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yo welcome back to a two hour channel today we are attempting the nba draft combine and seeing we have the skills to pay the bills come on james coming out strong oh all right fellas today we're gonna see our shooting agility and jumping and see where we all match up due to mine and zach's injuries we are your announcers today but we'll be ranking the boys after each challenge the best prospects in this combine will win tickets to the nba game of their choice and by the way d3s right here are dropping today may 21st make sure you guys comment down below in the description look at the threads right here man just feel it man and now let's get to the first drill for the first nba combine challenge we got you guys doing the bench press jesse's gonna go first just for reference kevin durant couldn't even do this one time all right so anything you can get here is gonna be better than kd i don't think he still could do one you don't think i can do one no katie okay i was like damn so we got 185 on here this is what they use in the nba combine and basically they just try to get it as many times as they can all right you ready jess yeah three oh my god help no no no you wanna retry i'm disappointed in you i'm disappointed i don't know if i've ever done this you've done this much no no no this is what got him in out in the other video oh all right you got this jess come on all right i'm gonna try again three two one lock it out push okay okay i i genuinely cannot do that i'm on the same level as kdu weak that's okay that's not bad no that's horrible i can't do that i'll go next you're going live i always go last man i just want to go come on jimbo when was the last heavy chest day dude i just started a new program so it's been a minute oh okay here we go so you're arrested whoa there we go hey come on james [Applause] bro just for reference in the last weightlifting video he didn't get once bro jesse was talking all that trash about how he was stronger than james and big bro showed up today man [Music] now you know this man been in the gym you can see going for 10 i'm here you want to lift off you got this go chris going for ten one come on that's two that's three three oh that's three he already got one four five five come on halfway six let's go push it push it hey come on come on come on come on come on chris got it all right one more one more one more weaker let go let go push damn hey chris answer this question though one year ago how many of those could you do not not a single damn one two hype on steroids [Music] don't hate putting to come in two pumps two juice not all of us they only say that about you okay what are you going for 30 40 nah man i'm just right throw it around yeah wait wait predictions for cash 20. let me get the let me get a 25 hell no all right 22. oh 32. 32. bro i'm not going at home y'all like i haven't lived in a week this is the longest week i took longer i've ever took bro i'll go 17. 17 what are you thinking 54. 54. can y'all start having high expectations for me bro i want him to beat zion whatever his iron god he's beating i'm going to say he goes like i don't know like 18 to 20 and then he just racks it they're gonna be quick reps cash you don't get over 20. no no this is your expectation don't push it on me come on cash damn it bro you got it 23 for lebron we're the number one prospect right now 20 friends on the bond that's one that's two that's three four five let's go six seven oh my god 18 19 20. [Applause] he could have kept going bro he wasn't even tightly he's not even breathing hard right now yeah right oh okay can we get to the next combine no i think as a scout i might mark him down for that not enough competitive fire he might be a good player but could he finish games if he couldn't finish out his 24th rep i'm just kidding i'm on the bench at least he can start the game [Music] all right guys that was the best press challenge obviously cash took that one away um nobody even closed let's get to the next challenge all right y'all next up we got the skills challenge how this works is you must dribble in between the defenders make three passes into the skills net dribble back to the three-point line make a three and your time ends there now for the passes there's a one-pointer two-pointed three-pointer you get into one that's minus one second you get into two is minus two y'all know how it works the three you gotta bounce past that though right all right can't make it too easy lsk you ready begin that boy's flying look at him i like the outside foot plant okay he comes around passes okay there we go very close okay we'll count the two we'll count the two we'll count the two oh you gotta make three there it is two twos two twos three twos okay gets a pass from the bench pulls up from d oh that was nice here we go with another one stay shot he didn't like that one he didn't like it he threw that ball away there it is oh he also said that ball you got two more shots it is you got one more he got one more [Music] we go he's got another one back keep shooting almost almost still shooting one more you got this your big body now there it goes oh hey time all right chris finished at one minute in four seconds but he made three of the twos in the passing challenge so that's we'll let him figure it out okay yeah uh his time is right here on the screen with the deductions next up we have first round draft prospect jaidell oh i'm a first round prospect now well number like 94. but first time drafted in the nba he's still learning yeah he doesn't know what's going on james are you ready yeah the time to beat is 58 seconds three two two oh here we go come on james put one of these in you need it that ball is soaking wet flick the wrist there it is oh [Applause] okay get in the post come on dad i'm laughing james's raw score was 49 seconds his score with protection was 43. nice you get it because okay next contestant cash nasty now this guy he's got a couple nicknames top of the key mr nasty i like to call him baby brawn he destroyed the first competition the first challenge the weightlifting how do you think he's going to do here you know he's got the kobe's on agile yeah i think he i think he's going to do all right he got the grinches he about to steal somebody's christmas cash are you ready the producers knew what that was doing by not putting the ball on top of the keys so we'll make the video longer that's true he might need some help over here three two one begin you know that is the one thing i was worried about with this run okay oh you gotta go it still counts as a make but he doesn't get the second [Music] you know he's more of a look to score first rather than pass i think that's why this is happening there it is go go go grab a ball go four seconds off side of the key there it is shooting better than chris man all right y'all so we've gotten word from the producers cash's raw score was 37 but that first guy he didn't go around it he crossed it almost dropped it that's embarrassing all right so we gotta add some time for that we added three seconds that takes him to 40. but he made two two pointers on the passing challenge so that takes him down four seconds 36 36 cash's time and in first place 36 seconds next up we got the capri sun kid juicy my boy juicy now this guy he's known to be a shooter so i don't think this little this little wing shot over here is going to give him any trouble um it's going to come down exactly it's just the agility and him keeping his feet underneath of him he's a clumsy kid you know these defenders are also pretty nice so yeah let's see kind of one of them juicy you ready i'm ready three two three was that a fall okay coming out strong oh goodness bro first pass oh rolled into the tree plus three seconds that's water oh no oh man the spot is get in there all right almost we got two more on the rack we got a rebounder though oh come on you need this get in there oh no keep going keep going keep going you still got time you got to make it everything oh you talked all that about him he did everything else y'all call me a shooter i'm not all right guys so for this one we had to go down the milliseconds came down to the wire yes hundredths of it not even tenth of a second hundredths of a second all right now cassius time his raw time was 37.88 okay he got up three seconds to 40.88 because of the missed man but then he went down four to 36.88 mm-hmm now jesse's raw time was 42 yeah minus six seconds that's 36 bucks but the milliseconds jesse 36. in the first place in the skills competition thank you for finishing that yes sir yes let's go i won because of my passing 400th of a second he had a rebounder for one all right over me not crossing over dude that's half a second i'm proud of my win like what i'm proud after not being able to do one you had a [ __ ] rebounder bro i did bro here we sit right here we bet whatever bro what's the next challenge bro quick recap we've done two challenges we have cash and jesse on the board with one point each yes sir cash dominated the weightlifting actually almost won the skills challenge too but jesse just barely narrowed him out now this challenge is gonna test speed and reaction time the guys are gonna start in the middle we're gonna count down from three once we get to one and say go they're gonna start moving their feet now we have a tablet here and we can either hit blue or we can hit red now if we hit blue they have to start by going to the blue side touching going back to the red touching and running through the blue once they get through that second time time stops yes all right so again testing speed and reaction first up we have jesse are you ready yes can we take our time with this guy maybe you're ready oh oh nice good reaction guys all right all right y'all jesse's time was 5.43 seconds that's very quick next up we got mr nasty cash you ready let's go all right quick feet go you got it yeah move your feet that guy do that yeah you i mean if you don't want to oh yeah i just you just said that yeah [Music] [Laughter] let's hey go hey way to grind it out though that's hard uncle nasty getting too old for this cass's time was 15.65 seconds reaction was very quick the speed was slow but the heart the heart was there the heart was there that was a lot of heart all right next up we got to tie down let's go are you ready yes sir three two one move [Music] we got lsk aka super saiyan drizzy aka christopher london now chris has an advantage he can take one step reach down and probably touch some cones we're about to see it in action chris are you ready all right move them [Applause] oh my gosh you beat me by 0.02 that was fast that was really fast 2 100 of a second chris won all right chris with the first place got castle in the first place and jesse with the first place let's move on to the next challenge and let's see if james can get wait wait wait wait so what challenge is this is this three-pointer challenge or the vertical is the three next one you got no chance james the next challenge is the vertical challenge we are doing standing and running verticals i'm gonna take it over to zach all right y'all so we start everybody out by measuring their reach we started at the top of their reach and then we go up two feet so when they hit that first marker that's 25 inches all right two feet 24 inches plus one because that's the first inch 25 now we're doing standing and max birth which you can take as many steps as you want standing both feet are standing still and you just go straight up james are you ready i'm ready all right begin whenever you're ready okay oh okay skimmed it there goes he touched it he touched it he touched it that's 25. ooh almost you want another try yeah one more okay all right james standing vert 25 inches bro that's solid that is solid all right guys so by the way the no step max is kind of hard to give you a reference kawhi leonard was 25 and a half derrick rose was 25 and kd he was only 26. now we're going into the running vert i tied derrick rose yeah james just tied derrick rose standing first they're haters bro they're not ready that you you tied derrick standing birds derrick rose standing bird was 25. [ __ ] off hell no i did 45 on the box jump last video don't hate whenever you're ready jayce hey all right okay 28 ah you got 30 yeah i it's been a while since i actually started jumping i don't even remember to do [Music] i know you felt the breeze off of that oh that was a good one i can't do it i can't do it oh man he was he was literally this close jidell max vertical 28 inches next up cash nasty all right just give you guys a little bit somewhere this is the heavens ever been in my entire life all right so don't compare it to my last one boy been balking yes standing standing no step straight up and down him one two three off rip okay that's 27. two more that's 29. [Applause] all right cash is drawing the line there 30 inch standing vertical you got when i believe every time i go around somebody like a dunkin coach i'm in a gym practicing when they see me jump they'll be like bro give me one month with you bro cash i got you i'm saying like bro you don't know the pain that goes into jumping going up and down especially when you that you weigh down i'm saying you understand that bro now cash he's going for his max vert as many steps as he wants what are you trying to get 35 yeah 35 he's going for 35. let's drive for greatness baby that's really good actually all right you ready all right damn damn that was 33 off rip all right y'all so we made a couple adjustments here we move this down four inches because there's two broken pegs here and cash is going to move up to the red inevitably so right now it's starting at 20. so whatever he gets above that is the number that he gets so he's got nine right now so he's at 29 but technically he has more than that because he out jumped it we had to move it down four i'll just call out the numbers for y'all whenever you're ready cash going to the red oh i touched it damn i touched it bro he was right at the red well he got past these two he's at 32. sure i showed touch i tapped it bro you got slimmer up there oh that was a hyatt jump that's 33 you got some more [Music] [Laughter] 33 inches next up we have jesser are you ready jesse i think so doing some standing vert all right okay [Music] wow hey there it is 27. bro [Music] i think you swiped on the way down no right here there you go okay one more no did you touch it i i didn't i don't think i touched it i'll do one more one more [Music] 28 inch standing vertical oh let's go [Applause] 32 hey off rip going for 34. 32 off rip no you got it you got this yes i got it hone it at 34 inches last but not least up to the vert challenge we got the short stack we got aka great britain we got christopher london lsk you ready oh my god god damn well damn that's 33 on the first drink i told you john got no chance to win another get up there whipped in my arms he touched it he touched it he touched it he touched it he touched it 34. how he took his fingernails all right last one good 34 inch standing vert [Music] there's no way 35 first one 37. one more tick for 40. let's go we got this 40 40 40 40 40 40. i actually made a mistake anybody that's gotten to red i was counting black as 10 but black is actually 12 and then the first red one would be 13. all right so because he got up to seven on here plus two chris with a 39 inch max vert i'm gonna go get the rest of the stats and make sure that i have them right this time all right so here's the scores again i recalculated them the ones that needed to add two to so starting with james both of his stay the same 25 inch standing 28 inch max jesse 28 inch standing 36 inch max cash 30 standing 35 inch max and then chris was a 36 standing and a 39 max so chris takes that one man y'all see us out here breaking nba player records you guys better subscribe right now like right now hit the sub button let's get it next up is the three point contest there are three racks around the three-point line you are able to move your racks wherever you want so the last shot on every rack is gonna be a money ball and then they will have one full money ball rat so there's six chances to hit a money shot all right jesse you're gonna have 45 seconds to shoot all of your basketballs are you ready i'm ready three two one go all right on to the money rack there's one of them and he kicked the ball multitasking oh unlucky front rim there it is seven months i can't that count a very good money ballroom let's go [Music] 11 money ball let's go [Music] all right we got james with uh two wing shots in the top of the key all right james yes sir your countdown starts now three two one go [Music] he only cares about the money balls top of the key selling out okay get in there oh [Music] aggressive grabbing the wrap five four three let's get the money ball off oh ten points let's go i'll take it great all right james with ten points on that one jesse has 13 as you guys know now the top two finishers are gonna move on to the final round three two one go okay he's got everything on the left side of the floor here oh okay there it is there's another one moneyball got two come on four oh okay here he goes moneyball nice that's four he could still take a place here that's six oh get in there [Music] chris has been in the gym so long he forgot how to shoot he wasn't even jumping he's so strong it was just all arms ends up with six cash got again 11 to move on all three racks at the top of the key genius that is pretty smart all right cash are you ready yes i am ready top of the key three two one go [Music] [Music] don't listen to them eight of them oh they kept saying foot online dog you know keep my home in them bro like i was just we are moving on to the finale three-point contest we have brother verse brother we are finding out who of the brothers is the best shooter first up we have brother jaidel are you ready yes three two one let him rip okay he's going with the same setup there he goes oh okay okay there it is money ball baby he's never missed a money ball that's five [Music] that's seven there it is oh he's at seven right still seven powerful score with a whole rack left 15 seconds he said that ball he said i'm just shooting that ball he found another money ball somehow that's eight of them still a powerful score all right we got brother jesser with a score to beat of nine are you ready yeah not only is there a first place finish on the line but thanksgiving bragging rights that is true this is for this is for our parents love oh for the parents love john i really need this yeah i'm in desperate need of this man three don't two come on [ __ ] don't take it everything i have going i got you james can you heat up oh [Music] oh [Music] oh no no [Music] come on jidel with a point and family love that's all i ever bought the sacrifices i make for my family the points are way too close i think we got to go to a 2v2 yeah i mean everybody's got a first place so let's just settle it the way you guys want to see the way we want to sing we're going to the court 2v2 what are they going to 13 13. one sounds like a good number we'll make the teams up let's get it all right boys so the stage is set the teams are as follows brothers versus brothers all right chris and cass versus jesse and james are going to 13 13 ones and twos okay 13 ones and twos now we're gonna try to keep an eye if it gets too touchy philly i might have to step on the court and ref but we're going to keep ref from over here all right what we call goes all right no arguing okay let's keep it clean let's keep it fun let's have a good game and call your own fouls if we don't see it all right if you don't see it yeah you can speak up oh ball's in ball's in here we go oh nice move a little steppy jidel pump fizzy oh pass off his knees oh oh oh oh he's in the pose after them yelling at him to get in the paint he is now in the paint with that oh spin move spun off of them good d oh good pass great pass you pass oh goodbye one to two that was a juicy looking shot two one brothers little handoff little pick and roll action james rolls to the basket heads to the wing james oh he wanted that pass he wanted the pass oh step back rebound that's what i play to the corner jesse hey that's the heart we were talking about a great hustle play by jaidel 4-1 jesse pulls again wow and that's just the second place three-point shooter man james directing traffic since the screen juicy pull away good move by jaidel hand off to jesse jesse with the sham god who's up oh oh to the right drive good move post move oh get off me he got the team on his back right now i think it's that too hype jersey you know it might be bro where can i get one of those okay no hold up oh more you better chris with the ball chris working out he got the mellows on too seven one right now he's going to work a little heavy move goes strong to the right captain that's playing hard too jesse makes him pick up the dribble great defense jesse gets out on chris christie's opening pass over the cash hashtag you better respect it oh no an unlucky bounce james with the board with the board coming back out 7-1 7-1 back to jesse jesse with the rock on the 100t logo in and out nice little heavy move almost lose the handle oh pastor james open james james that's his spot james in the post his spot the high post passes out though jesse 4-3 ooh ooh james with the hustle play cashboard james out on cash cash got the ball in the wing chris posting up clears out the paint cash with a muscle move passes out the crowd now how he got that pass off what about the board and the bucket that's a muscle bucket brother's backing the groove over the cash cash on the wing oh good move great move jake's playing hard oh cash still got the ball pass out to chris chris with a muscle play little baby boys rebound 7-3 7-3 everybody got gatorade for three oh toss out the juice juice of the pumpy step back oh cash rebound is he back on d they are battling out here ladies and gentlemen i know they're tired cash hold on top of the keys jesse with the board over to james james pulled out top of the king 9-3 brothers jesse with the rock too hype logo you can't pull here that was a great cut that was a great cut out with the left hand great sportsmanship waiting for him to come back in i like that chris walking in the post a little short corner action takes it in little hook gets a boy 9-4 check is good chris post up again ooh james good hands by james pull up great with the board he can still save it oh the rock up top direct in traffic calls for the screen goes the other way hold on wow eleven four what a step back bro that was great defense 11-4 yeah that's that three-point shooter competition winner right there oh check back up check back though what he pushed me why you put the ball in front of me you pushed me regardless i did but i mean [ __ ] so you admitted to the foul yeah okay this is game point now ladies and gentlemen i will warn you it is going to get physical this is game point here right yeah yeah for three eleven four [Music] cash is not messing around neither is jessie oh whoa check out check out checkup checkup checkup [Music] pull up oh lady gentlemen that would have went in the crowd would have came unglued brother's ball jesse on hillside chris working in the post cash top of the key on the line though wow whoa whoa he's out he's out he's out he's out cash stepped out we still 11-4 11-4 [Music] he was wild jesse with the board guys it's not going anywhere jesse with a spin he called it out i can't see from there called it out check it out all right 11 4. chris with the drive in the bucket pull up holy got it to go okay hand off to chris switch assignment chris asks for the screen goes through it pull up jesse rebound brings it back out over the screen oh catch the board bang 11 8 chris pulley oh 11 10. it is coming down to the wire once again over the cash cash on the wing left side it's actually very efficient from that spot cash top of the key taking this time pulls up jesse with the board finish [Music] 12 12 10. [Music] oh chris with the pull-up cash with the board that's for three wow all tied up all right guys that's it for the scrimmage the brothers took the dub but we're gonna go to our boards and see who the best draft prospect is i think i have my pick uh you know i also have my three you got your pick too okay all right so after our deliberation um we've both decided on one winner we both picked the same person and it's going to jesser congratulations jesse you are drafted first round i think he was the best prospect overall today congrats brother you killed it you're tired i like that that jersey you got it on there you're looking nice that thing is nice you think that helped where do they get those oh okay and we on the road to what two million baby oh yeah oh yeah on the road to two million make sure y'all subscribe thank you guys for watching i guess we'll catch them on the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: 2HYPE
Views: 3,133,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2hype, lsk, kristopher london, jsr, jesser, cash, zackttg, jiedel, moochie, cashnasty
Id: 1s96iC9g35I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 15sec (2595 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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