Brian Greene - Is Teleportation Possible?

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many works of science fiction have enticed our imagination with human teleportation [Music] but does it have any basis in reality teleportation is the hypothetical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them an actual teleportation of matter has never been realized by modern science which is based entirely on mechanistic methods and it is questionable if it can ever be achieved because any transfer of matter from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them violates newton's laws however teleportation in the quantum world is possible it involves two distant entangled particles which the state of a third particle instantly teleports its state to the two entangled particles quantum teleportation is a demonstration of what albert einstein famously called spooky action at a distance also known as quantum entanglement an entanglement one of the basic concepts of quantum physics the properties of one particle affect the properties of another even when the particles are separated by a large distance one of the weirdest characteristics of quantum mechanics which was revealed back in the 1930s so now a long time ago is that you can have a particle over here and a particle over there and you can set these particles up in such a way that if you do an experiment on one it has an effect on the other regardless of how far apart the particles are so just to give you a concrete example particles all have a quality known as spin the details don't matter but basically a particle can spin this way which we call spinning up or that way which you call spinning down so particle can spin up or spin down but the weirdness of quantum mechanics is a particle being a mixture of spinning up and down at the same time now if you have two particles imagine them both in this funny mixture spinning up and spinning down at the same time now what quantum theory says is if you measure one particle over here it will always snap to attention either be up or down when you look at it but what about its partner far away imagine this particle's in new york this one's in los angeles so you got these products doing this someone measures the particle in new york it snaps to attention and spins up the mass says that the one in la at that moment will snap to attention and spin down even though you didn't do anything to it all you did was measure its partner over here in new york einstein called that spooky action at a distance so these two particles even though they're far apart they somehow in a quantum mechanical way talk to each other now how can you leverage that into teleportation well if there's something i want to teleport i can bring it next to this particle in new york allow them to commingle through their co-mingling that's sort of like an experiment properties of the particle i want to teleport get imprinted on the particle in los angeles and then with a little extra detail and that's where quantum mechanics the math comes into the story i can manipulate this particle to make an exact copy of the particle that i wanted to teleport and weirdly the particle that i wanted to teleport because it co-mingled it gets affected it gets changed so the original no longer even exists so the only version of the original is this one in los angeles so in some sense i took the particle from new york and i made it appear in los angeles i have teleported it that's the essential idea that's one particle what would it what would it take to do many particles well we'd have to have a huge number of these entangled particles and be able to bring say the human being and have the human being co-mingle with this collection of particles that are entangled with the ones in la and somehow be able to measure every single particle in the human being how it co-mingles with this huge number of particles in the raw material and then somehow be able to use that information to manipulate a huge number of particles in los angeles it's the huge number problem that gets in the way of doing it but for individual particles we can do it while teleportation of matter is currently outside the realm of modern science in the quantum world teleportation of information has already shown its use cases quantum teleportation is a technique of transferring quantum information from a sender at one location to a receiver some distance away while teleportation is commonly portrayed in science fiction as a means to transfer physical objects from one location to the next quantum teleportation only transfers quantum information [Music] scientists have confirmed that information can be passed between photons on computer chips even when the photons are not physically linked now according to research by the university of rochester teleportation may also be possible between electrons in a paper published in nature communications researchers explored new ways of creating quantum mechanical interactions between distant electrons scientists say the research is an important step in improving quantum computing and has the potential to revolutionize technology medicine and science by providing faster and more efficient processors and sensors quantum physics is a field that appears to give scientists superpowers quantum mechanics the fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles arose gradually from theories that explained observations which could not be reconciled with classical physics such as max planck's solution in 1900 to the black body radiation problem einstein came to the rescue and proposed that a beam of light is not a wave propagating through space but a swarm of discrete energy packets known as photons in 1905 einstein proposed a theory of the photoelectric effect later which he won the nobel prize for he used a concept first put forward by max planck that light consists of tiny packets of energy known as photons or light quanta yeah so the photoelectric effect is the recognition that light itself which had been described as a wave from the time of maxwell an electromagnetic wave could actually be described in terms of little tiny particles that light was actually made up of what we call quanta photons and that move recognizing this deep relationship between a wave-like phenomenon and a particle-like phenomenon ultimately by the mid-20s and by the 30s gives rise to quantum mechanics einstein's formula however simple explained all the phenomenology of the photoelectric effect and had far reaching consequences in the development of quantum mechanics many modern electronic devices are designed using quantum mechanics some examples include the laser the transistor the electron microscope and magnetic resonance imaging or mri another goal is the development of quantum computers which are expected to perform certain computational tasks exponentially faster than classical computers instead of using classical bits quantum computers use qubits which can be in superpositions of states quantum programmers are able to manipulate the superposition of qubits in order to solve problems that classical computing cannot do effectively such as searching unsorted databases or enter factorization another active and current research topic is quantum teleportation which as we've alluded earlier deals with techniques to transmit quantum information over arbitrary distances researchers have begun to implement quantum teleportation in real world context being able to do so just might revolutionize modern phone and internet communications leading to highly secure encrypted messaging [Music] a paper published in nature photonics and co-authored by engineers at nasa's jet propulsion laboratory details the first experiments with quantum teleportation in a metropolitan fiber cable network for the first time the phenomenon has been witnessed over long distances in actual city infrastructure in canada university of calgary researchers teleported the quantum state of a photon more than 3.7 miles or 6 kilometers in dark unused cables under the city of calgary that's a new record for the longest distance of quantum teleportation in an actual metropolitan network while longer distances have been recorded in the past those were conducted in lab settings where photons were fired through spools of cable to simulate the loss of signal caused by long distances this latest series of experiments in calgary tested quantum teleportation in actual infrastructure representing a major step forward for the technology francesco marceli one of the jet propulsion laboratory co-authors said that demonstrating quantum effects such as teleportation outside of a lab environment involves a whole new set of challenges this experiment shows how these challenges can be all overcome and hence it marks an important milestone towards the future quantum internet quantum communications unlocks some of the unique properties of quantum mechanics to exchange information with ultimate security or linked together quantum computers according to ibm the advent of quantum computing may progress the field of medicine logistics financial services artificial intelligence and cloud security and while teleportation of matter remains an intriguing enterprise in science fiction we are more than grateful quantum teleportation of information is real and holds a promising future for a 21st century technological society thanks for watching did you like this video then show your support by subscribing and ringing the bell to never miss videos like this you
Channel: Science Time
Views: 126,658
Rating: 4.9069476 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Greene, Brian Greene Teleportation, Brian Greene is teleportation possible, quantum teleportation, quantum physics, quantum mechanics, quantum entanglement, teleportation, teleportation of matter, is teleportation possible, physics, cosmos, space, Einstein, spooky action at a distance, quantum computer, science, science time
Id: mumfEob6se8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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