Bride's Entourage Almost Gets Kicked Out! | Say Yes to the Dress | TLC

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Hey. Who's Jessica? Hi. - Hi, Jessica. - Hi. Nice to meet you. - I'm Paula. - I'm sorry. - That's OK. This is Randy. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Oh my gosh, look at her. This is going to be a challenging appointment, I can see right now. And you look gorgeous and everything. I've been trying. So who do you have with you? So this is my buddy Bentley. I'm her GBF. - Gay best friend, right? - Yes. OK. OK. A pleasure, Bentley. Welcome. My cousin Kristin and my future sister-in-law Sarah. Sarah. I'm so excited to meet Randy. [LAUGHTER] I've lost my-- I've lost my cool. I'm so sorry. She's going to cry. I might. I'm going to blush. This is the third time she's cried. [CHUCKLES] So tell us about your wedding. Like, where is it going to be? In Montana. - Ooh. - Yeah. Wow. I'm from Montana. We're getting married at Sky Ridge Ranch. The backdrop for the venue is the Mission Mountains. I'll have dancing outside under the stars. It's just going to be beautiful. Have you tried anything on yet? I modeled wedding dresses for a while. Yeah. We need one of those neuralizers to just make her forget her memories of all those dresses. So describe to me your perfect dress. Yes. Ah. I'm looking for lace, a little like country chic, boho. My fiancé is half Indian, so I want to be a little bit more covered up. Not a crazy long train, just a simple train. She can't trip on the dress. She can't trip on the dress. She's known to fall. She's got the body of a beautiful gazelle, but like the-- - Not the grace. - Not the grace of it. She can't walk. Her walk needs help-- no offense. [LAUGHTER] Oh, my. They're hard on you. These are my best friends. Like, what is this? [LAUGHS] Can I ask, why did you bring them again? - I don't know. - Sorry, guys. Yes, I'm throwing you under the bus. I know at the end of the day they're going to have my best interests at heart, but this could be a rough road getting there. I refuse to say that an ugly dress is cute. I'm not going to say that. So if she looks like she's, you know, going to church, I'm going to not be happy. I want something that's just going to make her look-- I've been saying like smoke show. That girl that walks in the room and it's just like lights, lasers, smoke. OK. You know, like a show. I want her to have something that's going to make her the center of attention. She's going to be the center of attention regardless since it's her wedding day. I don't think she needs to have the majority of her torso hanging out. If it was up to Sarah, she would come with like a blanket on. And it would just-- She would not. My role is to make sure that she's brave enough to say no to what Sarah thinks. It's her wedding. Oh, you two. [LAUGHTER] I just think she could have something a little more conservative, traditional, a lot better than all the glitz and glam that Bentley's really trying to get out of this. I don't think I ever said glitz and glam. Did you hear me say that? Did anyone hear me say that? Well, showstopper? Was that the word? Smoke show. I'm sorry. Jessica, come here. Sweetheart, I'm feeling for you already. I know. This is so bad. And then we need to hear price point. Yeah, how much would you like to spend? I'm looking between 2 and 3. We'll see. Well, you're going to look beautiful in everything. Thank you. You guys be nice. Be nice. [LAUGHTER] So why don't we take you back to the fitting room? And if you guys would like to have a seat on the sofa. Yeah. You're going to look beautiful in everything. Oh my gosh. What a group you have. I'm really worried about my fiancé seeing me in the dress. He's seen me in all the dresses. I think I need unique to wow him. I think I need something I've never worn before. I've tried on so many dresses that I don't know when I'm going to feel that moment. And I don't know what that moment is. My fiancé and I met through my cousin. And I was very drawn to his confidence. Oh, Sean, Sean Verma. I love this. Oh, Sean. My first date with Sean was at one of the fancy restaurants in Bryant Park. It was super impressive. And I think from that moment, I kind of fell for him. Two weeks later, he decided to ask me if I would move to New York. And I did. And here we are four years later, engaged to be married. Oh my god. [CHEERING AND CLAPPING] Yeah. Will you spend the rest of my life with me? Will you marry me? Oh! Yes! [CHEERING AND CLAPPING] So I want to go into this room here. This is where all of your brand-new styles are. And I know-- Yes. --one caught my eye earlier. Let me get the light. But we do need to find it. Here we go. OK, so this is the one you're thinking of-- Aphrodite, right? She's going to love it. But you have one more in mind, right? I do. Then let's grab the one you're thinking of. It's Paloma, right? Yes, Paloma Blanca. OK. I think that's-- yeah. That's all I'm thinking here. - Hello. - Hi. How quick was that? So quick. You guys are ninjas. Yeah, we had things in mind. Oh my gosh, I love. So pretty, strapless lace dress. I love that, yeah. And we had this one. That looks fun. I want to try that dress on because it was something I've never tried on before. I'm sure that your team out there is anxiously awaiting seeing you. Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure. Bow down, bitches. The princess is here. Oh. Never. - Ready? Yeah. OK, I can't wait for them to see the first dress. I know. I'm so curious. After you. Am I going right? Yep. [MUSIC PLAYING] I see her. [GASPS] Oh, look at these crowns. Oh, wow. You're going to look at yourself in the mirror. OK. - It's so pretty. - It is. It's really unique. So it shimmers a little bit. Yeah. Wow. Are you getting-- oh, Randy Fenoli. Hi. How are you feeling? I mean, a little tight, but, you know-- A little snug. A little snug, but, you know, it's beautiful. Got the train, and you can step forward to the edge. Hi, friends. Wow. OK. What do you think? I love it. Love it. It's just like icon, like pop star, like-- I love it. And it has that unique touch that you were looking for. It does. It is very unique. The lace is so different. But I think you should get the more traditional looking-- But traditional is the opposite of unique. --flowers and lace. Do you want unique, or do you want traditional? [LAUGHS] Well. I think it looks more like a zebra print than it does a real lace. Really? - You're boring me. - Really? - You're boring me. Come on, Bentley. I mean, I knew you weren't going to like it the minute she turned around. My point is like I think that this is what we were talking about, that there has to be some sort of a balance between the both, right? Yes, queen. You can tell by the look on her face. It's not quite right. It's not there. I don't know how you feel about the sleeves. They actually are detachable. They come off. BOTH: Oh. Yeah. For the reception. I'm not sold on it quite yet. I love that. I think it's the number one contender. I-- there's only been one dress, so. Don't trip. Don't trip. Don't trip. - Fall. Fall. Behave! I'm watching you guys. [LAUGHTER] We have four people, and each one has a very different opinion and perspective. I loved that one. I can't get over the sleeves. I don't want you to like get carried away with the whole conservative thing. Get out of here. I'm thinking-- [SIGHS] this could be a bit of a challenge. You suck. Shut up. Being a bridal model, it's going to be hard for me to find a dress. I'm very worried about it. This is kind of like everything that in my mind you were saying that you wanted. - Yeah. OK. I have tried on so many dresses that I honestly don't know what is going to give me that moment. We'll leave this one for Bentley. I knew putting this on that Bentley was going to love it. It's different. - And I knew that. It's unique. I mean, he's unique. He's sassy. I don't want you to like, you know, get carried away with the whole conservative thing. I don't think we're going out of the realm of what she wants. Sarah is looking out for my best interests. She knows that I don't want to be like super sexy. I'm marrying into her family, so I definitely want to take what she has to heart. - It did kind of look stripey. - OK. Thank you. Well, I guess we'll have to see what else they bring. - Oh, wow. - What do you think? - I love it. - You have to see the back. You have to look at the back. Look at it. It's sheer backing. Oh, wow. How pretty. This is really pretty. Turn to the mirror. I really love this. I think it's beautiful. - Let's go out and show them. - Yeah, let's do it. OK. I can definitely feel the tension between Bentley and Sarah, and I just know it's going to get worse. But this dress is giving me some feels, and I need their approval. - Get the windy one. - Basic. Basic. You're basic. [GASPS] Here she comes. Ooh. What do you think? I feel so pretty, like so pretty. Is this everything you imagined? I really-- oh, I really love it. Oh. I'm loving this dress. Like, I look smokin', I think. Whoa. Hello, Randy. Yeah, it's so beautiful. It's the country chic I was looking for. It's just-- it's beautiful. Is there anything you don't love about it? No. I don't see anything. I don't see anything that I don't love about it. So let's turn you around and let your entourage see. The pedestal, there you go. Look at you guys. You're happy. [LAUGHS] And that makes me happy. I like how it fits on you. That's all I like about it, to be honest. Wait, what? Listen, I'm sorry I'm not going to do what Kristin's doing and say that it's cute just because. That's rude. She looks beautiful. I like it. I just don't love it. Well, it's traditional. It's romantic. It's not-- what is it-- a showstopper, a-- A smoke show. I'm sorry. I just feel like you kind of blend in with every other bride. I just-- I don't know what to say. I honestly-- - You love this dress. I love it. I love it. There was nothing you didn't like about this dress? No. Paula and I have a feeling we know what it's missing. Can we take a moment and go grab something? Sure. OK, we'll be right back. Jessica likes the simplicity of this dress, but maybe if we create a little magic with some accessories we can get Bentley on board. It's worth a shot. So I think this is perfect, lace here. I think this and this will-- And that will give her a little sparkle. --please Bentley. Yeah, because he needs to be pleased. I don't have much time, you guys. Just because you've been-- it's been hard for you to find something doesn't mean you should get something last minute just 'cause. I feel like that's what it's going on right now. I would definitely pick this one over the first one that we saw. Your taste is very, very crappy. All right, Bentley. I think that she's maybe getting some people's ideas in her head, and it's affecting her. This dress just feels boring. If you guys don't want my opinion, then don't take it. That's what I have to say. Stop being a diva. No big deal. Whatever. I have no idea what's going on. I don't know why they're reacting the way they are. I'm just really confused. This dress to me feels cookie cutter. And I think that she's maybe getting some people's ideas in her head, and it's affecting her. Bentley doesn't want to talk anymore. - Bentley's not talking anymore. - I just-- no. - Bentley's not talking. - No. I refuse to talk if I'm going to get-- He said her style was terrible. - What now? - Crappy. Getting dumped on. He said she had crappy style. We're all trying to be on team Jess, and I think it's really important that I get to represent our family from India. This is not happening in India, so. But they're still incorporating our culture, and our values, and our traditions into it, even if it's happening in Montana, which is not the same. My culture and my values says look like a-- [SNAPS] dream. Does that help any? She's a little bit more daring than this. I feel like Sarah-- and I don't want to start anything. And I'm sorry. And I know that we have been bumping heads. But I feel like Sarah is thinking more about what she would wear, and that's not what this is about. She obviously likes it. Is it something that you really like? I do like this dress, but I get Bentley's point. This feels very like cookie cutter bride. Yeah. Now you're like getting all up in my head. Yeah. She's going to look beautiful in anything, I think, is the challenge. Well, you didn't think that about the last dress. You are being very selfish in your opinions. I'm a little hurt by that. It's always been what your family would think or it's too much or whatever, and it's frustrating me. And it's also hard because Kristin has no real opinion. So it's just she's sitting here, and it's just like-- That's rude. I don't normally do this, but I think I'm going to have to step in. You guys are really bringing a lot of drama to the table. This is not the experience that she deserves. This is not appropriate. OK. OK? We are team bride. We're here to help you find a dress. And this is not the path that I'm going to allow them to take you down. Sorry, Randy. I feel like Dad scolded us. Me too. OK. Mm. I don't necessarily feel like it's me. [MUSIC PLAYING] Like, I mean, it's me, but-- Well, that's interesting because before we turned you around-- - I did. --you loved everything about it. I do love everything about it. Do you think that your-- Maybe they got in my head. I'm not sure. I think we need to pull a few more. And then maybe go back to this if you want to. Yeah. I'm just a little overwhelmed. Don't be. Don't be. No, it's good. It's all right. [LAUGHS] I'm so stressed out. I need a dress. I'm just a little overwhelmed. I can't believe that they would do this on my appointment. You guys better make up. If you don't make up, I'll kick you out. [LAUGHTER]
Channel: TLC
Views: 514,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tlc, tlc shows, tlc full episodes, say yes to the dress, say yes to dress full episodes, say yes to dress clips, Kleinfeld Bridal, wedding dresses, weddings, new york fashion, Roger Craig Smith, wedding gown, bridal gown, wedding dress style, wedding ideas, Roloff, bridal fashion, wedding gowns, say yes to the dress randy, say yes to the dress kleinfeld, randy fenoli, wedding dress, bride dresses, perfect dress, say yes to dress india, bridal model, wedding dress shopping
Id: 67oFgeSVoUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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