Breastfeeding MOM SHAMED In Restaurant | Dhar Mann Bonus Videos

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oh come on what kind of inconsiderate jerks brings a baby to a fancy restaurant let's not let it ruin our evening isn't this wine lovely can you believe the nering this woman everybody here is paying a lot of money to have a fine dining experience and here she comes as if this place is an apple piece please don't let her sit near us please don't let her sit near us please don't let her sit near us M of course just my luck excuse me could you please find them a different table preferably as far from us as possible I'm sorry sir but this is the only available table we have for them I'm telling you this baby's going to be loud annoying and as inconsiderate as its mother I mean really how am I supposed to eat with all this racket who in the world thinks a baby belongs in a place like this I'm telling you the more de and people like us let things like this light the worse it'll get not so loud you don't want to wake the baby oh I'm supposed to accommodate a rude woman and her breat that is not what I said well I'm not the one who brought an infant into a fancy restaurant H she should be the one accommodating Us by living Daniel please lower your voice what I'm not supposed to talk on her date come on are you kidding me Rita if the baby doesn't like the noise then its mother shouldn't have brought it here in the first place oh okay here we go just like I predicted no no no no no sh it's okay everything's okay no is not okay it's very very rude I'm terribly sorry she's usually very quiet if you were truly sorry you would take your bundle of noise and get out of here she'll settle down if we keep our voices down a little while she'll fall right back to sleep so I'm supposed to quiet down you really have no respect for the rest of the world do you I beg your pardon you heard me you could have just stay home but instead you decided to come to a fancy restaurant with your annoying baby and ruin everybody else's night don't call my baby annoying lady are you even listening to your baby everybody in this place is annoyed by her there's no rule R against having a child here there shouldn't have to be a rule it's just plain common sense and decency Daniel come on Rita please you qu your baby down or I'll have them kick the both of you out of here some people just have no respect for others okay okay I see you're hungry thank you oh come on this has gone too far what is it now just look at least the baby's not crying that's a good thing right good people are trying to eat here and she's exposing herself she's not exposing herself miss miss right over here please right now is everything okay sir no everything everything is definitely not okay do you see what's happening here uh I'm just trying to settle my child down this is supposed to be a fine dining establishment not a strip club I'm not sure what you would like me to do sir what I want you to do is to throw this women out for public and decency public and decency are you crazy you know we've been trying to sit here politely you know trying to ignore her her but this is just going too far ignore me right all you've done since I arrived is complain and yet you haven't gotten the hint sir please don't make a scene tell her that she's the one spoiling everyone's evening with her loud Pratt let me speak to the owner I'll be right back please do I'm sure the owner will agree that this is no place for a baby can we just try to enjoy our meal I mean the food looks delicious how am I going to eat with that happening next to me okay I've just had about enough of you picking on this poor woman I mean can't you just leave it be you're getting mad at me you're being extremely rude she's the one being rude I'm not trying to be rude sir well you failed just like probably you will fail at being a mother excuse me that's NE Daniel I'm calling it as it is anyone who's as incons it as to bring a baby into a fancy restaurant is definitely way too selfish to be a good mother those are just [Music] facts I spoke with the owner and she agrees this is no place for a baby thank you finally somebody gets it bye-bye lady oh I'm sorry if you misunderstood me the owner is not asking her to leave she's asking you F since you're the only adult here acting like a baby wait what I mean you're kicking me out that's ridiculous her stupid babies that wer making all the noise I demand to speak to the owner right now well I'm the owner of this establishment is there a problem just great no wonder why you're signing with that woman the whole world is going crazy on us here tonight you have been asking politely to leave I suggest you do or I will be forced to call the police yeah yeah yeah whatever okay I've done nothing wrong okay this is crazy thank you for ruining our night I'm just here to have a nice meal and you've been nothing but loud overbearing and rude if you wanted to have a nice meal you should have left your baby at home and how am I supposed to do that huh I'm a single mother who works two jobs to support myself and my child babysitters are expensive and tonight's a special night not only is it the first night that I've had off in months it's also my birthday I just wanted to treat myself to a nice meal and have a wonderful evening with my baby and you've done nothing but insult me and my child so as far as I'm concerned you're the one who should have stayed home okay come on Rita let's go I'm not going with you what come on don't be ridiculous the night has already been bad enough as it is yes it's been bad because of you Daniel you clearly showed your true colors and frankly I don't want to date a man like [Music] you would you mind if I join you too birthday girl shouldn't be eating all alone of course that is if you don't mind a fussy baby of course not oh she is adorable ladies this meal is on the house and I am going to check with the chef about a special birthday dessert thank you a [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus
Views: 1,583,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dhar mann, behind the scenes, motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, self improvement, happiness, kindness, dhar mann studios, dhar mann behind the scenes, dhar mann actors
Id: nvncU1sn344
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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