Breakin' 1984 (8)

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come on I want to show you something I will just see with real dance is all about [Music] [Music] [Music] look at [Music] [Music] Ellis is it what do you think it's wonderful thanks god it's so nice being a real studio again I'm really glad you like it you know I'd do anything for you Presley well yes of course for everybody am I missing something yes music let's get to work you guys can't let me down now I want to call all my friends in the business and get you in that audition [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] I called every sob in the business and it's always the same answer forget it James this audition is for the biggest dance production in years and there's no way they'll even consider your guys it just seems that Franco has a lot more pull than I thought well we can't give up now we can't let Franco off that easy I don't know what else I can do Ozona Interpol don't go nuts if they find out we can't tell them about this killer we have to be reasonable about this I don't want to be reasonable I've been reasonable all my life and it's gotten me nowhere I'm finally happy to have some real friends I'm not gonna let them down phonies narrow-minded stuffed shirts won't consider dance because it's not traditional what did they want I'll tell you what they don't want they don't want kids in t-shirts that are torn and bandanas and spiked bracelets unless No Osen will never go for it he's got too much pride Kelly it's the only way it'll work [Music] this is my group the Allegro vivace dance trip good luck great [Music] this is it we're on out to the next group you guys ready it's ready is where we're gonna be [Music] what the hell are you doing here just surprised to see the fools we're here we seem to have a problem here I'll take care of it I'm the manager of this group what seems to be the problem I'm very much afraid they won't be able to dance once and why not because I don't think they'll fit into our particular production how can you say that you haven't even seen them perform look I'm sorry but we're looking for some very good jazz dancers and it's been made very clear to me that those people don't fit into that particular category look they're here just let them dance look I'm sorry I'm going to have to ask you to leave well it's your loss I'm sorry it's not gonna work out this is Franco show they're not gonna stop us now who's next
Channel: oldschool '75
Views: 405,659
Rating: 4.8443856 out of 5
Keywords: movie from 80's, music, ice t, breakdance, 1984
Id: P8OdqqI6Jss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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