Brisket Smashburger Tacos: A Mouthwatering Griddled Twist on Taco Night

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hi I'm Matt with meat Church let's do a meat Church take on the viral Smashburger [Music] tacos well I'm sure you guys have seen these all over the internet all over Instagram Tik Tok whatever the case may be we've actually never made them but if I'm going to make a burger like somebody else that I see on the internet I'm going to step it up a notch we're going to make one today with ground brisket and we're going to make a delicious sauce to go on top of it and I'm sure it's not going to suck but let's just jump in to this simple recipe what I like to do is basically create my perfect grind which is 80% beef 20% fat I'm not going to weigh it I'm just going to eyeball it uh so first things first I'm just going to trim off uh the little oxidized portion of the brisket here cuz I don't like that and then I'm just going to trim it up into strips and like I said kind of try to eyeball an 8020 U percentage that I'm going to throw in my grinder over here so let me get some of this cut up and we'll get to [Music] grinding all right I've got it all cubed up nice little chunks um I've taken you know a bunch of excess fat over here when you're done if it looks too red you don't think it's enough fat you could obviously run some of this back through uh today I'm using a05 Grinder from meet your maker you guys know that I have used this stuff for years and years and years but super excited that now you can get this stuff at your local Academy Sports and Outdoors so it's like I would describe it as like commercial grade equip equipment but for the home user so when you get real serious like I am this stuff is awesome but let's jump in we're going to grind it twice by the way I've got the coarse plate in I'm going to run this meat through and then I'm going to change out the plate for the more fine plate since we're doing hamburgers if I was doing chili I would just do this uh so we'll grind twice and then we will get into making [Music] sauce [Music] all right it's ground up we're going to remove uh the plate change it out grind it [Music] again [Music] [Applause] so satisfying AA would say all right well that was super easy looks good to me uh by the way if you watched our butter burgers recipe a few weeks ago I wouldn't be mad if you shredded a little Frozen butter in there but you can see that looks beautiful way better than anything you can buy in the store it's a lot more satisfying when you do it yourself so now we're going to form little 1in balls basically I'm going to roll these up and then we're going to jump into making a delicious burger sauce all right let's make a delicious sauce uh for this Smashburger Taco never can can decide do I want mayonnaise mustard or uh ketchup well we're going to go all three recipes always down in the description always on here's a pro tip he little wherar sauce and if you're smart use the W sauce because delicious season up a little bit of Texas sugar how much however much you want just to taste and we're going to do onions and we see people do pickles we're going to do pickled jalapenos pickled jalapenos are you know not not hot uh they're just kind of like enough to let you know they're there give you the great jalapeno flavor but not be what I would consider spicy and the jalapenos all right in we go all right I'm just going to give this a stir get it Incorporated we're going to get our burgers out here and on to the flat top we've got a trigger Flat Rock griddle here fired up it's on medium heat a you can see even the smoke it's nice and warm I've already oiled it uh so the patties don't stick what we're going to do is we're going to drop down one of our patties we are going to season it we're going a little Mexican flare today with our Dia De La Fajita little light seasoning now I'm going to top it with Fresh Tortillas that I just cooked right before this we're going to smash it down flip it over put some cheese on it till it's super melty and then go build these smashed Burger [Music] tacos [Music] [Music] little more seasoning [Music] cheese check them out looks delicious looks so good that I'm going to have to make a few more of these so I'm going to throw this on the Block and then I'm going to cook some more all right looks awesome let's give this a shot first a little drink all right we're going to do uh we're going kind of Taco style here little lettuce tomatoes and our sauce which this sauce is Awesome by the way got to have this all right here we go as my man three pieces of pecan would say that's damn good that is really really freaking good I don't like to jump on uh social media trends but I wish I would have done that sooner that is uh that's amazing y'all got to make that um like I'm just going to hey L stuff's drooling down my dripping down my arm I'm going to keep eating this so let's be quick like And subscribe we'll see y'all next [Music] week
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 152,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brisket smashburger tacos, smashburger tacos, smashburger brisket burger, smashburger tacos recipe, griddle cooking, smash burger, griddle smashburger, smash burgers, smash burgers on griddle, blackstone griddle recipes, traeger flatrock recipes, traeger flatrock griddle, traeger flatrock, meat your maker grinder, traeger grills, meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, how to make, cooking show
Id: 672rzvA-e3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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