Britains biggest Armed Robbery, Brinks Mat

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[Music] on a cold November morning in 1983 an armed gang stole over 26 million pounds worth of gold half a billion pounds at today's prices the boolean thieves forced their way into the top security depo beneath the Heathrow flight path just after six o'clock this morning they've just told off for gold bullion heist of the century the raid was so huge that the price of gold across the world shot up that mean the gold extol had gone up by 1.1 million pounds in value the Brinks matte bullion heist is still the biggest most notorious armed robbery to ever take place in the UK it's also one of the most vicious they from petrol all over me they told me do we want or we have burn your life never the brutality was exceptionally high in the Brinks Mac case it unleashed a trail of murder people would have to pay up and people don't want to pay up and that's why people are dead betrayal greed has kicked in all levels nobody trusts anybody that turns to violence that's why some people have been killed and revenge that continues to this day the message was put across quite clearly if you steal from us you all die 1980s Britain is a turbulent era the country is plunged into recession with millions unemployed riots spread across the nations town to the city and Britain goes to war in the Falklands it's a decade overshadowed by violence particularly when it comes to crime I would say that crime in the 80s was Ireland all the robberies were committed using firearms it was part of the robbers kit and that's what led to the flying squad concentrated entirely on armed robbery by far the biggest and most brutal armed robbery of the decade all begins on a wintry Saturday morning at a secure depot near London's Heathrow Airport used by Brinks Matt a company that specialises in transporting valuable Goods around the world it's a freezing cold November morning as Michel scarce open up the bring snow warehouse it's the start of the weekends early shift for the security guards many of whom are ex-military because behind the nondescript facade lies one of Britain's most secure storage facilities containing a reinforced concrete vault protected by eleven locks and five alarms the whole installation can contain millions of pounds worth of cash and valuables on any given day one security guard there that morning is ex-soldier Robin Riesling my job is is later I'll open all the safes combination usually on a saturdays a bit laid-back because there's only a few of us in so it's a bit more job we usually go make a cup of tea so one of us would put the kettle on which was Peter Bailey and then the doorbell rang 31 year old Tony Black is the last member of the team to arrive Tony bag was late which he kind was quite often that morning was normal you know including Tony and Michael scout Peter Bailey just a normal day in the office but this is all about to change we're drinking I'll tell you having a chat and all of a sudden [Music] six masked men all armed with automatic weapons storm in because I was in the army you're trying to do exactly what you told to get on the floor when one of the Peter Bentley doesn't react fast enough he's cost over the head with a Browning automatic it looked to me almost like a military type operation all of them seem to know exactly where they're going and how to turn what after a few minutes of laying there another one of the guys comes around puts fruits over our heads handcuffs our arms around our back and then use duct tape to fasten our feet together you're completely restrictive and can't see it soon becomes clear that the gang know exactly what they're after I knew straight away that they're going to want me to open the safe Sam says at some point because that's why they I asked for robbing which is obviously I was in here they picked me up they took me into an office where this guy said but you're going to open the bolts and you're not going to mess about the vaults in question are both securely locked and alarmed opening the Volt's is a two-man job one person is a key man the other person is a crew leader you cannot get into the vaults on your own you have to have Toria the robbers target another guard Mike Scouts rise lien Scouts were crucial because one of them had the combination and the other one had the key and without those two elements the robbers could not get to what they wanted the ganging sure results through fear they from petrol all over me they told me got two ones all we have done your life or kill you and then take this down to the vaults [Music] this is a high-security vault they need a specific code in order to get in to where the money is what they've got through the first door but they still have the second door before they'll get to what they're after it's the same situation all over again for that second door now the gang are just one tantalizing step away from their goal [Music] there are three large sales which I had the combination to two or three one of the guys it was my job to open these three saves and he started badgering me twelve in them few days before they change the combination but I didn't know the numbers off the top lane despite being a veteran of countless armed conflicts he's frozen with fear so I tried to contend I knew what I was doing but actually I didn't have the numbers with me and I knew we weren't going to get into these things the atmosphere is really tense Rhys Lee knows that not being able to remember that current can cost him his life I thought that was the time if any this could end nothing armed it incredibly dangerous the gang are about to make a discovery that will shake them to their very core [Music] it's November 1983 and a highly organized violent gang of six armed robbers are successfully stalled Brinks Matt high-security Depot near Heathrow ensuring the cooperation of two guards by dousing them in petrol and threatening to burn them alive the gang have only taken 30 minutes to get to their goal of three safes where they hope to find Millions but now the security guard who can get into the safes robbing Rhys Lee can't remember the combinations and he has been dragged away fearing for his life that was where I felt most fun or more I didn't know how that was going to go the gang handcuffed Rhys Lee inside the cupboard with fellow crew member Tony black so at that point it was relief because I think if they didn't do anything else and it done it and not put you in the cupboard downstairs in the vault it's looking like the gang are going to have to leave empty-handed until they notice the pallet of drab gray boxes they start opening those containers then to their utter shock and delight they see that they're filled with gold incredibly there are a total of 76 boxes containing 6,800 gold bars weighing nearly three tonnes that were waiting to be transported abroad it's worth over 26 million pounds which at today's gold prices would be a staggering half a billion mr. Lee's family were involved in the robbery they didn't realize that there's a big prize to be taken and when they stumbled on it they decided to just take everything green kicks in and they were thought we can take this and worry about it later and that's what we did coming across three tons of gold rather than a couple of million they were expecting seems like a bonus for the gang but they have no idea they're taking it all is a decision that will hold them for the rest of their lives they've just pulled off a gold bullion heist of the century but less than 30 minutes after the gang of left a member of staff manages to free himself and call the police [Music] an elite Scotland Yard Squad is there within half an hour Bill Miller is one of the first officers on the scene on arrival there I realized that this is going to be the biggest robbery would ever have dove in Great Britain the scene was obviously a scene of violence there was chair started all over the business and it was obvious that this was a highly skilled professional trying it isn't long before robbery of this magnitude hits the headlines the bullion thieves forced their way into the top security depot beneath the Heathrow flight path just after six o'clock this morning the thieves then moved 6,800 bars of pure gold each one weighing one or two kilos about three tons in all the police are not saying how the men got into the depot whether the security cameras were working or how they got away but police do have a theory how the gang could have pulled this off so efficiently right from the start we are thinking this is an inside job somebody has helped them to get in the launches appear in without any sign of a break-in to the front door the must of an inside man were informative it's a theory that shocks the rest of the staff dinner brings man for two years and most of my colleagues on that day again with me pretty much the whole of that time some were quite a friends we just didn't believe that anyway any little guys over there that morning could eat a whole dinner officers wastes no time in looking into the Brinks Matt staffs movements during the robbery every one of the guards are under suspicion because we don't know who was the the rogue among them the next step is that we're going to reconstruct the crime we have all the guards into the premises and we then have each one goes through what he remembers of the incident it was being videoed as we went along please hope the reconstruction will highlight any discrepancies and point to the inside man now while we're vidiian Tony black he was asked to be for the getaway vehicles black says he'd been forced to operate the controls to open the shutters and allow the robbers ban into the warehouse during the heist where he was sounding pretty serious I was open now I was looking at all my life so he was asked then to stand in the position which he was when he was open the doors I online even ben Carson because I was doing it like that rather well that so must must've been out here he had to stand with no straight up in the corner otherwise he must have seen these getaway vehicles and immediately we all weren't hello he is a rogue man believing they're on to something police look into blacks background in more detail and what they uncover is unbelievable we discovered that from previous criminal intelligence that he was connected with well-known armed robber called Brian Robinson in fact Tony's sister was living as the common-law wife of Brian Robinson the reconstructions given police their first break but within 24 hours of Britain's biggest armed robbery shockwaves are felt all over the world cuz so much gold have suddenly been stolen and taken off the market the value of gold in general was going up even faster than usual and ironically that mean the gold they've stolen gone up by 1.1 billion pounds in value if the gangs unexpected haul may have increased in value but it doesn't mean much if they can't get rid of it and back in southeast London they're having a nightmare still in the gold we'll see easy it's when you've got to turn into money then the problems begin in the underworld words go out to all the criminal fraternity in the area that these people have got a large amount of gold to dispose off and turn indication and that's when the vultures appear because the stolen gold is 100% pure and incredibly rare it needs to be melted down and disguised before it can be cashed in it's not a normal commodity that you can disposal I mean it's a sudden influx of gold onto the market would put obviously show up if you want to try and convert it back into cash you need to have people in the industry who are able to do it for you they didn't have any of that with no other option the gang has to go out of their circle of trust to find criminals who know what to do involving outsiders is their second big mistake and will trigger a spree of murder and mayhem that will stretch over decades any villain who who moves in a circle with which is not familiar he's taken a risk because the people that he normally deals with he knows them he might know them from prison he might know them from growing up in the street with them so I think that they take a real risk when they they go outside of their own familiar territory one of the first criminals they go with is a Kent based gangster unknown fence called Kenneth knowing the Brinks net robbers so the like hood approach can is north to launder the gold and turn into money and they trusted him which was a very foolish mistake Kenan oi was with a guy that played two ends against the middle he was a manipulator and a wheeler dealer and a on top of all that I wouldn't trust Kenneth Miller as far as I could see with the gang looking for ways to turn the gold into cash just a few days after the heist police are questioning the person they think is the Inside Man Tony Black is sticking to story he's an innocent guard the same as the other ones and when the name of Brian Robertson is put term the change comes over and then you can see he was now a really worried man so we leave him alone for a while let him think over it [Music] and we go back in and this is okay I'll tell you everything black gives police the names of three members of the gang all of them well known South London criminals his brother-in-law Brian the colonel Robinson Tony white and mad Mickey McAvoy Robinson a Makarov are very very hard made right Rufus and they'd let nothing stand in their way these were key players professional South London firm of armed robbers and they'd done it before there was very experienced in what they'd done and carried out the job absolutely perfect 30 black to snow admitted that he was part of the plan he was the one that let them into the princess to commit the robbery he then made statements under caution tell us all about the whole setup how he was recruited to do this it turns out the heist was meticulously planned for nine months he would meet with Robinson and Marlowe after he came out of work at night the may be obtained with him and discuss it he was given a camera to take photographs of the inside of the premises the inside of the vault he was an excellent Inside Man really as far as they were concerned with the location sorted they moved on to the next stage the plan was at one source a good hall in there whichever week it was going to be he would form Robinson from the foreigner public for inside brings my premises and he would say let's go fishing tonight and that was they the signal to hitch up the next morning news of blacks involvement shocks the rest of the Brinks mat workers the first time I heard Tony black was inside man was from one of the other guys has me atop one place and they said Tony mysians I'm and all of us from our shadow a doubt said that can't be possible Tony and I were mighty used to go out for a drink girlfriends and stuff like that before we got married and at no point did I think he was in some mess now police have Tony blacks confession they can make arrests we arrest Robinson and mutter boy and wait 10 days after our robbery we judge the three men was committing the armed robbery and conspiracy to rob brink smart gold bullion despite three of the Brinks Matt gang being behind bars and awaiting trial the gold is still out there then just two weeks after the heist police get their first major lead into the Gold's whereabouts in early December of 1984 we get a phone call from a man in Hatton Garden and a gentleman has walked in there I want to buy a smelter to smelt gold it's just the news the police are after because they know smelting the gold and disguising it is the only way the gang can turn it into cash following this lead they discover the man is connected to none other than Kenneth Noi in 1983 Tony Curtis is a detective constable on the case and is speaking about it for the first time two or three of the people on our team of an interest in Kenneth know virtually from the time when the other robbers were arrested so this now puts pointers in that direction so there is a connection there already with ten years of time but it is a connection that shows us we may well be in the right direction noise now in the picture what would no more to go on officers have to wait until smelting disguising and selling so much gold comes to their notice three months after the heist Tony black the Brinks map robberies inside man turned informant stands trial Tony Black has decided to cooperate of the police and surprise surprise he's been told he will only receive a low sentence as a black is sentenced to six years although the deal gets him less prison time he'll spend the rest of his life in fear black would have been looking over our shoulder 24/7 and worried out of his life because he just put the Block on one of the greatest robberies that has ever happened it's just over three months after Britain's biggest armed robbery when over 26 million pounds worth of gold bullion was stolen by a gang of six vicious robbers from the Brinks mat Depot near Heathrow Airport police have managed to arrest three of the gang but they have no idea that the gold has already been entrusted to amongst others Kent gangster Kenneth knowing whose job it is to turn it into cash but to sell it on the open market it needs to be smelted disguised and somehow have all the legal paperwork it's not an easy problem to solve it isn't long though before noid comes up with what he believes is a solution he came up with a scheme for trying to trade off this gold and it meant buying some gold in Jersey and that would give him the the documentation he wanted receipts for the gold bars China he had purchased 11 bars which were worth 100 thousand pounds if any one was stopped they had receipts to say that they had purchased this gold miss gold was legal noid places the gold is just bought into a safety deposit box in Jersey and heads back to England carrying just the receipts the plan is to use a golden jury dealing company owned by crooked businessman called John Palmer to sell thus melted down and disguised bring smack gold on the open market with the receipts making it look legit 11 bars of smelt is gold delivered to complete with eleven receipts which of course Kenneth no I got from that nineteen in Jersey those receipts are then sent back to know so he can reuse them for another ear everythingís that he's planning to deliver to them later no hopes to reuse the eleven original receipts again and again but his first transaction attracts unwanted attention the bank official dealing it Lloyd finds his behavior very suspicious and the transaction itself is very unusual so he decides to contact police it's the second time that noise name has been linked with the stolen gold the police are instantly on the case this could be the only lead they have to retrieve the boolean worth tens of millions it's now a year after the heist and the three gang members already arrested Robinson white and McAvoy are in court for the Brinks matte robbery all three plead not guilty but the prosecution had their key witness Inside Man Tony Black links the robbery to his own brother-in-law he provides evidence the poison of the direction of Mad Mickey McAvoy not to mention Tony white the so-called Keon Catford McAvoy and Robinson are sentenced to 25 years a white gets off on a technicality and walks away a free man McAvoy has incentives he's got 25 years in prison and he's expecting a big pot of gold when he's released the police may have more convictions but over a year after the Brinks Matt raid the stolen bullion is still out there yeah until they have enough evidence to nail no the gold will continue to disappear as it sold off through dodgy dealer John Palmer they're selling the gold back to some of the most respectable gold bullion dealers in the world incredibly the very dealers who lost gold in the robbery are buying it back all the while police are closely watching the only lead they have hoping to get a break we have keeping our surveillance going on Kenneth LOI and the associates that we've seen coming or going from his address we are confident that we're looking at the right people it's just finding evidence to substantiate that 14 months after the robbery that break comes in the most tragic of circumstances when an undercover surveillance team moves in for a closer look John Fordham and Neil Murphy went into the grounds of Kenneth noise property shortly afterwards there was noises hurt in the grounds dogs barking Neil Murphy came out over the back wall calling for John to come out [Music] unfortunately John didn't get out he was confronted by Kenneth Noi and [Music] ended up dead John Fordham had been viciously stabbed 11 times this incident once out to you is just how dangerous the people are you're dealing with and that they will go to any lengths to save themselves even if it means killing someone you're more determined than ever that these people are not going to get away with this just you know it was such a horrendous thing you know and personally I thought no way I'm gonna carry on until I get every one of them know is arrested and charged with murder and a thorough search of his property reveals astonishing new evidence in a gully by the side of one of the garages there was an old paint tent and in the painting there was a 11 balls of the gold test show the bars of gold are the same as the original Brinks Matt bullion the police team at their first solid evidence that noise linked to the robbery but they're nowhere near locating the rest of the hole we're still nowhere near the 26 million pounds of a gold we found 11 bars which are worth a hundred thousand pounds so there's an awful long way to go then a few months after the brutal killing of the police officer the Brinks mat heist claims its second victim the violence that has been the hallmark of both the crime and his investigation now reaches the criminal world it's may 1985 a gunman walks into Georgie France as his pub and tries to shoot him day known criminal George Frances has been one of those long bring the gold for the gang but hid let greed get the better of him George Francis was very lucky to escape the attempt on his life and that was a warning sign to all those people that have been stealing gold under their noses this attack is the start of a decades-long war of greed revenge and paranoia over the goal family people involved in London all the gold was a big mistake because people were taking gold the dim belong to him and stealing it off the villains and it always ends in tears ten months after DC John Fordham's brutal murder the police suffer a major and very personal blow when Kenneth know gets off on a plea of self-defense it was unbelievable where we were absolutely sure that this was going to be a guilty seemed amazing that an unarmed man can be stabbed 11 times and the jury can find that that's a justifiable killing stand by the verdict police are determined to make no pay and he's immediately rear ested and tried this time for being in possession of the 11 bars of stolen gold eight months later noise trial ends noise jail for 13 years and for 250,000 pounds for the brilliant he screams at the jury the hope we all die of cancer have a son justice for for the death of John Hall them I think more than anything else with noise conviction the hunt for the gold is about to move in a new direction our discovery of the gold in the smelting state there's now sort of all home to us that all the gold may well have been smelted if it's been smelted then it's being laundered and that means tracing it has become more difficult as the police are now chasing cash not gold it's just a case of tracking from the bank accounts well each deposit went whether it came from the first place and it just went no siliceous circle and went all over the place very convoluted the problem for the police is that the money from the gold is being invested in schemes like the 80s Docklands property group and as these make a profit the money is then mushrooming and mutating making it virtually impossible to track almost three years after the robbery the syndicate of Lloyds insurers frustrated by the lack of results launches its own investigation in a bid to recoup the millions they paid out in the aftermath of the heist the investigator chosen is Bob McComb and he has a very different approach to that of the police the police are concerned to ensure that criminals are put in prison my job is different I'm not after vengeance I am NOT after prosecution I'm simply after money by 1989 over five years after the robbery the investigations both criminal and civil are still crawling on with few results but then the death toll of those related to the Brinks mad robbery starts to rise it's 1989 and accountant Terry good over his girlfriend are both murdered their bodies dumped in Epping Forest the rumors were that the pair had cheated people out of the proceeds from the laundered gold and they she was put across quite clearly that if you steal from us you all die with at least three people now dead and one seriously injured the death toll continues to rise and the police investigating the robbery begin to face a new challenge in recovering the Hall anybody involved in bricks matter who got substantial sums of money at halibut would have been likely to have invested in drugs the rise of the drug ecstasy in Britain came about because a lot of the Brinks back cash was used and in very invested in massive shipments of the drug we can see money being spent on drug Hamlet habits we could see money being invested in projects that were clearly scams I mean there are criminals who feed on criminals and said that we won't be traced money in a number of cases that just disappeared into the sand while Brinks Matt Gold helps fuel the rise of ecstasy almost seven years after the heist the Gold's legacy of greed betrayal and revenge is at the root of yet another gangland death this time its former great train robber Charlie Wilson who shot dead by a hitman in Spain there is a rumor that 3 million pounds of bring smack cash is invested in a drugs deal that goes wrong which had been run by former great train robber Charlie Wilson and the trail of murder and mayhem doesn't look like it's going to stop claiming more gangland victims anytime soon greed has kicked in at all levels nobody trusts anybody and that turns to violence that's why some people have been killed Donnell Dirk was shot dead by a hard assassin as he leaves a part in malabon West London he is alleged to be one of the gangs money launderers away from the violence insurance investigator Bob makan manages to get a meeting with the Maine gold smoke Sir Kenneth Noi when he's released from prison in the summer of 1994 there was no suggestion when we look how he's talking four major criminal entity week we just sat down we talked about it we simply want them to recover the money as much as we could as much as we economically could meeting Moy was an important stage in getting other people to talk but those who refused to settle Bob McCulloch is only one option taking them to civil court which unlike Criminal Courts there's a lot less evidence to get a conviction we start with 54 defendants we settled with 52 leaving two people in respect to who we have to have trials one of whom is Tony White the alleged robber who got off a decade earlier Tony white been acquitted on the criminal charge of being involved in the robbery we nevertheless thought that we had a good case in the civil court and after an interesting trial the judge decided that he had been involved in the robbery and that we got a judgment against him and that I was very pleased the police are very pleased was a good day [Music] twelve years after the heist yet more villains involved in laundering the gold are bumped off three men are found shot dead in the Essex countryside the stolen Brinks matte gold bullion is now responsible for eight death and there are more to come all these murders over this goal came about and was put across like a warning shot to anyone that had taken money that didn't belong to him renowned underworld figure Keith Headley is shot dead on his yacht in Corfu Headley is rumored to have been looking after some of that gold for the gang but unfortunately the condition getting rid of that gold is proving so stressful to a lot of the participants and their associates in the underworld but there is a feeding frenzy going on and that death toll looks set to rise violence surrounds the robbery and all those involved Kennedy noise been out of prison for two years and he's back in the headlines here on the radio that someone has been murdered on the m25 after an altercation with another driver young man bond members of Stephen Cameron I spoke to the police in Kent who were dealing with the inquiry but by that time they later we realized who who the suspect was and they were looking for Kenneth Norway just before I retired in 1993 I had to do a parole report and annoy and I stated in that parole report this man would undoubtedly kill again and I was proved right in 1998 noise arrested for the road rage murder and finally jailed for life but as one Brinks mad gangster goes inside others get out after 16 years behind bars Mad Mickey McEvoy and Brian Robinson are released what would this mean for the cycle of death and destruction surrounding the Brinks Matt gold it's now 16 years since over 26 million pounds of gold bullion was stolen from the Brinks mat depot near Heathrow the stolen gold is already soaked in blood and with robber mad Mickey McAvoy now out of prison it seems unlikely that the violence will end anytime soon hazel the 1e Hamer is expecting a big big amount of gold or cash in prison he would have been able to put the word around that if his money wasn't there then he's going to be trouble and the trouble isn't long incoming its 2001 Brian Perry gets out of his own car he's shot in broad daylight in Berman through southeast London this sends a shiver of fear through the underworld Brom Perry was a real smooth operator and was handing the gold he done a good job but when McEvoy and Robertson go out the gold wasn't there so you could say that he's dug his own grave after almost two decades the killings continue when George Francis the criminal who survived an earlier attack is gunned down at point-blank range outside his courier business in southeast London it's open warfare now and everyone is fair game the ones who went to prison we're expecting those that stood that didn't go to prison sort of disposed of it for them and kept the cash for them but you know if you're expecting the thieves to do that you're expecting too much then in 2004 insurance investigator Bob Perkins 18 year mission to recoup the proceeds of the robbery finally comes to an end I think the total we recovered it's over 27 million it's like fishing in a very dark deep pool you only know what you get out you know you've got no idea what you might want might be swimming around in there you think we got about between half and two-thirds of the proceeds of the go there maybe some more out there we did certainly to differ lots of money that disappeared that couldn't be recovered the Brinks mad villains epic conversion of gold into cash brought more money into this country than any other crime in history and even though police and Bob McCulloch has managed to get some of the gold and proceeds back it's nothing compared to what is still out there we recovered about 18 million pounds worth of it but who knows what happen to the rest of it that maybe some left who knows I was given information from a very very good source that the rest of the goat was buried and a swimming pool bill over it so that no one saw the lure of the gold and the greed and violence and surrounded is still as powerful as ever even today a new generation of British gangsters are locked in battle with each other over the remaining gold that they believe the gold still lies secreted in the lockups of South London and the fields of Kent [Music] but it isn't just the Gold's lurid legacy that lives on although more than 30 years of past is the fateful November morning when six armed robbers decided to take almost three tons of pure gold the robberies victims are still trying to come to terms with it drinks man experience for sure changed me as a person knocking the thing that is 32 years on and we still talking about it it phase of you but he put in a place where it doesn't bother you or try not to love me even after all this time the death toll doesn't look like ending a lot of people were involved in bracelet and a lot of wrong people and as an old friend of my family said you mix we don't yet fleece Nestle separate it seems like many of those involved in Brinks map are being picked off like targets at a funfair shooting range nothing surprises me now than then comes up yo which is allegedly linked to the Brinks map the robbery transform not just britain's criminal underworld but the face of Britain itself the knock-on effect of the Brinks Mac robberies spread its tentacles across all sorts of areas hoping to unleash a tidal wave of illegal drugs and accompanying violence that spiral of violence linked to anyone involved with the Brinks Matt gold bullion robbery is still very much in evidence even today in the summer of 2015 the heist claimed his latest victim the man who sold noise snorted gold for him John Palmer John Palmer had been crossing other criminals ripping them off and making hundreds of millions of pounds out of being a criminal he made a lot of enemies of people have been defrauded people have lost their savings and he always seems to be living the life of Riley only for people known to be directly involved with Brinks Matt haven't been cast in the gold shadow of death McEvoy Robinson white and knowing they both survived the so-called curse of Brinks fire and no one knows why I think machines will continue I think there will be arguments there'll be people who think that one of their colleagues has been killed unnecessarily and they'll want revenge and this won't stop since that fateful day in November 1983 more than 15 people connected with the Brinks mad robbery have been killed or maimed and few believe the violence has ended what a brazen Bunch next tonight on Channel five police interceptors take down an illegal driver who is getting pretty naki we're hitting the blues and twos for some seriously high-speed pursuits in just a month [Music] okay
Views: 2,216,101
Rating: 4.5171747 out of 5
Keywords: brinks Mat Robbery, Gold Bullion, Crime Documentary, true crime, true crime daily, Micky Mcavoy, Brian Robinson, armed, bank, robbery, britains biggest, heist, heists, biggest, in history, gold, hatton garden, loomis fargo, kenneth noye, fbi files, masterminds, ronald, ronnie, reggie, charlie, reg, criminals, caught on cctv, security guard, fails, fail, ross kemp, the inside story, inside job, new evidence, danny dyer, great train robbery, hardest men, hard men, heathrow, toughest, violent
Id: DaPKvBU9xxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2017
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