Breakthrough In Dark Energy? Here's What The Researchers Have To Say

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since 1998 astronomers have known about the strange phenomena in the universe called Dark Energy this weird vacuum energy that appears to be appearing in every cubic meter of space and accelerating the expansion of the universe but nobody really knows what it is and at the same time there are other mysteries in astrophysics Dark Matter black holes Etc and now a team of astronomers think they have connected the growth of supermassive black holes over time with the amount of dark energy in the universe and if true then these two seemingly disconnected astrophysical processes are related to one another if true it's a groundbreaking proposal and one which could explain a bunch of mysteries in the universe kind of all at the same time but in the immortal words of Dr Paul Sutter if it's interesting it's probably wrong so I get into a in-depth interview with Dr Chris Pearson who is a researcher with Ral space they're just part of the international team of astronomers who have done the observations and have written the papers the peer-reviewed papers that are proposing this link between supermassive black holes as a source of dark energy in the universe it's it's pretty crazy stuff but and yet the observations are are pretty solid so enjoy this interview with Dr Chris Pearson so what what led you to decide that you wanted to track this correlation between black holes and dark energy we were kindly have led to this in in a in a roundabout way really we have um our team has interest in both of theoretical side and the observation side so the the it's led by the team at the University of of Hawaii with um with um UK collaboration on this um from from our side um we had interest in Galaxy Evolution and how for example um stars were formed in galaxies and how this uh the star formation galaxies was also linked to the growth of black holes in galaxies over over Cosmic time and that was one of the stepping stones that led us to the the results of the current paper finding that in fact um the way black holes grow inside um giant galaxies it cannot be explained by the normal astrophysical processes you know where where black holes gobble up stars or they merge together with other black holes and I know this is a this has been one of the big outstanding Mysteries like every part of the story is one of the biggest outstanding mysteries in science but this idea that that supermassive black holes get so big so quickly and the mass of the black hole seems to be correlated with the size and evolution of the of the Galaxy itself and this question what came first the Galaxy or the or the black hole um and so is this the sort of the path you were attempting to understand indeed yeah we're looking at how these things evolve with time um and and the interplay between the the black holes and the galaxies themselves from the you know from the formation through star formation to um to to where we see these giant galaxies at the present day where they finished all their star formation and they're now kind of like with these these Red Dead galaxies in the universe so then how did this connect to this idea of of dark energy what was the sort of you know well I don't know it's like the the peanut butter in my chocolate or vice versa yeah um so so that whole connection came about because um the results the studies showed that you know black holes grew much faster in math than what could just be explained by normal processes so then you have to look around for these these Alternatives um now we know that some of these some of these theories have been around for a while how black holes grow for example but the the key point was here that saying that this growth of black holes could indeed be linked to the expansion of the universe itself um there is there's there's Solutions of Einstein stereo gravity for example that these black holes are intimately coupled to the expansion universe and as the universe expands these black holes grow as well along with that now that's not saying that you know we're seeing this big expansion of the black hole it itself but rather as as the universe expands space and time is stretched and this is kind of like feeding this this black hole growth now the connection between the dark energy and the black holes is looking at just how strong this coupling between the black holes and universities expansion is uh it depends on kind of like the flavor of black hole um as to as the strength of the coupling and what we found was when we looked at our sample of galaxies with big black holes at the center we found very good correlation between the growth rate we observed and what was predicted if these black holes um were coupled to the university expansion with cores of effectively dark energy and so what methods did you use to actually make these measurements of your of your black holes in their galaxies yeah so what we need is uh is is the mass of of the black hole and this this is it's it's a surprisingly um I'm not going to say easy way to do it but there's there's standard ways of um of of doing this uh for example um you can look at the at the material around the black hole um that's rotating around the black hole itself and by looking at the at some of the spectral lines so for example classic ones are hydrogen and magnesium you can get an idea about how fast this matter is spinning about the black hole and then you can do relatively straightforward physics to to connect the speed of that rotation to the actual mass at the at the center of that car in this in very much in the same way as the speed of a satellite around a planet for example yeah right like detecting the mouse of an individual object is almost impossible put something in orbit around it and boom the equations it it can be figured out and we are helped that in this study group we're predominantly looking at these things called supermetic black holes and the these Giants the centers of galaxies um so this this enables us to measure this effect um to relatively large distances so we're not looking at these you know the tiny black holes we won't be able to see them so far away right and what telescope did you use to meet your observations of the of the black holes and and measure the Spectra so we've used we've used several um several several telescopes in uh what we've done these these observations are not are not new and rather what you've looked at are existing existing surveys um and and some of these surveys for example were with the the wise satellite now that was a that was a U.S um infrared satellite that did an all Sky survey at um it infrared wavelengths of around um uh five out of eight eight micrometers or 525 micrometer correctly um also the Sloan digital Sky survey as well which has been around for for years and years and years again covers something like um one quarter of the sky so they're all standard um surveys that we used and and it's just um you know picking through this to find the right sort of Galaxy that we wanted for our study and so you've you've measured the mass of these black holes you've measured the mass of the galaxies around them how do you tie this to the dark energy measurements so they're tied to the dark energy measurements um by by looking at the the growth rate of these black holes over Cosmic time so what we did is we first of all we picked a certain type of galaxy and a certain type of galaxy picked were these giant elliptical galaxies and giant elliptical galaxies are galaxies that have finished all their star formation um so it's effectively a quiescent Galaxy it's not one of these sort of like Star bursting big merging Ultra or hyperlumous gases we see uh so so effectively red Red Dead galaxies this means that any growth to the Black Coffee measure is very difficult to reconcile with with star formation because these things shouldn't have star formation in them and we look at these different populations um as as a function of distance and universe so so more distant galaxies actually being in the past are actually younger right it's kind of like a reverse thing when you look back you know kind of yeah and and we look at we look at Galaxy's um for example say um like nine nine billion years um nine billion years ago and then we stepped forwards at certain uh slightly different distant ranges until we get to the local universe so it kind of like gives us a map of how these these black holes have been growing uh over time and we can be we can be relatively sure that um that most of this is not going to be astrophysical processes like it's not going to be Stars forming it for example because there's no stars um from in that Galaxy and then we can and then we can try and map that to map that growth rate to what we expect these galaxies would have in terms of growing their black holes which is very small because they're they're galaxies and we find that there's something like a factor of 8 to 20 bigger than what they should be if we're just considering um uh current theories so so that gives us this big sort of like anomaly that we have to we have to um uh explain yep and and then we we make this Assumption of this this fact that the black holes are coupled to the expansion universe so this gives us a method to increase its mass and then where the dark energy comes in is that um it it connects the the strength of this coupling to the expansion of of the universe and the expected universe so the the this um this um coupling can be thought of it's a bit like an elastic band you know that you pull apart and as the universe pulls apart there's more tension in the elastic band so it's like there's more potential energy in this elastic band um as the university explains um so we can it's almost like to keep with the elastic band analogy you know the amount of tension in that elastic band uh relates to different sources of um of what the what the black holes are made of for example yeah and this this tension that elastic band is is captured in this value called the um the cutting strength or the or this uh this letter K that we use um in the paper um so so this cutting constant if you find the value of that free and then it's consistently with um with dark energy inside these back goals right if if it's like I'm trying to avoid the use the word normal black hole because normal normal black color is you know in itself a little bit of contradiction but let me say traditional traditional black guys is available so traditional black color is this cosmetal coupling strength will be zero right so there's quite a difference between zero and three so we can we can then measure um this for all the galaxies in our sample and what we find is this nice clustering um around this value of k equals three um and and it it is quite a significant statistical result how many sigmas so so so this is is like at the at the 98 or 99.98 confidence interval here right right it's um it's in terms of the statistics it looks very likely and this was done this study was done with something like 500 galaxies but it's not a large number so there are you know caveats on this in terms of like as usual in astronomy it would be very nice to have a lot more um galaxies and data to to work with so it should be stress this is a very initial result but it's it's initial result that has gone through the peer review process to be published in papers so it's it's a really interesting um starting point well I want to sort of go back to this initial measurement of the increase of the mass of the black holes in a galaxy that is done with its star formation So in theory there's there shouldn't be material feeding into these black hole anymore and yet you're measuring an increase of the mass of the Black Holes without any food that alone seems like a very interesting result have other people detected this in the past or is this sort of one of the new measurements that you're making it's it's not it's not a particularly new measurement um and and this is a standard way of of measuring the the mass of of black holes I mean I mean black holes always have something going around in the center of the galaxies I mean um Even in our galaxy um we're not an actively star forming Galaxy uh in terms of like violent style formation and obviously we have stars you know whizzing around the our Central Galaxy and we still have like this some some dust and gas around the central Galaxy as well so it's a pretty standard way to measure um the the mass of these these black holes so a lot of a lot of the astrophysical side is is pretty standard pretty standard tools the the jump is making the connection uh between between the theory and the observation and that's what's special about the result really uh even even the thing like the dark energy and black holes uh or or vacuum images it's sometimes referred to in black holes this has been knocking around since the 1960s you know there's been people talking about this and theorizing and finding Solutions of Einstein's um uh equations of of gravity the significant thing is here is tying that theory to something that's actually been observed and these observations actually fitting what the theory is is predicting so I mean I mean this is a classic correlation causation question like you are 99.9 sure that the mass of the black holes are increasing in lockstep with the amount of dark energy that's making its way into the universe that could be a coincidence of course um the the I guess the claim of the paper is that these things are causal yeah yeah and indeed we have to be so so the result of the paper shows that it's that there's two things first of all that that the the growth of the black hole mess is consistent with being made of um uh vacuum energy yep and then when we do a calculation an estimation of of the total amount of vacuum energy contained inside black holes then we find that we can actually potentially account for all the dark energy in in the universe here so what would it take to give yourself a much higher I mean 99.99 like I think to regular audience sounds quite exciting and that sounds very certain but as a as a an astronomer I'm sure you're like oh I need more sigmas please like five seconds one in 10 million would be nice um yeah what would it take to pin down those uncertainties even further so so what what would be really nice I think there's two ways this can be done uh I mean first of all to um to have more data of the same um kind and and that would help us basically to improve our statistics but what would be really nice is if we can find um evidence for this in completely different um Avenues and and things like that would be um black hole black hole merger rates where where the effect of this may be seen for example in accelerated orbital decay of the black hole black on merger base and that's something that things like ligo may be able to give us for example um the gravitational wave experiment um also to look at at a larger spread of the mass of black holes the Stellar Mass black holes for example and look at their and look at the Mass Spectrum the cfpc an over density in the number of black holes um there uh and also if if possible if we can find even even completely different avenues for this for example looking at the cosmic micro background which is like the the Afterglow of the Big Bang um so you you know with the um question micro background we have these nice sort of red and blue temperature Master maps that are made quite Famous by um uh W mat pen the blanks outline um but we know that this the cosmic background could also be decomposed into kind of effectively sound waves right and you can do this you've done like spherical harmonics now there might there might be a signal in that data as well um that we that would correlate with with the result that we have and that would be quite nice if we could find a completely different avenue too you know to to correlate without our results so it really is you know putting that question out there and now saying um you know let's go and prove or disprove it which is you know which is how science should be done anyway yeah I mean what about like jwst I mean you said it was the the images were tip traditionally done with wise Jesus he is like super wise would that help you get more data it would but the thing is that JW's 2 jwst is not built for um uh big statistical samples it's built for looking at at very a small number of very very interesting things so in this respect um Jay Davis is probably not going to be the right instrument to use I mean what we really want are things like all Sky all Sky surveys for example right unless they give it to you for a year right so give it to us yeah that'd be very nice but I don't think that's good yeah all right all right all right okay so you know like people like I want to get into the consequences of this in a second because because like I'm kind of holding back on this part of the interview because it's really exciting but before we I wanna I want everyone to eat their vegetables first before we get on to the dessert and so you know you mentioned that you you know the job of scientists you try to generally try to disprove your hypothesis so how could you be wrong lots of advice we could be wrong um so so as as you raised um that the first one is you know just simply a a cosmic coincidence um have we thought of everything in the in the way we're working things out in the statistics um have we made the right assumptions about the the galaxies and how much staff motion do these These Old Galaxies have in them the other big assumption is that what we really like to do obviously if we're looking at how uh the mass of a black hole changes with time what we like to do is like pick a black hole and look at how it changes over nine billion years but that's going to take several generations of Sciences right so so instead um what what we do is we make an assumption that these electrical galaxies at the the distant the distance the high distances are the same population or rather will evolve in this in the same way into the same population as what we see in the local universe and that's a reasonable assumption in the way we think about how galaxies evolve but it's not necessarily correct okay so so that that's one area as well where we might find out that um you know we were we were wrong or you know there's a reduced coupling strength as well um the other thing is the other ways are we've used various sort of statistical methods uh when we look at the sample to calculate the correlation of cutting strength um there's there's various assumptions made there as I said we've only got 500 galaxies it's it's it's not a Time number but it's not a big number to do these sorts of Statistics with especially when you spread them out over the distance range um that we have because we're looking back over nine billion years of cosmic history right it's um it's it's no small it's no small time span to assume that things don't change for example right okay thank you very is where we where we need to sort of tighten up things I think so paper you are not just sort of providing these observations but you are proposing an underlying mechanism for what is the cause this coupling and and by doing so are proposing fairly dramatic rewrites to physics as we understand it both in terms of dark energy but more uh significant is the changes to black holes themselves yeah so so if you're right and this mechanism is true what is a black hole right so this is yeah this is now getting into the um the the far-reaching implications this is the dessert portion of the of the conversation everybody so but I but I think it's interesting enough that that let's just speculate and see where we go sure so I mean we probably need to take a step back first of all then and yeah and and just say what uh what what a black hole is a a black hole it happens um in the simplest sense where some of the these massive stars um explode at the end of their lives because because Stars basically are nuclear reactors so you've got a nuclear action is happening in their core and these nuclear reaction reactions are pushing back constantly against the the pull of gravity and gravity is trying to squash the scars the Stars down the nuclear energy is trying to push back against gravity so for much of the star's life you have this balance between the energy generation the star and the gravity outside the star uh when when the star of energy so it runs out of fuel Rod if it can no longer convert its hydrogen to helium gravity suddenly wins and for big big stars who basically um live fast party hard Diane their fuel disappears rather suddenly and then we will see catastrophic collapse of the Star as gravity takes over now the gravity will squash the star down the star will explode and the Supernova without blowing up some of its material but the core remains and it gets squashed and squashed by gravity more and more until it gets squashed to a point where it's so dense and the gravity becomes so strong that even light rays coming out from the core uh can't resist the pull of gravity and that's why black holes are black now traditionally now if you cross if you could cross into a black car without being spaghettified um you would make your way towards the center and as you go towards the center you would find the density increasing the pressure increasing and the volume getting smaller and smaller and smaller until you get to a point that we call the singularity um where the density would be infinite the pressure would be infinite and the volume would be zero so you're squashed you're squashed into nothingness now the problem with this is the promising clarities is that they're a bit of a mathematical impossibility because you can't really have division by zero in the city in the simplest sense it's a math problem uh and it's not saying that that happens what it's saying is that at that point our our understanding of the laws of physics are breaking down and you need some sort of quantum theory of gravity for example so we don't want really uh black holes with singularities now what this Talent study would help with is that black holes in the new scenario would have dark energy cores now that in itself is exotic but at least it's it circumvents the need for these singularities so it would radically change the way we think black holes are structured and and rather neatly also circumvent the need for singularities in black holes so it's not the only solution for this but it is the solution that we've linked to um some degree of observational uh evidence so so it would really turn black holes on their heads you know discover if we could if we could get around this sort of traditional structure and replace them with dark energy cores but what like you say change how they would be structured but like what what is a dark energy core in a black hole like if you were to sort of I don't know slice a black hole in half you know before you talked about this increasing pressure and and density and temperature and and decreasing volume what would you see now if you sliced this black coated Rising and that this this is this is when we get on this is where we get on to progressively progressively shake it shake it yep you're getting to really the um the the bleeding edge of that yeah but I you know we put all the cavity in and we made this a safe space so it's okay to you know let your imagination run wild here yeah and and and yeah the answers some of the answers are absolutely amazing so so the idea is is that with these dark energy black holes um the outer layer uh you you would look like a traditional black hole um as we move inside the black hole we would effectively see a phase transition so in some ways the same way as sort of like you know water turns to ice and vice versa we would see a phase transition from the normal matter into into dark energy and and this may happen at a second Event Horizon a a caution Horizon inside the black hole now the really interesting thing is here is that inside this inner Horizon once you've got this this vacuum energy or dark energy core the core of a black hole actually acts like something called a decita universe now a desitter universe is one of the solutions of Einstein's theory of general relativity and and it was it was postulated as a universe with with no normal matter no Mass inside it but filled with just the energy of the vacuum and and the the cause of these black holes would act very much like these the city universes so so it is it's rather cool to think of and um these black holes almost having many uni verses at their at their Center which is which is quite a mind-blowing um a line blowing result to it we should be richer which which I I personally is a really exciting thing of course there's no way there's no way we can send a probe or a telescope in in to see this it's all about um and does the theory fit the observations really but it's a really exciting way of thinking about it though so but then how does the I guess so you sort of described what black holes might be so then what is dark energy under this model so that so so what we have what we what we've done is is shown an origin for the dark energy we haven't answered questions about what the dark energy is um if we think of it as uh as um and again I I used I want to avoid the word normal because it's not normal the traditional um or one of the traditional interpretations is is dark energy is what we call vacuum energy so vacuum energy is uh is the energy Association associated with empty space um classically or or in the in in the in the quantum world this energy is caused by little virtual particles popping into existence and popping out of existence as well the the problem the problem with this formulation of dark energies is when you come from the quantum mechanic side and you calculate the um the the magnitude of this dark energy we get numbers that are something like orders of 120 always have made you bigger than what we see in the universe today so when we start talking about Dark Energy now we are also starting to run to run into problems with trying to marry Einstein's theory of gravity of the very big and the very strong sort of um environment with the theory of quantum mechanics which you know addresses the very small which leads us on to this whole thing about things like the theories of everything and unification theories so that there's lots of stuff out there um but we are very much in the realm of of theory we know there's also a time in the universe um around the time the Big Bang where the universe suddenly expanded very very fast it's called the inflationary phase and we think that at the end of this inflationary phase the this this sort of vacuum energy of the Universe um was converted into the normal matter that we see today right now inside that black hole this phase transition between the outer part of the black hole and the inner part of black hole could be that mechanism in Reverse so instead of converting vacuum energy into into um into normal normal stuff you're converting normal stuff into into vacuum energy and that could be a possible mechanism with which with the way these cores in black holes are these dark energy cores are created but again it's it's all it's all very sort of um you know hand wavy and healthy but I mean again the the traditional view the normal view of dark energy that nobody has any idea what it is um is that it is some kind of constant pressure that is being generated by empty space itself the more empty space you get the more Dark Energy you get and the faster the universe continues to accelerate apart but if black holes themselves are are the source of the Dark Energy then you would expect the expansion to not be homogeneous you would expect to see giant clusters of elliptical galaxies pushing away regions of space in a way that that's uneven is would that is that what you would expect to see that that that's that's a really good question and it's a question that that keeps on coming up and and the answer is is um is is locked up in in the theory of general relativity the theory of generativity when it talks about these type of energy density sources um in fact the actual pressure is averaged everywhere um and that includes that includes if you've got Dark Energy clusters inside what we call compact objects or black holes so an under under relativistic conditions which black holes are in you can think of the the pressure being averaged over the entire fabric of space and time during the acceleration of the of the expanding universe so again when we when we think about these things we're very used to thinking about black holes at black holes as isolated objects uh whereas you've got to think of them as as connected intimately to the topic of space-time and it itself so the these these results are tied up in the in the solutions of general relativity and a bit I admit yeah they're a bit mind-bending um as as well but we are we are in the Realms where we're moving away from like Newtonian mechanics which is common sense and and into sort of like the the areas where you've got things like you know time dilation and yeah things like this so it's it's it's it there are solutions to this in the in the maths and so if you see when the Nancy Grace Roman telescope comes online and does a really detailed survey of type 1A Supernova or via Reuben like I think astronomers only know about 1600 type only Supernova right now and Vera Ruben's supposed to find a million yeah a couple of years so you wouldn't expect to see the ex the acceleration of the universe to be different in different locations like you would expect to see it to be exactly the same no matter where you look despite the locations of the black holes themselves yeah yeah yeah so that that's that's not a way we're going to distinguish where this is right or wrong because we'd expect to see exactly to what we see now yeah if you did find that it is different would that disprove your work well it wouldn't disprove the work it would um it would probably um I mean it it would have it would have two two different um implications I think I mean first of all that our theory of dark energy is probably not correct uh which wouldn't necessarily disagree what we're saying because it could be something else exotic you know that that is that does exist in sort of like this this clustering environment and and the second thing would be that um uh general relativity might not be correct on those scales for example um so I I think we'd have if if if this new if the new generation of telescopes and Facilities found something like that we'd have a lot more to worry about than the results of this study I think well I mean it would be exciting it's like the you know the crisis in cosmology like this is just a gigantic opportunity to reevaluate everything we ever thought was true indeed and this is this is what we had with the with the initial discovery of dark energy I mean back in the 1990s um um if you lived in in the if you studied in the 80s or in the early 90s you you were living in a universe that had a big bang um well and this big bang gave the universe uh his first kick made it expand but then immediately gravity starts slowing the universe down so we lived in the universe where uh the expansion was slowly slowing down and maybe actually stopped expanding at time Infinity for example was was one was like the preferred preferred University we lived in then in the late 1990s I think 1998 you had a Hubble looking at these distant Supernova finding their um their brightness wasn't what was expected and the only possible the only plausible explanation for that was the universe was accelerating you know which which no one saw coming right yeah yeah no one ordered that so it's always possible that you're gonna get this next generation of facilities that is going to turn astronomy on its head even things like James Webb is looking for the first Stars if there those first stars are found for example much further or much earlier in history Universe than what we expect again then you know people have to think about uh um revisiting uh their theories of how the universe evolves so new stuff always brings new new um new discoveries really you know there are some possibilities that maybe dark energy is actually increasing or has changed in in up quantities over time you know one of the most unsettling ideas is this idea of the Big Rip do you make any predictions based on whether the universe is going to tear itself apart in a few billion years not a few billion years thankfully um yes so dark energy should be should be continually being created because um it's it's it's a property of the of the universe expanding uh but it's it's the it's the density of the dark energy that's the important thing and and and what's happening is that the dark energy is being produced in at the same rate as the University's expanding so you've got like this this power of free so if Cube are being produced but you've also got things being spread out because at the same time um with an equal um Power of Q because like the volumes expanding so the density goes down so what you effectively get is a constant energy density for Dark Energy now that that means that the proportion of dark energy with respect to the other stuff in the universe does change your time right so in the early Universe when the universe was small the actual fraction of dark energy compared to the density in normal matter and dark matter was a lot smaller so in the early universe is dominated by it by gravity and in fact if we made this study 10 billion years in the past we wouldn't even we wouldn't be making it because data energy wouldn't be able to be seen we wouldn't know it existed yeah now as as time goes on this dark energy density is still constant but because the universe is expanding the density of the dark matter the density the normal matter is being diluted so so now we're living in in an era where dark energy has taken hold and is accelerating the universe if we fast forward you know 25 billion years or so into the future then the universe has got even more diluted gravity is even more weaker dark energy is the same but the actual fraction of the dark energy density is now absolutely dominating the universe you're going to get to a point where it's like 99.99 of the energy density fraction is actually in dark energy and that's when we're going to see you know this this big rip or rather you know like a cold death of the universe where the universe expands so much that the individual atoms are split up and you've got like zero energy everywhere um but yeah and I did I did newspaper articles and interviews last last week for this and um that there had to be like a a a a period of calming down but it wasn't going to happen and and changes at the copy so don't don't panic the readership because it's not going to happen in the next turn in the near future it's a long long time so we're safe right right of course um I mean what's next because like like if you're right this is enormous yeah and and I'm sure in your mind you're like and so we're probably not right like like you don't want to sort of get too high in your own Supply um this is a this could be a groundbreaking result that that rewrites big chunks of physics yeah really it's got to be really scary to be proposing that it had it it is and you know we we already get various amounts of uh of Kickback from the from the cosmological community especially um everyone's got their pet theories and again like I said before this this is this is how science is supposed to work um if if we do find that these results are disproved we've still got that discrepancy right as well there's still things that need to be explained there's still there's still been a a formulation of of for example the origin of dark energy and the uh and the fact that vacuum energy might exist inside these compact objects which like I said before it's not a new thing there's been plenty of theories they've been that put forward for Dark Energy stars or dark energy black holes as well it's all part of the of the process of um of pushing forward our our understanding to so to be to be proved wrong is is not a terrible it's not a terrible thing obviously it's nice to be right but um you know we're we're being we're being pragmatic about it you know in in this case right yeah it needs to be right but you'll settle for being wrong yeah yeah yeah well uh Chris it is absolutely fascinating work and and I think we're going to hear more and more about this in the coming weeks months and and and years and hopefully you do end up being proven right uh if people want to chart your progress and see the work that you're doing what's the best place to do that um yeah so so if you want to follow the work uh first of all the papers are on the astrophysics archive archive site um you can look at uh things like physics but I have also reported um the results of this and as I said the the the main Partners in this study were University of Hawaii so you look you can look on the the astrophysics group at the University of Hawaii page as well and they'll they'll that will put you in the right direction for the future work here fantastic well um please keep us all posted on on what you guys discover with each iteration of This research it sounds pretty exciting and I'm really looking forward to what you uncover thanks a lot thanks brilliant thank you you can get even more space news in my weekly email newsletter I send it out every Friday to more than 60 000 people I write every word there are no ads and it's absolutely free subscribe at 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Channel: Fraser Cain
Views: 105,671
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Keywords: universe today, fraser cain, space, astronomy, dark energy, black holes, dark energy black holes, source, source of dark energy, dark energy source
Id: -8CIUzPkigQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 3sec (2523 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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