@broderickrice LAUGHTER IS A MEDICINE! 2015

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are you hearing me it's done it's over with God is up to something big and new in your life in 2016 somebody ought to just give him a pray so here it is you're gonna be blessed the entire world the overflow and in this auditorium so grateful for this man of God is no stranger here at the faith Center glad to have you back my son my mentor my love the one who keeps me laughing I watched a video a YouTube video of you you were at the lake Zachary Thames Church I think you had over a million views two million views I almost I'm telling you man you're funny you're funny and and I'm you better be funny tonight cuz after what I just do you're on your own doc please stand and welcome to the faint Center Broderick we can do better than that will you help me thank the Lord for Bishop Henry Fernanda come on more noise thank the Lord for him I don't know where his wife is thank the Lord for her as well I want you to touch your neighbor right now I need some musicians act like we bout to start something just I want you to just touch your neighbor right now and I want you to y'all not touching your neighbor I don't see enough people doing it touch your neighbor right now and say neighbor don't say Oh neighbor look at him and say neighbor Oh labor look at him right now I said don't touch me no more gonna tell them you ever been in church and somebody just keep touching Yuka the pastor keeps saying they touch your neighbor and tell them is touch your neighbor and tell them that too much touching going on sometimes and you know what I watched people when I go to the bathroom and not everybody have the Ministry of washing hands with soap and water they do whatever they do there and then walk right out the bathroom without even looking in the direction or the soap in the water look at somebody say don't do that don't touch him though those don't touch and that's wonderful of going to church I look look look around here crowd this building is full tonight come on Sunrise Florida look at somebody saying one always like this look at how one always in church on New Year's Eve uh-huh don't tell her where you worried up you want him to respect you I'm so delighted to be here to share on New Year's Eve Jonathan Nelson in the house young ain't making no noise y'all y'all y'all got the best of the best I want to honor my pastor who I hope is watching by television tonight he released me to be here tonight pastor Eric hoppers and pastor Valery Karpin of the Worship Center up Kansas City make some noise for my pastor wherever your pastor hope you watch them raise a range to raise they raise uh I grew up in a Baptist Church anybody for the Baptist Church I don't know when I started singing this song if you from the Baptist Church you'll know this song you know I am I own the patter of feel for my OS I'm Baptists I am boom come on and I would say I am the paddle the into an attitude for my low that's the way black people in a zone they got in their song with an attitude oh you better leave me alone stop looking at my husband cuz I will cut you in the name of GE I'm so I'm so great I'm so grateful you know I've heard I've heard some people speak over other people and they say oh man this is gonna be your Hill you can't let everybody tell you that man I tell you one time somebody spoke over me and tell me that is this year's gonna be your year man I lost my job to dog bit me on my left hand go I'll tell Susie you can't let everybody speak over you know I think the little place awfully medication right now softly medication Lee I want to flow in the pathetic that's right I said pathetic not prophetic pathetic mean it's just gonna be silly and crazy I grew up in the Baptist Church and they didn't let us speak in tongues and I always want to speak in tongues and they will let us speak in tongues in our Baptist Church and so I made up my own tongues somebody in here know what I'm talking about I'm telling you I just found things I just threw together and just say words already know real fast and I'll be in tongues idly hey how do you do you peel a banana didn't have to while I got good at it I could create tones that met a certain need like if I was hungry I create a hungry table a burrito if I needed a new place to live I had a tongue for that I had I just pissed out and just say acondo I know don't need a house right now but a condo keep my medication hey how about I share this somebody up under the sound of my voice might be able to relate to what I'm going through several years ago I struggled with an addiction and I didn't know how to tell anybody about this addiction because in church you know you can lose your parking spot and your tighter you go from being Bishop to just brother right my little titles but I struggle with an addiction and I can I just share with you tonight can I help somebody else get free struggle with an addiction for seven years - Honeybuns - I felt something right in this section that same oh yeah yah yah yah I'm telling y'all listen listen I even when I would do good look at somebody say evil sometimes I wouldn't be thinking about no honey but I go to get $20 at the gas station on pump number two and then I go up there - paper on a honey bun good go to pay for the gas and beat three honey buns up there a man at the counter on sale and I knew the Lord wanted me to have the honey bun because it were three of them one for the father one for the son but the whole egos that see yeah so I said listen give me give me 17 on pump number two I got to have the Trinity then I start playing psychological games with myself I said to myself ain't gonna eat all these honey buns on tonight imma eat them over the next several weeks as I achieved certain goals and objectives bahaminy y'all know in the middle of the night the devil took advantage of me while I was vulnerable and I was getting ready twunt the scripture came to be that said to or better than one and a three-fold cord is not a liberal but if you're gonna eat a honey bun I need you to eat it right I'm a priestess like a Baptist preacher yeah if you don't eat a honey bun right uh-huh you can't just open up the honey bars and start eating greedily what you need to do is take that honey bun and put it in a microwave Hey somebody felt that bang on a New Year's Eve I can't beat them honey bonds and can't beat those honey bombs and now I noticed as I kept eating the honey buns the devil began to pack weight on my body I began to grow in Christ people used to tell me as a child one day you gonna be big in ministry look into my sin and it came to pass come on and you know when you gain weight people especially ensure they'll tell you you gaining weight I talk about people bigger than you and that's dangerous for me because I didn't tell y'all this I used to have a strong very vibrant cussing ministry that I retired from but the enemy sometimes made me try to come back up out of retirement when people make me mad but the Lord spake unto me softly medication Lord speak unto me he states for I cried I let me speak unto me resolution you ever heard somebody create a word you don't even know but you ensure that this is a word and not yourself if you just leave him alone and he said the next time somebody come up to you and talk about your weight you let him know this is not Wade he said tell him this is increased if at seven this stop is abundance he said tell him this it's over I mean we used to be in church and our pastor allowed us every week he say I'm getting rid of clothes fifteen minutes ladies I'm gonna reticle three day later Oh be Tombaugh he can read hoes you know I grew up in Compton California anybody Straight Outta Compton in here on the night clap your hands and yeah yeah we had one way of worshipping the I grew up and went to a white predominantly white college and I went to my white friends church totally different experience manda service start on time and then when the password praised my like he talking to his best friend he like well Lord here we are just want to give you glory and honor amen you know it's true we when we all get to heaven what a day of a reduction it's gonna be why choir singing a song like is written on crisis all and they have a book rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand all other ground is sinking sand and nippy out of church in 30 minutes how many y'all know is different at black church they pop your hand if you know it's different at black surgeon you don't even know it's the same song Oh I gotta get ready to close y'all I got some DVDs I want to just make y'all listen y'all can take me home tonight when y'all get ready to just take me home I want to give this to somebody just run down here and get you jumped by faith come and receive this I got some DVDs and listen the first 25 or 50 people out there I'm gonna give some CDs away free but I got some DVDs right now are you coming - that's it listen she said I did not get dressed for nothing there you go there you go there you go there you go give them a round of applause you got to move quicker young man you gotta do better than the Hank I got to do some depression so I can go to my seat I'm so grateful to be here tonight y'all guys do some impressions I'll be in church sometime not at my current Church but church I used to go to Yerevan in church and a preacher don't have his message together I need that towel right now big brother sweat that's that increase yes Lord I'll be in church up in the church and you fall asleep because perhaps you stayed up too late at your club ministry the night before you ever been out at the club come on be honest you ever been out of the club and you look across the room you think you see somebody from your church and you start feeling condemned before you realize wait a minute what they doing here I'll tell them I'm in there to tell others about Christ I gotta go everywhere to reach the law uh uh uh uh I used to be in church and I used to be wondering where I'll be giving rain fall asleep I said oh if they had a more exciting preacher I'd stay awake I said what would be like a Snoop Doggy Dogg was in here preacher yelled silence what's crack-a-lackin' y'all know when I think about the Thistle I used to disel made me want to give kids with the prizm fishes oh and icky icky oh we didn't have music ministry by Luther Vandross Jesus love me so this I know yeah yeah for the by Paulie tells me so then at the afternoon service have another guest celebrity preacher be Bernie man don't touch it junko a minute ain't no holy alone then for show you some book then they have an altar call Mike Tyson come down for rededication I just want your Lord to save me they can finally fill me with your petty totally go oh I love watching Christian television I like pastor Benny Hinn can you give me a little bit of hallelujah just like they do on TV in oh yeah you gotta give the string precious dear people lift your hand Alleluia dear Jesus I give you praise thanks for your anointing Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost what's happening right there brother that ship in English lady said she is selling for three weeks she's better she hasn't been able to pass gas why you a prank she felt something rip out to the left and she Alleluia Jesus I give you prayer and Jesus mighty name I love the Winans family anybody know Marvin wine is in my clap your hand I love modern wine he can take anything you get filled with the holy goal Marvin whining Stan row row row your boat gently down the stream oh man man life is but a dream ABCD efg hijk LMNOP qrs tuv wh-why emeriti Oh hahaha hey beer me I got to go yard this my third pole can I do TD jakes y'all can I do teach anything I'm going to my seat let me tell you something here's a serious word for the night your gift will make room for you oh come on y'all - quiet on that one your gift will make room for you just look at somebody don't touch him look at him and say you'll get women room for you look at some ice I don't care what your past was you need to focus what your present is and what God says your future is Captain hand give the devil a migraine right now praise I'm like I was gonna give you a heated honey bun I like Bishop kitty Jay listen head to printer's my gift put me at woman Thou Art Loosed yup and keep playing it put me at one with our loose in front of thousands and thousands of people listen I'm not perfect I got things that I am not proud of that have happened in my life but can I tell you something apparently God isn't focusing on my mistakes coz he's too focused on my purpose future look at someone telling what the attitude say don't judge me couple of us a you don't know me life and I got a duty DJ's now just play some self elevator music because I found out there - Bishop TD jakes this is the calm one he don't beg for money he like Bishop Henry Fernandes they don't beg for money they asked and it's to our advantage to give as unto the Lord clap their hands and tell them thank you I love coming here bitch you're calling me I just sing that song yes Lord here cuz you know you're gonna be blessed but picture teenagers here coming he said listen I'm so glad you Jordan for today's broadcast I'm gonna share something with you today that's going on absolutely bro you're my EP y'all calm then he gonna make a fence and he lose it come on y'all Jeff I need you act like we're megafest I mean rollin course Rolling Thunder his core yeah that's it loud now everybody everybody he loses micro yeah I needed I needed a leader little baby when you get in trouble when you're getting a big golf will come in he won't get down the door greater and Wow Wow wasn't that wonderful come on one more time let's thank God for Roderick gross
Channel: Catch My Praise Network
Views: 136,565
Rating: 4.8316884 out of 5
Keywords: ministry, church, praise, praise dance, the word network, catch my praise, catch my praise network, Broderick Rice 2015, Broderick Rice 2016, CHRISTIAN/GOSPEL COMEDY, Christian Comedian Broderick Rice, Impersonation Of Famous Preachers
Id: nAlwRxOV3qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2016
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