they have the claim so therefore they think it's rightfully theirs all right the plan in position now and they are projecting so much Naval power Naval Power air power 86% which results in a penalty to the a defense and Breakthrough by 25% that's huge air power for the win and also we need to conscript more cuz our manow is getting a little bit low also stability is getting low so working conditions is also worth it rubber and then we go for the final rubber Tech and that means now we are balance of zero on rubber that's amazing and Romania is even trading rubber with us as well nice and bashing to those Mounds is hard work France would like to give us convoys I will accept convoys every single time and we're also a little bit behind on guns as well feels like a bit of a net loss here cuz I'm just bashing against the mountains here however I want to try and get as much territory as I can so I just want to try and oh there you go doesn't matter doesn't matter it was worth it in the end now there's not much divisions left so I just mop everything else up a chance we can probably get this state here as well I'm just going to hold shift and B line to it once again full air Superior to here and then we'll move the planes down once again and start projecting into Greece we done we done there we go we're done we're done okay I don't want my troops anymore fighting on these front lines cuz this is like a a traffic jam when it comes to supply so not going to happen but we will project our planes in this region and this is going to do loads of damage to the Allies yeah look at the ratios here take a shot every time Dave says ratios oh yeah okay we're a little bit low on fuel soia 1 2 3 there we go loads of fuel so here's uh the Hungarian Fighters the zoom through the air doing absolutely ridiculous damage Italy offers V in exchange for Mutual guarantees yeah whatever I already have it anyway oh look at this hungry now can I ask for some land no they won't give it me they believe it's rightfully theirs yeah it says it's a claimed territory so they're just like no this one's claimed yeah so we can't actually get to the coastline without the clim war in Italy which is really rubbish kind of cute if we were able to get to the coastline wouldn't it just for a laugh anyway CL lordship over Slovakia gains of Slovakia was a puppet off off Germany and Germany's like yeah sure you can have it because they would do that wouldn't they is that historical I don't think so but we're in we're past 1939 now so historical is definitely the back of my mind I don't care about as much as I ever did before we upgrade our spy Network a little bit cuz if we become a spy master and have multiple spies then when we have multiple spies we can start doing actual spy missions and actually caring about what we're doing but at the moment we don't care so that's the reason why I'm putting the back of my mind again back of my mind back of my mind don't care about outdated equipment anymore can we deploy more air wings so click on an air base and hold shift left click loads of air bases once again New Theater put them on low priority there you go exercise to level three and do we have Aces yes we do we have so many aces it's reaching the point now that I feel like we're so winning in the air that the air is ours yeah we're absolutely demolishing the air and right now it's a bit of a slow grind here however we are winning in the long run because the air power is projecting so heavily well yeah 30 to 22% reduction in defense due to having planes here now you guys are going to say to me why don't we start doing close air support missions why don't you add bombs onto these planes now we are close to that by the way we're really close to that we could start adding on bomb locks to do close air support damage however bombing missions are so much more riskier and if they have anti-air on the ground which they probably will do there's a very very high chance we're going to lose our planes so I don't ever want to be in that position I realized you could go here put you to the bottom you go here you go here yeah I just want to prioritize my planes over everything else I just realized that wasn't prioritized I also realized that this could be the bottom two this could be the bottom two and this could be the bottom too cuz the aluminium and rubber is going to go to the top ones first and of course these use a little bit of aluminium and rubber so I don't want you guys to be the top and we maxed out our air doctrines done at the same time we could take advantage of Airborne Heroes so the downside to this is you lose a bit of air efficiency with centralized control air efficiency tends to give you range in the long run because it increases the malice that you get for being out of range but right now because our Fighters are so Advanced we're going to project our stats better if we had aces bit of a hard one that one I'll be fair with you but when you've got the maximum amount of range uh it becomes less of an issue overall I think probably what we could do then is take off the defense and just focus on pure range yeah I think that's the actual Strat there yeah that's the Strat we're going to go for range based overall now because we have the air superiority so I don't care as much about the stats when it comes down to keeping the defense up what about adding self sealing oh we could even do that cuz the weight of that is so low yeah we'll do it but now we need an absolute crap T of rubber which we can't get locally so we'd have to produce it at home there's no way around that really so now the air efficiency we'll lose when we hover over here will be less because we're going to have less of a range problem but we need to produce those new planes to take advantage of that right now we're on low and Supply cuz they've overstack this Air Base what we could do is split a few off and move them here yep has to split a few move them over yeah that looks good still a little bit over stacked here but the penalty is pretty small if you the way it works is if you slightly over slack stacked on an air base you get a very small penalty of 5 10% but if it's super over stack like 200 300 extra planes you lose like all the air efficiency used to be an issue in the olden days where if you were over by one plane you'd lose all your air efficiency which I think is kind of weird really but now it's kind of a sliding ratio all right lordship over Slovakia and they say no we have a war goal on Slovakia that doesn't even make sense we're asking Germany why would they have a war goal on Slovakia I just doesn't make the only way that's viable is if you rush that early game before Germany does check as the vacan San whatever anyway 10% stability proc claiming greater Hungary we are now great make hungry great again to focus a little bit on local oil production so we don't have to import it from Romania still working on the engine it's way ahead of time uh guns soft attack soft attack we're not really involved that much in Wars but we're just catching up now anyway one thing that could be useful because you're so outdated on technology what you could do is join technology sharing which will give you like a 30 or 40% research bonus overall to catch up on certain Technologies it's a really good way that you can catch up overall I can't believe they're struggling to break grease so much next up I also want rocket artillery rocket artillery unlocks this see this rocket rails the beauty of Rocket rails is you get to do close air support missions where you lose no agility compared to bomb locks you have to get really close to the ground to drop your bombs which is vulnerable for the fighters which is also vulnerable to get shot down but rocket rails can be from really far away however they don't do as much damage but they get to do close air support missions so I'll probably add that on to my Fighters when we start producing more of the newer model we import a little bit of rubber from a bunch of close Nations here just so we can keep up the production of Fighters once again you want to keep your production of Fighters up cuz remember you're always playing with the ratios of Fighters you're going to get from the allies and the Allies can always have produce you the UK has got insane industry United States has got even more insane industry and the Soviet unions they're all pretty insane okay you get the idea right oh YY and we got a little bit more local Rubber and we're so close to balancing out rubber now here here yep more refineries we're actually getting good trades right now with the axes cuz people wanting to take a rubber offer so it's even good for our industry overall what goes around comes around one big circle the rubber trade of the axis yeah I'm to honest with you these bonuses here for improving our troops with grand battle plant is actually completely useless we better off going for this one air production because it's going to reduce the cost of planes overall so we can just produce more overall so it's definitely going to be worthwhile in the long run I want to check out our myos as well so myos aircraft designer look at the bonuses now agility plus 15% wow details so the next one we're working on is this Max Speed and Agility then Max Speed agility Max Speed agility Max Speed agility Air Attack and also this range one we'll come back to later on as well going to go for the next upgrade and then we're going to go for Air Force Department what's something I don't usually do more planes yes more planes and put them here here and put them here air superity so the more planes you can project the more air superity you can get overall and that means more of the bonus you can get to reduce their breakthrough and defense so if you look here you can see that their defense is reduced by 35% that's pretty juicy bonus however there is a traffic jam here so that's the reason why the AI sucks so bad I guess we could build a port and help them out here but however we want to focus on our own industry this is really annoying that the AI is losing so much equipment here though but overall we're winning the air War so it's kind of worth more planes yep more planes deoy exercise be aware when you deploy new planes you're going to eat a little more fuel so just be aware just to reinforce the fuel 1 2 3 oh we're still in the red that just shows that the planes are consuming way more fuel than they would normally getting a big stop pile up is usually a good idea okay Air Force Department can we put the Spy Master we need one more upgrade so we'll do interrogation techniques the Spy that we had before just died because if they're captured for more than I think 90 days they just they they kill them off yay and we have a new front line and this is the one we want to focus on now anyway anyway so where do we pull the planes without creating a traffic jam here let's break them off so usually in these circumstances I attached them onto a general I could do that actually oh actually I could do that yeah you know what I will do that put you guys here put you guys here attach them onto the general go here I realize there's a few that have brought forward that aren't exercised yet so I'm going to put them back into Budapest exercise and everyone else assign on to the general so I right click them onto the general give them an order and what they'll do is they'll automatically move into that region and therefore try and help battles however it's super not optimal the AI makes really bad decisions sometimes it puts planes into regions that don't even have any air combat which I think is really bad so keep an eye on it it's usually more M maxy to optimize it by m by right clicking yourself but just keep an eye on it for now all right are we going to be at war with the Soviet Union Yes we are I'm not going to attack though but I'll put them on to careful battle plan and I'll build planning bonus and there you you can see this they're breaking up and splitting them off see all the com is happening in eastern Poland but for some reason they're putting them all in these regions here why are you putting them here just kind of shows how unoptimal the AI when it is placing their divisions in certain regions you can see once again the ratios against the Soviet planes is massively in my favor and we're helping the AIS as much as we can and these guys are trained in Budapest so right click assign them on and also make sure you give them a mission this is so weird but you can assign them onto a general but if you've not given them a mission on air Superior to close air support they'll just go into those regions and not doing anything it's so annoying I've seen noobs do it quite frequently just be aware okay give them a mission sign them to a general don't do it the other way otherwise you going to run into problems oh we're producing almost four planes per day and remember these aren't any ordinary planes these are super as fires more industry you say yeah why not war bonds why not and also we can go total mob now so there is a downside to Total mobe it gives you more construction for Mills which is awesome it reduces consumer goods from 20% down to 10% which is awesome however you lose 3% recruitable population so you need to be on extensive conscription to do that or you're going to hit a net zero on your overall Manpower there is that big however though what you can do is women in the workforce but the issue with me is I don't have enough War support and fascism there's 89% War support it's kind of a weird thing this this you can only do total mobe and women in the workforce if you've got like a high proportion of War support based on your ideology so in this case to do women in the workforce as a fascist Nation you need 89% War support and more than 0% towards the surrender process you can't be like have troops in your main core territory interesting so we just need more war support we could do that by exulting heroism maybe kind of hard to get water support once you've done the radio thing and the propaganda films thing and we're Max axp and there's nothing to spend it on now yeah nothing to spend it on in the olden days you'd be able to improve Fighters by adding air XP to them but now it costs basically nothing to improve it like for in one module is One XP mil days to fully max out a fight it would cost like 300 400 XP it be insanely High okay I think we're going to make a general push here we've got Max planning bonus and we can make a very subtle push maybe the AI will move the planes over to help us meanwhile look at the penalties they're only losing they're not losing anything see this is the problem once again the AI is not optimally using the planes the reason why it's optimal to let the AI take care of the air wings is because it'll put them into airports that are empty so therefore you don't have to worry about over stacking penalties but I have to manually right click and put them in here and the amount of range they're going to have to move over is just huge here actually W their range is so good well I'm forgetting how good the range is on these planes and now if we look at a battle theyi losing 8% on their defense which is still not very big is it but look at the ratios 20 to1 10 to1 15 to1 yeah these are super good ratios and we keeping up with the production too just don't go too crazy deploying new Air Wings cuz you might need some of these older ones just to reinforce on the front line it looks like we're doing some decent damage damage here more momentum momentum if we were to addon Rockets now it's only one way that's not actually true it's not one way cuz when they're doing a close air support support Mission it's less no oh wow okay I thought rocket rails were great because they don't decrease your agility when you're on close airpot missions but another reason why they're so great is they don't even increase the weight very high Rockets actually don't have much weight to them so I can add this on and I don't have to worry about being overweight well a no brainer we're doing that then aren't we and and plus side is it's the same model as the previous one that was just the fighter base one so with this model I can just upgrade them if I got EXs in in stop pal anyway not going to lie that's really really good Eastern Balkans the Soviets are trying to land they always do this this is just like a a regular pocket that you usually see Romania and the the Balkans and we're trading so effectively cuz the range is so impressive my upgrade here sure don't usually do this another episode of Dave doesn't usually do this but we're going to to make rockets yeah why not just for something different right now for some reason you can't upgrade these and I think the reason is is whenever you had Rockets onto it and it becomes from a fighter to a fighter bomber the game sees this is a different version of the plane so it doesn't allow you to upgrade it one for one I've noticed this is always an issue it looks like if they have a different Mission type they become like a different designated plane so you can't grade them ah which really sucks is what it is and what we'll do is We'll add on Rockets as support once again just does something a little bit different political loyalty this is a way of gaining stability if you're like a fascist Nation you know 100% stability whilst at War isn't that amazing just generated three aces in a row that's pretty impressive going to exercise on the front line of versus the Soviets here that's also pretty impressive going to try and concentrate my planes in a region here where we're going to be using the stats to their maximum Effectiveness so I'm going to basically move them here and ALT click the front line so therefore the planes are going to operate in a region where they're going to giving the max amount of projection of their stats Whispers of a revolution in Poland I don't care though because I actually don't care had one spy and he has been captured become a spy Master it gives us two extra spies that's decent all right the lader in position go once again I put them on careful mean they're only really going to attack if they're almost certain they can win I think we're good on oil and rubber now yeah we are we're self-sufficient okay not so much on the oil so we can produce a little bit more extra oil it's always better to build it in core territories by the way so Transylvania is considered a core you see that if we press F6 we can see resistance bat mode areas that we've got zero resistance well not even zero but it just doesn't even show a number those are core territories it's just an easy way of seeing cores what you can do is build in Northern Transylvania and take advantage of uh more fuel also something we can do is this one too which gives extra aluminium in this region why not squeeze that economy why not upgrade the the Army Branch we've got so many civilian factories it's stupid not to the reason why we're producing a little bit of support equipment which just I added it on later but I didn't explain myself is you sometimes need um support equipment to do operations for spies um you can't see it here but like for instance rescuing a spy uses a little bit of support equipment sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't sometimes it needs transport planes I've notic I weird like that but yeah you'll need it that's the reason why I got that in advance a lot people get confused like why is my operation not activating why is that the case it's because you don't have the support equipment required to actually start the operation there you go the more you know once again the ratios for our planes is absolutely fantastic we're probably losing more if you click on details from accidents than anything else so we have lost five fighters from Air battles five fighters from accidents where the Russians they lost 526 of their planes all from Air battles so this is a ratio over 28 Days by the way if you want to change it to 12 months just click on months and you can see the ratio is over months so we lost over a yearly period well it's not really a m 6 months actually cuz we haven't got the full graph we lost 8 to2 to air battles 27 to accidents and they lost all of their planes to air B not a single accident wow Soviet Air Force is like amazing for preventing accidents selling a spy into London it's a British spy and then what we do if we build enough Network we can actually save this spy here okay we can do women in the workforce now we just need more political power be aware when the work force has a downside to it you do lose a little bit of stability permanently and you also do it also cost you 100 po power it goes without saying some of these numbers though don't they but just be aware there like it's not just a net plus but I feel like it's kind of a freebie for total mobilization so it's kind of worthwhile in the long run lot people don't know this but these Technologies on the right hand side here do give bonuses so if you produce fuel locally it'll give you 20% extra fuel from each oil point that you have in your nation very useful for Romania but it also gives you 10% extra fuel from refineries and we are getting from refineries however 10% is nothing compared to the 50% you get from this path that path is the one you go for first if you're producing oil from synthetics silence spies into the UK and then we can rescue this spy if we really want to be aware if you look at the Spy though you can actually see that he will be killed off in 200 days oh it's a year that they die okay so you've got a lot of time to try and save them if you want to you guys probably already know I'm not a big fan of the Spy system I feel like it's a little bit too RNG and a little bit too click intensive but that's just my take on that how much projection are my planes making they are reducing the enemy's air superiority which their defense by 49% that is absolutely huge that is so big that's an eye watering amount I can't even wait for the Americans to join the war here cuz this is going to be so fruitful for us I will note though I feel like the Germans aren't reallying a very good job of pushing into the Soviets here I feel like they're a little bit slow maybe they're experiencing Supply bottl next maybe I'll have to improve the supply for them I'm not sure what I'll do is preemptively do this and then do this and then just we won't focus on the railways immediately but if we build them later on and then do this this this and this look at the production though it's just so much Railway production yeah I'm not recommended Lads not recommended I don't want to be building Railways for the axis when they've got the industry to do it themselves so not something I'd recommend okay once again I'm going to sign my Air Force onto the general so they move it into air bases which are empty see they automatically do that which is so cool you see them wiggling around to try and find spots where they've not got the over stacking penalty and then I can manually assign them to a different Air Zone so for instance I can move you guys to here to here luckily our guys have got so much awesome range they can just project really far but we've reached a point now that we need to start producing the close air support versions yeah we do rocket artillery giving an extra bonus of 20 soft attack well 19.5 the ones you definitely need to build Railways to the ones that show red here that they're over stacked these ones will benefit the most from having the railways improved into these are the ones the AI should be taking care of but looks like I'm taking care of them for them can we rescue the Spy yes we can prepare send him off cost 200 guns send prepare off you go it is time to let you hold shift to deploy 10 10 lots of these if we have 10 and we do have 10 wow exercise to level three once again different theater low priority need to prioritize obviously the ones on the front line first and reason why we're exercising them and off they go and these are special because they have bombs well rockets and also we have a load of Aces too and this looks tedious because it is imagine if I was Germany right now and add all these Aces to a sign it' be pretty excessive and look at all the other Aces we've got I think we're generating too many aces I have a feeling at some point in the game we're going to get like an air rework where we have Air Marshals like a general that's assigned to an airwing and then to simultaneously at the same time we'll also get a rework on how Aces work cuz the way they just you assign them and you gain a flat bonus is kind of weird look at this guy 22 agility that probably take into account the 50% Ace bonus hence the reason why that number is so unbelievably fat there is also another downside to Rockets as well Rockets can't do naval missions they can do do logistical strikes and close air support but you need a bomb lock to do a Naval Strike which is kind of annoying cuz sometimes that's a really good effective way of like destroying or weakening a Navy overall so that's a decent Nerf it's kind of nice that it's hard to make a decision between Rockets or bombs because either one of them have got good pros and cons to them so you have to make a really have to really think about the decision you know I definitely have to build a port here otherwise the AI is going to get stuck so 1 2 2 three it has to be done I'm afraid and here's me fixing the ai's problems e yes engine four is complete we have the big daddy massive amount of machine guns even more fuel sure max weight this is perfect look at the range on that that's the range of a bomber I love it and I love the fact that the game also defaults to the B plane that makes me very upset anyway we can upgrade the existing models too cuz it's the same chassis and I definitely want to do that oh I love upgrading I love upgrading I think it's a really cool mechanic I'm glad Paradox added that spy has been saved cuz I heard the sound effect wish there was more sound effects in Ho for that you would hear that lets you know that uh something's just finished or complete that's a really cool feature I like that I'm going to pull you guys off the front line cuz I think I'm actually hindering Germany cuz my divisions aren't as strong as their so if I'm over stacking their front line I'm actually really hurting them trading with me that's right you should be trading with me and they all want Rubber and aluminum no oil though oh you can't trade oil synthetics it's not technically oil that can be traded it doesn't get added to the map that's why we're only producing a little bit of oil domestically speaking oil though there is actually oil in this region here of Transylvania so you can actually get this it's 24 oil to it's a huge amount of O it costs 15 civilian factories to take out the ground and it's been done so let's do it yeah 15 civilian factories taking 60 days it's definitely worth and you can actually add in more resources if you build infrastructure in them as well I'm curious to see if I build max infrastructure how much oil I'll gain I'll stack that up later on to see what's the maximum number we can build it up to this is also one of those moments when I want to build a big Air Base just to help them out cuz otherwise I can't put my planes and project much power but then again I always forget this I've got good range haven't I close a support in that region sure still want to build a big Air Base though yeah I'm still going to do that here and here Max it out another episode of Dave doesn't usually do this but if you go into production here there's these upgrades 40% increase in conversion now situational not always apply to most games of Hoy however in this circumstance because we're grading so many old fighters to the ones that have got rockets on them well actually that's not true we're upgrading to a version that's got better modules but they both had rockets on them we're heading the upgrade button here and a 40% increase in production a conversion is just it's just absolutely massive so recommend do it get it as soon as you can definitely worth its wait the oil is complete wait come on or 10 days 40 oil just pops out of nowhere and then we Max the infrastructure adding in extra 15 oil that's insane okay we got a bunch of planes here but only some of them can do close air support So if I right click here and it X to do close air support we can see 600 of them can do it so what I'll just do is move around those 600 and help out where I need them the most and remember the amount of damage that these guys will project will be huge you can see now we're reducing their defense by 30% 29.7% whatever plus we're hitting them hard with close support damage see this is reason why you don't rush close air support you can lose so many fighters early on and antiair can shoot them down cuz they become really vulnerable when they're on close air support missions however in the meantime the Soviets trying to en invade the Balkans denied Soviets in the Balkans nothing good can come of this and the Germans are actually losing here Germans cannot be trusted for anything we build the airports up here and then we can slide in the planes and help them out but it looks like they are actually losing here too ooh do you know where Al Ben fit the planes here it's definitely in Greece cuz they are so struggling to break this I did build up ports here to help them out but still they're having a really hard time breaking it also if you deploy lots of planes in a region and it's over stacked you can still exercise them and it will still exercise them just as effectively if they were non an over stacked not an over stacked Air Base so don't worry about over stacking for exercise purposes it doesn't make any difference anyway realize we've got Max fuel right now we're not importing any fuel so we don't even need that so just focus on soft attack for for our planes I guess this is going to the beginning of the end to be honest with you because because I'm on your minor power is hungry my ability to protect damage is limited I suppose I could be making some big Gansu and fat divisions I suppose but my ability to kind of win this war independently without the axes helping me out is kind of more limited hence reason why I like playing Major Powers cuz you actually have a big impact on the war overall ke see right now we're losing planes because close aort missions that's just so much more dangerous on the positive note we've taken Athens so I suppose it is making an impact the close support missions are effective full stop they are effective sadly though they just are very costly when it comes down to planes and losing these kind of planes these really good planes too it just feels like it's not worth it I think maybe the secret to this is to make these super cheap by maybe taking off the guns and maybe the self-sealing it reduces the cost ever so slightly it just doesn't feel worth it really doesn't close air supports are just really risky missions but they do they are effective so play it as you feel I guess it's really difficult to know the right amount okay we definitely need more trains anyway and and trucks we don't need them anymore uh support equipment no I don't care check Logistics of course there's nothing to check on here cuz we don't need to care that much about logistics cuz it's not even something we're focusing on this game however I've just noticed something really bad happening in Sicily here that is really super bad close air support Boos do your worst and some more Boos this is a cool micro game though cuz you get to do your absolute best to try and micro your planes as best you can and we'll do more Air Cruise the same time project our Fighters I notice that they're bombing Us in the alpines as well so we're going to spread ourselves a more thin as we would usually they're trying to land Naval Invaders losing Sicily is really painful cuz that's sticking towards a civil war BR and that is kind of the beginning of the end really be nice if we just cleared up Greece which like we're on our way to doing that though I think in this position we need Mills badly so I'm just going to build those in the entirety of my country and a lot of uh the territory that isn't even qu so one of the downsides of building regions that isn't Co is if you haven't got the compliance you don't gain all the factories that you're building in there there's a chance you could build a factory in there spend a lot of time into it and you don't actually gain the mill because you don't have enough CLI compliance to take it off them I guess and also Aces sling them is not tedious right it's just something to do with a multiplayer game I guess one little nice little trick that's quite useful too is if you've got something that isn't level three you can exercise them to level three and when they're finished if you shift left click exercising they'll resume their previous mission that they were on so if you even forget about it it's not even a big deal meanwhile tidying up greed it's going quite well you can see whenever they make a push they're significantly more effective cu the close air supports obviously doing some pretty heavy damage I think I want to help them out here cuz I think they're going to struggle to break unless I give them the extra Edge yeah let's put them on aggressive and help them out otherwise then we end up in situations where the Soviets are going to push further and it's just going to cause more problems so close a support here s superity going to do Max planning going to put them on aggressive too Supply isn't looking great but it is what it is what can you do about that not a lot could add a little bit more artillery on but I'm not going to do that cuz I'm have to exercise them again all right where will we need to be I'm going to step down from war from Total M just for the Manpower reasons and service by requirement cuz looks like I'm going to have to build my own Army cuz the AI is really struggling three into there four into there take a little bit off the planes once again I'm having to help out the AI here I hate to do this but it is what it is you know hey this could be the first disaster video for febu gaming on every single click that's going to make things a little bit interesting right anyway attack project with the planes can we do some more close air support yes so move you guys over one too many planes y make sure you don't over stack s to split them all so much close a support damage potential here and we're chewing through their planes too and we have actually broke them here that's good still digging in into the mountains though that's insane the AI does everything they can to hold out in this region it's difficult area to break cuz the supply is bad and it's lots of mountains Greece is not an easy country to invade trust me ask an Italian they know okay late game experimental Rockets jet engines Jets aren't even that good in Hoy uh the problem with jets is they have good speed which is good for stat projection so good for dog fighting however the issue with jets is they can't carry as much weight as the most advanced propeller plane engine and there isn't any more advanced Jets other than these experimental ones here so yeah awesome speed however it's not very effective overall for the thrust so you can't even put extra modules on it it'll make sense in the moment when I show it relying really heavily now on Imports of guns from the axis however they're losing the Eastern front so this is not looking good if Italy was to Civil War right now I don't think we can get out of this we be try and clear up the South give that a shot it feels like the South's a little bit easy to break if we just take this one port here then we secure the South something that's interesting about close air supports a lot of people don't know is the amount of uh operations they can do in a single day is limited so what you better off doing sometimes is attacking and piercing into one specific location cuz that way you can concentrate all your close air support onto like one front line Gap it's kind of what they do in a lot of multiplayer games if you want like to make a tank breakthrough on one specific front even with the mountain of cast here we're still not able to break them I suppose we're making little gains though can we break that one mountain every time you break one Province you get a little bit closer to pushing into the supply region which might be enough to push them over the edge and is that enough yes okay all right and then the final one to push is this Left Flank here and then we can get in circum on the port I'm getting a little bit nervous how close the Soviets are getting into my front line here mainland of Hungary is looking exposed I'm going to do what I just did before here so there's no actual combat happening or apart from what the AI is doing here Eastern Balkans as well really okay let's let help out the bulgarians here stop the Soviets from Landing okay that's good that's done then back into Greece then we're going to push on this Western flank in the south of Greece and it looks like we' winning here ah come on you can do it and then it's in circle then you get the encirclement penalty here which is just brutal loses so much attack and plus when divisions run out of org they instantly get eaten up and you can see we're in circle them over and over and over again battle's ended just commence it again over and over and over again just keep churning them what it's ended again no it hasn't really ended just right click again remember you're in a position that you can Retreat and run away and gain organization back up they can't hence reason why you just keep attacking and recycling them and over and again their or is actually low this time so I'm actually going to have to wait a little while just let them build up their org again 3 2 1 off you go hopefully the final battle the cast damage here is going to rip through them can't even reinforce quick enough do you know what I'm starting to think actually Mass assault Mass mobilization is the way forward just for the Manpower attack and in circle again and again in circled again meanwhile Europe okay I keep checking on Europe cuz I want to make sure the the AI isn't messing up but my God we're so behind on guns right now I request guns from Germany no either they have an inst sufficient Supply or we have too many ass stop power definitely not us though requests from Italy nope the she France nope it seems like there's a massive supply of guns it's an issue for the axes that usually means the beginning of the end normally you that's usually not a good sign regretfully I'm going to have to produce that at home and import steel from the from the sweds all right Max staff planning bonus Supply is an absolute nightmare push with extra stats they should fight for a little bit longer but then we'll encircle them push them back we manag to encircle one and two and three and four that was so close it is done finally it has been done so in the situation because I know that their supply is low and they're getting en circled I know this is going to be eventually going to turn in our favor and we'll eventually win hence the reason why I was so determined to keep pushing here and I know I can break this one easier than I can break this one because this is better train types planes planes planes but these are mountains that they're difficult to break hills and mountains are a nightmare in Hoy there a Soviet Naval invaded into the Balkans they love doing that from the Black Sea so one issue we're running into right now that's not really clear is we seem to have low strength on our air wings and what's happening is because these are only Fighters and they've not got bombs on them they'll not get reinforced automatically So eventually we have to replace the fighters for the fighter bombers with this model for them to replace them in the air wings all right the lads are here and we're in a position where we can do the full bombings and apart from the rain they're good this exclamation mark here means we're being intercepted see the ones with the brackets basically the fighter bombers are flying out and they're getting intercepted probably from this Greek region I'm going to take a guess at and they've opened another pocket here oh that's really bad these are really good place to enal inade because if if you manage to grab them you can hold them really easily due to the fact that there are mountains Mountain ports are an absolute nightmare to break in Ho for this is not breaking in the slightest in fact we're just bashing our heads against the front line here no this is not good losing a lot of Manpower too these are hard places to hold and push into it's surprising that we broke grease but we're just having trouble breaking these individual Pockets surprisingly we're actually still winning kind of winning the air War bit late game for this but we've got an infantry specialist from our general so have assigned that on I'm going to try and squeeze into this front line so right click and I'm going to go to control right click when the battle starts to see if win assist and I'm going to try my absolute best to use all my planes in this region and maybe this region too and if we look at the Battle here and see how well it's going so we're reducing the air defense by air superiority by 24% and plus you can see the actual damage we're doing with close air support in the top left here every time we're hitting them for and damaging their organ every time we're hitting them and damaging their strength but by looks of things it doesn't look like we're able to break them cuz the mountains are just so difficult mountains also reduce the amount of damage that you can do with air support by 10% 10% is not that much though actually the worst one is urban urban here you can say it reduces enemy air support by 50% the buildings are so tall it's just difficult to do like close air support okay this is a wider front line so I'm going to push into here and once again I'll do control click so therefore I don't move out these front lines cuz I don't want them to move cuz there'll be gaps in the front line that'll just cause lots of problems but once again the ratios are looking our favor not really doing that much close air support damage however it's mountains and we just struggling to break and they're doing glass stand as well what Austria sending us Fighters the little too late here my dude little bit too late to's send my cast to what what's the problem the air bases are all filled have to build another Air Base in Warsaw another one One issues sometimes is there's kind of like a slip to a slide situation as the AI beats you back and takes out your air bases the planes Retreat and then end up over stacking on air bases that are further in then you end up in a situation where your planes are all over the place and you have to micro them quite heavily it's really frustra they attack they push but it doesn't make much difference officer core military theorist yep we're going to have to do the dreaded Mass mobilization and we get this one instead of logistical Focus we get extra HP which is quite useful particularly as a power that doesn't have a lot of man power so that might come in handy and we are desperately behind on planes now planes are taking an absolute beat and this is the first time our plane power has been more limited plane projection comes down to it really what is the front line that I care the most about what is the front line that I feel like needs to be closed I mean this is a nuisance this is like a thorn in the side however how much of a big problem is this I think we need to focus on this front and we need another Air Base cuz the AI is not building up their air bases the AI never builds air bases or infrastructure or railroads as well so that's the reason why I'm having to like use my civilian production which I don't have a lot of cuz I'm hungry to help out the axis I think the slip guys is starting to become a slide I think this is going to becom so much more difficult to recover from as time is going on I'm not feeling as optimistic as I once were Lads and because Germany's losing a lot of Home territory I don't think we're going to be in a position where they're ever going to recover from this I think the slip has become the slide guess I feel like I'm just waiting for the inevitable D-Day there's also an issue here the AI like when it attacks it it just keeps attacking over and over and over again and burning considerable amount of equipment it feels like it can win this battle but it actually can't okay what can we change can we add on anti tank cannons this makes the plane super heavy though yeah the only way I could do that is I started to remove bits off the plane but we'd have to remove so much off the plane to actually fit them on so now the the close air support damage is now plus eight from four so that's a massive substantial increase yeah I'm going to do it it's such a shame When You Reach this part of the game that you're like there's nothing to spend your air experience on yeah nothing okay I feel like I need to help out Germany by giving them some of my Manpower I'm going to give you 250k they're asking for Garrison support and I need to do something to help them out to alleviate their front line it's it's just something other than nothing at the moment meanwhile we still have more Air Attack agility and speed so the model of aircraft we're using right now is still state-of-the-art the liberation of warsa that's really bad cuz we've just lost that Big Air Base here now have to do something and artillery is the only thing we can do actually Recon would be useful too just ah heads up these upgrades here that give a nose Cannon to your planes or Wing Cannon Cannon wherever you want to mount it they give you massive amounts of ground attack however they lose massive amounts of agility so they lose their dog fighting potential so they can get really close to the ground and do loads of damage with the Cannons I feel like it's a late game thing cuz you need air Superior to be able to use those effectively it's kind of like all the nothing thing turkey has join the Allies that's not good luckily I've got some divisions that are just sitting around so can we help out okay we can start working jet engine now however there's also another engine that people forget about is these rocket engines too so these give you Aid ridiculous amount of speed they have the maximum amount of speed in the game the downside to them though is that they have ridiculous range so it's kind of a speed for ranging they are interceptors their job is to basically go really fast to intercept bombers do all the damage they need to do then go back to base however the range is just Dreadful it's it's there such a niche scenario I don't even know how you meant to use them effectively they're meant to be like one of those experiment weapons of World War II oh it's stall he's now part of the axis easy so the end game here is I'm just building loads of Mills to up my production so I can work on well my infantry at the the moment I think I might try and produce more of these another 19 sure we do have the equipment for that so I should probably give it a go give control of this to I I can't give control of cuz it's German isues have not got divisions here so that's causing problems then we can add Recon on here which is going to give us extra soft attack so it's a bit of a change the way it works now but Recon now will buff line artillery giving us an extra 17 soft attack is super useful this is finally capped what I thought they were already capped oh they took creep eat and that pushed them over the edge well you know Italians aren't tapped out yet they're still fighting their battles in the Mediterranean and the French fleet has been scuttled last chance of getting a big axis Navy is now dwindled it' be really nice if we could retake Warsaw here the amount of cast damage we're doing is huge it's surprising that they're they're only slowing down here because the amount of cast damages is so high what is that is that a Swiss division no it's not it's uh one of these Norwegian puppet Nation divisions it looked from here like a Swiss flag all right we're changing to spy placement here to try and focus on the Soviet Union to try and build as much an Intel Network in them and hopefully that should give us just a slight edge of Defense something them from doing these continued attacks all right cast Power air power can we rake warsa wow we dumpster them ooh okay everything behind the River Line maybe try and push the river too okay this looks like the Hungarian lesser known Counterattack the history books never told you about this Lads and we're able to manually micro and push further forward here if we were very careful though we can take Conners and we're in a situation where we can try and make an in circle on East pressure here this is really helpful for the Allies this well sorry not helpful for the Allies helpful for the axes it looks like they kind of see what we're doing here cuz I'm trying to push forward the toonb here every time we push we're doing so much damage due to the air support being so good and there it is that's the meme that is a juicy incircle and with the cast damage here we're able to just completely flatten them there's no port for them to escape either bellux region Naval Invasion not yet but when it happens I'll know about it and encircled the reason why this is so effective is the cast damage is so high so every time we're attacking we're like really crippling them with every single hit that we make I feel like I want to build some airports inside of Romania here here also feeling a bit nervous in the South here as well cuz the Western Balkans is looking jeopardized and so is Italy oh no when one thing goes well we have to deal with four of the things that going not so well we've got an extra Army so we can take advantage of that and pop that on this front here and try and melin has been deposed incoming Civil War okay we can close this Western most pocket here and that gives us a little bit more breathing space this one on the other hand though this might be a little bit more difficult oh no it's okay actually it's going okay and then this one is going to be a massive issue but we have to deal with it it has to be done oh and the Balkans here as well put them here for a second come on guys push into the them now this is your opportunity for a counter attack it's so nice not to have to care about range on your planes that's such a big deal I love that one reoccurring theme is like if you want to build new spies train new spies cuz one's getting killed in the Soviet Union over and over again but luckily we got a good spy Network here so this loses a massive amount of Counterattack potential the Soviets had this is something I should have done ahead of time cuz I realized the Soviet Union is kind of like the last boss Western France is this the D-Day oh no okay move the planes over immediately come on we'll do cast strikes right now we might be able to delay things and the cast is really doing damage really pulling its weight D-Day has been delayed now we cast Mainland Italy and hopefully try and save musolini which is no longer melini it's the grand Council and the cast damage is just absolutely insane 34 cast ticks of damage and that is a jolly fat in circulent of the axis well the Allies I keep getting allies and axis mixed up what's the difference right and we're actually able to retake Italy I have never seen this before wow it just shows guys if you stack that cast to do big damage you do do big damage and we're able to fully take back Sicily right now with the grand Council of fascism as the leader of Italy what is going on you Italy has been retaken and Western Balkans once again Naval Invasion I don't care we'll take this pocket back now every time we Counterattack though we're doing so much damage cuz the cast is so strong it's like I just don't need to worry and the fact that I don't have to worry about about uh building air bases is awesome too because the range on these planes is so huge we get full air efficiency every time we put them into to a destination which is also really nice problem to have I see we've just improved Jets so look this is the issue that Jets have so Jets when you go for the biggest engine there you go so Jets actually this jet in this circumstance has less speed less range and less thrust and I lose agility too I'm failing to see how better Jets even n 65% max speed compared to 45 so it does have more speed overall it's just difficult to see on the stats screen but you do gain more overall speed and speed is one of those stats that could play a factor in like dog fighting for instance hey The Lads are here how's it going Lads and then deploy the cast don't have the range so send them over now we have the range come on Lads push push that the minute they attack even though we can't win the battles with our own stats the cats are doing so much damage they just wipe the floor with them yep yep look at the cast damage oh it's so high you know what's funny is I actually thought this was ended now this was over but the amount of cast damage I'm doing right now is so high I'm actually still holding on and look at the size of that pocket so if you look closely one division is in battle that's fine but 32 in reserve which is 250,000 troops and also we can go for another Doctrine we really need human wave cuz we've run out of Manpower that's bad that is really bad actually so all these counterattacks are hurting in the long run cuz we have we are losing a lot of Manpower oh my goodness Italy ah do I really want to help out with this kind of invasion though this is going to hurt as more it's going to help us yeah okay so stop training new divisions we're going to delete three divisions from here then we get a lot bit of Manpower back maybe I want to say cancel Garrison support but I'm helping the Germans though aren't I and I need to help them I have to wear everything up here you know I have to make sure I make the right decision we can also go now for the modern small airframe this is something I very rarely research so let's have a look at the stats of it so range is higher which is good agility is slightly lower no that's not true it's cuz it's taking advantage of the Mayo and the myo penalty the M bonus is not showing the range is higher once again the mile bonus is not showing you know what the stats aren't really that massive the air defense is higher too okay we'll research it regardless we end up using it anyway help them out and send cast to East Asia we will another Naval Invasion into Italy this is a reoccurring theme now we've reach the D-Day end game keep moving my planes back and throp the entirety of Europe here I prefer it where my agents just die actually than having to rescue them luckily look it's Deni them planning bonus from the Soviets so they're unable to make any counterattacks that's really favorable to me this time around they're holding really well oh and they've lost Rome luckily when they do the naval Invasion when they initially land they don't have usually have a lot of troops if you Counterattack really quickly you might be able to mop them up you like this case we managed to mop them up but a civil war is coming soon now cuz they're losing support from the grand Council so it will happen eventually oh was Spain join the war they have and that's another front line I have to cover oh my goodness I have to do so much work so I I I I have a feeling I know what the comments are going to be they're going to be like Dave if you made a really big fat tank division or Infantry Division you could have won the war but I didn't want to do that one again I want playing leaning more towards fun than mid maxing and I wanted to be an air controller as the axis and I be honest with you even though this is going all PA shaped I'm having big fun right now so I'm definitely glad I went with this decision race for the bombb extra research for nuclear Tech it's going to end up in with nukes regardless guys so let's just get it over and done with the one thing that would have really helped out with this would have been field hospitals they would have gone really healthy for this just this specific build so one thing I made you aware earlier is urban is really hard to take the close air support however they're digging in deep now it's coming a bit of a struggle to break them thought I could have broke that easily now but with the close air support but I can't that is pretty bad oh DJ again this is what I have to care about cuz if I lose France I'm going have in a really bad state so I immediately need to lose by close air spot look at the amount of cast ticks I do per day look at this 71 60 and immediately when my planes arrive just deny that Naval Invasion denied oh come on just one and the Counterattack back into the ocean you go at the same time I probably need to help out the Italians here as well these AR Italians these are Spaniards know the difference Dave and same again I'm adding to completely obliterate them with class you kind of reach a point with this where they kind of run out of equip well they they run out of Manpower that's the resource that's finite really Manpower no cuz America has unlimited Manpower so are they ever going to run out of it probably not and on even bad news worst news the Soviets have done a Counterattack here and they're breaking the Germans one thing I could do I've always forgotten about is there's also a bug here be aware that sometimes it thinks you want to upgrade your planes even though there's no upgrade options available to you it's really annoying bug but we can upgrade oh the jet engine I don't want a jet engine cuz every time it upgrades it now it wants to put a jet engine in and I don't want a jet engine I need to replace this cannon with a cannon 2 cuz this gives a juicy amount of close air support but I have to make the machine gun smaller as well it's 32 so I need to drop the down this down below 30 it might involve me taking off a machine gun yeah it will getting risky now this though because it means I'm ring a lot of air attack from this division so it's going to lose a lot of its combat Effectiveness but overall I'm doing this so I can try and do as much close air support damage as possible soon as this is the final form I'm going to change this to a different shape we'll go for this one looks like a jet all right we closed the pocket in Iberia and we have a civil war in Italy that is so bad cuz that is a chance that leaves a lot of my divisions kind of stranded all right the enemy is the red one here here split them up another one here put them here split them up we going to go aggressive and off you go and at the same time send over all the planes and this is where we need to do all the cast damage oh and luckily we do actually clearing up really quickly too okay this might work or dday in Western France and it it is basically no divisions at all I'm really having a lot of fun clearing up all these Naval invasions I'm having so much big fun I never knew C could do this buch of damage and that was a massive incircle oh an eye watering incircle and push them all away to the tip and is this a puppet of mine no it's a puppet of Germany okay it always becomes a puppet of German which is kind of sad be kind of cool if it could become puppets of different nations wouldn't it that' be kind of sweet the cast again bring it back to Iberia Japan are you in the war here we need help yeah they are in the war they are helping out you tend to find Japan just keeps going and keeps going and keeps going and it's really effective at mopping up the Allies uh the only thing that stops you is eventually if Germany gets defeated then they get dog piled so stop them from getting dog pile just keep going keep plowing and hopefully Germany lives another day I guess you know things are going pair when Iraq joins Japan in this war and the pocket of Iberia has closed I say closed because it'll probably reopen again later day I keep reopening over and over and over again but for now it is closed the fall of Leningrad Germany what are you doing oh Germany what are you doing what is this okay we're going to have to put you guys here again we're going to have to do the exact same push we did earlier all right the boyss are here so what's happening is the uh the Spanish troops are just too weak to actually make a push to actually allow Enough cast damage to be sustained the battle the cast is based on how long the battle goes on for so if your battles are not very long cuz the stats aren't very good and the or isn't very high you can't even do much cast damage overall but with my division because they've got so much org they can actually sustain quite long battles and do big damage and then we go back to Italy and then you guys are going to attack now yes off you go with the lack of stats here this is the ratio I'm running into I'm not able to project as much damage as I would like put you guys here put you guys here going to merge up Stacks gone for radar it's a little bit too little too late day but whatever Luxenberg has decided to join the War I don't know what that even means but okay oh Luxenberg was reinstated no it wasn't Luxembourg is a core of Germany at the moment so chances of them being reinstated is very low yeah not enough air power here so I'm going to have to move all my air power to Poland split them off go here more air Crews G to merge and off you go can we demolish the Soviets relatively easy yes we can guys comment below in the comments yeah yes we can I know this video is probably very very very long but this is kind of what it is is an actx as minor power it's very difficult to win the war really quickly unless well there is no way around it really there's no way of really easily winning the war Greece has been retaken that's really not good for us it it looks like it's about to fall apart again all right pocket opportunity Counterattack take danig yes and another pocket taken is it too little too late to do field hospitals probably yes probably and another pocket closed and the Germans are pushing it's not the Germans it's the hungarians anyway we have bigger fish to fry back into Italy Norway is attempted to get retaken doesn't look have much success though not that it makes much difference Norway doesn't really play a big role in this do we make some flame tanks there's always time for flame tanks right and Q uploads of Mills again the same time doctrines I've not forgotten about you we need a human wave do you know the combination of cast spam and also going for Mass assaults really good cuz you've got really high reinforce rate but that will actually really come in handy oh we're actually managing to close a pocket in Italy another one I guess you guys are probably losing track of what Pockets I've closed and which ones I'm not right it just feel like it's kind of on repeat right and done just heard a naval Invasion sign W Western Balkans Bell looks very interesting or the Danish have changed sides do I care about that but it could be an issue reaching 1945 axis here so weird things start to happen low steel get that from Germany and Italy going to keep on top of the resources guys all right keep pushing down the Italian Peninsula every time and it seems counterproductive this but eventually every single time you make a push and in incircle and you're destroying equipment you're destroying Manpower are the Allies so you're losing that momentum ability to Counterattack but trust me they have a lot of Manpower and they've got a lot of mum think of all the Manpower in India think of all the Manpower in the United States think of all the production power in the United States there's a lot to go through so it's it's really difficult to take whole of the jam out their donut the their actual firep power potential is astronomically huge we build a radar we've got a big whoa hang on whoa I never knew the AI even did this the AI builds radar now they fly now wow and that's another pocket closed oh I love to see when you break them so quickly and they can't even reinforce that is so awesome and that is another another one in circled and then another one in circled another one down and another one down field hospitals yes we do need them regretfully two a little too late and medium tanks too and now we have no equipment for everything and we need resources from everywhere realize we need support equipment really badly ouch ouch ouch we have the ability to upgrade our plane again another myo upgrade speed agility and Air Attack can't say no to that improve the Mayo reliability is useful in the end game yeah that's super useful in the end game size of our Air Force so we click on air click on the equipment details and we can see that we have 1,500 planes yeah not as big Air Force as I would like I'll be fair boom Italy's capitulated okay the Italy that's capitulated is the other Italy I've grabbed a piece of no I haven't I thought I had a piece of a Sicily then but I don't meanwhile how are things going not really good you guys are prepared for probably the longest ever every single click video that we've probably ever ever done right n you guys were never ready the nuclear reactor has been researched research the nuclear bomb northern France Naval Invasion Denmark has been eaten again send in the planes and immediately deny that Naval Invasion good be very careful when there's two air zones close to each other like these two you want to be aiming for this Air Zone which is the bellux region otherwise you will not be projecting any damage and I need you guys to Counterattack this this British Army here come on come on yep yep yep come on attack them I don't want to leave you guys alone cuz I'll come back to you later and you would have eaten all of Europe there we there we go all right back to the battlefield attack once again I'm going to put you guys on careful cuz I think that might be more beneficial for what I'm trying to aim for I don't want big major battles I just want you guys to break in certain key regions and that seems to be going really well wonder if we're just projecting better stats than we ever have done before cuz things are looking really good for us at the moment where before things were looking a little bit pair shaped we're closing all the pockets now what is happening is it just a cast damage now well guys I think we found the new cast meta yep the amount of cast damage you deal here is eye watering yep wow I think the war's actually turning in our favor are we are we seeing the biggest turnaround possible here I think we are and then Albanian is going to be dissolved now yep no yep no yep I'm going to delete one of the armies actually cuz I'm scared of a low equipment and then we'll rebuild it if we need need to Italy Naval Invasion so look at these buttons in the top right here cuz it says that there's a naval Invasion coming for Italy sometimes it might be a naval Invasion that was attempted then denied immediately maybe an eval Invasion that they planned that didn't actually go ahead eventually so just keep an eye on that and also don't forget to keep assigning your cuz they're denying planning bonus for the Soviets and that is what's all their attack capabilities right now so pop and there we go big Naval Zone they've got conorburkeart like we do no damage at all going to replace the spies that have died with actual not spies we going to replace the aces that have died with actual Aces and look they veterans too look at the attack bonuses they get that's just amazing is there any other guys we could select here Cavalry expert no there's no one will benefit there are these ones you can go for I wouldn't recommend this though cuz this can stack up in the long run it gives you a building slot so it's kind of useful to build in areas that have high infrastructure I mean you all guys already know this we've been going for so long now you guys should be pros at this by now all right break break Albania again and we are breaking some provinces here what is happening here that's a bit confusing is just like how are we winning all these battles when they outnumber is 3 to one what is happening is they deploy troops on the front line these ones are actively fighting they get cast strike so hard that they end up losing this front and all these divisions run away let's see if we can actually see it here so they break now they could get reinforcements and they are getting reinforcements yeah but then this might break then another one can't reinforce in time and if can't reinforce quick enough that's when the whole stack breaks and we just saw it just then look it just happened oh thank goodness oh my God we actually get to see it actually happen and that is what is happening they can't reinforce quick enough because their reinforce rate isn't high enough and then the immediate the whole of the army stack falls apart so they're not even fighting the entirey of the army they just break completely and that is the power of this plane design which is insane I can't even believe this even exists but it is a thing Yep this is very very strong the anti tank guns on the cast are insane however you need to get air superiority to begin with so just be aware of that however my reinforce rate is insanely High because I've gone for Mass assault so the perfect pairing of this is mass assault and cast damage that is a match Ming heaven and then we broken Albania I cannot believe it the cast damage is just so much and remember if you're in circled and the whole front line collapses all of the reserves can't reinforce quick enough so the whole thing collapses as you just saw there wow this is insane and I'm just going to do the same again now for this front line and Greece is now going to get dissolved as well a weird thing happening here what's happening with the front lines do we not have access through Italy no we do oh melini is still here welcome back brother you've been reinstated into uh Italy unfortunately you are a puet of the Germans at the moment which is uh sus to be you another big collapse here look at all these American divisions just dissolved and whole thing's collapsed and the buch of British divisions the whole thing's collapsed this is just I'm having so much fun guys honestly this is this is the biggest fun I've ever had in a long time this is really fun for me I actually like it when you guys in the comments say Dave is having big fun and I can actually tell that makes me feel good you know makes me feel good feel good man feels good man break Italy keeps calling Greece Italy I don't know why I've got Italy on my brain maybe I'm hungry right now I want some pizza I don't know I do admit this is a bit repetitive and it is a bit back and forth but I'm constantly having to do this where I'm like defending front lines over and over again Southern Iberia Naval Invasion yep everyone go here but you guys are going to go go into Madrid they fly across the W at Ling and close the pocket the ability just to send these planes over and then immediately smash anything they run into is probably where all the damage lies demat capitulate the second time actually no capitulate never capitulate now think about it they never capitulated because they immediately surrendered that's how you avoid surrender guys just give up if you give up you don't surrender maybe that's what the friend should have done I'm going to right click and just be line to the victory points cuz I'm almost certain that my cast can just demolish them and it is the case yeah more cast damage more cast damage more cast damage Alpine attack Italy Southern yep okay they're having doing a really good job in Norway I have to send my planes over there as well one issue we run into over and over again is our spers get captured and it's probably the reason why this front line is breaking because we losing all the additional planning bonus that we've got in this region well Intel bonus should I say luckily though if two spies get captured at the same time One mission will free both spies they seem to hold the spies in the exact same place and pop the spies are rescued isn't that weird that they keep all the spies in one location would that be a silly thing to do yeah I think it would be but what the Soviet Union guys they made a lot of silly decisions Eastern Balkans okay Greece has been liberated they're pushing into asiia minor for some reason asiia minor that's right I'm playing a Rome game here guys and they don't have access to supply here so they're done and then we're going to Counterattack and push back the Soviets in the North so otherwise we're going to have lose access to these airports we'll build another one in Slovakia curious to see how Germany's doing at the moment so they're on scraping the barrel they have 7K Manpower what their equipment is 83% stockpiled which isn't too bad and that's the reason why they need manow isn't it I'm going to probably have to do scraping the barrel soon but no I get human wave so I'm going to get another 5% in a second which hopefully should cushion the blow all right the big Counterattack in the north needs to be done now in the exact same location it happened twice before it this time we're going to be a bit more aggressive and we're going to actually stay in this region cuz I know we can stay in this region now because we don't have to worry about any other front lines Italy Naval Invasion where are we a you bastard taking Sicily back see this is the issue I can't concentrate in one region I'm kind of divided everywhere I need to go it just make things a little bit more difficult all right Counterattack and the Soviets just get absolutely demolished whenever I push into them they're probably one of the easiest ones to defeat too maybe it's the Train That's making a factor in there wrap around Cornersburg wrap around Danzig take out the port for the 10,000th time Danzig one of the hardest ports to break in the game instantly dissolve here here here I always forget that this port to the north of Danzig has a port as well can we break it with cast though yes we actually can and that's a perfect place to break too because that means they they're cut off and they can't Retreat easy struggling with infantry equipment once again it's a reoccurring issue that we can't get any infantry equipment from the allies so it's just going to be a reome problem that we're going to have over and over and over again might have to delete a few divisions here with the new ones that I've deployed and then pop you guys here it's interesting Counterattack that's happening here in Ukraine what if I just put my planes up here what what damage I can do it feels like the heroes of this war are these 1,000 Fighters that we keep putting everywhere around the map they're the ones that really are the heroes of this war every time I put them somewhere anywhere they're just ripping everything apart and another one know and in the south of Spain again we see a reoccurring theme Here Lads AR we I'm starting to want to go all the way here and add an extra cannon on here we've gone this far right it's just so difficult because they're so unbelievably heavy it'd be like the ultimate cast ever wouldn't it another pocket closed when you reach the point in the game where you're running out of technology to research it's a good problem to have I'm really curious to see the health of the Allies as well the Allies here are on all adults serve for the UK the United States is service by requirement which is a surprise Japan he's not looking too good they've taken out oh this is a really weak Japan actually now that's not good service by requirement Japan the Soviet are adults serve with half a million Manpower okay I'm about to see something interesting here the Germans have lost 17 million Manpower 12 of that 13 of that to the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union lost 16 million Manpower this front line to the east has been so bloody but once again we Counterattack we push into Ukraine we completely annihilate them with cast damage again again again so there's no manow left which seems to be the direction where this game's going isn't it it's all about the the race for the lineal final drips of Manpower oh I forgot about this Army that was attacking in the north here ooh that's bad these guys are really low on equipment now I lost a lot of Manpower but the equipment losses are really Irreplaceable Southern Norway you know what I'm going to help out on this front as well oh and no Way's flipped back that happened instantly oh what if they lose Oslo the whole thing flips back oh I never knew that with a thing well that's actually really bad cuz that's another front line lost you unusual thing to do at this part of the game but I'm tempted to do a collaboration government on the Soviets it feels too little too late and we've not got enough land from them to actually do enough damage to kill them anyway so I don't think it's even going to matter doctrines are complete some reason the cast is not happening in this region and I'm not sure why lack of coverage that's never been a problem before however this is something I never thought about what if I help out the Japanese by sending C over oh it's too little too late late if I'd spotted them slipping it would have been okay but now they've sliden Out Of Reach it's not really worth it nuclear bombs have been researched do I care that much though I'm going to have to care aren't I to see that the Allies have fairly for the most part given up their Naval Invasion Ambitions here cuz Naval invasions have slowed down to an absolute halt these are the only remaining Fighters we got left the rest of them are cast what's happened is over time because I'm losing considerably more cast in battles than I am losing Fighters I never really got a larger air force over all because I've always artificially kept below that maximum barrier of fighter bombers just du to losing them actual in battles this is one of the fun parts of the world where the airport is on the right side but we control the left side so I have the option is to build up an airport here and what I'm actually doing is building on the Allied side that B I don't actually control how stupid is that it's pretty dumb but it's a thing it's a thing that exists Western Balkans once again Naval Invasion the cast have arrived denied so status of the war Lads where are things going so Sicily taking it back is difficult got a lot of troops here I could designate my troops and try and push through here probably would take it but L lose it again later on so what's the point uh Italians really want to push into Asia Minor they really want to I'm helping that with a little bit of cast but overall the train here is a nightmare what's the role you never invade Asia well the Italians are but then melini is a bit of a muppet isn't he so I'm trying to engage my cast into Ukraine here however the amount of cast damage I'm doing is very small so it's not really being cost effective use of my planes and once again the Soviets are encroaching in the north once again just causing me more sweat the only thing I can hope for in this circumstance is that they go scraping the barrel oh I don't have any Intel in them none do not blab minus 50% oh they've gone for the post so that means I have no Intel on them that is bad because that means they're getting planning bonus on me they're ignoring my spies are they getting planning bonus though just says Intel Advantage Plus 15% that's actually really big wow I never realized how op that is this feels like like a bit of a speedrunning a way like who can run out Manpower first is it going to be Germany or is it going to be the Soviet Union I mean to be fair it's always going to be Germany isn't it cuz the Soviet Union just has unlimited man power kind of what they're famous for so just look how the planes stack up so now they have more agility than us we have more air attack and we have more speed but we have less agility I don't even know at the end of the day what difference is that going to make with these such Advanced planes I'm not really sure in the long run what difference that's going to make what about America they have 350,000 man power remaining and they're on service by requirement the British Parliament debates intervention in bellux I mean what are they going to talk about at this point you know I mean they've tried to D-Day here here and actually twice into Normandy both times no joy what can you do at this point huh what do you going to do make you move what you going to do I'm really impressed with how much Manpower I've got I think I'm going to cancel Garrison support oh no there is an option to give Garrison support but there is to cancel Garrison support a now they're going to lose Manpower and they are oh it's going up that doesn't make any sense anyway if you request Garrison support from it I'll give you like 400,000 man power they might not even do that so might not even need to so now I have so much cast power I can just break Sicily straight here the hardest straight to break in arguably the entire game just because they can't reinforce quick enough and the amount of cast damage I do is just insane well I know what I'm going to be making late game now and those casts with the Cannons on them with the anti-tank cannons are just absolutely ey wateringly strong I never thought they'd be this strong it's just It's Kind actually silly to think how broken they are at the moment well I mean it's late game I suppose what do you expect I guess you know like going to have some op things in the game right whoa Naval Invasion time all right you guys go here Naval Invasion by the Soviets and AD dday probably significantly weaker than normal D-Day because how are they going to find the troops for this being the fact that they've been pushed and squeezed to an extreme I wonder if there needs to be some kind of endgame scenario in Hoy where there needs to be like a peace mechanic that can fire that the whole world's exhausted from war that needs to find an actual end I don't know it seems kind of strange it just goes on forever and ever and ever doesn't it there is really no end the fall of Tokyo is it the ja is it the Americans yes it is yeah it is is it the Japanese occupying Tokyo yes I guess the Japanese would be occupying Tokyo cuz that's where they live and once again the cast just chew up like there's absolutely nothing here and the Norwegians have taken back Norway as they do naturally cuz that's where they live dut racist this is the beauty of this you have three spies captured but one of them's on arrest Mission so in 38 days the entirety of them all three are going to be rescued he's also really silly but I like it surprisingly the hardest ones to in circle are the Soviets cuz they've got Mass mobilization as well so they just mass mobe and then they just hold out this is a really difficult part of the world to break with cast due to the fact there's so much herb in here I'm still going to try and it works because the cast damage is just so high that's insane so again I'm not complaining though there's no complaints happening here I'm actually so impressed with the damage they can do I feel like we're in the position right now that I'm quite happy to do some pretty heavy cast work on them and vers the Soviets cuz there's no other front lines that I care about let's have a look at the front lines yeah there are no others other than the Asian Minor one I don't care so do we slip into the Soviet Union now I think this is the time and the spy mission is complete and we saved four spies in one Mission impressive right 007 is so jealous right now China has joined the United Kingdom China is now in the Allies which is so bad because that means China's got unlimited Manpower they're on volunteer only and they have 14 million Manpower nice Japan's actually holding on here Japan is holding on here I can't believe it usually when the United States lands it means it's pretty much over but they're still holding out so credit to them look what Dave's working on and look at his research too what is he working on we need one big bomber to drop nukes so the only one I'm going to have to build build one and only so assigning medals you gain the B bonus to that specific Division and it's just something to do late game I guess in all fairness though I don't really like it cuz I think it's a little bit tedious clicking it's it's a cool system I suppose the first nuclear reactor has been done so you produce one nuke per year based on the amount of reactors so 36 reactors you'll produce 36 nukes per year and uh they produce War support if you nuke a victory point of the enemy but if you nuke divisions you half their organization and half their strength too so it tends to be more effective to to Nuke armies than it is to Nuke actual victory points in cities you think that's kind of wonky well yes it kind of is nukes need to be kind of reworked in my opinion another D-Day another opportunity to push the Allies into the sea I also realized that this um 1,000 cast would be really handy for the Japanese but I think it's a little bit too late too a little too late oh we're not in the same faction so I can't even send planes over and you can't send volunteers that's a weird thing isn't it so if you're in the same faction you can't use each other's airports there's no way of asking for them and also you can't send volunteers so you're in a situation that if you actually in opposing factions that have the same goal you can't help each other out with planes that's kind of wony if you think about it right this is the ultimate long range bomber Lads so much fuel it can wrap around the world actually no that's too much fuel there we go module category 4 engines are not allowed on this kind of plane okay we have to go regular engines then right there you go and Max fuel a range of 3,500 km that's pretty impressive and put just one mil on it just to produce a little bit of them cuz you actually need them to do missions they just need to be stationed in an air base to do the uh the nuclear bombing runs China has annexed oh no they pieced out Japan wow the Allies are looking very Manpower girthy at the minute all of Africa China India the United States and of course the common turn which is a lot of Manpower too meanwhile Britain adult serve 3 to 4 million Manpower then run out mire anytime soon Soviet Union all adults serve 400k okay they they're taking a hit all right not taking a hit in the meantime I'm going to split you guys up and then we're going to do a push here and here comes the cast oh if these divisions are some speed on them we would probably be doing overruns right now okay Germany wants Manpower so I'm going to give him 700k and this should hopefully on scraping the barrel give them some breathing space and hopefully it should give them some attack capabilities too and all that M has been fed into things that they needed already see our numbers ticking down so quickly it's because they needed the Manpower so desperately but now it's been funneled into either garrisons or it's been funnel into Armed Forces probably be Armed Forces actually but now the Manpower is balanced so things are looking good for them oh look at this pocket nice that's a modern tank that the Soviets have got as well we are just flooding into their front lines now so what I'm trying to do is make the front lines as narrow as possible to just like flood as much flood as much of my planes into one region therefore when we attack in that said region the amount of damage we're going to do is just going to be exponentially huge Trina is attacking other China and the other China has joined the axis can we build an air base in in China and then send the cast over a that would be a nightmare for the Chinese wouldn't it as we're pushing forward now spies are becoming unassigned cuz I have to put them into new regions and don't forget to keep rescuing them because this is a fun mini game right right Paradox when you winning so effectively what you tend to find is the enemy divisions tend to Bunch up so what you want to do is kind of beine around them so you can loop around and encircle those big fat stacks you know I talked about slips coming a slide well this is definitely a slide meanwhile Europe turkey made a push here doing a decent job too they pushed out the Italians out of Asia Minor Norway still contested Japan demolished communist China doing what it does probably not going to hold out very well though meanwhile Logistics looking super good tempted to make another 10 divisions is it too many we'll just have them training and leave them in reserve and forget about him Germany Manpower situation is zero well they fixed the problems but then they've got new problems Japanese China China Japan has been capitulated where even was that Chinese Japan was here they made a puppet state of just this island and the Soviet sub neaded them when you find yourself as with a big Air Zone you want to concentrate all your Firepower here right now our cast is doing really good damage and we're concentrating the novag grod Air Zone it's such a fat Air Zone so we're just trying to focus as much Firepower as we can directly in that area and maintain more control of that region cuz right now we're causing the other front lines well the other parts of the front line to become a less lot less stressed as we're pushing with all our Firepower in that region I think we're losing momentum though because you can see here we're losing guns we might have to just stop our initial push now yeah I'm going to concentrate all my front line here here I'll let the AI take care of the front line in those other regions and we'll just use alt to drag down the front line once concentrate in the Nova grod Supply region Western France Naval invasion you know the plan right you read the memo you know what what to do send in the cast for a change this is unusual allies Landing in the south of Spain clearly giving up on Italy now I guess the question you guys are probably wondering is like how do you win against this strategy what you've got to do is make divisions that have got lots of Air Attack you stack Air Attack really high and you start to count it to be fair the ratios right now are really in their favor actually they're doing a really good job I think we've reached a point where the planes are actually becoming less effective cuz I think their designs are starting to become really more advanced too yeah and I can actually see here look the old designs and we're getting we need more reinforcements of planes so at this point I feel like our design is less effective than it's ever been okay I didn't want to do it but I'm going to have to do it we're going to have to build a collab State cuz otherwise we'll never be able to knock out the Soviet I don't want her but we got her a this is actually a depressing sign to actually see that our design of playe now is becoming out of dat and it's not actually as effective at pushing them back oh this actually could be a turning part a really strange place in the game too y right now we're losing more more planes than we're able to even produce okay we going to have to pull these guys off the front line and change the configuration here cuz this isn't going to work and I need to start producing what I produce the most of and what I produce best of and that is my my Fighters that means I lose all my attack capabilities with my infantry we're actually low on rubber for the very first time in ages do we have the final tech oh yeah we do so we have all the building slot techs there's no way of getting more building slots other than these decisions so I guess we could build a single refinery right there ooh however the Germans all of a sudden have the momentum to make a push have we weakened the Soviets enough now all adults serve about a million Manpower they keep they find Manpower from anywhere the 1948 Imperial conference okay this is really interesting I've never seen the AI do this before so they're trying to form the United Empire and then when I attack now that old cast damage that I was used to that really broke their back is no longer there anymore that's so strange they just changed Chang their division templates at this strange part part of the game and all of a sudden they're doing a really good job of denying my cast like I'm seeing modern tanks as well and we can't we can't hold we have no offensive capabilities now yeah they're not breaking the way they used to and the and the Air Force now 1,400 planes thought it' be a lot less than that all right for a change pushing the Allies back into the ocean oo there's a lot of Divisions here though all right once again I don't know how this works maybe they have the air up May maybe that was the decisive Factor sometimes I push and the air does lots of damage sometimes I push it does no damage I don't even know anymore and once again another Allied push back into the ocean o they actually Retreat out the port there allies don't usually do that and Italy 2.0 has returned so you know where I'm going right and push them out of the peninsula okay can anyone keep count of how many times I've actually pushed them out of it once again I'm not sure how effective this is going to be again because once again they seem to be well well more well prepared than they've ever been no never mind it's working fine I retract what I oh dear this could go really bad I see an opportunity and I have to take it it's insane playing 1948 high four cuz you see so many modern tanks but then the Cass is really King Cass well and truly is King final collab government is complete and the results is the just under halfway we got a long way to go to cap the Soviets so if you want to Mid Max this I feel like as hungry you want to make like a really strong Division and then use that strong division to help make in circle on the front line like a 40 with tank or something cuz right now me just giving air power is not really helpful but I suppose I'm doing the fair share of the damage here it's just that the problem is is that I don't have any armed forces so I'm relying on allies for everything looks like there's an insir chance here can the Allies get stuck yes they have I'm going to Cap Italy again the game of many Italy caps United Kingdoms announced as a Balkan diplomatic initiative a bit late for that UK bit late for that wow it's all happening now the L lands too okay H I don't think we can do this now and then there's this big bulge here too there's too many fronts now this is probably a good move by the Allies here cuz when you want to land in multiple areas in one go you end up a situation they just don't have enough divisions to kind of put them on different fronts maybe if we nuke the Soviet Union a few times that's only thing I can think of we have been saving nukes up saving them for a rainy day let's close this pocket okay another one closed and another one Japan Landing into Italy this is my timeline my favorite timeline I think that's our M complete now level 11 maxed out all the traits you can select a policy though speed agility production cost funds it's got to be production cost hasn't it I'm not going to lie we're so close to capping the Soviets I'm just tempted to put the planes over there now and drop a few nukes on the capital and just see how much damage we can do yeah let's do it the planes are here Moscow is open get air superiority is it green Air no nuked it was that even my nuke is a city that many have tried to fail to conquer Moscow was the target of a nuclear attack today the explosion directly the heart of the Soviet leader the criminal having been nearly completely destroyed by the blast it showed that icon was gray so I couldn't nuke but then the nuke landed maybe it was my nuke air superiority go go go I'm going to deploy every plane that I've got cuz I need to get air superiority air superiority nuke boom and then another one boom that's all the nukes that I've got and it's not dropped them off all the war supports gone down sure it's not really helped guys I think I don't think I can recover from this I think this might be a GG n baller I'm still going I'm still going I'm going to keep going until I've got no planes left in the sky Naval Invasion Naval Invasion Naval Invasion and another one down another Naval Invasion this one next one next go American Japan has capitulated hang on a second who is the Soviets at war with the Soviets are at war with with the Allies so itally controls half of I don't even know what's happening anymore at this side of the world what next pocket this is also a sign that you're not doing very well when you've got quite a lot of planes here that are not highly trained but then again they are gaining XP I thought they were losing it considerably anyway again another one again another one another one and another one just keep going this has gone from uh every single click tutorial Style video to just a personal challenge to myself it is quite satisfying to close every front line when get a new one over and over and over again though I'll admit Western France trying to do a naval Invasion hard place to do it when I've got my cast up there though European Pockets done wait no no actually there's Italy oh and that's really close to my front line too so that's the one that has to be prioritized next another one Bulan whoosh a little bit too close to home this front line yeah really weird things happen now vishi France is just flip to France and now I have a new front line oh and Spain just capitulated as well all right oh no guys I think this is it I think I'm going to have to tap out here and I'm not closing this front line nowhere near as quick as I would like as well ah we came so far 55% towards capitulation I wonder if we grab Moscow now what difference it would make maybe we should do that yeah in fact you know what I've decided that's what we're going to do we're going to grab Moscow and stalling grad and see if that's enough to capitulate them let's go this is my final mission my final goal I did my absolute best to hold up the uh the axis for as long as I did but this is the best I can do so they have defense on mosow here gaining 25 5% recruitable and 10% defense all right we're here Lads break Moscow and we just chew through them like it's nothing but now we need to a safety blanket by pushing outside of them further they're at 62% oh that doesn't feel like it's enough go here then go here just push to the victory points okay two more victory points it's not made much of a difference at all Moscow is obviously the biggest Victory point of them all but we grab it and it's basically made no difference to the overall contribution is it time to grab the very final Jewel of Europe well is it Europe is it Soviet Europe Stalin yeah I guess it is technically geographical Europe Stalin grad grab it be line to Stalingrad how many victory points is it 30 compared to Moscow which has 50 a this is not going to work Stalingrad there at 66% stent gr has fallen and there at 71% guys using the limitations of Hungary and the historical rules before 1939 I think I gave this a jolly good shot and Moscow is getting squeezed now as well maybe saster Paul would be the next Victory point to logically go for yeah that's the only one I can think of guys I'll be totally real with you though this is a right off now I don't think the uh axis will ever recover zero manow scraping the barrel Germany nothing you have nothing but I think if Japan maybe was a little bit stronger and took all the Malaysia Indonesia and took out all the Raj that would have give us some breathing space but overall this I don't think is recoverable the final tally at the very end losses on the side of the axis is 46 million this is a really weak Soviet Union by the way this could have ended a lot quicker if the Soviet Union had pulled the finger out they lost 26 25 million Manpower I lost 2 million as well so I lost quite a handsome sum as well mainly to the Soviet Union the alter conference GG the Allies on the other hand did lose more they lost about 48 million and The Biggest Loser is definitely the Soviet Union but no actually surprisingly on the German side there was more losses as well the biggest minor power that lost the most was Romania at 3.2 million and Austria usually not in these kind of games lost 1 and a half million as well oh I know no ital lost 6.3 million the amount destruction that I caused though let's have a look so Hungary 1.3 million to the UK France Hungary did 96k nothing basically 1.6 million losses from Hungary to the United States and the Damage I did to the Soviet Union was 1.9 million basically nothing compared to the Soviet Union that's the end of Germany F and my troops are encircled inside Soviet territory it's kind of strange that when a nation capitulates like there's the the troops are like isolated and Stranded and they can't get out okay I got a few of them out fors for up boys airport on my Capital the ultimate BM in every Hoy 4 game when you just dig into your Capital over two tiles I'm considered a major power and the last ax member left so I'm going to hold I believe boys I believe do you believe getting kind of lonely in here no it's not over until I say it's over when they hit with their modern tanks though I can't break them very quickly cuz the division's got lots of hardness and because of that I haven't much hardness on my end so therefore I'm not do much damage to them you can say when they hit they do hit hard axis in Europe where right about here hang on what's Happening Here Yeah what is happening here why is the battles Happening Here turkey isn't at war with the Soviet Union is it no no yeah they actually are the Soviets are at war with the Allies no hungry and now we're not H cuz the reason why we held on to that one is cuz it had an airport and that is the final gasp of air for Hungary GG can't wait to see this peace conference what is this I don't even exist I've been kicked out of the game wait hang on Oh I thought I thought Yugoslavia took the entirety of hungry then but no I still exist I've got this gentleman and I am democratic yay and I still have my two nuclear reactors thank you and now it is Operation Unthinkable the common Turn versus the Allies it never ends what I'm going to join the Allies let's do this let's do it the game never ends let's go let's go no we are done there guys if you made it to the end of here you're an absolute Legend oh hang on 31st of December 1949 and there we go first of January 1950 how often in h for do you see this date eh not very often guys if this doesn't deserve a like a comment and a subscribe then absolutely nothing does thanks for sticking with me this is day one of six trust me it's not going to get as crazy as this but maybe it will who knows maybe we will start really low and go even higher who knows maybe the next game will be 19 60 I really hope not guys do the socials I love you to bits I'll see you guys tomorrow if you enjoy this video there's this one on screen right now and YouTube says this one is the natural second to this video hope we have a good day and I'll see you soon bye-bye
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Keywords: arms against tyranny, arms against tyranny hoi4, aat, new hoi4 dlc, new hoi4 expansion, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 dlc, feedbackgaming, feedback, fbg, feedback memes, feedback irl, Arms Against Tyranny, hearts of iron 4 air force tutorial, cheats hoi4, hearts of iron 4 arms against tyranny, aat hoi4, hearts of iron 4 dlc, new dlc hoi4, how to play hoi4, beginners guide to hoi4, hungary, hoi4 hungary, hoi4 hungary air controller, how to play hungary, hoi4 hungary world conquest
Id: Q1tj18ty2e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 15sec (8955 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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