British guitarist reacts to Vince Gill being IMPRESSIVELY well rounded!

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hello Phil here from wings of pegasus and welcome to another analysis video on the agenda tonight we have Vince Gill and this is coming from 1998 and it's a eni's live by request we've just had an interesting phone call from Chet Atkins and Vince is just about to play following that conversation so let's get winds up on screen and see how he gets on [Applause] down in Houston I got my I'm gonna message come on feathers that around that's where I need I'll need no Texas girl that I'll get me around go get some but I still in the town home on city girls they always treat you right I'm coming home come inside I'm just gonna jump in here because what I love first of all what a great band we've got here super tight and so many different elements that are jumping in and now we've got a little bit of keys in there we're just about to go into a little violin solo here but Vince's voice is the first thing that I want to draw attention to the fact that he just sinks so easily I know that it's all well within his range but later on he'll start going a little bit higher throwing some higher range notes in there it just seems to sing with such ease and he throws in those classic throw away country vocal lines just tailing off at the end of every phrase and his pitch is absolutely spot-on throughout this whole performance you'll never hear an off note sharp or flat he's just absolutely on the button all the time so just from a vocal perspective it is really impressive I always say that playing guitar and singing doubles the difficulty but here there's always a melody line that he's playing on the guitar just the riff of the song that he's continually playing so great bands so far great delivery from Vince on these vocals I've just cued it forward now to just before his lead guitar section so that we can check out some of Vince's lead playing as well don't try to figure just like eat off your chest [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just quickly gonna jump in here because there are so much going on great bending there from Vince what's great control it almost sounds like slide guitar because he's controlling those bends so well and I just want to mention something about country playing in general in terms of playing lead guitar with rockabilly as well and chicken picking country the reason it is so difficult technically is because of the timing with country playing when you get into a lead break the playing is always dead set against the rhythm and the tempo of the track and other styles of playing you can slow down and you can spend a little bit longer on different notes add a bit of a broto so you've got a little bit of time to gather your thoughts within a solo if you need to but country playing is so different because all the notes are going to be following on consecutively just have a listen to this solo we're winder if you need to just that first section and listen to how rapidly the notes follow each other this is what you'll get from the top country players they're absolutely locked into the tempo and they're just nailing 16th notes all the time perfectly obviously they do change it and put little gaps in and phrase certain lines certain ways to make it more interesting and this is why I do compared a lot of other genres to country playing because the techniques cross over you'll find that in a lot of hard rock and metal the notes follow each other very quickly in particular runs and you can directly take that technique from country players the only difference with country players is that if they're doing it on a lock clean a sound they haven't got a lot of overdrive and delay have a look out as well for Vince's hybrid picking that he throws in here as well we had some alternate stuff going on to begin with but usually that second finger and third finger as well to get that chicken picking country kind of sound we've got a little bit more the solo to go so let's have a little listen to a bit more and there we have it what's a perfect solo that was throughout that whole solo section there wasn't a wrong note in there anywhere and there was so much technical playing in there really high level technical playing another thing about Vince and his solo playing is the fact that he breaks it up I mentioned when I stopped it before about the fact that we have some runs in there they're gonna be sixteenth notes and quite fast but Vince knows that you can't just do that all the time he then breaks off into some really nice chops and rhythm chops but throwing that together with lead as well so he just makes that journey really interesting and when we actually analyze that whole solo it's actually a really long solo in terms of having a context of a song and having it in there normally you'd have maybe 10 seconds 20 seconds of a solo but Vince has got the ability to draw it out for pretty much as long as he wants and he's always gonna make it interesting because he's got every technique in the book that he can rely on so he can throw in all of that will turn up picking the hybrid picking as well but then just get into some really cool lead and rhythm chops that he can throw together another thing the slides look at the slides rewind it see how accurate he was but doing that kind of sliding any mistake is gonna stand out like a sore thumb and especially with country players they always have a clean tone that is the style of the music and that's why it's so impressive it's so easy to glaze over and know or to notes or sometimes even three notes but the top players like Vince and Chet who was on the phone they never miss a note because if they did you'd hear it because of the tones there's nowhere to hide in country playing some guys play on acoustic as well and they can play on acoustic and it is doubly impressive that the technique they've got can be transferred onto acoustic guitar because everyone out there knows exactly how hard it is to get these techniques down on acoustic how to alternate pick and it's just an absolute nightmare to get the same level of proficiency on the acoustic guitar but all the top country guys can do it and a well-rounded musician just a great voice never misses a note vocally and never misses a note on the fret board either so putting those two together it's really a double threat you know it's just having so much skill and ability on an instrument but also vocally to make the whole there except the song means something and being able to communicate that through not only your voice but through the guitar so really rare thing to be able to get someone who can sing and play guitar a really high level as well but thank you so much for suggesting this video for me to take a look at keep their suggestions coming in the comments below let me know what you guys think if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe and I'll see you guys at the next one rock
Channel: Wings of Pegasus
Views: 158,445
Rating: 4.9564204 out of 5
Keywords: vince gill (musical artist), guitar, vince gill live acoustic, vince gill oklahoma borderline, vince gill oklahoma borderline live, vince gill oklahoma, oklahoma borderline vince gill, oklahoma borderline, oklahoma borderline vince gill live, oklahoma borderline live, oklahoma borderline solo, vince gill solo guitar, vince gill live guitar solo, vince gill amazing solo, British guitarist reacts to Vince Gill being IMPRESSIVELY well rounded!, wings of pegasus, wingsofpegasus
Id: ABg3R963D38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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