Broken Card Draw In Dead Man's Hand

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yeah i returned to you with the cult of dead man's hand this time i tried a a kind of not a minionless version of dead man's hand but a significantly reduced amount of minions mainly using spells as removal and then using some of the newer cards to draw an obscene amount of cards in one turn that's casting oh using the new weapon destruction that draws cars based on your weapon's current attack and uh the likes of bran call it oracle and i'm using some fun cards in there that uh you wouldn't normally run in a a list that you wanted to win like for example i'm using marin because it just makes games more interesting on stream and that's the whole point is to make entertaining games so enjoy it's above 50 win rate which is shocking considering maron is in the deck um but i i did not recognize the comeback potential in the deck sometimes because um you'd be drawing you have the potential to draw so many cards you can go behind quite a lot and then come back all of a sudden very fun to play and i hope very fun to watch and also leads into this video's sponsor which is firestone an excellent tool to track cards within dead man's hand this video is sponsored by firestone a deck tracker with a bunch of useful features it keeps track of your cards and your opponent's cards as well as a bunch of extras that are very useful for certain decks such as visibility of your graveyard letting you know when the correct time is to use a raised dead or a resurrect as well as giving you the information of when a minion is played which can help you play around death rattles and even help you with cards like vanish because it will show you which minion will die and which minion will return to hand as well as a bunch of other councils that are very useful for very specific cards for example it will show you how many spells you played towards your yogg if battlegrounds is the mode that you play firestone has an excellent interface it shows you each minion available for each tier and it also shows your odds of winning that round as well as a bunch of other useful counters it also keeps track of fun stuff like your achievements and also shows you how many packs over of lifetime you've opened in hearthstone which i wouldn't recommend looking at it also has a excellent replay feature and shows you your winter loss ratios of a certain deck so you can go back and analyze what cards to change out and what to put back in i recommend checking out firestone the link is in the description and it's free to download why hello i think i've been one piece of um ben yeah i was striking overdraft i believe was was gone me um i have one dead man's in my hand right now um but i have the best card around also that's very funny to makes me uh i think it's well it's gotta be a mill there kind of he's playing call it oracle or else could it be you take out the best one of the best defensive cards yeah i mean i have demons like realistically i probably beat them probably not guaranteed like but most probably i'm just trying to free up some uh some cards here to essentially um prevent you from burning the second dead man's hand which might happen in fact who am i kidding it's definitely gonna happen never mind i'm safe i'm safe finale here comes oh another witch an hour amazing another fish and there's the natural air it is there is the natural eyes incredible i do want to get rid of cards that uh they're gonna start over draw me later i wanna i wanna get rid of uh coley oracle as well i guess i wanna keep shh what's that shield what shatter i want to keep shield shot if i'm through have a chance of winning one more shield shot hopefully i overdraw uh forged in flame because that means i don't have to uh mess around not good i am overdrawing it it's very good i overdraw oracle as well which is which is also very good you are going about this in the wrong way you have to use the tag no tag for this one sir yeah dragon yeah the talk are you good you are hey that's pretty cool it was briefly that's pretty cool that means enough that's pretty cool um oh wow loving life don't need to do that yeah i can just say i feel like that he won't be happy he's playing as his favorite mill deck and he queues into a denman town warrior or are the odds say in this day and age what are the odds that he queues into a dead man's home warrior oh it's an endless gaming it's an endless game or is it because i have the uh i have the marin eventually um is probably gonna come bang what's the matter in for treasure unlimited treasures the cat's at the camera where does deck go hey shuffle it in lad pardon me he doesn't know naturalize doesn't he i can't remember if he played both [Music] [Music] or a spoils bar thing one for all [Music] he hopes unstoppable yeah ah don't just wack they got taunts though so it's good i forgot it's battle cry on that section should probably hit that [Music] i am overwhelmed him a bit now poison seeds maybe yeah that's good though i'll take that oh i love a crown hey another crown right i can't i can't go infinite anymore um but i'm gonna demand so i get an extra copy of this 8 8 or a 4 12 probably 80s how do you say huh nah i was looking through the crown because he's trading both of these oh my god that works [Laughter] yes ready hey i think he's done hey he's done where are the odds this guy cued into a dead man's handwork [Laughter] it's like he knows because he stopped playing them it's like he knows what's just happened he suddenly just stopped playing oh he suddenly stopped playing get out of town it's not often you can flat out draw 13 cards with too many having control warrior might be my uh my favorite deck i suppose dead man's is a form of control well it is a former controller it's gonna be mech me uh we're probably not gonna make it when a mech mage is hoarding like that and that's the starting hand they've got probably not gonna be able to make it yeah big priest is uh good to play against oh i'm dead already am i shocking oh my god well the game is just starting apparently not unfortunately the game is already finished oh well was that 104 lethal from hand pretty much yep i mean i can buckle it but it's not going to do a lot wait oh my god come on go go go no i don't say job's done where's shattered my hands oh i'm so close i'm so close do you see how close it was i nearly had the the perfect uh the perfect 10 and oh my god hot bucket i'm not dead yet he says he's not dead yet oh oh my god he's made it out alive ladies and gentlemen he's alive he's alive uh unbelievable a fourth hours are gone for sure but i'm hanging on by a tiny fred i am this guy runs dr boom it's wildly inappropriate let the pain speak to me i'm still out the woods yet so i'm going to fatigue soon i didn't get i overdrew they were dead mans didn't i tragically stop it stop it unstoppable so now i'm gonna have to kill him with the hero power and whatever minions i've got left um can it be done i think it can i feel like um oh he's gonna get he's gonna pick the biggest machi kanye not play this i'm waiting basically i'm waiting till he fills his boat up i get another attack in here like this and then i give it the old shield shatter shot one then i play it then we drop it right there maximize the damage i'm gonna slowly be hitting them in the face now with uh hero power that's it i can't believe i can't believe that if we win this i can't believe it i thought we were dead hey good old draw 10 cards and finley bottom deck a lifesteal no no is there a way for me to save that minion i'd have to get very lucky with uh with minefield ah ah yes that's good that was an extra free damage which accelerates the game a little bit for us all i have to do now is just clear for three tens and we got him we got we got him okay and now we kill the last two so he doesn't top deck i'll find the zillox so we can't immediately attack and the game is done [Music] oh my god oh oh let me do it hey let me do it hey hey hmm [Music] okay it's a free trade oh that's what he uh he got was it i have a powerful mighty 10 attack weapon um three cards baby oh hell yeah carlos can't say oh my god nothing's anything i i really want here look at this guy with his low fat baby who usually think he is very very funny that stopped me today you really shut me out from my turn there mate you really stopped me in my tracks there hello honey okay rats cannon delightful delightful delightful oh [Laughter] wait can oh my god i i really shouldn't but i i am i'm definitely gonna do that i must i must god i have to oh [Laughter] someone destroy your weapon did delightful i know [Music] i'm actually dredge double dredge oh that was that felt good though i'll tell you what as far as dead man's hand turns go that was shuffle and then redraw 11 11 cards into a demands into a very tanky uh selfie he develops the board and then the board goes bye bye that's good oh is that a zero yes it's a disaster as well see where i draw first you can't be happy with this outcome can you i mean this was a good outcome i'll admit though i'm above average that weapon blast don't worry don't worry and crown warrior cards are pretty good because you got rough face oh i have another one i'm feeling very generous [Music] [Laughter] just look at them they're yours don't open them don't worry there we are over there
Channel: Danehearth
Views: 50,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hearthstone, DaneHearth, Dane Hearthstone, Wild Hearthstone, Hearthstone Battlegrounds, card games, Gaming, Legends of Runeterra, HS, Dane HS, united in stormwind, United In Stormwind, Stormwind, Big Rogue
Id: g6Yr-Ra51KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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