Breaking the Huddle, Ep. 3 w/ 2023 QB Justin Johnson

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[Music] all right ladies and gentlemen episode three of breaking the huddle i'm brooks austin here with justin johnson 2023 quarterback out of central gwinnett justin just got done with baseball season just wrapping up seven on seven season spring practice is coming up soon so about to get back into football a are you excited obviously to be back on the football field b what are the accomplishments that you want to get done this spring practice um just more chemistry work with my teammates uh going out there just so these kids uh all these adults and all these coaches that we can compete with the best as well in our region yeah i mean we got a nice school out here essentially that i i'll be honest i hadn't made it out here uh for a high school football game i think i'm gonna have to uh this year just make a promise to coach ferdinand right there on the record i won't be making it out here ah nah but we're here to do a pro day but we're gonna get on the board as we typically do just talk some some basic standard concepts that you run here at central gwinnett um you know first clip actually on your highlight film this concept right here we got an rpo kind of check with me out here with the wide receivers take me through your reads right here of just what we're looking for when we walk to the line of scrimmage um what i'm looking for is i'm looking on how deep that db is if that db is uh in a man in a man uh that number two kid is going to uga so that's that's already a beater so and that and it depends on what the safety is doing if that safety's in the middle of the field and i'm to the boundary i like that one-on-one i th this this georgia kids mcdonald's yes sir yeah he's a pretty good football player i like that i like the way he said it though that's a beater right there i haven't heard that terminology but the other thing i'd be looking at is like we want to count the box too when we come to the line of scrimmage right i mean the box is too loaded they got seven we got six we want to get out of this um you know ball placement right here where are we trying to hit it um outside shoulder outside shoulder yes sir and if you can't get over the top which makai has never really had let's say let's say who who was your big white your big body from target last year what was his name uh elijah mason lg mason he's like a 6-2 205 kind of guy right now if he can't quite create separation where's that ball placement now go back we're going to go back shoulder with it correct gotcha all right solid play right there i like that one a lot so this is the first play we drew up on the board yeah right this is the the rpo concept that you guys got um is this a check with you are you making eye contact with with makai down on the bottom or is this just already like predetermined that you've got free reign to do whatever you want in terms of checking out of the run play um we we play fake to get those but to get those backers to bite up um i knew i was going to makai because you see how far that db is playing yeah he's not playing very far so he's thin to release and he's up the field touchdown that dude's immediate i mean he's he's a space creator immediately isn't he kid can go it's a good touch ball right we don't want to over the one thing we can't do is overthrow that ball right yes sir somebody that's got that much space on his defender this is my favorite play on the highlights bro this is modern football like you know being able to create off script because this isn't planned there's nothing in the playbook that says hey you know i know the whole concept's to the right but let's just bail out left why why'd you bail out left here um busted play but i knew i knew my ex was backside had the back side uh so you're saying the front side busted bust the busted play busted player and i'm like i'm not going to take a set and i knew my back i knew my backside i had to score a square rod enroll and i'm like okay i'm going to fit it in right there you don't ever practice this throw d that's just you being an athlete [Music] again that's my favorite play on the [Music] flip [Music] all right justin second and three um you know we just had a successful run down on first down or so you got a successful play we're ahead of the sticks great opportunity now to take a deep shot right come on empty four by one what is the concept and play that you like right here um when you always go four by one everybody's a man um and all my skill players were normally fast so i seen eleven three kid and hundred uh in a fat linebacker so i just need to take that shot down the middle and they're going to cover two so they had deep pass on the field and that middle field was all right so so draw draw the full concept up let me get that mandatory inside release mandatory inside release uh shallow you have another mir you have a shallow uh running back on linebacker cover two half that side and that side of the field uh middle feels right over for the running back score middle field what's this play call uh pipe we'll call it pipe y'all call this pipe yes sir and we drew this one up as well okay this is the this is the empty i mean right four by one this is pipe right yes sir see i mean you see the middle of the field that open wide cover two and hey we we gotta we got a missed assignment from the the inside slot you said mandatory inside release right what's he doing he's outside releasing but he wins wins good over the shoulder catch by him too that's a running back doing that yes sir and now he's now he's world-class track guy world class that's what's the state savannah state shannon sharp players in mana state that's a hole throw right there you just you this pre-snap you know you know you're going here oh shot yeah whole shot now you're getting some pressure in your face though standing strong i like that i mean you're not the biggest guy in the world you're about what six foot and a half maybe six foot i mean when you got a defensive end bearing down on you like this what what's going through your mind just get the ball out uh stay strong in a pocket uh i'm a quarterback i take hits daily so just take a shot take a hit get back up keep playing ball i take hits daily all right final foot for you i i know you guys ran a lot of spring protection last year yes um getting you on the move you feel comfortable running and throwing on them on the run uh here we go so i'm gonna i'm gonna you got corners off covers right they're off man butts are to the sidelines single high safety when you come to the line of scrimmage you see this what coverage do you think you're getting cover three cover three uh cover one uh i know those thieves are bailing and those come in three for sure so if we're getting cover three right we're getting covered three what concepts do we like out of here from y'all's playbook last year in this sprint protection what what what concept are we trying to hit to you know get get somebody open in this cover three draw it up for me just so we can look at it now it's important that this guy really sells this vertical right yes and really pushes on this corner and it sinks down hard gets this corner to at least hold on the z so because this is our primary that's where we want to hit right and it's a great play design for for this because i mean he might be a hook defender right and he's got the deep third so here's the void right that we're trying to hit yes sir i got you so i mean is this is this a touch throw is this a ball you really got to put some juice on what what are you thinking as you're before the snap as you look at it bro it's a rope it's a rope uh you know timing-wise timing yes sir as soon as he comes out that break bars right here on that dvd gotta hit it early yes sir we drew this one up too right this is this is the sprint right protection and what'd you call this pogo pogo we sell the we sell the post right from the number two wide receiver and then he breaks out flat and we got to hit him now and just like you said on the board that's an immediate right now throw and you're getting hit i didn't even notice that on paul first watch you take a lick right here don't you big lick a big lick that jefferson defensive man has got some offers coming his way now doesn't he yes sir but you got to get back up two hands on the football as we're rolling i like that and this is what i'm talking about look the the pocket mobility's there like you feel comfortable moving in the pocket now the only thing i would say is hey let's settle our feet down just a little bit you see how like it looks like we're really jumping around the pocket not moving around the pocket yes sir yeah as we get older again that's that layering of the football right there look at that that's a great touch throw boom but no as we get older you'll feel more comfortable sliding through protections like this it won't look like you're jumping as much the good news is you know how to find the windows that's that that's not always common right you know how to find windows in the pocket even as a young player all right justin let's go throw some [Music] lasers [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Brooks Austin
Views: 1,203
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Id: 3owWYOq9jMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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