Breaking the Taboo:Honest Conversation about making Money | Firas Al Msaddi | TEDxWestfordUniSharjah

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[Applause] I'm here today to engage with a discussion about making money but before I start by way of a very quick introduction I came to Dubai back in December 2005. I had zero money in my pocket very humble or poor English speaking skills and no connections I worked in a fashion shop for one and a half years and then every day that feeling of Suffocation from you know the four walls I'm I'm operating from was was pushing me and motivating me more to look for something else I transitioned into real estate and fast forward 14 15 years well I started some properties in 2009 like she just mentioned that was the peak of not just the global economic crisis that was the peak of the global real estate crisis so people called me a lunatic when I started fast forward 14 15 years today I run an on a multi-million dollar group of companies my core is Real Estate actually today found properties employs around 900 people we operate from out of 45 000 square feet and we're the most technologically advanced reset company and the largest real estate company ever built in Dubai now I'm not here to tell you about the importance of money but I want to share with you at least what I know about making money and what I learned in the past 15 years of course I've taken a lot of head down punches in the boardroom and in the marketplace and I went through a lot of ups and downs but so far I made it and I want to share with you the cream of what I learned now a successful business a successful company is just another term for a money making company you'd never see a successful company that is bankrupt and the same applies to individuals when you talk about the best footballers the best Architects the best real estate agents the best basketball players they're not known for their poverty they're actually often known for their wealth and that transitions the discussion of how can I make money or how can I make more money into how can I gain more experience because those those who are doing better those who are exceptional at what they do they earn more right so the question is how can I become exceptional how can I become the best of the best in what I do and experience is the result of learning and practicing your learning thus in its simplest form and it's so true 15 years I'm bouncing between learning and practicing my learning and often of course theories are much much easier than practice we have a real estate Academy and the company and I know the you know we give a lot of information on what they need to do and they come the first day to the sales floor they're really motivated but they find themselves in the middle of a war zone full of sharks so although in theory everything appears to be easy and simple but the reality is different and here where they talk about the talk about hard work and smart work and the misconception about smart work kicks in many people think the smart work is maybe an excuse or a legit reason for us to work less and that's not true because smart work is so important but it's given I've never been intentional about smart work in fact if I want to work smart the first thing I do is I understand that if I do more and I work harder I'm gonna get more I've never heard someone talk saying that I'm gonna work smart today and stupid tomorrow so as important as we believe that smart work is is an important component of success but it's a given but hard work is intentional if we bring two people today and with the same abilities and we say the you need to achieve X level of experience within one year by working five days a week eight hours a day and one of them starts doing 10 hours a day and starts doing six days a week for sure he's gonna get there faster and that's why some people makes it before others but the good news is that even if we have a different set of abilities and skills we all have the opportunity to progress every single day by again you learn you practice your learnings the first real estate company I worked for I remember very well I used to literally sleep in the office on the floor and even while sleeping I'm still dreaming about what I'm gonna do the next day because it was like an obsession for me and that's why I managed to really fast track my career and Fast Track the Milestones from being an agent to being a manager to being a GM to being a business owner and I don't think that anyone can can achieve can outperform their peers within their industry or their workplace if they don't work harder and I mean I remember one time one of the guys that works for me came and he said how can I work smarter and I said working smart and working hard are just basically the same it's exactly the same concept of you coming to the office and saying I need to do one two three whether that's going to take me three hours or six hours or 10 hours I'm not going to leave my office before I finish what I what I came to finish so working hard is something that you have to be super intentional about and to recap in a nutshell the amount of money you're going to make is always proportionated to the amount of experience you gain and the only way to gain experience is to learn and to practice those learnings which requires an insane level of willpower and determination but at the end of the day even if you are competing with someone who's got better abilities than you he could make it in three days and you could make it in two weeks but if you keep going you're gonna get there too um and I think that's that's summing up everything I learned about making money and I hope that the insights I shared with you today will inspire you to take actions in your in your real life because the opportunities especially in this era that we're in are just insane there's a new world order and this side of the world is the lucky side and the opportunities worth witnessing in Dubai or in the UAE are just unbelievable people are fleeing from all around the world into Dubai and all we have to think about whether we're talking about our capacity or as employees or as business owners is our ability to create value to others that's literally what a successful business is they say the simplest way to start the business is is to find the biggest problem and to find the solution to that problem and by finding that solution is you're basically creating value to others and just strucks me that sometimes people over complicate things and they talk about resources and I don't know what it's very simple you just need to find a way to add value to people and that's that's pretty simple in theory but in actions you're competing with others and those who are creating better value than you and outperforming you in that context would make it very difficult for you to to get there and to progress but again back to the same thing hard work and smart work if you work hard and if you keep going and if you're consistent you'll get there yeah that's about it that's what I wanted to share with you today I hope that you enjoy it and I hope I see you again thank you so much [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 2,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acceptance, Business, English, Finance, Money, Success, TEDxTalks, [TEDxEID:52669]
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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