Brother Ed Byskal Deep Testimony On Brother Branham (Louisiana Meetings)

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now we have this first slide and I I'm taking a text out of this slide this is in the message we have seen his star we have seen a light and have come to worship Him would you deny what Jesus said himself what the Bible itself speaks out which is Christ the anointed word and if the word abides in you then your anointed person with the word you abide in me and my word abides and my word in you then ask what you will it'll be done for you you believe that do you believe that then I asked what you will it'll be done for you we've heard some testimonies here tonight or this morning that I believe with all my heart and for you brother Gary that was wonderful for me to be here that I listened with rapt attention and it'll be done for you I'm glad you're here that's Christ in you he said you believe his this prophet that's Christ in you anointing the word for this age whatever age they lived in God divided his word to the ages and every time this is a continuation of the same course same quote and every time it comes that time the churches are all schooled up and God anoints somebody sends it down and makes that word act just exactly the way he exactly and there's a word prophesied for this day God is waiting to find somebody it's not it's not too unusual to that they can be anointed with the Holy Ghost to prove that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever to be a shining light to blind the eyes of the unbeliever and I take my title from this quote here that's Christ in you anointing the word for this age we we use that phrase all the time Christ in you but the purpose of it is to anoint anoint the word for this age that is what you have you have that opportunity that's our opportunity to anoint the word for this age and that's what I want to draw to your attention this woman who we have just read about she she did something even the prophet of God said she didn't know what she was doing she didn't understand what she was doing I think the people that worked on this building perhaps didn't realize exactly what was happening and what this is going to be used for there's churches all over the country we passed one brother Tom was driving the car and he goes to turn in no this isn't it and next day we came to the meeting he goes to turn the same church but no this isn't it we want to continue on so so this is the place well if it's different from the other place obviously they're preaching as well and they're say and not musicians as well but but there's something very very different about the about the message very very different I want to just take give you a little bit of a personal testimony when I was privileged to take brother Branham hunting people thinking of a hunting trip i I was I was not a believer I was a preacher but I wasn't a believer because I'd never been exposed oh well you know today you've it's well-developed and you've got tapes and you've got books and you've got things and I heard some tapes yeah I had heard some tapes I had been in some meetings yeah I've been but there was lots of people in meetings there was all Robert's and Tommy Osburn and Tommy Hicks and velmer Gardner and all kinds of people having meetings and who had the biggest tent was that a a allen or wasn't who wasn't that had the biggest tent everybody had meetings everybody was evangelizing nothing to have ten fifteen twenty thousand twenty five thousand people in a tent everybody was doing it and brother Branham was just one of those yes he was a forerunner of them but we didn't know about the voice over the river and that people dispute about today we didn't know about Malachi for we didn't know anything about revelation Tam or revelation three we didn't know anything about those but I had been in the meeting I was who's 14 here view young fellows who's 14 would you stand I'd just like you to stand anybody 14 Wow there's one I was your age god bless you I was 14 I was in the meeting and it was a it was big arena where they do ice skating and hockey and all of those things and bleachers going way up and after young fellows that were about 14 13 14 15 Billy Paul was one of them and we would just run around out there outside and you know it was in the city of Vernon British Columbia on me in the Okanagan and but I heard a man coming to the pulpit and he said now brother branham will not be young begin to pray for anybody until the angel of the Lord is here at the platform and that perked my ears I was way up in the balconies I thought I have to get down I have to get down I got it I've never seen a man let's talk to an angel I've heard Sunday School teachers have told us about it I've heard it in church the Bible is full of it and angels of having visiting and speaking to people and so on we believe in those things but I've never seen a man now here we're going to see a man so I like on the third night I think what the second third night Wednesday believe it was I was sitting in the third bench sitting where your brother David Banner I was sitting him right on the edge how I got that seat I don't know people were lined up I know there's quite a few people here but people were lined up at the doors at 2:00 3:00 in the afternoon and my father he wanted to get a seat so he's there early and I thought well what kind of meeting is this who is this who's who who's waiting for this speaker and the people were lined up well I got a seat for brother David Barras and I can't remember what brother brought I'm sad remember he didn't preach as such but he came forward and they greeted the people how do you do good evening friends that kind of a greeting and then he talked for a little while then say now he's here there was a special hush that came upon the people and that struck me when I was 14 that struck me I thought that this is this is different this is different this is unique I've been to church ever since I was just a kid but now this was different so years later now I'm preaching I'm I'm 27 and I'm preaching but I'm not too sure about the baptism I'm not too sure what to say when you're baptized I kind of wanted to know what what william branham said about how did he baptized I thought that would be a safe place to start and I asked somebody and they said well he said that the Father Son and Holy Ghost the name of the Father Son the Holy Ghost is the Lord Jesus Christ and that so that's how I baptized the first five people incidentally in a river way far northern Canada the river just turn your legs purple will you know about those things killing and so I baptized the first five people that way but I wasn't absolutely sure so that was a question I've been preaching seven years Michael you can be ready in a moment when I say Michael I got both of them two birds with one stone they're both Michael so I wanted to I wanted to know for sure about that and I wasn't sure about I have very very good friends who did some evangelistic work and preached in the walls that were Jesus only and preached in those that were one God and preached for those that were Trinitarians we didn't make an issue of it we didn't really care I mean it didn't seem to be wasn't it wasn't solvable couldn't solve it so we didn't have an absolute so we didn't make an issue out of it so I but I wondered about those things and I I I felt to be important to just I wonder I was liking the person and the woman in the Bible says there's a holy man of God that going here can't we have a room where he can rest and so on I thought I'd like to take brother branham out and just give him a rest but I wondered about that angel of the Lord now we had heard all kinds of things I'd even heard that he was saying something about serpent seed and I thought I thought that's a bad rumor I wasn't willing to accept that I thought that was that was so far-fetched I was way out there someplace so I just left that out but I wondered about the Godhead and I wondered about baptism when I got to the Serpent's a tithe I read I read Genesis 4 and 1 and Adam knew his wife and she conceived and bare a son called name Cain and I've received a man from the Lord that's it if he tries to get around that I guess they'll be the end of our friendship because the Word of God just can't be changed that's all there's to it and I if if william branham tries to circumvent that so i invited him to come for a rest i just wanted to give him a rest and first night we stopped at mile 375 on the alaskan highway how many know about the alaskan highway less than half how many know about alaskan highway you ought to know the us ad bought it built it US army engineers but do you know why they build it because the Japanese were invading up the Aleutian Islands and they had already taken two of the islands and you can google it and find they got at 280 tu attitude they had taken that island and they thought the US United States of America decided if they get Alaska then Canada thought they would could walk down into the Yukon and territories and United States said they probably can get down to the southern 48 so we got to build a road and they started in where my wife was born in Dawson Creek in British Columbia that was miles 0 that was the end of the steel and that's where they could offload all the equipment and barracks and thousands of troops and thousands of people came in civilians came into work one was my father that's all I ended up up there and I knew that country real well so I thought I'll take brother branham up and down that there there he'll be able to rest can you hear me all right back there all right so brother Southwick was just a friend of mine you know supernatural things happen in a very natural way you're here at church we got music we got ministers we've got singers we have all those things but there's one thing that is over and above all of that that is meeting him in a very personal way and you don't have to be enticed to move to meet him but if you happen to be here and you've had something grinding inside and some burden and some enormous thing that's insoluble he specializes in that you're a candidate for that you're a candidate to meet him after brother Branham preached Tolkien he preached desperation and if you've come to that state and I know exactly what that is I know what I'm talking about and the fact that I wasn't too sure about exactly what was taking place or where to stand or and I'd given up on Godhead and baptism I'd given up on that we just did do going to do the best we could is that all right I think the person just wants to be honest just wants to be honest and so I I said to myself well well we'll just do that and I'll take him up for a rest but 14-year old lad young man I said in my heart at 27 I said if that angel of the Lord is still with him then all these other things become unimportant if God is still there if the angel is still there he will not testify of something that is wrong or he will stand behind God will stand behind truth and friends make that a platform in your life God will stand behind truth he will vindicate truth and so we had him up I was sitting over here on the platform and brother Branham was speaking came to our town and Pete and people from my own church are coming up and he's telling them exactly details which I knew about and I just said that's that's still the same so I don't know what to do with all these other questions and then we start driving the next day of the highway and he's just in casual clothes and a woman she'd actually come up on this side and I knew her very well knew her and her husband had no children brother and sister clunked a German couple and she's standing there and brother Brennan said you can hear this on tape and he said you're praying for a man and man is not from this city a man is in a town just north of here I believe it's called fort st. John he says that quite slowly and deliberately I believe it's fort st. John and while we're driving which is just north from the town we're in we're driving brother branham just goes there was a woman that came in the prayer line praying for a man dying with cancer I said yes that's sister Clint I know her very well she very close friends of my father and my stepmother and he just goes like this man is in that house well you know the devil is very faithful also do you have doubts flash through your mind be honest now sure you do say how do I know it's true hotline I said how do I know he's in that house so we get up to mile 375 375 miles says now I'm back in my story and we're sitting in the supper table and brother Brown starts to relate things that took place in the meetings such as we've heard brother Pruett today speak above the supernatural and begin to show how it had happened and how this would happen how the boy in Finland was raised from the dead and begin to tell one after the other after the other after the other and I had said to brother Southwick I wanted him to understand what a what a prophet was what was the ministry of a prophet like so I began to tell him and and I told him about this gentleman that sister Clark was praying for oh he says I know him I also know he has cancer I also know he's dying from cancer I've known him ever since I've been about eight years old so now I had it on the platform had it driving past the man's house had it up with my friend 375 miles up the Alaskan Highway and now here's brother Branham relating all things and we sat for about four hours it was ten o'clock at night and I was sitting on the and brother Branham is sitting here of the dinner table we haven't if just this was an old army camp and now now I want you to listen real close not that you weren't but and he just jerks but raises his finger he says brother Eddie that pillar of fire isn't two feet from any one of us at this moment well I tell you I was I was awestruck I did even tried to respond I just how do I know but I I could sense we had sat in rapt attention five sons never moved the whole evening four hours sat there and that was the atmosphere an atmosphere was created a hunger was so intense we were so eager to hear these supernatural things and three days later three days later were way up can I tell you a couple of things just to set the pace there's a lesson here I'm not telling you just testimony there's a lesson here and that is brothers Southwick the next morning we're out looking for horses I thought looking for horses get organized what in the world are you doing I bring Reverend Branham always way up here to go out on a hunt or out on the rest and you're gonna look for horses and we're gonna look for horses I thought what a disorganized company of people come on bud but and I were friends I just felt in my heart come on bud get with that and some of the horses they were green fed you know all winter and and so I was come I was feeling disappointed and complaining inside and it takes a time like that and so brother branham and I were looking for horses the man who probably gets thousands of letters a month and we're looking for horses and here we've driven hundreds of miles and he's probably come to 3,000 miles and we're looking for horses horse is already so we're walking down just a wagon road a wagon trail don't run the flats of some creek or river and we're walking along and brother branham I said brother branham how did these visions happen he did something that I I wasn't accustomed to it and I'm only telling probably this for the first time he reaches across this little trail and it puts his arm around my neck and I hadn't had that I hadn't had anybody do that he puts his armor on my neck says brother Eddie I love you like a son and if I could do anything to help you I would he said you get anointed to preach he says I get anointed to see visions he said the people don't understand it they think that they don't understand it their faith brings on the vision I didn't know that either your faith brings on the vision your faith calls for a preacher to preach on a certain thing your eternal body is calling for it that's what he said your theophany body is calling for it calling for certain cells to come to to be spoken and so part of this service is what you're calling for and then he said you get anointed to preach I get anointed to see visions he was explained he said when a vision is over I can't bring it back said it's like a record if he plays it back then I I will know what happened and so I was pondering that then we found the horses and we had some trouble which I won't go into and then we we go way out in the wilderness I mean you talk about wilderness folks you know you don't got wilderness like this from where we were sitting you probably could go a thousand five hundred miles north and never see a human and probably never see a road you might see a trail and you could go south about 500 miles we were in a rocky mountain trench and with one evening but second third day and I'm telling I'm telling this because I I want you to grasp this is true after supper brother branham said it was springtime and we didn't have any camp mate so he said I think maybe I'll just go out and get a rabbit and for a camp mate he said would you like to come brother Eddie yeah yeah I'd like to come and the other brother Chris Berg who was a great friend or brother branham's he said yeah I think I'll go too sure brother Brian said why don't you come brother Chris and then he said no I'm gonna stay and do dishes we're in a contempt camping he said you go brother Eddie so I hear brother branham and I are going and we'd only go a short distance we run some river flats as well way into the Rocky Mountains and I could see that he wasn't really interested in hunting either you know and he walked over and sat on a log and I sat there beside him and I want to know how brother branham how can people be anointed how can they get anointed and I said I do know what the anointing is and they do get anointed and they prophesy and they speak in tongues and they interpret them and preach but I said somehow their lies don't measure up to the word he said well did you hear some what did you hear my message err on false anointed ones and I said no now I want you to absorb this he hadn't preached it yet he hadn't preached it for five years you're smiling but Ronnie hadn't preached it for five years didn't preach it till 1965 this was 61 hadn't preached it he's asking if I've heard it and I said well no and I kind of hung my head he was touching something also so I just kind of hung my head I said no I haven't and he said he mentioned four scriptures in the last days I'll pour my spirit upon all he asked and I said all he said ALL flesh but not all flesh is saved he said you tell me what the what the tears rejoiced in and I'll tell you what the wheat rejoiced in they were planted right - they were grew up right together and by the time he got to the third scripture I was saying to myself what in the world is wrong with you I've read those scriptures hundreds of times ah why is it different as it come out of his mouth than it was when I read it myself it was just him and everything just it was it was so simple and and a thousand questions just dissolved and then he said now I'm coming to the crux of this moment he said I believe today I was on this mountain here riding on my horse behind brother Southwick and he came to me and I I was just sitting we were sitting right tight together and I just turned quick and looked at his face and now you can think whatever you wish to think about me but my my mind went immediately to the scripture in Daniel because I was looking into the eyes of someone who that was very very different he changed it's very different his eyes were not bright and flashy wasn't trying to discern or anything just very deep sad but my mind went to the scripture and eyes as lamps of fire and friends I'm gonna tell you something that you're going to experience someday if you come before God which you will you can think you can think whatever you wish to think but I I can I could recognize now that this was a body that God was using and when I saw those eyes and he just looked I was completely naked I was completely in that sense of the word of you understand I was completely exposed I knew there was nothing hidden you listened to the tapes you'll hear him say now there's nothing you could hide even if you tried why where's that coming from brother Dwayne Lawson newer speaking the other night and I couldn't have agreed with you more not that I needed to but I was just absorbing and drinking in when he said I'm in two worlds right now I thought I preached on that I've thought what is what it what is what's he hearing any other world what's he seeing in the other world in this world is you know just full of material things but but this is a place of perfect knowledge this is a place of soluble being able to solve my dilemma this is a place then he said I believe he came to me there who's he that's when I need to meet he came to me there and I believe you have three questions that's exactly what I had said the first one Nate just told them as they were stacked in my heart the first ones on the baptism second one is on the Godhead and the third one is on serpents Sade are we going to preach to just a moment I had read the scripture and I had structured a box and my god had to fit in that box don't make a box for your God because he won't fit in that box don't make a box out of your mental reasonings don't men to make a box out of your circumstances don't make a box out of your medical diagnosis diagnosis or whatever don't make a box of the earth situation that your God has to come in and and fit in that box he'll just blow it all open I had a box I had read revelation I had read Genesis 4 and 1 and my god fit in that box and when I he said in this and the third one is serpent seed I said oh brother branham I put my finger up not disrespectfully but I put my finger up I said brother branham but the scripture says and Adam knew his wife and she conceived and Boras on call his name Cain for I received a man from the Lord he said that's exactly right what are you saying this is my defense he blew the box to pieces that's exactly right I said well you know she received a man from the Lord he said all life had comes from the Lord it doesn't matter even if it's a prostitute that brings forth a child the life comes from God he said but you need to read the next verse well I didn't know what the next verse said you know God's got an answer for everybody and then he does what I never expected either he said brother Eddie you just pray and be real sincere and I believe he'll reveal it to you I had all I had known was people that would debate and you know make their point and get it across and thrust it down your throat but he had none of that he just you know you just pray and be real sincere and years later and even more recently as brother Ron Spencer says as you get older everything becomes recent but recently I thought about this meeting and I've said to the Lord you met me there I wonder field standing I want I've asked these three brothers to help me sing yeah yeah this is part of my message this is for you it's going to be different I thought I should have taped the service this morning about 2:30 2:30 this morning I have it all together but we were singing this song walks in the darkness I had long I had searched for the line more than half get the master now there nah Budi around [Applause] [Music] real [Music] I'm identified with the woman of the well she always went to the well she always got one but this was her day this was a different day this was not gonna be tomorrow and not yesterday it was today friends don't want to say to you this is your day not gonna have another net a case not gonna have another Sunday morning service as part of the dedication and I'm here not by accident I'm here at the invitation of my precious brother Tim Pruitt he stood by us he's encouraged me and my trust I've been able to encourage him and that's why I labored so hard brother [Music] to have him come to switchable [Music] and I'm so happy that your hair to be able to see with your wive's sister angeletti to see the congregation to see the people see the other ministry other ministers that you'll see let's have no axe to grind they're just believers brother : brother sister color butter we've made wonderful friendship wonderful friends but I met somebody on the log that made all the difference for all things were changed when he found me whoever composed this hadn't exactly with the with the message he found you when he found me all things were changed when he found me a new light a new day broke through all around me all the questions were answered or you still may have some it's alright don't put God in a box it's perfectly fine I want you to sing it with me [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] - and walked in the darkness you have things that can't be answered you have that one meeting with him friends one meeting one meaning this is not just not something that we just have to invite you to but what meeting with the master a few days ago I was being rolled into unexpected I've never been sick never been in the hospital never broken a bone lived in the wilderness that was my country I was accustomed to that I just felt in my heart the prophet of God would somehow be ministered to by that country whatever friends it was just after going beyond the curtain at a time we're sitting there on the side of a mountain and he looks and says brother Eddie on the other side is just very much like this when you get over you'll find little trails go down one of those one day you'll find me I don't believe that was idle talk I believe that was absolutely correct but because of that life because of that ministry I was put in contact with the master the master trends you're believers of the message there's depths in this message this richness within this message I would like to encourage this congregation give yourself to the Ministry of the word as its ministered to you just give yourself to it say a whole Lord Jesus Jesus you're the master a few days ago I was being rolled in to a hospital into a operating area and I didn't know if I was gonna come on brought the food you've invited me behind your pulpit I want to say to you I thought I might be in God's presence in a few moments do I have anything to have anything that I want to say or make right or anything I thought no I'm just gonna trust his mercy and trust his grace I didn't feel I had anything that I wanted to specially request I'm just gonna be there and if he sees fit to allow me to come out fine and if he doesn't my family is here you know but I don't feel I have anything that I need to make right or anything is special I needed to do I didn't want to leave my daughter's over here and my wife especially and God saw fit to allow me to come out and because of that I'm able to be here and I want to say to you as a testimony I have met this master and all things were changed it's not a song to me it's a reality I have make it he has solved problems for me he's come on the scene and I can tell you when the Prophet stands behind the pulpit and he says to a woman that standing before isn't he lovely excuse me for becoming maybe a little emotional but I want to say he is lovely brothers lovely [Music] Kaltenbrunner you bless me with your presence but i want to talk about this one that is full out lay brother Kevin he's indeed lovely but Daniel and that would my heart shall wait for for the people in Switzerland wherever they gathered from Africa and different places I want to say to this congregation he's altogether lovely I urge you seek an audience with him at some point at some time this might be the time I don't know I'm not interested in trying to urge you to this kind of a meeting you'll need to crave it but I will say this that it is someone with an ache in your heart you might be here and I'm sure you are here something that unsolved something that you or no human can fix but he can fix it it might be healing good might be healing but there are things that are even greater than healing their spiritual needs people are bound good people are bound and Anini of deliverance he is a deliverer just one meeting with him I had long I had searched for the line then I Oh [Music] Oh bless you thank you brothers for just a moment you may have your seat I have a few things I'd like to just leave with you
Channel: Believers Testimonies
Views: 9,129
Rating: 4.9255815 out of 5
Keywords: Brother Ed Byskal, brother branham, willaim branham
Id: Mf4S0oKVYvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 1sec (3121 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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