Brennan Lee Mulligan Is Still an Evil Genius

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avenash walks up claps his hands together looks at the five and you guys were sort of deep in conversation you're using deep in conversation over here with with uh stalker and you see that uh Avinash comes over and says well that is maybe the fastest I've ever gotten it done uh and it is done and so let me check one two three four five six it's gonna take a long time well again we had an agreement which is that I get your bones if I don't have my bones so okay you know I can do a little cursory glance here and I'm gonna tell you I think they're all there oh well great well then we're all good uh the crown is perfect and you guys have it and that's great thank you take the crown um he's not holding it right it's over on the phone on the envelope No I gave it to your friend you give it to ham head uh the little one God [ __ ] dick oh wait wait no what um no I have two uh I am uh uh uh Jeremy sniff her out immediately just looking across the entirety of the Caldera I mean we all start Jesus yeah I gave it to ham head and uh the one in the chains uh yeah I uh she wasn't in Chains when uh I gave her the crown I you guys were talking I went over checked in on her I had the forge tools she was like hey uh and I pop the chance um and then gave her the crown she took out she asked me to put the Anvil in the lava points over and you go see the Anvil [Music] uh explosion flame he goes so so someone push him in line that's the lava burst into flame and is gone um to the jail cell that Liam walked out of because it's been open because Liam and Theo walked out of it you glance down there uh hanging from a wall uh like in shackles uh unconscious and tortured looking you just catch a glimpse through this like slip on a on a 20 DC uh is manta ray Jack um the pontifex looks at you and says King Amma thought of the House of rocks who is your lawful wedded wife King amethyst the house of rocks I put the question to you with your hand on the holy book of leaves your sister's book who is your lawful wedded wife though I am currently married to the queen Karma Linda of Candia I was previously married to a woman of the dairy Islands this marriage it was performed by father Belford buttercream of the balbian church is this correct you know that yes and this marriage it was never a null this is correct the war was a confusing time and oh the annulment was never official he believed I can imagine marrying a common milk made the war she moves cannot be found to another marriage rare that a prince marries a commoner still there is no queen caramelinda of House Rocks you became an oath breaker the moment that you agreed to marry her there has never been a marriage between caramel and Dunn house Fox because you could not enter into that promise in good faith so indeed there is only Kara Melinda of house meringue and her two bastard daughters call me that again I Pronounce You false an adulterer though and From This Moment forward you are excommunicated from the balbian church as such you may hold neither land nor title Archbishop seeing that the king of Candia is no longer King to whom does the crown of Candia belong the Archbishop pipes up and says your holiness the crown in this instance given that the daughters are bastards and uh Karen Melinda house meringue is no longer a member of the royal family passes to Duke Jordan jawbreaker who is in open Rebellion the pontifex says then Candia has seceded from the Concorde its Alliance is broken it is at war with the Conchords no sees them what about what does sanctuary do they this they both bypassed the wisdom check for Sanctuary uh so you see Clear goes get them Fabian huh and you see what both of them go right for glier one of them just rants immediately Dead full Dead full dad what go up here dead but he even took the Dodge action did he you're right hold on one second everyone at home please pray right now in the world right now hold on I will tell everybody oh my God call your family ask your representatives we need Congress even with disadvantage these do hit him on a roll of three or higher so we need you know one or a two I'm Gonna Roll it in front of the board guaranteed too guaranteed two guaranteed oh it didn't it doesn't count come on man it's kind of like I'll roll again it is one or two that's a 19. um uh uh so uh you see that uh glier immediately he just sprawled on the floor blood [Applause] no we can bypass that save the minimum damage from this thing is enough to put him way way under [Music] uh as you take off you see he says there are times when great magic can work wonders you [ __ ] you see he reaches into his coat and takes out um a swirling ball of fire uh with surrounded by pieces with Red Feather you see he says the egg thanks however death will exact its price there is foul play in this school only you can life for a life hey Mr Gibbons you see Mr Mrs up and says I'm sorry what and you see that principal egg Fort takes out a gun and shoots Mr Gibbons in the head and then takes the gun and says the price must be paid but I am and shoots himself in the head gorgog and Kristen you come back to life what the [ __ ] with the lunch lady what what about her life it could account for one of them uh you're all back with full head points where did you just do we gotta go guys but it just starts like cleaning up someone take my body ready you are surrounded by fire flame energy fiery flame energy is gone by the time you are fully uh uh bring Doreen back for yourself see that uh we're gonna enter initiative uh there's all this chaos erupts oh my god um you see that glier Faith looks around and goes uh um Captain seacaster my name is Galia Theos is there a safe place to hide and you see uh Captain sea Caster goes for the honorless dawn that [ __ ] my wife no boom and shoots Galia in the chest oh for 24 points of damage shields uh we're gonna begin initiative with Bill ccaster steering the shot Manchester clear fan is fully dead level up with us no foreign I'm going to need uh three Constitution saving throws we'll play this game again amethar you take 34 points of damage and are paralyzed can you talk if you're paralyzed or not no you can't do anything if you've highlights great um Conroy puts a gloved hand over your shoulder and twists the dagger into your back you feel your body freeze up staring out over the Estates of Candia see he goes you know what I always hated about you Amazon oh you were so damned lucky I mean fifth in line for the throne and the crown rests on your head and each of your sisters better and more better than you it really makes the unfortunate minor Lord of a less than wealthy Barony field I'm a little underwhelming oh I'll say your sisters were a little bit less lucky the least lucky thing that ever happened to Rococo was when she found out that I was selling weapons to the serrations that that had to be dealt with and I think you'll remember stranger was that she was found riddled with arrows so far behind our own lines but that's war and strange things happen all the time the instructions are finder very reasonable very reasonable and you can see some of their tents out here in the field how long his cake is part oh my God you know I don't have luck so I have to work I have to work a lot first I had to put the little cheese boy onto the scent of The Duchess cold bottle and I had to Ferry his idiot Sailors all the way up the sucrose road to that little Farmhouse I mean had to get them there somehow they couldn't sail there could they and they would be so suspicious walking up the road and yet you miraculously survive when you should have died amathar the unfallen you uncharacteristically leave a fight you jump out of the ring rather than trying to behead that carrot and they call the tournament even with all the work that me and alfredi put into getting those water steel daggers into her hands I I thought I was going to fail and then and then your friend manta ray Jack mentioned a girl at the banquet stashed somewhere in the Terry islands and I thought that's so interesting amathar and I are best friends War bodies as far back as we can remember why would he never tell me and I got to thinking amateur was never quiet about his exploits as a roving Prince of candy so why didn't I hear about this girl and I thought I'd better talk with man to Ray Jack he didn't want to talk but a few fingers and pints of blood later we remembered your sister's book very useful your sister very useful indeed up until a young Elizabeth Brassica ordered her run down in the street by vegetarian nights that that hurt because she had always been very sweet to me well after manta ray he saw an opportunity you know it hurts to have all of your plans failed but they say the improvisation is the better part of planning so I was happy to take advantage of that opportunity when it presented itself amethar [Music] happens to a man when he dies he shoots himself so I'll be happy to watch you [ __ ] one last time he grabs your ankles and goes I wonder if they'll call you amathar the unfallen after this here's to a future you can't ruin and heaves you over the walls of the castle
Channel: TheSweetboy
Views: 471,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CriticalRole, Critical Role, Fjord, Nott, Veth, Caleb, Jester, Mollymauk, Beau, Marisha Ray, Matthew Mercer, Critical Role Funny Moments, Critical Role Best Moments, Critical Role Battle, Sam Riegel, Ashley Johnson, Critical Role Series, Exandria Unlimited, EXU, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Brennan Lee Mulligan Best Moments, Brennan Lee Mulligan Is An Evil Genius, EXU Calamity, EXU Highlights Calamity, Dimension 20, Dimension 20 Highlights, Crown of Candy, Escape From The Bloodkeep
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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