Brian Simmons @ Smash Time High School Band and Dance Camp 2021(Snippet)

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um once you get to the inner letter b start that out once you get the letter c it's recurring so hold on hold on hold on trump my first trumpet what's your first pitch g so you got to say tina you can't play you can't play g for the stuff so you can play tdd second trumpet you got a second trouble would you jeff d g t you're playing dominant f1 you all got two two parts yeah two two okay first f of which i have e flat [Music] g and e all right so i just got to understand a lot of new orleans barista players play trouble clip a lot of y'all play trouble so y'all got to say t top top top ty's gonna work in that upgrade all right everybody let's play our first piss now when you uh play the first pitch make sure you pronounce uh your syllabus whatever it is one just hold it up and one and two come on jerome you ready texting people back later one and two first pitch and one and two and tongue and hold [Music] e flat right all right good again go to just f on ready and three times pretty good that's pretty good bring it down from right now straight fish i don't want an overbrow but it's great [Music] ready [Music] open [Music] again center the pitch send it a pitch find what it is and send the air straight through ready look what happens when we take our time we have when we take our time baritone let me hear you all uh who's playing second did you by yourself hey hey let me tell you something second point it's at the second part of where it says it ain't gonna be as high but it'll take more winter for the sake take a lot of winter pictures all right uh concert scene uh second third [Music] click right there that's where you're going right [Music] ready [Music] you got it mike yeah ready ready and breathe ready everybody [Music] thanks [Music] i don't want no vibrato you're not patting the bell [Music] you put a wave in the music and you make it go out of tune it's a straight don't make it don't do another and up [Music] three everybody understand i'm about to miss your head up just a little bit but it's gonna be okay trumpet [Music] okay [Music] [Music] one two three [Music] [Music] ready [Music] ready [Music] all right let's look at measure two everybody say that that dotted half like they have okay all right now we've now we now be rolling now all right let's play that dotted half note everybody gotta have one and two dotted that we have dimension and three [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what we got okay good super all right [Music] same number [Music] okay [Music] now let's add some character to it [Music] one [Music] you got that sir [Music] [Music] ready [Music] i know you're happy i know i know i know now why did i stop you because that next half note is different y'all see the next half note all right so let's measure one two three four let's look at the half note of measure four everybody half note in measure four half note and measure four [Laughter] [Music] yes all right let's do that everybody let's do that measure four they have no dimension for everybody one and two let's make sure we play the right notes they have to go dimension four not two the second half one and two let's breathe and one and two second half no breathe b flat on uh free flat on baritone triple clip a flat on trouble hopefully let me hit it you gotta be strong one two eight flat ready [Music] a little bit on [Music] oh
Channel: Smash Time Productions
Views: 21,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Music, New Orleans, Middle School, High School, Marching Band, HBCU, Dance, Cheer, Auxiliary, DD4l, Bring It, Life Time, Southern University, Dancing Dolls, Alcorn, Miles College, JSettes, Orchesis, Grambling State, Jackson State
Id: J04-GeCvBoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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