BREAKING BAD Script Analysis - Pilot Episode - FULL VERSION

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hi this is Peter Russell of university of story I am a story doctor in Hollywood I also teach at UCLA and Pepperdine but in my own school University of story you can find what I'm talking about today what I'm talking about today is television because the television market is insane right now I tell my students you are and the luckiest people in the world to be working in entertainment today because there are so many hungry mouths in the television world there is the network there is the cable there is the internet platform we've gone from 200 scripted shows every year to over 400 in just five years so you're an insanely golden age of television so we're gonna talk about TV you know 80% of my business five years ago was movies and I still do story doctoring for movies but 80% of my business now as a story doctor is for television why is this well television is different from movies but all the patterns and secrets that I learned in my career as a story doctor for movies work in television and we're gonna see that in a brilliant brilliant story pilot of Breaking Bad tonight I want to break down the pilot episode of Breaking Bad probably in a way you've never seen so you understand if you're writing an hour drama just how its structured and what the brilliance of this story is now Breaking Bad is let's logline Breaking Bad know a logline in movies is a statement of how a hero changes and heals but in a television show a logline is different in the television show a log on is simply the heroes goals and the obstacles in his way what's the difference between these two it's really critical in a movie you're watching because you want to see the hero change he can either get worse if he can get better but he's changing he's either healing a ripping open a core wound in television a hero doesn't change everything changes but the characters in TV but what does change is the character reveals new aspects of himself and we're gonna see in Breaking Bad today that the hero in Breaking Bad's pilot reveals new aspects of himself I also want to tell you that in the television pilot it's the only time in television that you hero can change by the end of this pilot Walter White has become what he's gonna pretty much be for the next seven years a drug-dealing murderer he's gonna change marginally from knowing out but his big change happens in the pilot so what is that well I always want to ask several questions when we create a television show and these are questions you should ask yourself about your own show first of all your logline is critical let me give you the logline for Breaking Bad a high school chemistry teacher dying of cancer teams with a former student to manufacture and sell crystal meth to secure his family's future now that's not a movie long line in a movie log line you'd want to know what happened to him right what happens does he do it does he not does he heal does he stop being a meth dealer no not in television television is simply about goals and the obstacles in the way because remember we're telling a story that takes place over a hundred to a hundred and fifty episodes quite different from movies although the same rules are used this is a thriller and all my movie thriller rules that I should give you in university of stories thriller lecture for movies also work in television I have a television lecture at university of story calm as well what is this logline mean well when you're recreating a television show actually the creator of this television show is brilliant Vince Gilligan was actually he says sitting around unemployed he's not at his idea he was talking to his collaborator and he said you know what we're broke we need money maybe we should sell drugs and from that kernel of an idea they started breaking this log line now there's eight questions I love to ask in television one is what's the world of your show the world of this show is Albuquerque New Mexico now how the hell is that interesting I'll tell you why because it's literally Albuquerque they shot it there and if you know Hollywood you know that when they make a middle class world they usually put it up on a set in Riverside and it's carpenter and it looks like every other set you've ever seen but if you actually shoot in the place you are telling about you have a huge advantage the French call it cinema verite we just call it hey we got the budget to go on location but it's the same thing because it's real you really see the real middle-class world of Albuquerque and it's cool because it's so not cool yes what's the premise here well what is a premise in television it's a guy who's gonna be selling drugs what's the setting Albuquerque what's the theme well I'll tell you a theme in television is really important it's not like in high school English where your teacher asks you what's the theme of Julius Caesar and you threw a spitball at her the theme here is power corrupts and absolute power crops and my father used to say never corner a weak man you will regret it Walter White is a weak guy given power and we see what that does to him it's a great theme the next thing we ask in televisions what's the hook why do we want to come back for 150 episodes we don't need to do that in a movie but we do in television what is the hook here well what do you think the hook is watching Walter White go from mild-mannered geek to a drug-dealing murderer how far is Walter gonna go that's a great question we're gonna I see it every week the next thing is a genre which is thriller we're gonna talk about that as we go through this pilot episode I'm gonna break it all down for you you're gonna be using these hidden patterns when you're writing your television show matter what our John root is there's 25 television John Rizzo their own patterns if you don't know them you're gonna get lost the next thing is the character situation two questions are going to keep us watching for seven years what is the question here well it's an unresolvable conflict our dilemma now what do I mean by that you don't need it in movies you have to have it in TV what's an unresolvable dilemma it is a question that will never be satisfactorily answered okay in Walters case it's this Walter wants to save his family that's why he becomes a drug dealer to make money but in doing that he destroys his family that's unresolvable it's called irony by hipsters they must use it but unresolvable dilemmas keep you coming back to a television show you don't need it in movies what's the unresolvable conflict in say Mad Men Don Draper is a traditionalist family man who was a big great provider he's also a completely amoral marriage wrecker unresolvable dilemma will watch him for a hundred episodes and he never resolves it yes what's the unresolvable dilemma in Game of Thrones it's this how can good people prevail as leaders when power corrupts absolutely how come good people never can become in charge around the world you see crappy leaders why what we're thirsting for is a good leader but the very qualities that make you a leader can preclude you from being a good one so what's your story the next thing we need are characters who surprised us in television you must be surprised remember characters don't change they just surprised when Janice shoots Richie in that great episode of The Sopranos and she kills him right there at the dinner table with a pistol were shocked were surprised were titillated do we think Janice has changed no has Richie changed well he's dead but no he's not gonna change anymore he's dead but they both surprised us Richie surprises by hitting her for the first time she surprises us by killing him with a pistol big surprise this is how television works finally what is a character's superpower at the beginning of a television pilot they are misusing it Don Draper's misusing a seductive abilities at the beginning of the first episode of Mad Men tearing Lannister's misusing his abilities at the first episode of Game of Thrones what is Walter White doing and breaking he's misusing his genius for chemistry he's misusing his genius for being incredibly smart he's wasting his life as a really bad high school teacher doing nothing else he's gonna be using really malevolent way but boy is he using it the next thing you need are structure and dog we're gonna do talk about that as we go along now by the way guys just one other thing about theme what do you want to say in your story do you just want a house in Malibu is that why you're writing your television show because if that's the only reason you're writing it maybe you'll succeed but it won't be a very strong story why is that what's the truth about life you want to get across in your story there is a truth about life and breaking bad what do you want to say about life this isn't just some stupid exercise it's your passion because remember theme is about the truth you want to tell about life what do you want to say what do you want to say nothing we'll think about it you do want to say something Vince Gilligan is saying that power really corrupts absolutely corrupts especially weak people what's the theme in oranges a new bot by the way a great show by Jenji Kohan what's the theme there what's the problem in that show it's that Piper doesn't have a strong sense of herself that means she can go with girls she can go with guys she can betray them both she doesn't know who she is you gotta know who you are that's a great theme too in Sons of Anarchy another fabulous show the hero wants or I'd the writer this show Kurt Sutter wants to tell us you're doomed if you don't have a good mentor do you not have a good mentor have you not had a good mentor in your life are your parents shitty a crappy sorry if they're crappy you're in trouble you better find a mentor that's the whole reason Kurt Sutter wrote Sons of Anarchy even if he tells it wasn't so we need to understand the theme in this show because it's an every page of the show so what do you really believe what are you passionate about now what's the hook in this show well we already know that so I want to start walking through this story to see the hook you ever seen a show called men on the high castle what's the hook there will our protagonist succeed in throwing off Japan and Germany from America making a murderer what's the hook there will the villains max managed to frame this guy for murder twice orange is the new black will piper ever figure out his sexuality Breaking Bad it's how far is Walter gonna go you can see that in this pilot it's really really important right so let's take a look at it and what I suggest you do is you pull up this pilot both as a script and as a television episode and you study it as we go along and as you do that I'm gonna be breaking it down so I'll give you a chance now to buy that class buy that movie from Amazon there's literally dozens of ways to get this and then we're gonna do that we're gonna look at both of those things so let's start out with Breaking Bad and as we start out what do we start out with we started with a cold open cold open is just the first five minutes of a show no titles just write into the show and structurally we have the first and the second most important story line in the entire pilot posed in this cold open now what is a story line question it is the central question of your story what's your story line about what's your movie about what's your movie what should television show about what if you had to ask yourself what is my television show about what would you say what would your logline be think of it right now I bet you have some trouble doing that you get well it's about it's about a girl who's an albino and she is being chased oh wait a minute hang on no it's about the corruption of a society wait a minute no it's about so guys I urge you to try to log line your story what is the most important part of your television show what is the question you want to see answered in the pilot and maybe throughout the entire seasons run of your show okay what is it in mad minutes we'll Don Draper succeed in not being a villainous adulterer in his private life will he let his commercials says heal him yes that's the a storyline for the pilot and it's the a storyline for the entire run of the show for Game of Thrones the a story log line is which family will win because we need to unite everyone in order to fight the White Walkers that's the a story long line and it's for the pilot and it's the a story log line for the entire run of the show yes all seven or ten or fifteen years whatever it's going to be so you need to have in an hour drama at least four different story lines we call them the ABCD sometimes you have six more gingy Cohan and in oranges a new black can handle 12 but these four story lines alternate in a very particular pattern and you need to go to my lecture some other lecture on university of story I have a television lecture that shows you how these four story lines alternate in all hour-long dramas no matter how cool you are no matter what a hipster you are David Lynch has to use these patterns probably unwillingly but every great creator uses these same patterns of story why because it's a way to entertain the audience television is more complex than movies we need to have more storylines than we do in a movie movies usually have only two storylines television can have up to 10 and an hour drama alternates them in each act in a very specific way I'm gonna show you how that's done in Breaking Bad the a storyline in Breaking Bad I'm just gonna tell you right now is this will Walter White become a badass drug dealer that's it that's the a question and by the way if you have a for act chart box which every television production company uses there may be five writers like four producers like six because they can sell more commercials you will have seven little boxes and each one of those boxes is a beat and there are seven in the first act 7 in the second act seven in the third and seven in the fourth because you have 28 beats in an hour drama and the a storyline takes up from 14 to 16 of those little boxes the B story takes up to 6 in those little boxes maybe eight the C takes up three or four and the D can take up two or three why because the a storyline is the most important and we often open and close our acts on our a story let's now guys I know this sounds complex you can learn it in my lecture you can learn it somewhere else you better learn it because that's how pilots are written so we open up in the cold open of Breaking Bad with this RV racing through the desert with this middle-aged guy wearing nothing but baggy underwear and Costco glasses on a gas mask why by the way are we riveted by this it's nothing particularly interesting it's because we're seeing that he drives badly and he almost crashes over and over again that's called good news bad news and a ticking clock is he gonna crash and these suspense techniques are used in every single television show and every single movie that's any good ever Hitchcock invented a lot of them I just saw North by Northwest for the first time you know they're not I'm sorry I should have seen it years ago and he uses these techniques in every scene so Gilligan does to this RV finally crashes but as it does we're seeing Walter White in these baggy pants jumping out of the RV know what's riveting about this guy he's dressed in cheap clothes and he's not in good shape and he's wearing BVDs that cost $3 why are we interested in him because he's real an actor given this role would have worked out for six months gotten really great abs and lats and jumped out of the RV hey Here I am Walter isn't every man and he's got two bodies in his car and a guy behind the passenger seat with a gas mask on he climbs out of the RV he puts his pants off he grieves his pants and then we hear what a siren there's a siren the siren is a ticking clock the cops are coming so the a story line is will Walter become a badass drug dealer what's in the RV two bodies a bunch of chemicals but now he grabs a video camera and he tearfully records a farewell to his family and as he does he says this is not for the police I'm speaking to my family now that is the B storyline remember the a and the B storyline alternate in the cold open the B story line here is will Walt take care of his family and by speaking to this camera it looks like he's doing just that and what does he say I love you there are things people are gonna tell me I tell you about me they're wrong I'm not a criminal I wanted to take care of you that's the B storyline then the sirens get louder Walter takes a gun from his underwear steps up to the road points the pistol right at the at the road and stands there why the siren gets loud boom end of cold-open that's a great cliffhanger and it's a ticking clock and it doesn't get resolved and we go to the credits so what have we seen in the cold open a story B story back to a story that's a great open now guys in act 1 where do we go to a middle class house at 5:00 a.m. and a loser because Walt's in bed with his wife in a terrible shabby little vinyl papered bedroom but it's not poor guys Hollywood usually Hollywood shows poor people really well they show rich people really well what they have trouble with are showing middle class people as they really live Walter and his wife Skyler are unsuccessful but they're not poor Walt sighs he wakes up he throws off the cover his pajamas are clean but they're synthetic and cheap he exercises on this little Stairmaster that's broken he doesn't give us crap about his life and now suddenly we see on the wall in this really looser place a plaque that says in 1985 nuclear chemistry what does that tell us remember I said that a hero is misusing his super power at the beginning of the story how is Walt misusing a superpower we don't know yet we don't we know he's not using it here because he's such a loser what happened to Walter we want to know no when we go to breakfast there's the breakfast in the breakfast and we meet his happily henpecked wife what happens to a woman when the guy she's with is a failure what does a woman do usually if she's with the guy what does she do well in this case skylar over Mother's him she's trying to do everything she can to help him out she probably holds his hand where they watch self-improvement videos at night hoping he's gonna finally step up to the plate but this is Walt's 50th birthday by the way and they also get really angry she's had affairs she's tried to leave him but she can't she's tied to the guy she's gonna be tied to him for seven years it says also his 50th birthday and she gives him a plate full of soy bacon that spells out 50 and he looks at it and goes what is this stuff it's not real and she says it's soy bacon you won't taste the difference everything about this scene shows us what that he's a loser and she's trying to not be panicked and disappointed at what a loser he's turned out to be she's also visibly pregnant so the bacon is plastic the world is plastic and now here comes their son Walt Jr who is disabled that's not an accident he comes into the room on his crutches and he is a great kid but he's disabled and when Skyler criticizes ring lady says there's no hot water again and Walter and Skyler look down at the table because what why is it no hot water everything in the scene is about how it's disappointing and so she tells him to eat the bacon eat the veggie bacon now they go to the school even the car he drives as a vomit green pomp Pontiac Aztek the class disses him there's an alpha male couple in there that won't pay attention to his lecture we're still in the B storyline which is can Walt take care of his family that's the B storyline question the answer is no he cannot take care of his family not at all this gorgeous couple makes out in the back when he tells them to stop they just did him and then we see Walt go to his second job which is working at a car wash and not only is it working at a car wash but his boss now tells him Walter I'm short-handed today go out and do wipe downs Walter now has to go from behind the cash register to wiping down the car and guess whose car he wipes down that gorgeous alpha male couple from the high school now they take pictures of him laugh at him for being a car cleaner and put them on Instagram oh my god Walter White is washing cars whoa why is being humiliated again and again and again and it ends with a surprise birthday party where we see is ultimate humiliation but we also return to the a storyline what is it Walt's brother-in-law Hank who is a DEA agent and by the way guys if you want to make an antihero sympathetic surround him with bigger a-holes than he is Hank is a blowhard who has made fun of Walt for years and today he does the same thing he steals Walt's beard he says well you got a brain the size of Wisconsin we're not gonna hold that against you haha come here buddy he drinks Walt's beer and shows his gun to everybody right not subtle the kid handles the gun Oh dad this is such a big gun yeah it's a big gun and I give it to man Walt's just the shrinking little violet in the corner like he's been for 15 years while Hank blurry eights that's the way it's been that's the way it's always gonna be but now we return to the a story which is this on the television why they all watch there's Hank busting a drug dealer and there's a pile of cash and Walt who's been in the corner with his beer slumped over every day why don't you come with me on a ride-along buddy get some excitement in your life and Walt says no I can't do that now we go back to the B storyline can Walt take care of his family and in it's his birthday so his wife tries to give him a hand job and Walter can't get an erection he can't take care of his family he has no money his wife actually stops in the middle of the to celebrate the fact that she won of oz on eBay and that's Walt's life tiny disappointing awful and it's over for him but now we end on the C story when he goes to his carwash job and he's looking at a beautiful girl in a beautiful car that's the life he never had he clutches his chest and he falls to the ground that's our C storyline which is is Walt gonna die that's how we end the act on that cliffhanger now when we open on the next act Walt's getting the news he's going to die this is what pushes him forward this is why we have sympathy for him he's gonna die but he's so disconnected from his own life that he just tells the doctor I heard yeah I'm gonna die near so when you've gotten mustard on your collar he goes home and now we're seeing him reveal a new facet of himself we've never seen he's a liar but now back at the car wash when Bogdan orders him to go out and do wipe downs again we're seeing him change he tells Bogdan to go screw himself knocks everything off the counter and leaves Walter is changing but he's an addict here now what is the definition of an antihero an antihero is someone who becomes evil for sympathetic reasons this is why we like him this is Michael Corleone II and the Godfather this is Harvey Dent in in in Dark Knight we have to have sympathetic reasons to like an antihero we have sympathy for Walt because we've seen that he's gonna die now at the end of the Act he calls Hank and he says Hank can I come on that right along can I see you bust some drug dealers Walt is chained and in act 3 we opened with Walt in the back of Hank's car while Hank makes racist jokes about the people who are about to be busted then we see the eyes busted and as we see Hank bust these amphetamine dealers Walt looks out of the car and he sees from the next house over his former student Jesse jumping out of a window and a naked woman throwing his jeans this is the D storyline amadee storyline here is will Jesse and Walter become co-conspirators and as we see Walter watch Jesse jump in his car Walter comes on the license plate and says captain crunch and he thanks I am gonna follow Jesse around Jesse flees the scene and that night Walter shows up at Jesse's house and says to him you and I are gonna cook meth together and Jesse's like why are you kidding me come on mr. white even my high school teacher you don't want to do that Walt says either that or you go to prison cuz I turn you in that is the new Walter that tough Walter that Walter were gonna see through the entire seven-year run of the show he is a different guy and the D storyline question will Walt and Jesse become friends his answer it looks like they're done it now we end the act not on that but on a part where it makes the audience stand up and Cheer Walt and Skyler take their son to the mall to get James and as they put these jeans on their disabled son these three big jocks start making fun of the Sun mummy my big boy pants they're awful and Skyler sees it and she wants Walt to do something about these bullies but what does he do he leaves the store like a wimp forcing Skyler to start to say to the son okay son I'm gonna go take care of these guys but as she does Walt bursts in the front of the store walks right up to these three guys that are all three feet taller than him and says come on take your best shot come on take your best shot get out of here you stupid little twits and these huge guys actually melt away Walt's suddenly becoming a strong guy and we're standing up and cheering him even Skyler is shocked and a little turned on because this is the new Walter so we in the act with the B storyline question Walt I care of his family you bet he will he's tough he's new guys is he gonna become a criminal yes but the secret of great story is to make us empathize with someone who's doing bad things Walt steps in now in act 4 we often have a beginning we often have to store lines together the a and the D this is often true and it's true in this story the a storyline remembers will won't become a badass drug dealer and look at that when we watch him and act for he's hustling equipment out of his high school he's become a thief beakers synthetic stuff everything now we also are watching the D story because Jesse is reluctantly becoming the the Sorcerer's Apprentice right that's exactly the relationship they're gonna have for the next seven years Jesse and Walter becoming co-conspirators they're also we're also seeing Walt's genius remember superpowers being misused at the beginning of the show when he's beginning to use it he's beginning uses chemical genius again we're gonna make a product that is synthetically pure it's gonna be perfect and Jesse's like now I want to make chili Chili's my spec chili P is my trademark we're gonna put chili in it we are gonna make a synthetic product that is perfect Jesse shut up so this reluctant relationship really was gonna go on for seven years the D storyline will Walt ingest and become colleagues is gonna resonate through the entire seven years they'll fall apart that come out together but at the very last episode of this show they are still co-conspirators right to the end the other thing you're gonna see an act for is this the most amazing use of the suspense tools you've ever seen good news bad news ticking clocks raising stakes they are used brilliantly by Gilligan it's part of the reason some people can't watch this show for more than ten minutes they have to out litter turn it off and then cool down and watch it again because the suspense is agonizingly good and you're gonna see all that in act 4 the other thing you're gonna see an act for is that remember in a movie there is what I call a see the four times in a movie when the hero is asked to change in a television show the hero's asked to change to but he doesn't much and the sense there's a five acts there's a B M MOC for more information on this structure go to university of story look at my foundations lecture my TV lecture this is a pattern that great television shows have a knack for you're going to see both the oh point the obstacle point the moment when it looks like all is lost and you're also gonna see the climax of the television show where the hero wins both of these points are present in one act that's the brilliance of using a structure of the ABCDE storyline I know it sounds prissy and mathematical but it's actually a beautiful way to tell an original story and make it entertaining you can tell any story you want you can tell a story about two skunks two bisexual skunks it doesn't matter if you use these tools actually I don't think about sexual skunks worried work that well but alright so anyway they get a used Winnebago with all the money just that Walter has in the world but when Walter gets out of the credit union with the cash and gives it to Jesse Jesse system hey listen I got a known just for my own because what you do affects me what you do affects me have you just gone nuts it doesn't compute why does a guy I don't know sixty years old what is fifty how does the six year old guy suddenly just break bad I mean have you gone crazy this affects me and Walter finally says the critical thing about his core wound remember his core wound is that I'm powerless that's his core wound and he says to Jesse the truth right here he says I am he's finally feeling powerful that's the critical thing to realize about Walter it is also his unsolvable dilemma remember we talked about what that was at the beginning of this lecture his unsolved well dilemma is that he wants to take care of his family but the way he's doing it is destroying his family that is unresolvable it will never be resolved not for seven years so Jessie goes and gets the Winnebago we're still in Act four they drive out to the desert and they begin to make this meth now most stories have what I call speed and weed in a romantic comedy the weed is real estate and alpha males and and building shoe closets and having a guy who can communicate and be sensitive as well as powerful and strong it's the pleasure you get from a story in this story because the hook is how bad will Walter go and the premises he's gonna make drugs the weed and speed literally is weed and speed as they make this drug the music mounts watch this scene guys you'll get caught up with it it's the sorcerer and his assistant as they cook this perfect meth and the music swells and Jesse screws up and Walter saves him and at the end there is a pan of beautiful sky blue methamphetamine that is the purest meth ever made in the world and when it's finished you're the goddamn Iron Chef you're amazing and Walter says it's just basic chemistry but thank you Jesse he is using his genius for chemistry and he is becoming a powerful guy still an app for Walter says to Jesse how do we sell this and Jesse says I know just the guy to take it - and this is where the e plot kicks in because the guy who was busted in the second act crazy me Emilio and krazy-8 we cut to Jesse walking up to their house a barking dog that's attacking a dummy and we start to get danger rising because when Jesse tries to sell this drug to crazy eight crazy eight says hey where'd you get this I know you didn't I knew your little dumb ass didn't cook it where'd you get this take me to this guy we are approaching the all's lost moment of the show because as their lowrider neon yellow gangster car pulls up to the Winnebago where Walter is standing in his underwear with nobody for miles the two gangsters pull their guns and they prepare to kill Walter and Jesse that is the low point for Walter now remember what is this superpower how are we gonna see it and remember what support what's replaces character change in television surprise because as they prepare to kill them both ticking clocks guns Walter says wait a minute I'll teach you my recipe you let us live I don't teach you how to cook and the villains say okay now Walter hasn't been saved it's only a temporary reprieve but as he goes into the RV with both guys guns pointed at his head ticking clocks the gun when those guns go off the music begins to give us a literal ticking clock sound tick tock tick tock and as we watch Walter create more methamphetamine we see him pick up a bottle that we've been explained is poison if it's subjected to heat and it's the clocks tick and one of the villains throws a cigarette out the window that's another ticking clock we have four simultaneous to me clocks on the scene watch it it's fabulous suddenly Walter throws the red phosphorus into the fire boom and a poison blows up in the cloud and the two gangsters begin to die Walter jumps out of the RV slams a door behind him good news bad news they fire through the door but then they die Walt is winning the a storyline will become a badass drug dealer yes will Jesse and him work together yes East storyline where Walt and Jesse win over crazy and Emilio yes but it could end here but it doesn't why because we need more tension and suspense suddenly that cigarette that was thrown out the window catches fire and the entire place starts to burn wolf has to escape he gets in the RV as the music swells he and Jessie roll through the desert with those two bodies in the back and guess what we're back at the cold-open remember with the RV running through the desert waltz stopping getting out the two bodies in the back he makes the video confession he goes to the road he's got the gun pointed and now that's where we are and now we see that siren ticking clock get louder and louder the cops are coming Walt's gonna lose everything's over for him then good news that turns out not to be cops but the firemen and they don't care about Walt at all they go by flipping his underwear up and down and he through sheer amazing genius and luck has won the firemen leave they've killed the two guys Walt has answered the a storyline question will you be a badass drug dealer hell yes and I've become a murderer too and then he vomits because remember he's still a weak guy so in our resolution we finally wrap up the final storyline witches will Walt take care of his family we see him laundering literally the money that he's made he's taking care of his family financially and this time when he and Skyler go to have sex she suddenly gasps because Walter is that you he can suddenly be a man there too so the story ends with this B storyline answered yes with the a storyline answered yes with the c-store Lana answered yes every story that answered yes Walt has become a badass drug dealer and a murderer and we're gonna watch him go further with that for the next seven years this is brilliant television because we've set up a hook that we want to watch another hundred episodes to see and it's a classic classic thriller and guys television is thirsty for thrillers there are 400 scripted stories now who need stories please use the tools I've given you tonight not only in thrillers but for every television genre because they work across the wall
Channel: Film Courage
Views: 37,897
Rating: 4.8970232 out of 5
Keywords: breaking bad, bryan cranston, aaron paul, tv show, amc, walter white, jesse pinkman, anna gunn, thriller, mystery thriller, peter russell, university of story, screenwriting, script analysis, television writing, screenwriting teacher, screenplay, story, storyteller, film courage, filmcourage
Id: xNLtaZcUHS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2016
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