Bruce Lipton - 'The Power Of Consciousness' - Interview by Iain McNay

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Isn't he the one researching epigenetics as well?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Brotayto 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2013 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for posting, this is just what I needed :D

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Samgnilrets89 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2013 🗫︎ replies

Ok, help me out here. This was a phenomenally eye-opening video, but he says you can't just change your conscious mind; you have to change your sub-conscious programming. How does one do that?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zilacove 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2013 🗫︎ replies

Was going fine until he started talking about astrology.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/indeedwatson 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2013 🗫︎ replies

Far from a quack - it's definitely time we start to discover more about being human. Nice vid

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MrNagamori 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2013 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome again to conscious TV my name is ear McNay and our guest in the studio is Bruce Lipton hi Bruce hi and thank you so much for this opportunity so Bruce has written a book which came out five years ago Balaji belief which is sold really really well and he has a new book out fairly recently which I had a talking book of spontaneous evolution and we're going to talk to Bruce a little bit about his history and how he got to be a Bible a biologist and how he had certain realizations about how the body work and how if that life works and also we're going to talk about the contents of both books so let's start first of all Bruce with an experience you had when you were seven years old at school and you first looked into a microscope so I think that was the beginning of your change in your life wasn't it well it was absolutely a big change in my life you know being a little kid at seven years old the whole world is bigger than you are and when I looked into a microscope for the first time and saw like an amoeba moving around and a Paramecium darting about here and there in my little child mine I thought oh my gosh they're they're not like pin balls bouncing around they they have intentions they're moving that they're like little people so i grok this idea of cells are like miniature people and I'm very excited because there was a world smaller than me so as like as a young kid that became oh I'm looking into another world and it's interesting because while I was seven years old when I did that my fascination with microscopy and biology continued until I was in graduate school and had then graduated to electron microscopy and now was flying through the structure of the atoms and the molecules making up a cell so basically was seated at 7:00 and matured by the time I got into graduate school and your mother brought you it brought your own microscope so you were able to do this at leisure and find more and more about how everything works oh I was as a kid I just got so caught up and with it I remember I spent in one entire summer because I wanted to take a photograph through the microscope and I knew I could see it but every time I held the camera up I tried to do it and it took me about a summer and I finally at the end of the summer got a microscope after probably hundreds of dollars worth of photographic material but it was like my persistence of I wanted - - to see and and study these images in the microscope so you eventually became a biologist what did you actually learn then well it was interesting because I became a biologist a developmental cellular biologist I'm working on cells of course and in my my graduate work I was cloning stem cells and it's interesting because a lot of people think stem cells are something brand-new that just came into this world recently in fact was I was cloning stem cells back in 1967 40 years ago and the significance was while I was doing this research I was also teaching medical students so I was teaching medical students the foundation of how cells worked the conventional story out of the textbook genes control life what we call the genetic determinism the belief that genes control your traits behavior your physical characteristics etc and what my research revealed when I was studying the stem cells was this very profound I put one stem cell in a petri dish all by itself and it would divide every 10 to 12 hours so it'd be 2 4 8 16 cells 32 cells after about two weeks I have thousands of cells in the petri dish but what was unique they were all genetically identical but then I did the experiment an experiment was to take some cells out of the dish and put them into a separate dish with a different environment okay and so the environment is a culture medium but the culture medium two cells is like the world that we live in it's got the air the water the food all the things in it so I take the cells out of my stem cell dish put them in a separate dish with a different environment and the cells form muscle but then I went back to the same dish with genetically identical cells and it took some cells out put them in a different environment and they form bone and then I went back to the same dish with genetically identical cells and put them in a third petri dish with a different environment and they form fat cells and there I was confronted with this reality all the cells are genetically identical but they had different fate fat muscle bone I said simple question what controls the fate of cells and the answer is the environment it was the only thing that was different because they were all genetically identical so I started to really say oh my goodness Here I am teaching genes control life to the medical students and yet the cells were revealing to me that they they all had the same genes but it was environment that I put them in and so the environment controlled their life and a very simple experiment that is very profound for us today is if I took my dish with plastic petri dish with cells in it and moved it from a healthy environment to a less than healthy environment the cells get sick and if I were a doctor of cells I you might say well what kind of drugs would you give these cells and turns out no you don't give the cells any drugs you just take the dish from the bad environment put it back into a good environment and the cells will innately naturally come back to health again so how did this realization impact you at the time because you were teaching something completely different yes you did this experiment and you realize what you were teaching wasn't the full truth oh absolutely and then I had a problem with my colleagues because first of all they doubted my working and I brought them into the experiments and I had them observe him watch him and they all said Wow yeah the environment controls the cells but they wanted to marginalize it so they would say oh that's an exception or an anomaly because we're teaching genetic control it didn't fit the story the net result what had led me to do was I had tenure I had tenure at the University I walked out of the University and said look I I can't keep my integrity and at the same time teach something I know was patently wrong so I walked out because I saw that teaching the belief that genes control life was very very incorrect and it's very interesting because I did that in 1970 now that's like 30 40 years ago and guess what the new science that is just coming into the forefront of our world today is something called epigenetic control what I was teaching was genetic control controlled by genes the new science which is now coming around is called epigenetic control and what that means in the you understand the prefix epi means above so you say epidermis that means the layer above the dermis skin if I say epigenetic control literally it says control above the genes and this is the new science and why is it profound because when you teach genetic control you teach victim you didn't pick the jeans as far as we know the jeans control your traits you can't change the jeans so you become victimized by your heredity and the new science epigenetic control reveals how your responds to the environment as you change your response to the environment you change the fate of yourselves just like in the petri dish that makes you a master because you are the one that has the opportunity to change your perception response so therefore you're the one that controls your genes but it took you some time didn't it to actually incorporate that engine in your life because I know in the biology belief your book you talked about you went through very unhappy period yes father was dying of cancer you had a very messy divorce from your first wife and you weren't happy and you thought at that point that actually your genes did influence and you had unhappy genes and it took you some time to actually realize that in your life you could change things yeah it was very interesting because again I was still coming from the programs of my own deep beliefs which I got from childhood on about genetic control and yet it was funny because I was at that point also going out and beginning to talk to people about this new science about if you understand what I'm talking about you can create this fabulous life and it was fun because in the beginning I would try to get people together and I tell them you can create this fabulous life and they sit at me and looking oh you know Lipton for a guy who says you you can create a life with this of your life doesn't look that good and essentially I almost said fortune I didn't say the words but essentially said well do as I say not as I do and that was the opening point that said oh my god I can't just talk about the academics of the new science to make it work you actually have to apply the principles of the new science and that was a change point in my life where I said well I'm not going to lecture on this unless I verify to myself that by influencing my personal beliefs and attitudes and things that I can change my biology and it was wonderful because it only took just a short time to realize how I manifest profound changes in my life by taking any understanding that how I see the world my perceptions control not just my internal biology and my genetics behavior but it controls how I create in the world around me so I went from a world of almost self-destruction into this world of more mastery and and the most exciting thing is I found since that time that I am I absolutely live in heaven because I've created a lit let's look at practically how you did that just so people pick up a few clothes okay well the first thing is that the work showed that your minds perception of the world changes your biology the chemistry of your body which changes your cells and I said okay so if you control how your mind operates and you can control your chemistry but then here's where the problem comes from there's two parts to the mind the conscious mind which has your personal identity your spiritual source attached with it is a creative mind the conscious mind can see into the future can review the past solve problems the subconscious mind the other mind is more of a habit mind that's when you learn how to do something and once you learn how to do it you don't have to think about it it's automatic well most of us walk around in the world thinking that we're running our lives with our creative mind I'd say Emma what do you want out of your life and you would say oh I want be healthy I want to have great relationships and and then you tried say I'm running my life with these beliefs but science is now revealed that we only run our lives with our conscious mind at most about 5% of the time so we're running on these subconscious programs 95% of the time ok and then the issue is so where'd you get the fundamental programs that you operate from and here's the the thing I learned is that it's in the first six years of our lives that the brain is in a functional state and EEG state the electrical activity that is not even in consciousness a child doesn't even reach conscious brain function until about 6:00 so the first six years of your life your brain function is lower frequency it's called theta which is like a hypnagogic trance a hypnosis so the first six years of your life you're like a television camera recording everything around you everything you observed just going in from your observations into your programming so we acquire beliefs and attitudes and behaviors not from ourselves but from our parents and our family in our community these become the fundamental beliefs a very interesting point the Jesuits had were very proud they would say give me a child until it's six or seven and it will belong to the church for the rest of its life what they were saying was what they knew which science is now finding out the first six years our programming and whatever program you get that will be the rest of your life so that's why they said just give me the first six years and it turns out they were precise that the first six years was downloaded program and that's when you get your behaviors from those around you so you are able by realizing this to then look at how you were living your life on a practical level and say I am NOT going to be governed by these pre programs I am going to live my life in a more conscious way am i over simplified yeah if that's a fundamental statement of how it works but it's not as easy as oh okay I've just changed my thinking about it's like what because as the the think is not that much in our control the brain is operating as I said ninety five percent from the subconscious but how did you actually then get results in a relatively short space of time well the first thing how does a subconscious learn that's a very critical thing the conscious mind can learn from reading a book so you the subconscious mind can read a self-help book and go wow that sounds really great and then you find you read the book but your life is still the same and it turns out why and the answer is because the subconscious mind is more of a habit mind things that you repeat over and over again so the reality is if you can stay conscious be present and when those negative thoughts come in our head mints and psychologists tell us seventy percent of the time the thoughts that are going through our head are negative and redundant so the same negative thoughts are going through if you could stop those thoughts if you could hear them as they come through like oh that's not going to work or this will never happen those kinds of thoughts if you can hear them and stop them consciously say no change the belief right there just give the more positive thing as you repeat this more frequently and you keep repeating it the subconscious mind begins to learn so as a habit if you stay conscious and you have to work at it and here's why people say how come only 5% from conscious mind 95 from subconscious because the conscious mind can think into the future and think into the past and solve problems then think about it yourself most of the time you're thinking about something well if you're thinking you're using the conscious mind well if you're using the conscious mind for thinking then who's running the show and the answer is when you're not paying attention and you're thinking about what I'm going to do tomorrow your subconscious is running so you use the words be present be present with in mind we here like so be mindful which really means be aware yes of what's going on what so you get an automatic reaction you're aware of that and you say I don't want to go there that's an old pattern and you look at a new way to be in that situation actly and you have to repeat it over and over again because if you think well i got mad at myself yesterday because i repeated that same stupid thing and I got mad again today because I repeated the same stupid thing and then people give up because they get frustrated and it's like no no it's a habit so you have to every day but ultimately you can repeat it yet there are fortunately now very many new healing modalities that that can help you rewrite the subconscious beliefs much faster so I get very excited because some of this may take work for people because you have to really be present and yet we're so bombarded with information and our lives are so busy that our conscious mind is almost always wandering trying to resolve issues and problems and things we have to work out which then means the subconscious mind is running the show yeah and it's very interesting because most people will be very familiar with this story I tell it to my audiences and they all laugh because they're familiar with I say look you have a very close friend you know your friends behavior and you happen to know your friends parent and at some point you see that your friend shares the same behavior as their parent so you you know you casually volunteer you go you know bill you're just like your dad and that's when you have to back away from bill because bill is the first guy that says how can you compare me to my dad and everyone laughs cuz they're familiar but I say no there's two very profound points from that one story and profound point number one everybody else can see that bill behaves like his dad he got his programming from his dad it's only bill who doesn't see it and profound point number two we're all bill because all of us got programming and all of us operate with these programs and we don't even see we're doing that we even when told we're doing it will deny that we do these behaviors because we don't even see what we're doing that's why it's called subconscious below conscious because you went from Anna quoting from you book wanting to be anyone but me yes to being I think you quite yourself is the happiest man in the world you felt so happy also you have proves that this can work well I had to because I said when I first started talking about it it was from an academic conscious point of view this is what I learned but my subconscious programs are still exactly the same so well I had this wonderful knowledge my life still wasn't anything I wanted to brag about it because it wasn't and and as you know that old game or who would you like to be and I could think of anybody I'd rather be than me and yet when I started to apply the new science and rewrite the subconscious so it supported me rather than the programs of limitation or disempowerment that we get from our parents and our community as children which almost all of us get when I put in the new programs all of a sudden I started to find my goodness my life completely turned around all wonderful things started happening my life I was healthier I've been to a doctor in 20 years I don't need that I don't take any of their drugs why because most of the illness is just from the stress of not living in harmony and when you learn to to get rid of the limiting programs that we got as children and put in programs that support you guess what then all of a sudden the place turns into heaven and it's interactive people I tell people will you create your own life and then they look around go I don't want responsibility for this but I say well you didn't know you were creating with these unconscious beliefs and and yet then I tell people especially people that have fallen in love and the people have fallen head over heels in love I said go back to that time when you first fell in love let me ask you a question were you healthy and oh yeah I was I was healthy as anything I said you have energy as well I had so much energy made love four days in a row without even eating and I go yeah and I go and how was life for you it was so exciting I couldn't wait for the next day so I said in this little period that you know that I refer to as a honeymoon I say wasn't life like heaven on earth and they go well yeah and I go you know that was not an accident that was an actual creation and you said but what was different that made life so heaven on earth during love and the answer is because you become very self conscious of yourself you don't rely on the habits the day before you meet this person you're going to go on a date I say especially the way myself how long did it take you get dressed and they say well I was 15 minutes and I was out of the house and I say now tonight you're going to go on a date with this person who does just rocked your world and I said how long does it take you to get dressed it's like my God may take an hour to I say yesterday 15 minutes today an hour - what's the difference yesterday I got dressed by habit because I get dressed every day but tonight I am looking in the mirror meaning I am self-conscious I am making sure that I represent myself to be the fully the best individual I can be and when both parties are not relying on the habit and both of them are saying I'm creating the best I could be they're living in the moment of the now they're being very mindful they're being very present and guess what heaven on earth is created but unfortunately life gets busy it's hard to say everything that's well they're truly meeting oh yeah yeah oh so very rare and why is that important because it did demonstrate that you did create this period and it's available to you all the time if you knew how not to get stuck in the old habits what one of the things that I really found fascinating in your book it's the fact we we all have approximately 50 trillion cells in our body and these cells are all self-sufficient they have their own memory they have their own immune system and in fact you also go on to say that for two point seven five billion years there was only one celled organisms on alive on the planet yeah and the nature is as a single cell evolved to be the most intelligent it could be it ran into a physical limitation because intelligence is physically tied up with the membrane or skin of the cell you can only have so much membrane so evolution apparently stopped it was like two and a half billion years just a single-celled organism then some how can you have more evolution the answers cells decided to come together in community because when cells come into community they share awareness so there's more awareness with 10 cells than there is with one cell and there's more awareness with a million or billion or trillion so when you look at a human being while we see ourselves as single entities the truth is we are made out of 50 trillion amoeba-like cells and so our body is this giant community and what makes it very exciting as you mentioned is well in my own work with cloning cells I can take a cell out of your body it could live outside of you why it has its own intelligence it has essentially every function in your body is present in a cell so my seven-year-old vision manifests to be true when I got older to realize cells are miniature people and then you say well what about happens in the human body and I go this is where the issue comes in is because you have 50 trillion cells living community but your mind is the government when a government works in harmony with the people then the people thrive and the community is in good health and grows but when a government is not really supportive or not working in harmony with a community then the government could cause the the nature of that community to fall apart or and even lead to to the end of the community well that's what we're finding out our mind is the government and when we entertain harmony and and the right living and balance with nature and with each other then we provide our 50 trillion cells with very life supporting information and chemistry so harmony means giving the body good food yes not being stressed out absolutely living in a happy environment yes it basically it says it's as I said when I had my petri dish of cells if I put it from a healthy environment to a bad environment the cells got sick but you didn't have to give them drugs but all you did is take the the dish from the bad environment and put in a good environment and the joke which I like to tell people is well this happens to the plastic petri dish but guess what we are skin covered petri dishes underneath our skin is 50 trillion cells living in a dish and the culture medium is the blood and so when I change the culture medium a plastic dish I change the fate of the cells and I say well then what controls the culture medium my blood the chemistry answer is my thoughts influence my brain and the brain releases chemistry that matches my thoughts so when I'm in stress or I'm afraid of the world I release different chemistry into the blood then if I open up my eyes and I find myself and love I release completely different chemistry and it's like well I'll have to ask an individual's how do you feel when you're in total love or how do you feel when you're in fear in the answers well I feel totally different I guess what all the cells are bathed in that chemistry and so the the feeling of love produces totally different chemistry in the blood chemistry that supports growth and healing of the body and supports the immune system and in contrast when we perceive reasons to be afraid and we release stress hormones into our body we actually shut off the growth mechanisms and the immune system to serve to save the energy why because if you believe you're going to have to run from that lion you want all the energy available to run from a line so when a person is in stress they allocate their energy reserves for fight-or-flight but take it at the expense of the health of the system the immune part of the system and so the more stress you're under the more bad chemistry in a sense of not supporting you you that you experience and and it was a very important point in our evolution stress or fear was not the mainstay of life the mainstay of life was to be happy and live in the harmony of the environment every now and then a saber-toothed tiger would come okay now it's time to be stressed out now it's time to run but the point is once you escape from the saber-toothed tiger in the old days then it's like Oh back to health and harmony and I say what about today's world today's world is 24/7 run from the tiger and this is not biologically sustainable because the chemistry of protection contrasts with the chemistry of growth yes interesting how the body you point this out in spontaneous evolution your second book the how the body also is a snapshot of how we are as a human race oh absolutely because what you we would see from a new understanding of which is a great extension beyond the Darwinian belief belief which is quite limiting okay and quite troublesome in fact because just think about what a principled Darwinian belief is that evolutions based on a struggle for survival with a competition for fitness so that says oh my god then our world is we're all out there in a dog eat dog rat race trying to survive because if you stop running the person behind you is going to run over you so if that's your way of life then everyday by definition you are living in a stress hormone body because of all the fears that we that we have and yet evolution says no evolution is based on community in cooperation a body is 50 trillion citizens they live in harmony with each other and it turns out that every human being we're beginning to find out is like a cell in a larger community called humanity so in biological terms the organism that's evolving on the planet is not the human being we already did that the organism that's evolving is the super organism called human civilization and right now humans are fighting each other and killing each other and if I said well what would that look like inside the body if the cells fight each other and kill each other and I say oh well that's called autoimmune disease self-destruction and and autoimmune disease can kill you from the inside that's on the increase isn't it oh absolutely because these because our biological lives are complements to the environment the more stress and more violence on the outside the more that's taken inside in biology and converted to disruption and disharmony of your own cellular internal community so what can we then do as a human race maybe it's an obvious question but here we are we represent in a way the 50 trillion cells that are in our own bodies on a bigger scale and here we are we see the intelligent ones the ones that are really looking and seeing what happens inside their own body they're seeing what happens on the outside but as you mentioned again in spontaneous evolution there's also the consensus reality yes and even though individual people can see what's happening what can they actually do when there's this whole other Strutt I suppose stronger force playing its part well you're right there is a stronger force because everybody's mind is like a tuning fork because actually you can read brain activity from outside your head with a new thing called magnetic and cephalo graph most people familiar electroencephalograph put wires on your head and read your brain function say the new one magnetic and cephalic graph they put a probe out here and they can read your brain function from outside well it's a very important point it says well if you're reading my brain function from outside then what am i doing I must be broadcasting my brain function so all of us are like tuning forks but if we're all out of tune then there's a tendency for even a tuning fork that tries to stay in tune will be pushed out of tune by something we call entrainment an issue is how can you survive in this world answer is you must essentially detach yourself from this field around you not be taken in by the stories not be by into the fear not to buy into the threats on our existence to start to recognize what we are creating these lives if you buy other people's creation then you manifest what they're creating if you want what you want then you have to not get engaged and the more conscious you become the less you are affected by the outside fields and so this rising consciousness that we're seeing is the evolution of humanity to rise above the noise of the background and recognize you're the creator just like we talked about if you can create a honeymoon for yourself while you're in love and everyone started to create a honeymoon for themselves then all of a sudden the concept of war and violence would disappear because if everybody's in love and everybody's in harmony and everybody is so excited by being here then the competition and violence that we live by because of today's beliefs would disappear and the reality is we are moving in that direction right now day by day more people are taking back the power saying I'm not buying your beliefs to be consciously stand apart that yes I'm not going to be parts of it right and it's interesting because a lot of people say oh I'm going to go in there and fight that system and I go you know that's not really good either because if you're fighting the system then you're contributing energy whether it's pro or con to that system the way to fight the system is not to be of the system and it's fun because I talk to some British people I know there I forgot whether a call but there were people who are someone living all through England but nobody knows where they are who they are they're sort of out there and they're having this life independent of the of the government even knowing who they are and it's like some level we all have to start doing that but when we do that then we'll find there's more of us than the other ones and then all of us who are on the outside of the system actually become the nooses it becomes this critical point where things start to shift yeah and I think we're really approaching that with 2012 but I think that is a very auspicious beginning because it's a it's not a mystical thing it's it's really a change in the energy fields of the earth because the earth is changing its position in relationship to the Milky Way so basically the energy that comes from from all the stars and the Sun especially influence who we are when we change our positions in the relationship of the field we change our response because we evolved in the field of energy and when the field of energy changes so do we something else you talk about in the book which I found quite fascinating was the placebo effect and on the nocebo effect yeah yeah it's funny because a lot of people understand what the placebo effect is and what is this well it's interesting because medical science has revealed that from 1/3 to 2/3 which is significant of all healing whether it's drug related or surgery or whatever healing process the healing didn't come about from the process the healing came about because the person believed the process was going to heal them so if I give you this brand new drug and it's purple colors because that makes it really special you know and it's funny because there is a drug a purple drug and I said it's purple and everybody's oh wow that's got to be special but people believe that the drug holds this effect and you give a person this drug and all of a sudden they heal themselves and I show you how the drug did it and then you tell them later but it was just a sugar pill that that healing didn't come from the drug it came from the belief in the drug so the belief in healing concept of mind again isn't it yeah it's again the power of belief in this case is a very positive belief that this procedure drug or whatever is going to heal me but what people haven't talked about because everyone knows about the placebo effect is that the placebo effect is based on a positive thinking what is the consequence of negative thinking ah well science has a term for it but it hasn't really come out into public skald the nocebo effect and the nocebo effect has been revealed by science that a negative thought cannot only make you ill but a negative thought could also kill you you can be scared to death in us in a real sense okay and and why is that important because it turns out it's not just the positive thought of placebo that's influential the negative thought works the same way with the same power but in the opposite direction so basic it's not placebo nocebo it comes down simply this it's the power of thought and a positive thought will move you in a healing direction and a negative thought will move you into an illness direction but before I get off that topic I don't want people go out there and the audience go oh one of those positive thinking kinda guys is like it's more than just positive thinking it's a commitment and an intention of positive thinking it also really needs the support of your subconscious belief because if your subconscious belief is going oh that New Age weirdos stuff if that's what your subconscious is programmed to believe and yet your conscious mind is the one that says I will think positive thoughts and I go back to the data only five percent of your life is coming from the conscious mind so if you're only entertaining a positive thought with your conscious mind you're only contributing 5% of that to your life ninety-five percent of your life is still coming from the subconscious and if the subconscious doesn't hold those beliefs then you're actually fighting yourself and not likely to realize the expression of a positive one so let's look at this again practically so sum was not feeling well they've got I don't know they've got the flu or got sewn with a stomach or something what should they practically do they should presumably goes the doctor and get a diagnosis would you go along with that I'm just just trying to see what where this goes in day to day life oh I wouldn't say don't go to a doctor but I say before you go to a doctor just look around and think about this what's going on in your life where the stress is coming because it's almost your physiological expression is a compliment to your life experiences those people that are happy are healthy as I said when you're in the honeymoon you didn't get sick and honeymoon that's when you're absolutely healthy but when you got caught back up into real life that's when illnesses start to occur so we always look at oh I must be sick there must be something wrong with my biology when it turns out it didn't begin with your biology only about 2% of illness is actually connected to genetics let's say 98% of illness is not just genetics its environment so when a person says I have the breast cancer gene and people think oh I'm going to get breast cancer and I said what wait wait 50% of women then have the breast cancer gene get cancer what about the 50% that have the gene and didn't get the cancer and we never study that side we only study the side that got the cancer and you find out but what is it that the 50% do that don't have the cancer yet have the gene what's different answer is their lifestyle is different their stresses their fears their concerns are not the same as the one to get the illness the genes are like give you a propensity to get a disease but that propensity is based on how you perceive life and it's interesting how studies show that when children get adopted into a cancer family the adopted child will get the cancer with the same percentage of probability as any of the natural sibling and you say the empathy the child came from totally different genetic stock and the point is yes it wasn't the genes that promoted the cancer it was the lifestyle that promoted the cancer especially the lifestyle of stress and then they say well if stress is causing life so I can look around at the world I go my god no wonder everybody's sick every day is filled with more stress than the day before and if you buy into the stress you take that dis harmonious vibration essentially bring it in your life and you end up with disharmony inside your body your life is a reflection of what you see yeah it's a question of going back a few steps that's what I'm hearing and yes and just looking to see well I'm not feeling well the same thing last year what's called what's behind that am i happy in my life what is emotionally happening absolutely what is happening physically am i doing the right things to support my body absolutely fun isn't it I don't want to say don't go to the doctor so I'll go back just 20 years ago the last time I went to a doctor okay I went to a doctor because I had pneumonia and I said to myself well you know I can see why but at that moment my life there was so much stress going on in my life that I could see I was I had opened my system up to that but then I also realized okay well I can you know handle this with my consciousness but then I realized the bacteria were doubling and they're growing faster than I can handle my consciousness so I said okay now's the time for some penicillin but the concept of it was I don't rely on the penicillin and all I had to say was look I get back on my feet and I go it was my responsibility and if I don't get into that same stressful situation again then I won't have to go through this again and it's been 20 years so it's intelligent learning is yes don't don't just guard the element of medicine until your consciousness gets high and the fact is when people have lower consciousness because they're not strong enough in their consciousness to really manifest everything they want they really need to take care of themselves more eat better better nutrition do more exercises do these things to add to your health but the surprising thing is if you get more and more and more conscious there's a point where you get so conscious then you become like the person we refer to as Jesus who does all these miracles and well and what it would what did Jesus say about the miracles he said you could do these better than I can do them but you don't believe and that is the absolute truth because when you fully have control of your consciousness with that belief you do create the miracles the miracles of spontaneous remission for example person terminally ill who all of a sudden says I'm not buying this I'm going to change my vision of life in the moment they change their perception they have what's called a spontaneous remission again that would be called the miracle but what was it taking full control of conscious and manifesting a life of being fully conscious and present and seeing what brings harmony into your life and avoiding or eliminating as best you can any of the disharmony that exists on the outside because disharmony will make disharmony inside yeah what what how I'm hearing this is the subconscious you talked about early is often an unconscious yes by what you're talking about the subconscious the unconscious becomes conscious yeah and through that change can happen where the consciousness can go back and review it as a conscious is one that has a perspective and you and you become your subconscious so it's a very interesting because what I talked about is look people heal themselves in neatly for a million years before there were medical schools okay because we are neatly able to heal ourselves you cut yourself you don't really need a doctor to heal the cut the cut heals by itself and all the illnesses can but then I say but just subconscious which was programmed the first six years go back to the six years and I would say in a conventional family that when a child got sick in the family or any member of the family got sick the conventional phrase they heard was oh we have to take bility the doctor mom has to go the doctor what have we learned that's a program it says if I am sick it doesn't say heal yourself that wasn't the lesson the lesson was when I am sick I have to go see this doctor and here's the joke which I like about it because you ask a lot of people that get sick and go to the doctor and ask them they say you know it was really funny I got well on the way to the doctor or I got well waiting in the doctor's office and I go you know that's funny but it's not a joke for this reason you were always able to heal yourself until you got a program what was a program go to the doctor so basically in which I loved about it cuz nobody said what the doctor had to do you just had to go to the doctor so the point was these people are sick but they got a program that says well I'm sick but I can't heal myself why because I didn't go to the doctor so they make a commitment they go to the doctor and on the way to go into doctor in the doctors presence they completed the commitment because it never said the doctor had to do anything just had to go and at that moment all the sudden the innate ability to heal him so I'll start working then they find themselves in the doctor's waiting room feeling god I feel a lot better than I did when I got here and the answer was because you made a program of limitation then you've succeeded by following the program I'm showing up and that's all you had to do because all you do is go see the doctor you talk about again in in your first book about how cells automatically move away from toxicity and towards nutrition yes and it seems that as human beings that's something that we're trying to do but we get it wrong a lot of the time we're trying to move away from unhappiness or what we think makes it you're happy and towards what we think makes us happy but we get it muddled up don't we well yeah but they see the key word you you said is what we think makes us right so I mean I was caught in out in the old days too before I became aware I thought at one point wow I'm going to buy that little you know that car I bought a car that looked like a Ferrari called the Pantera back in the 70s and I thought ok I'm going to be happy I I got this great car so I got the car in about like three days later is like now I got this car I'm not any happier in a matter of fact I got now three speeding tickets because every day I took the car out of course I couldn't go thirty miles an hour with it so every day it was like the car became a burden to me and it was all of a sudden said well you know that whole program that that Ferraris going to make you happy that that was a missed program it wasn't the car that makes you happy and I started to find out it wasn't the material things that make you happy what makes you happy love makes you happy good food will make you happy harmony in your vironment makes you happy these things are harming the environment where's the price tag on that one you know basically having a relationship with somebody that supports you and fulfills you where's the price tag then it we always bought that Oh money gives you happiness oh we had all those billions of people out there every day running in the streets how much money can I make is if I get out of money I'm going to be happy and then you find out even people the most money are not happy and it's it was programming was wrong if we were programmed to seek out companionship and community and love that's where you make us happy it's all game but it's almost as if we have to go through a process of finding certain things don't work to find out what does work for us well that's true but then the question is this how many pee people go through the process find it doesn't work and then repeat the process and doesn't work again it's like oh oh yeah I've been married four times somebody was saying it's like god they repeated the same error already three times with the ideas you think by the fourth time maybe you could learn that whatever pattern you played three times in Rome will probably play itself again until you change not your partner you keep bringing in the same partner with different colored hair and a different name but you're still you brought that person in and you play the same game over again the question is can you learn the answer is you can but do many people learn the answer is no because they keep thinking that it's just my fate you know it's just the way life is his subconscious still remains unconscious that's the problem until you change the subconscious program you it's the subconscious is a habitual mind it's habit until you change the habit you will replay the habit that's why it's called a habit so you keep replaying the same program in salt yeah you keep you know it's like the definition of insanity is the idea of keep doing the same thing and expect something different to happen the fact is though that's insane why you keep doing the same thing you get the same thing and if the habit mind is giving us a story then the answer says well how do I change it answers change the subconscious mind because that's where the habits are that we've got from other people again this is most important the fundamental habits in subconscious mind came from other people and that's why they rarely match what you want in your conscious mind which is you and you create those programs and yet the fundamental programs the subconscious were downloaded during that first six years of our development at the beginning of the book you have a dedication which I really like which I wrote out you did a gate it to Gaia the mother of us all may she forgive us our trespasses and I think there's a lot of wisdom in that that quotes well when I finally started to realize a very simple truth it was like an old spiritual word but I now understand the biological connotation of it that we were made in the image of the environment and that so we are complements to the environment and yet what we have done is without being aware that our biology is dependent on the environment that we have systematically undermine destroy mother nature and Gaia and in the process now we're finding we are threatened with our own extinction and the fact is what we didn't know what we were doing but the question is will Gaia allow us to come back and answers absolutely because just as much as a person can come back from the edge of death with something called the spontaneous remission even though science has already recognized we are facing our extinction so we could say that we're a terminal patient humanity is a terminal patient the concept of changing our belief system will allow the garden to come right back to fullness again so we are in a learning stage to remove ourselves from the beliefs our current civilization which undermine not just the humans but the environment that that we're in and the problem is we were created as a complement to a certain environment since we destroying or are destroying that environment then we are no longer complements to an environment then we don't fit by definition and that is why the science is recognized we are facing our extinction so I like to apologize in nature saying Gees are really sorry we didn't get it but we're learning and more and more people especially the younger people very importantly are recognizing you cannot destroy this environment and survive and that we must pull together and honor Gaia the mother of us all because by returning our love back to Gaia Gaia will give us back the love and the life that we that we can have on this planet absolutely something you look at in spontaneous evolution to is how science and spirituality are coming together they used to be very separate absolutely there's the scientific world which is very factual driven and that's that and you couldn't change it and spirituality was trying to open up things but they really are meeting now aren't they yeah it was interesting because the spiritual world of religion was talking about the invisible moving forces that shaped the physical reality and we call them spirit and then science only came into existence because it made a deterent with a church in the very early days of science and said look we won't tread on your invisible spiritual domain we will just study the physical world and when Newton was able to predict the movements of the planet by just looking at the physical features then scientists got the ideas well if you can understand how the universe operates by just studying the material world we don't need that invisible stuff but in 1925 Newtonian physics was incorporated subsumed by a bigger physics called quantum physics in quantum physics emphasizes the universe is made out of energy it's not made out of matter and then I say well what does the quantum physicists call this energy that the universe is made of I say well they call it the field I said what's the definition of the field I love this invisible moving forces that influence the physical world I go my goodness that's the same definition of spiritual is used for spirit I go yes quantum physics emphasizing the invisible field as primary to the physical world is essentially reiterating the statement of the spiritual people who talked about the invisible forces shaping our physical existence and so by definition science the new science of quantum physics is bringing us back into alignment with the spiritual reality hopefully the the dogmatic beliefs of the church which had talked about these wonderful terms but didn't allow us to live there and science which is still stuck in its Material Plane will both divest themselves of their dogma and allow us to come together and recognize that we're all part of that invisible field that we don't even live in our own bodies if you understand the nature of how the cell works that we are part of the field being downloaded into our body that we're all by definition the field or we're all spiritual same definition and and if we recognize this the unity of it and that you cannot be taken out of the field and you cannot be in a sense punished by the field you are the field then maybe the beliefs those very restrictive beliefs from both science and from the dogmatic religion will disappear because the people owning their own spirituality owning their own responsibility and not saying oh it's spirits that did this or things other factors that we are the creators will generate a new world because what I friendly believes very simple go out and talk to the average person anywhere in the world and say if you could create a world what would you like well I'd like a world where there's peace and harmony and I like some food and a job and I go isn't it amazing how everywhere you go in the world virtually entire population has the same belief I go then how come we don't have an answer is because the leadership isn't exercising that belief so I trust the people to take over the leadership of this world and that the structure that is is actually in a state of collapse when it collapses this will be our opportunity to evolve from the very destructive Darwinian perception of a world into a more holistic holism that says we're all part of the same system we're all cells in the same body and when we work together we will create magic on this earth like nothing has ever been seen before so I'm very optimistic about that I think that's a great place to finish Bruce thank you very much thank you so very much I so appreciate this opportunity and I just want to do a little plug here for Bruce's two books Bluth apology apology the Leafs rather and spontaneous evolution which I had as a talking book which I really enjoy listening to in the car so thank you Bruce Lipton and thank you for watching conscious TV hope we see you again soon goodbye you
Channel: conscioustv
Views: 1,655,992
Rating: 4.866951 out of 5
Keywords: Bruce, Lipton;, The, Power, Of, Consciousness;, Biology, Belief;, Spontaneous, Evolution;, Cellular, Biologist, Consciousness, Healing, Psychology
Id: VYYXq1Ox4sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 56sec (3056 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2010
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