Briggs Engine Running Nitromethane - Excerpt From Blowing Up See Through Engine Attemp 1

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first of all this is the nitromethane right here and it smells like acid but I'll tell you those bring back memories those remote control cars remote control planes before actually going and filming this thing with the glass engine since I set the timings so advanced I just wanted to make sure would run so I don't have to go and polish the whole head again we're gonna run the engine here just as like a test run and see how it does make sure we don't need any more timing adjustments then we're gonna run it and blow it up since I'm burning more of a percentage of nitromethane we need a lot more fuel so instead of putting a bigger jet I raise the gas tank to a higher level that's gonna give me more fuel pressure and increase the amount of fuel hopefully
Channel: Warped En Espanol
Views: 26,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: behind the scenes, wp, warped perception, ste, ice, combustion engine, engine, glass head, wpx, briggs and stratton, nitro, nitromethane, burning nitromethane, small engine, blow, small engine blow, blown, see through, engine running nitro
Id: NMPnzYPMws4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 58sec (118 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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