Brittney Angu | Collective Chronicles

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my name is Britney angu and I'm from the United States I currently live in Atlanta Georgia but I am originally from Prince George's County Maryland ethnically I'm cameronian so it's a country in central Africa I'm currently 20 years old and I'm a college student I attend Georgia State University I'm studying environmental science I'm in my third year and I'm also a space enthusiast I decided to promote that because as a woman in stem I'm already a minority so I'm a minority in like many different ways um one I'm black two I'm a woman and women are just now becoming in their stem era so I just wanted to promote more for my community and represent for girls that look like me I'm currently doing a lot of research I'm doing some research in the environmental science field I also graduated from an engineering program as well so engineering is also in my research and my um academics Focus as well my discipline is Aerospace so one of the goals that I have is to one day go to Aviation school and become a pilot what excites me the most is just seeing everyone that is for inclusion and diversity I love that we have such a community that people can really show their interest and meeting people from all over the world it's really exciting in my opinion the mini genius Workshop it kind of inspired me to when day like host my own Workshop I liked how it was virtual but it was also very Interactive I am a part of an organization called nesby it's nsbe but it stands for National Society for black engineers and I subscribed to their email list and they sent out all these different emails and I saw one that it said that you know NASA is having like a space apps Collective here's a link to sign up here's the deadline and I was reading up on it and I was like wait this is pretty cool so I signed up and then I got in and that's how it really started and I really love it here I mean meeting people having the workshops it's more than I expected it to be so I think it it was a really good thing for me to sign up for me in space like I'm always doing like research on different things and it's really very technical like math or new theories and things like that I never really saw the community aspect of it or trying to to you know get more people into it or looking at it from Like A diversity standpoint it's always like math problems or you know things like that so when I saw this and I'm like okay this is a new aspect we're bringing people together from different parts of the world who love space and who you know are interested in the same thing as me so I thought that was pretty cool like it was different than just doing actual work and research and stuff it was I thought it was cool
Channel: NASA Space Apps Challenge
Views: 43
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NASA, ESA, JAXA, CNES, CSA open data, data, hackathon, hackathons, Space Apps, science, tech, STEM, work from home, Space Apps Challenge, Space Apps COVID-19 Challenge, engineering, virtual hackathon, solutions, earth, virtual, space agency, space, technology
Id: avn8Xb2VhI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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