Brexit trade deal: British fishermen say they feel ‘betrayed’

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an all british catch landed at brixem in devon these waters have been fished by british and european boats for centuries making fish a totemic issue in the brexit battle for sovereignty but while british fishers were at the forefront of the march to brexit the promise of winning back control of their waters has been broken a small increase in quota after a five-year transition period some eu access retained many here feel they were the price to be paid for a uk eu trade deal it's not what we wanted it's not what we asked for um i think we all knew deep down that we'd get shafted um used as a lever but i don't think we all thought it would be this bad fishing accounts for a tiny fraction of the uk economy yet its importance in the trade talks has been far greater than that one of the last major issues to be resolved remember the brexit vision was about taking back control of britain's laws of its borders and of its waters it's turned out that at least part of that vision was an illusion i'm probably one of the only remain voting fisherman you'll find i think it's another couple but now i'm not happily walking around the key saying i told you so but i am walking around the key saying i told you something so we were sold as the poster boys of brexit and it was all about reclaiming our waters and getting our territory back and uh it was just nonsense the whole thing was not but there are some some gains here are they not i mean no i'm not actually because eventually this boat i will spend probably 35 40 of my year in french wars i will spend kind of we'd land in holland we sent our boats to holland for refit we haven't got the infrastructure to refit this boat here so we are very closely geographically and politically tied with europe this whole thing was just pointless spratt the fisherman we met earlier has a sideline in youtube videos demonstrating how to cook britain's abundance of fish species there may be more fish on the menu now but the smell in the air is of betrayal jonah al jazeera brixem
Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 47,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: al jazeera english, aljazeera english, europe, united kingdom, al jazeera, aljazeera, aljazeera live, aljazeera news,, brexit, british, european union, europenews, jonah hull, political demands, youtube
Id: NpSd9AYrnuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 29sec (149 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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