Briggs Plastic Cam Gear

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alright guys where we're going to take the motor off this lawnmower there's not much to take in a motor off a lawn whoa I don't like a car so it's just a pull cord there that just doesn't and does that button and the brake cord so I'll just do that and we'll quickly get this motor off this chest turn it around and you'll see that it can look too close to the edge there for a high impact socket so I'm just gonna use a 9/16 you don't get in yet see you like to do the other [Music] okay I want to get the motor on these blocks and look at that the late adapter we're going to just lay it on top these locks for now perfect so it hits something bad but it's a good long war it's not very old on June 2013 it says right there and I'm going to drain you out of it and then we're going to pop the crankcase I'm sorry we're going to take the sump off and see what kind of damage is on the timing cam gear whoo alright let's just get the Don and turn this more upside down I try and lay it there and there it might drip a little bit but yes that's obsessed about a little a metal metal bench right it's 3/8 well I'm going to Chris graphic like save the gasket although I'll be putting a guest on this one should always be in the manner and the gentle manner when you're going to reuse a piece of equipment you just a mission nice are on the field all right let's continue we're almost there okay so that is the very bottom and there's a little bit of goo or sludge in the bottom but not bad we'll wash that in let's get the plug out so you rotate the motor better which one is what's 2/4 no thank you there is our cam gear part on the crankshaft okay I'm just taking the governor arm off that simple set that umph aha now we're going to take this bad boy we can't offer there we go okay I'm just taking the shroud off the top of the motor to make sure the magnet is that top dead center when the engines on top dead center just a quick check you good there we go dang it coil top dead center it's all I wanted to do see that right there right there okay all right guys plastic cam gear Briggs & Stratton quantum motor this is the exhaust lobe it opens the exhaust valve right there on that topit and it is actually supposed to be lined up with that little piece of plastic there which is the zero Degree timing mark right and I have been trying to time this motor when you put when you put the March together like that - there like that right you time it up I can't get the exhaust valve to open as early as the Pistons traveling up I thought I was going nuts and then I started looking at it a little bit more closely and this little guy that's all bent to health is supposed to just give that exhaust valve a bump when you're running at low rpms so that you can turn the engine over and like I said earlier the exhaust valve right there is supposed to line up with that or close - they're supposed to line up with that I've been watching replacement parts on like EB placements calm and stuff like that and this is all bent the heck this is supposed to move more that and so that is a quite that's quite an interesting thing and actually if we can ah Kingdom for a better close up if you look right here there's a scratch mark from this so this started over was probably sitting in there or even in here right there and this there's a a mark when it when it hit the big stone or stump or whatever it was so the interesting guy's not scratch from this beam rotated explains a lot a so if you we're going to time this motor the this this gear has a little key way in it and that's it skin the key way on the motor like that and then time it there now see those two lines are right together there so in a perfect world and this was a good cam gear that's how you would time it up alright guys this is one of the many reasons why this cam gear is no longer any good I've got the intake lobe of the cam held by the vise and as you can see I can turn the cam gear on the shaft just like so that's why it's toast all right I said I just set this in the vise and I turned this top gear it actually actually slipped on the shaft right and still no good because the this is the spring that releases the valve for low rpm pulling but now I'm going to see if I've got correct timing on the motor it's so much easier into okay so now are you with me I can how much of this you can see we're going to top dead center so bang the spark flies right we come down and as we're coming around the 180 okay right there okay you can see that maybe here the exhaust valve opens and closes there we got it and then right after that one year when the piston comes back down again the intake valve opens up that's pretty cool [Music] but it's not usable because I just twisted this by hand I twisted this by hand on the shaft and one more small piece you can see that it used to be sitting right there and now it's sitting there pretty cool okay guys I hope I can make some sort of a sensible video out of this 105 bucks flat so the only other option would be to tear an older more machine apart and take the old cam gear out of that but I just cleaned up my yard and got rid of all my old motors so do I sit around and wait for this to come by or do we just chuck it that's a shame and it's not just briggs and stratton that uses plastic cam gears I found them in Honda's I've you know and of course the Chinese stuff whatever and I'm not saying it particular makes but I've seen plastic cam gears in lots of different machines craziness all the hope they really hit something hard on this and did some major damage something bad would have happened no matter what because we're you remember that the keyway on the blade adapter was sheared right off a right there right there thanks for watching
Channel: Bruce's Shop
Views: 145,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Briggs and Stratton, Repair, Briggs Mower, Tear-Down, Motor Tear down, Briggs Quantum Motor, Briggs Plastic cam Gear, Plastic cam Gear, Bruce Pender, Cam Gear, Briggs and Stratton Cam Gear, Craftsman Mower Won't Start
Id: pL-ZVURFc5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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