Bruce Springsteen - I'm On Fire (Official Video)
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Channel: BruceSpringsteenVEVO
Views: 64,030,203
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Keywords: bruce springsteen, bruce springsteen i'm on fire, i'm on fire, im on fire, i'm on fire bruce springsteen, bruce springsteen im on fire, im on fire bruce springsteen, am on fire, fire, i'm on fire bruce, hey little girl is your daddy home bruce springsteen, fire bruce springsteen, bruce springsteen tougher than the rest, bruce springsteen songs, bruce springsteen born in the usa, john melloncamp, tom petty, warren zevon, born in the usa, born
Id: lrpXArn3hII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2009
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