Brisket Cook on The Old Country Pecos

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this week we're doing a brisket on the old country Pecos stick around brisket is still by far my favorite cut of meat to cook heck I made it my name brisket medic and this week we're cooking a brisket for some catering for a customer a different of mine for a Christmas party that they're having and I wanted to take you along with us to show you how I like to do my catering style briskets I'm the old country Pecos you start off with your brisket of course you've selected the brisket that you like based on the marbling and the amount of fat on it the size all that good stuff and we're going to start by trimming it down now there's three major areas that we're going to look at as far as trimming goes they all start with s so it's pretty easy to remember saturation silver skin and shape we're going to start off with saturation we're going to throw this thing meet side down and start shaving away at that Hard fat now it's important that we keep a little bit of fat on the top because I prefer to cook my brisket Texas style fat side up and that acts as a membrane to keep the moisture from raising up and escaping out of that brisket too soon the fat itself doesn't moisturize the meat it doesn't render down and go into the meat but it does keep the moisture from escaping out of the top of the meat as that hot air is moving over it through evaporative cooling we get that shaved down and then we'll start working on the silver skin we'll flip it over get that silver skin off of there that also works as a membrane and it keeps that salt and all those good flavors and herbs and spices from soaking into our brisket and we want to get that off because we want to get maximum Effectiveness from our rub and our smoke lastly we look at the shape we don't want any sharp Corners we don't want any hard edges because that air is going to hit it it's going to cause some turbulence and it's going to really dry out those sharp Corners so we get all those off and you get a very pretty nice shape aerodynamic brisket that's going to cook evenly most importantly and not have any crispy edges from there I like to put it fat side down again and go ahead and season the meat side now I cook it meat side down so I like to season this side first and then go start my fire because if I can let this sit for 20 30 minutes and allow those salts and and garlics and onions all those flavors from my seasoned salt and all that to to soak in uh the more penetrated yes penetrated that flavor is going to be once I got my fire started we're gonna flip that brisket over we're gonna hit the top side with the same exact seasonings as the bottom and once we're up to tip 275 degrees we're going to throw that brisket onto the smoker and we're going to do Point side towards the fire fat side up Texas style I'm not gonna check on this thing for at least two hours leave it alone and then I'm gonna start checking to see if the edges are drying out or if the side next to the Smoke Stack needs a little bit of a foil cover or if the point needs a little bit of hole cover because that heat comes into the chamber it's going to hit the point and then it's going to roll over that brisket and then it's going to hit my exhaust and any of that back pressure that I'm using with my dampener up on top it's going to put that back pressure that heat coming back for even this cooking across my grates so I need to check the point in and the flat end to make sure they're not overcooking or cooking too quickly and drying out after a couple hours I generally put some foil on that flat end to keep it from drying out and then I'll check on it every hour to see if it needs any spritzing sometimes a brisket doesn't need to be spritzed but I'm all for spritzing if it needs it there's different elements in Smoke the flavors and things like that that sticks to oil-based things and water-based things and so when you cook that side up you've only got that oil-based Tallow dripping down and it's going to absorb a lot of that smoke flavor but a lot of Great Smoke flavors absorb into water and so sometimes the Spritz isn't just for keeping those edges from getting crispy it's also to absorb some smoke flavor I'm going to check on it every hour or so if it needs to be spritzed I'll Spritz it most of the time it's just the edges that need it if not we're just going to keep rocking them once this brisket gets a great bark that I'm looking for and I like to do it past the stall so right around 180 185 it's that great bark I'll pull it off and I'll wrap it now I do a double paper wrap I don't have the extra wide paper and I think I just get a better outcome with this double paper wrap it's a little bit stronger and and uh so I wrap it really tight I had a little bit of an issue wrapping this one um because it just you know you'll see but the the end outcome is a very tightly wrapped brisket and that's very important because we don't want to steam inside of our wrap we want to lock in some of that moisture and we want to speed up that cooking process because it's not going to absorb any more smoke at this point once this thing hits an internal temperature of 205 to 207 degrees but most importantly is probe tender we'll pull it off of the smoker and I'm going to set it on a pan and just let it rest until that internal temperature calms back down to 180 degrees from there I'm going to throw it into my warming cabinet and let it rest at 155 degrees for at least four hours that internal temperature is going to lower down from 180 very very very very very slowly and I say at least four hours because you're going to finish letting that collagen break down and reabsorb all that moisture into that brisket and it looks like jello it's not melted fat folks that is true delicious broth and it's all inside your brisket when you let it rest properly and then pull it out slice it up serve it and enjoy if you like that hit that subscribe comment down below what you want to see me cook next I love you
Channel: Brisket Medic
Views: 3,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brisket medic, brisket on the old country pecos, brisketmedic, how to use an offset smoker, offset smoker, offset smoker modifications, offset smoker mods, offset smoker tips, old country bbq pits, old country bbq pits pecos, old country bbq pits pecos smoker, old country pecos, old country pecos mods, old country pecos smoker, old country smoker, old country smoker mods, old country smoker pecos, old country smokers, uncle Steve's shake, uncle steves shake, unclestevesshake
Id: tcZ5npOT3gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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