Breaking the GARGANTUAN LEVIATHAN Mod with Commands! | Subnautica Return of the Ancients - Update

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all right can the game handle 500 gargantuan leviathans let's see the game is frozen that's not a good sign oh my gosh oh my gosh the gargantuan leviathan mod just received another update this time adding a few new animation as well as some sort of secret terminal that does want me to check out using a console command but as well as checking out the things that have been added i want to see if we can break this mod using commands we're going to be spawning in gargantuan leviathan as well as doing basically anything else we can do to glitch and crash this mod it's gonna be a whole lot of fun so without any further ado let's get into it hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to subnautica now just like last time the first thing i want to do is i want to go ahead and say hello to our gargantuan leviathan friend over in the void so let's go ahead and head over the dunes and see how he's doing all right here we are on the dunes and as you can see we have a few new materials here this is something i just noticed these are emeralds apparently and they look a lot like kyanite honestly i think it's just a retextured version of kyanite which is already in the game and there are also bigger versions of these emeralds which we would mine with our piranha suit but apparently these emeralds are used in advanced alien fabrication which is pretty interesting so these are the materials we would need to craft all that cool stuff with the alien fabricator that i showed you guys in the last video now anyways let's go ahead and head in the direction of the void and i know i'm a little bit late to this party um this new update has been out for a while but i haven't been able to record it just yet so yeah that's why i'm a little late here but yeah it looks like this is the voice go ahead and say hello ah and my screen has started to shake just a little bit that means he's nearby all right where is he this is still super spooky oh oh and there he is he just kind of appeared there so as you can see he looks mostly the same as last time i don't notice any new additions to the model or anything i think this is probably going to be the final model his eyes still look super cool but anyways the reason i'm showing you him is because apparently the desks have added a few new animations thanks for interrupting me there pda anyways apparently the devs added a few new animations for this creature when it eats other organisms for example the ghost leviathans that naturally spawn in the void and i also think there's a few new animations for when it's eating the player so i want to go ahead and check those out let's go ahead and like spawn in a few creatures and see what happens when it eats them okay so i've spawned in a reaper leviathan let's see if we can get it to eat it oh oh wow so that was a little hard to see but it looks like it grabbed the reaper it shoot it up and then it swallowed it that's super cool let's go ahead and spawn a few other creatures and see if we can see that animation just a little better now all right i've gone ahead and spawned in a sea dragon in the path of the original leviathan let's go ahead and set speed to one here and see what happens okay let's see if we can get a better shot of this look at that [Music] and the sea dragon is gone so yeah those are apparently the new animations for when it's eating another creature let's see if we can actually get it to eat us and see if there's any new animations for that all right we're about to put ourselves in survival here let's do it all right let's see what happens oh my gosh this guy is super cool whoa wait wait did it just like shatter what on earth is that that's super cool all right oh my gosh warning death imminent and then it it it just eats you man and yep i am definitely dead i wonder what that thing was it was like ice around my screen if anybody knows what that is please tell me i'm really curious it looked really cool oh my gosh what on earth wait is there an entrance in here wait he's here he's right there oh my gosh anyways i want to check out the secret terminal the devs have directed me to apparently i'm supposed to type in go to secret terminal let's see where it takes us all right let's go ahead and enter the command um where am i oh my goodness we have like a floating terminal here and i think this is the void i cannot see the aurora and we are 1 900 meters away from our life pod here so anyways let's see what this does data terminal download data oh my the user be cautious the various side effects of teleportation including sudden death and failure of proper materialization well that's super cool um it doesn't show up in our voice log but anyways what is this handheld warping device hold on alien warping technology refitted into a compact handheld tool for personal use requires ion batteries to function that is super cool okay how do we use this teleport to base h current mode personal teleportation switch fire mode f create exit portal warp in creatures no way teleport debate so apparently there are like three different modes here we can warp in creatures teleport to our base and also create an exit portal i want to try out each of these i'm not gonna lie all right first let's go ahead and teleport to our base double tap h to warp to your last visited base okay oh and we're in our life but now that's super cool all right let's check out the other modes create exit portal wait this is like the warper portal great entrance portal no way okay so we create the exit portal right here and then we create the entrance portal right over here and then whatever i shoot it at it exits right here yeah as you can see we have all these items that went through the portal that's actually super cool it basically gives us the powers of a warper that's awesome anyways apparently we can uh warp in creatures here oh my gosh we just warped in a ton of rabbit rays that's super cool let's see what else we can warp in okay those are bladder fish rabbit rays a gasopod and i think it gives us different creatures based on the bio we're in that is super cool hold on let's go to the creep vine and see if we can spawn in some different creatures okay we spawned in some mesmers no way so yeah this literally just gives us the powers of a warper that is super cool and really quickly i also want to check out if there's any new things oh my gosh what are you doing bud oh and he's going through the floor anyways as i was saying i want to check out if there's any new things that we can craft with the alien fabricator let's go ahead and build ourselves a base here all right in the building menu it doesn't look like anything has changed if you want to see me try out all of these different things you can check out the video linked in the description but anyways let's craft this alien fabricator here and see if there's any new things architect constructed a precursor fabricator oh wait there's like a whole new section to the pda return of the ancients analysis reanimated skeleton gargantuan leviathan and we actually have an entry for the gargantuan leviathan baby here that's super interesting if you guys want to read that you can go ahead and pause the video here and then redacted for the argentine leviathan juvenile interesting but anyways let's see if there's any new things we can craft here it doesn't look like there's anything here we can craft the handheld warping device here now these are all the same i believe but wait there's a new prawn suit module prawn suit ion dash module okay i have to try that out i'm gonna craft that and then we still have the same decoration items here so that's the only new thing let's go ahead and build ourselves a brawn suit here so we can try that out and see what it is all right we have a beautiful prawn suit and let's go ahead and put the upgrade inside of it press left shift to initiate an ion dash okay oh my gosh whoa that is super cool it like teleports us forward a little bit honestly i can see that being super useful look at that it makes traveling so much quicker if you know you're going although it's a little confusing to know where you're going to end up but wow that's actually super cool look at that yeah i'm really liking these new like vehicle upgrades they're awesome anyways those are all the things have been added to this mod now let's get to the breaking of the mod using console command so let's get to it so basically what we're going to be doing is we're going to be trying out all the bugs that involve console commands and creatures with the organization leviathan and we're going to be seeing what happens and hopefully this is going to be very interesting now the first thing i want to do is i want to spawn in a bunch of gargantuan leviathans inside of this life pod and see what happens all right spawn gargantuan void five let's see what happens oh my gosh where's our life pod and just like with normal leviathans our life pod is now way up in the air oh my goodness i wonder how long it's gonna take for me to actually like crash the game it's probably gonna be really quick but anyways oh hello there you're not having a very fun time are you so yeah um our life pod's just kind of up there now um while it's slowly floating back down let's spawn just a bunch of them in normally all right this time we're spawning in 10 of them and absolute chaos and they are launched sky high that's amazing oh i love messing around with this game it's so much fun let's see how many we can spawn before the game just completely breaks let's try 50 now oh my gosh look how high they're going they're just spiraling away into the sky i wonder if they're ever gonna fall back down this is amazing okay so 50 didn't crash the game let's see what happens when we spawn in 100 of these things and it actually works i'm surprised and they are just sent flying in so many different directions it's amazing wait our life pod is up even higher than it was oh my goodness i think the leviathans we spawned it must have put it up even higher okay oh my goodness that guy just got launched where did he go okay there are so many loud screams around me it's amazing anyways the other thing i want to check out is i want to see if we can use the launch glitch that happens when you spawn a creature inside of a wall and that creature then is launched into you which launches you i want to see if that works with the gargantuan life in here um it doesn't seem to work because it spawns away from you just a little bit which is interesting i'll see if we can try it in a different location and see if that works let's try it right here and see what happens oh it definitely launched me but it didn't launch me up in the air so apparently that glitch still works just not as well which is interesting so here we are in the lost river and why i'm here is i want to actually compare the original vitamin we have to the skull in the lost river so we can see if these sizes are accurate and also i just noticed we have some sort of interesting thing here we got titanium that we can mine and an ion cube this is definitely new and oh of orange tablet okay what is this right here data terminal download data uploading coordinates uploading coordinates to pda i don't see wait hold on alien signal wait is that the thing we were just at is that um the secret terminal out in the void so this is where we find the pda signal to that hold on i just went to the secret terminal and this is a different signal interesting let's go ahead and warp over to it so apparently the signal is right here but there's nothing here yet maybe they're planning on eventually putting something here and i just noticed there's actually two other signals here as well a white tablet and an orange tablet i think maybe it's a red tablet i don't know um but yeah um looks like there's definitely going to be some sort of story here and i'm really excited to play this full version let's go ahead and head over to this signal and then this signal okay the alien signal is just over here looks like we were underground is there anything here yet it doesn't look like there's anything here yet so apparently there's eventually going to be something here looks like we're in the sparse reef right now interesting i think these are actually locations of like different alien bases or something or more terminals or something but that's really really interesting they're not in game yet but eventually they are going to be in game let's check this one out here as well all right looks like we're in the cragfield maybe this is a location of another base as well it's very interesting the stuff i've come across you know um i was definitely not expecting this anyways let's head back to the lost river and do that comparison i was talking about all right speed is zero and i'm in freaking let's spawn the creature in now all right it might not be the best comparison as you can see but it looks pretty darn acula set speed to one all right yeah look at that honestly i think they did a really good job of making it like basically the exact same size that's actually really good see i'm happy with the size of the original leviathan right now honestly anyways there's one last thing i want to do one last weird glitch involving console commands even though this one doesn't really involve console commands yeah this one actually doesn't involve console commands at all it's just a funny glitch anyways let's actually build a base inside of this guy and see if we can launch him because that's a glitch that works with other leviathans all right let's try this interesting maybe we should go to the safe shallows and see if it works oh my gosh i spawned one in and i was launched that was the glitch i was talking about earlier uh apparently it it works oh my gosh did you see that there was like a flying argentine leviathan there from when we spawned a ton of them in earlier and i am way in the void anyways let's head back to the safe shallows though and see if we can do the glitch i was actually trying to do in the first place all right see if we can build a base on top of him now it doesn't seem like it's working all too well maybe this guy's just too big for it to actually affect him it's interesting because i don't know if this guy actually has like a hitbox like the other like leviathans do because usually we can just swim inside of his tentacles i'm wondering you know is there an area that's like actually his hitbox where we can like slash him and scan him and stuff it looks like there is an area right here we just need to make it so we spawn a base right inside of that area well that did something it definitely launched him interesting so maybe that glitch does work it's just because he's too big that doesn't launch him too far that's super interesting this guy's going all tornado now oh my goodness but anyways yeah i think that's everything we want to try out we saw a ton of new things broke the game just a little bit and before i go there's one last thing i want to do let's see if we can crash the game all right can the game handle 500 gargantuan leviathans let's see the game is frozen that's not a good sign oh my gosh oh my gosh what am i hearing um i can't move this is seriously hurting my ears oh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay that was insane i'm very surprised that the game did not crash there let's try 1000 now and see if that works okay here we go oh no here's this again oh no what on earth is this noise it's hurting my ears okay i've officially broken the sound in this game oh my goodness and the game is not responding right now and yeah subnautica.exe is not responding let's go ahead and close the program oh my goodness and anyways if you guys have any other console commands or any other messing around you want me to do with this mod please let me know and i will be happy to oblige thanks so much for watching let me know in the comment section down below if you like this video what do you think about this mod so far are you excited for it to be released have any other questions or concerns please let me know if you like this video you can help me by clicking the like button and subscribing to the channel it's completely free and it helps you out a ton probably reach 100 000 subscribers by the end of the year if you want to support me further check out my discord server twitch channel twitter my second channel and my other subnautica and some not a couple of zero content thanks to my patrons andy ariane johnson baby oda king no choice i bought and then nothing if you want to be awesome become a patreon support today all these links are in the description down below and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: SpeedyMouse
Views: 143,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breaking, the, gargantuan, leviathan, return, of, ancients, architects, precursers, unknown, mod, modification, with, console, commands, subnautica, below, zero, update, new, animations, additions, secret, terminal, break, spawning, in, creatures, leviathans, glitch, glitches, bug, bugs, funny, crash, nexus, mods, speedymouse, alive, game, video, survival, horror, igp, anthomnia, aci, last, bacon
Id: E4QRBaZpwqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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