BROKE vs ULTIMATE Gaming Setup... (ft. LG UltraGear OLED)

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put together the most expensive and the cheapest gaming setup I could and we're gonna be seeing how different they really are okay so in my room right now we have two empty desks we have one right here and then one chilling right back over here and as you can see this one looks a little bit better and that's because this is where we're gonna be putting the expensive setup so on this setup we have like a 400 electric standing desk this chair is super high quality it's a gaming chair but it's like a really really good one from Anderson it costs around 450 I'm pretty sure and the Aesthetics of this one are just a whole lot better to be honest before we continue huge thanks to LG for sending out the LG Ultra gear monitor for free later in the video you guys are going to see why I love this monitor so much then over here this was for my wish setup so this is like I think a 50 chair and the desk was not much more it was like 60 bucks so yeah this is the kind of cheap corner and then this is the expensive corner I'm going to be building two completely different setups the most important part of every setup is of course what's going to be powering it so we have a 350 dollar custom PC that recently built inside of this 350 gaming PC we have a 1050 TI 16 gigabytes of RAM and a bunch of other good specs okay but for the expense of the PC this thing is so heavy we have just a b scanning PC this PC is just simply stacked out with a bunch of crazy specs we have a 40 90 in all white and just an all-white extremely aesthetic looking build really really good specs just all around the table and then when this thing is turned on it looks even more insane and looking at this compared to this which is literally a huge fraction of the price it's like 120 at the price of this PC there's a huge difference between them the monitor on this setup is probably one that you guys recognize before it's the 165 Hertz monitor it's literally 24 inches but it costs 120 dollars and for that price of course I'm trying to build a budget or cheap setup but I don't want it to be an absolute piece of crap I'm actually still trying to make it at least decent because let's be honest this setup is gonna need every single Advantage it can take compared to the expensive setup this mount House cost like nine dollars from wish and I'm not gonna lie it isn't the best but for under ten dollars I guess it's kind of worth the price but now for the keyboard I bought this from Amazon for like thirty five dollars and I'm not even kidding it's like up to the quality of like ninety dollar keyboards so definitely one of the best purchases especially if you're on a low budget for a keyboard since this setup is gonna be a budget setup I actually decided to not add a mouse pad at all I don't really care about scratching this desk so I'm literally gonna play without a mouse pad and I never do that so I'm just gonna see like how different or hard it actually is both of these setups that I'm building are actually going to be streaming setup so I'm adding a microphone to each of them and this microphone I think was from wish for around 25 and it's just like a regular mic on nothing too crazy the mic isn't the best quality but for 25 bucks you can't really complain and to finish off the cheap setup we have some random headset I don't even know where it's from it's just like a budget cheap headset I literally don't know what company it's made by or anything like that right now the setup looks kind of plain and it's all in the exact same color basically it's literally like an all black setup but once I turn it on it's going to look a lot better but we still have to finish the expensive setup I just added the mouse pad and this is the ver Max mouse pad so my mouse pad with gutsy Aiden which will be linked down below by the way but it's just honestly one of the best looking mouse pads and I just love the blue color of it now for this keyboard and mouse before I tell you guys the price of these I only bought these for YouTube videos and they're really not worth the price but this mouse is the Starlight 12 from final Mouse and it literally cost me like 350 400 and I had to buy it off of a reseller from eBay so there's that and then this keyboard is even crazier it's a custom built keyboard and you guys know how expensive those get this keyboard is 700 which is just insane so just this keyboard and mouse are literally the price of a PC they're like literally 1.2 K so yeah this desk or expensive setup is definitely adding up pretty quickly the mic arm for this setup is also a whole lot better it's the blue yeti mic armor and as you can see it literally goes so much farther compared to the other one it's like almost out of frame and I'm gonna be pairing it with the Shure sm7b which is basically the microphone that all the popular streamers use and it's just a really really good sounding microphone it's kind of like a studio mic but many people just use it for Content creation but yeah this mic is around 400 by the way the only reason I'm telling you guys all the prices is not to show off it's literally just for the video just wanted to preface that the setup is looking so aesthetic right now but we're missing the Monitor and it's literally the craziest one I've ever had and I can show you better than I can actually tell you this right here is LG's brand new 45-inch gaming monitor it's actually the world's first OLED 240 hertz gaming monitor I have literally never been so excited to like unbox something look at this thing bro look at the curve on it look at it bro it has a 800 R curve it's literally so curved especially when I hold it from this angle you guys can see just how curved it is and it actually looks extremely thin this thing is actually gigantic it barely fits on this small desk here to Mount this monitor is actually so easy it's just like any other monitor and there you go you got the stand right on I literally don't even know how to pick this thing up like where where do I even I guess from the middle here just like this oh my gosh bro okay I don't even care seeing this in person is literally insane look at this what is this bro it is looks so good the monitor looks absolutely amazing in super bright environments just like this but also in dark rooms without too many lights at all it's by for the best looking monitor I've ever had and it looks absolutely amazing from any angle you look at it it already looks insane when it's off but let's turn it on and see just how good it actually looks I just powered on this display and it gives you a good idea of just how insane this monitor is I mean the colors on it just looks so good foreign we're in fortnite right now and I'm still getting around 1 000 FPS with this Monitor and I will tell you building and playing on this monitor is like something I've never done before it feels completely different but this monitor is extremely responsive because it has 0.03 millisecond response time so this really is a gaming Monitor and it's definitely one of the fastest ones out there because as you can see I can still do all the fortnite builds I usually do since this monitor is so big I'm actually excited to see like if I can actually see players more easily in game so let's go and test that out real quick dude even just jumping out of the battle bus and just playing any game in general it feels like so much more realistic because there's such a curve on the monitor just feels like it's almost like sucking you in a little bit some people might say that with a monitor like this you won't get any good FPS but even in game I'm still getting 500 FPS which is really really good wait someone's just about to get like the middle thing right here oh wow he's really camping nice bro I'm pretty sure he heard me oh wow okay bro yeah this guy's sweaty dude holy it's fine this monitor got me though we won this 90 oh my gosh bro you guys like actually a nerd dude oh 120 come on I know you want to edit that yo this guy does not just stop running bro I actually already got pretty used to this monitor I'm not gonna lie I thought it'd be kind of hard to get used to it but I'm already like used to it like just easily literally like no one's alive either and there's a guy gliding in oh my gosh I'm just gonna box up bro I can't there's too many Nerds around bro no way I get shot from behind there's no way dude oh my gosh I also pieced up that guy so good no way if you guys are wondering why this monitor looks so good it's because it actually is an OLED display and it's the first Ultra wide OLED display that's actually 240 hertz which is why it's just such an insane monitor this monitor is extremely fun to play with but before I test out some other games on it of course we actually have to test out the cheap gaming setup I just connected this setup and I mean it's so hard to compare this setup to the previous one because the other one is just so much better and basically every realm especially that we don't even have like a mouse pad and this whole desk is literally so shaky like I'm barely putting any Force so yeah it's definitely a lot cheaper but we're gonna see how bad or even good it is okay no this literally feels like a completely different game like the monitor is so small I mean it's a 24 inch monitor and compared to the ones I normally use which are 27 inch it's not that different but compared to the one I was just using this is like a whole different game dude it's literally so different and I I can't dude playing with no mouse pad is actually going to be so annoying right now dropping in we're getting around 80 FPS not too bad considering this PC was only 350 dollars for me to build but I think the worst part about this is just the mouse this mouse from wish is absolutely terrible like it is not meant for like sweaty games because it is so so bad it's like lagging all over the place bro this is gonna be so hard to play with yeah my PC is even lagging quite a bit I'm getting a good amount of frame drops oh my gosh bro and that's game one we need to test another game real quick dude there's actually so many people Landing here too I'm gonna land on whatever this is they're not a single weapon here oh no no no no no no no no right here dude this mouse is so bad oh he gave up immediately he definitely could have won that bro it takes so long for me to spin on this mouse it like doesn't detect any of my spins dude I'm not even kidding I think that guy could have beat me the FPS on this PC varies a lot but it can get upwards of 200 but right now it's on 150 which is not bad but I think the only worst part about this entire setup is the mouse I can't stop complaining about it it's so bad I think also playing with no Mouse pod definitely does not help the mouse at all yeah look at how bad my aim is bro oh shoot oh shoot I'm getting double team now there we go 60. okay we pushed this there's another guy close to us though I have to be careful oh shoot this guy's really one HP no oh my gosh this this triggers me so much this is this is literally annoys me so much when they still might go like this and this guy's terrible too guys literally so bad oh my gosh come on pick me bro 130 yeah you're dead dude what what's this guy doing I thought there was a wall there dude I'm an arena and there's like guys like this this is easy one here oh my gosh bro I can't build with this mouse if I die I'm gonna blame it on the mouse that's my excuse what though and I'm dead I'm actually I I'm actually bad that wasn't even the mouse that's just me being a bot okay the mouse is kind of bad I'm not gonna count I know always complaining about the headset earlier but it's actually not even bad like it's literally like a 10 or 15 headset from I don't even know where and it's not even bad at all dude playing Valor with a mouse like this is gonna be so bad oh okay okay okay okay bro this is a problem with the mouse if I move it fast it literally won't detect it like out wait actually it detected at that time but you see when I'm moving it really fast it doesn't move but sometimes it moves like fast it literally is so bad there's just a sensor on it it's really really trash and I'm also getting a little bit of frame drops I don't know why oh my gosh I can't aim I can't aim with this mouse it's so bad and these guys are literally try hards okay I think it's pretty safe to say that uh trying to play any kind of competitive game on this setup is just not it maybe if you upgraded a few things definitely got a better Mouse 100 get a mouse pad then it would maybe be playable but uh so far it's kind of hard to play on this I'm not gonna lie especially coming from the previous setup it's such a huge difference like a whole different game okay okay ggs I I think it's kind of a good summary a zero five kind of summarizes how bad the setup is ever since I got this monitor literally all I wanted to try was a racing game because it has super high refresh rate and just look at how wide this thing is the entire video you guys have been seeing it but especially for like a racing game or just any game in general it like sucks you in so I actually have like a full-on driving uh wheel from Logitech and also like you can see the pedals over there so yeah I've been playing a little bit of Forza and I'm just going to show you guys how nice it looks on this monitor he's just yes bro this is literally all I wanted to do with this monitor I'm not even kidding bro oh my gosh it's literally like so realistic too because this is the biggest model I've ever had and it literally is like curved around you so it's like you're actually almost like in the game especially when you have an actual steering wheel bro this is so this is so fun this is literally so good if you enjoyed this video make sure you drop a quick sub because over 70 of you guys that watch my videos are not subbed if you guys want to see more videos of me comparing two completely different setups make sure you drop a quick like and let's see if we can get this video to at least 4K likes and yeah that's about it God bless
Channel: Vermax
Views: 448,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vermax, xen vermax
Id: 1AI3zlB6OYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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