Brunei’s Prince Abdul Mateen Asia's Most Handsome Royal. SEE His Girlfriend

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Abdul Mateen, the prince of Brunei, is likely  the most good-looking prince in Asia. His   dad has about 20 billion dollars. The young  prince lives a rich life. He loves animals,   flies planes, is super popular on Instagram,  and is one of the top single royal guys in Asia.   How does he use all his money?  And who is his girlfriend?" But before we get started, this may  be the last time you see this channel.   So, hit the subscribe button  for more stories in the future. Let’s begin. Brunei is a country that many people don't  know about. It's a small place in Asia on   an island called Borneo, between Malaysia and  Indonesia. The country is famous because it   has a lot of oil, which makes it very rich.  But everything is controlled by the king.   The king's name is Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. He and  his whole family get all the good things from the   country. He's one of the richest people in the  whole world. In 2008, a magazine called Forbes   said he had 20 billion dollars at the most.  Bolkiah has been king for a really, really   long time – longer than anyone else in the world.  In 2017, he celebrated 50 years of being king.   The Sultan spends an unbelievable  amount of money on things he likes.   He has the biggest palace in the whole world  and lots of fancy cars, even one that's a   gold-covered Rolls-Royce. It's not surprising  that his whole family also lives in luxury. Hassanal Bolkiah has three wives and they  have given him five sons and seven daughters.  The most well-known and attractive  son of the Sultan is Prince Mateen.   He's really popular on Instagram,  with over two million followers,   and many consider him one of the most  handsome single men in the entire world. Even though he's 32 years old, the prince  isn't in a hurry to get married. He's the   fourth son and the tenth child of Sultan Hassanal  Bolkiah. He's sixth in line to become the ruler   of Brunei. However, it's not very likely  that he will actually become the Sultan. Because of this, he doesn't have many  official responsibilities and can   live his life the way he wants. His life is  full of luxury and interesting experiences. The prince spends his money on expensive  hobbies, traveling, and exotic animals. He's known as the 'father of tigers' because he  owns baby white tigers, leopards, and ocelots.   He shares pictures of his pets on Instagram. The young Prince loves sports  like snorkeling, skydiving,   golfing, skiing, rowing, boxing,  badminton, and horseback riding. He really likes playing polo, a sport that  kings and queens have enjoyed for a long time. Back in 2017, he even represented Brunei in  sports at the Southeast Asian Games in Malaysia.  When he was a child, his idol was soccer star  David Beckham. –  In 2016, Prince Abdul Mateen proudly  finished studying at the University   of London. He got a Master's degree in  International Studies and Diplomacy. What's even more interesting is his journey to  become a skilled helicopter pilot. He learned   how to fly helicopters at a special school  in the UK. Now, he's a qualified helicopter   pilot. His father has a helicopter, so he  gets lots of chances to practice flying. But there's more to the story. Prince Mateen  worked really hard and graduated from a famous   school for the military in the UK, called  the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst.   This was a tough education that took 44 weeks.  Imagine, he did things like a 24-hour race   where he climbed seven mountains and dug  trenches for three days without stopping. These tough experiences were really  hard, but they made him stronger in   his mind and body. He said it's  the best thing he's ever done. Today, the prince has a job as a  second lieutenant. He lives in a   huge palace with his family, which  is said to be the biggest palace   in the world. He travels in a  fancy plane with golden sinks. Even though he has a lot of money, Prince Abdul  Mateen is a simple person. He enjoys basic   things in life like hanging out with friends,  watching movies, and doing easy activities. When he was 24, he talked to GQ  Thailand. They said he is modest   and doesn't show off his family's money.  They said he likes living a simple life,   enjoying his hobbies, spending time with  his family, and doing things that are good. On his Instagram, the prince often shows his  strong body. He shares pictures of himself near   the pool or without a shirt. Many people like  him on social media and ask him to marry them. In short, Prince Mateen is strong, nice, and rich.  People all over the world think he's interesting.   But he's not married, and a lot of women want  to marry him, even though it's not likely. The prince has fallen in love  and is now in a relationship. Some time ago, he talked about  wanting to be with someone who   is real and sincere. It looks like he  might have found that special person. There's a rumor that the person he could marry in   the future is Anisha Isa-Kalebic. It's  believed that she has won his heart. People who report news globally  see her as the woman who might one   day become the daughter-in-law of  Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei. Anisha comes from a family that has  a lot of influence. Her grandfather,   Pehlin Isa, is well-known and holds an  important position in Brunei Darussalam. Even though she is well-known, not much  is known about her. What is clear is that   she has a strong family background, which  makes her a suitable partner for the prince.   She is probably in her mid-twenties,  although her exact birthdate is not known. Anisha, who is currently studying  in England, became famous when   she went to the wedding of Prince Abdul  Mateen's sister with him in January 2022. This nice meeting made people talk about  whether Anisha is the person that Prince   Mateen likes a lot. People had different  feelings about this interesting news. Some people were happy thinking that Prince  Mateen might have finally found someone he loves.   One person's comment suggested that  there might be a big sadness coming. People started to guess that the next  big celebration in the royal family   of Brunei could be the wedding  of Prince Mateen and Anisha. However, we don't know much about their  relationship because Anisha isn't using   social media anymore and the prince  wants to keep his personal life private. You might be thinking about how lucky it would be  to be a princess in the future, marrying into the   royal family. The Sultan's son is not just very  rich but also good-looking and good at sports. If they get married, the celebration would surely  be amazing, just like royal weddings usually are.  Imagine big parties that last for many days.  These parties cost millions of dollars.   But don't be too jealous because this  story isn't all about fancy things. In a place called Brunei, it's okay  for a man to have more than one wife.   But for the wives of rich leaders there, life  isn't always happy. Think about the first wife of   a leader named Sultan Bolkiah. She has a hard time  getting along with his other two wives and lots of   other women he's with. People don't think well of  the leader because he keeps so many women around. Looking ahead, people wonder: Will  the leader's son choose to have   just one wife, or will he do the same  thing as his dad and have many wives? do you think having a ton of money will  definitely make someone truly happy?   Feel free to share your personal experiences or  observations in the comments below. Don't forget,   in the world of fame and secrets, the stories  never fade. Catch you on the scandalous side! Thank you for watching! .
Channel: Ooh..
Views: 297,723
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Id: Rl3d9Vqnb8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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