Breakfast On The Go-Go | Struggle Meals

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breakfast it's the most important meal of the day and today we're doing breakfast on the go life can be a struggle but a good meal does not have to be we can make creative nutritious and inventive dishes for under two dollars a plate [Music] imagine a beautiful sandy beach gorgeous waves coming and a sun setting behind it and then the horrible sound it's your alarm clock and you're already behind schedule what are you gonna do about breakfast the most important meal of the day well if you make any of these three breakfasts all you'll have to do is open the fridge or freezer grab and go today we're gonna start with baked banana berry oatmeal now the berries and the bananas are highly nutritious and cheap ingredients but the star is the oatmeal because it's cost-effective cost-effective in the fact that it fills you and nurses you throughout the day so what do you say we get started i think it's a good idea here we've got our cast iron pan we're gonna lube it up with some cafeteria butter the beauty of the cast iron pan is the fact that it's cheap but it also needs some maintenance this is like a free oil change okay the highly cost-effective ingredient oatmeal baking powder cinnamon nutmeg pinch of salt struggle whisk 7500 beautiful egg here we have melted butter vanilla maple syrup milk it's a lot of milk let's give it a little more love with the whisk and now these guys come together i now pronounce you person in person oh yeah just look for some homogeny here did you know that monkeys peel the banana from the bottom because it works better now you know very very cheap full of potassium prevents muscle cramping so chop it up all right banana goes in more than anything this banana is going to lock in moisture for the long term you know what i mean these are blueberries when i was little i lived on a blueberry farm very sweet and delicious natural sugars what i really want you guys to get here is that the oatmeal is super duper cost effective i am choosing blueberries but you can choose whatever you want a recipe should be just a guideline okay we've got the heartiness we've got all the stuff built in there you choose the fruit that's in season and most cost effective for you pan product pour we're just going to finish it with our toasted pecans right over the top shake shake shake all right that's it this is going in the oven 375 for a half hour and the oats are going to suck in all that water and we're going to have a highly cost effective breakfast that we can take on the go and eat throughout the week here we go 375 30 minutes this looks pretty fantastic does it not it's a good thing we buttered up that pan yeah look at that all right that is a two-go breakfast if i've ever seen it so to review today's homework we made a lot of breakfast this comes out to a dollar sixty-two per serving it is a lot of food that is cost-effective meaning that it will fill you and nourish you throughout the day slash week because we have many many servings this is good this is cheap and it's delicious i think we should make another recipe what do you say [Music] we're gonna make a sandwich that is the ultimate portable breakfast aka a breakfast sandwich and it's gonna be a lot more affordable when we make it ourselves because we don't have to pay commercial real estate rent that's why the people that are selling you breakfast sandwiches have to have such a high price the ultimate biscuit starts with buttermilk the problem with buttermilk is every time you buy it you never end up using the whole thing which means there's waste which is literally throwing money away how do we solve this problem frankie you make your own buttermilk what is buttermilk it's curdled milk how do i make it lemon and milk okay so the lemon let's just let that do its thing for about 10 minutes and we're gonna use all of it and that is zero waste which means that we're maximizing our dollars bowl flour some baking powder which is gonna give lift to our biscuit salt pepper cheese gotta have cheese mix that around a little bit at this point we're going to add in butter do your very best to cube it if you can freeze a stick of butter and cut it up it's a lot easier to cut it the reason we want to keep the butter in pieces is so that we can have little pockets of fat because pockets of butter ooze flavor look at how when i jiggle it you can see that the milk is curdled you see that and this adds a lovely lightness let's put these chives in because the raw ingredients of baking are so cheap and filling we can add luxurious ingredients like baked prosciutto now prosciutto is a delicious cured italian ham crispy wonderfulness this could be ham this could be bacon or this could be nothing at all it's up to you i want you to choose your own adventure all right this is a drop biscuit that's literally it beautiful look at that all right let's put these in the oven and make some eggs so uh one of my favorite ways to do eggs is directly into the pan why scramble in a bowl when you can scramble right into the pan it's the same kind of vessel eight eggs milk there's an urban legend that milk makes your eggs fluffier i say if you have it put it in but and we'll put some pepper put the salt at the end of the eggs because then they stay together better start scrambling on the heat in a cold pan it's very important to just keep scrambling i want to add some pizzazz airplane tabasco sauce so once you start seeing no more runny like that that's when i say you come in with the salt so look at that i think that's gorgeous you see that do you see that it is time to build our breakfast sandwiches so i think the best move is to cut all of the biscuits first come in from the side look at the cross-section egg look at how beautiful that is it's holding together very well look look look look a dollar 26 i've got a breakfast sandwich right now and i've got five for tomorrow the next day the next day et cetera [Music] please tell me what deli is going to give you a breakfast sandwich for a dollar 26. let me answer that question for you nun delis this has an incredibly buttery egg and the biscuit itself is super delicious the chive and prosciutto blend is just heavenly you're gonna eat this prosciutto cheddar egg biscuit right now you're gonna wrap the rest up and you're gonna have biscuits for the week and then everyone is going to be like where did you get that what artisanal egg shop did you get it at i got it insert your name biscuit company and you should feel proud because this is cheap and it is delicious and it definitely looks like it costs more than it does these are going in the freezer i can eat them all week long they heat up really really quickly and we have just one more breakfast to make fast food is fast fast food is cheap but today we're gonna make a stuffed breakfast quesadilla that's even faster and even cheaper than fast food it's true we can do it right now we'll start with breakfast sausage paprika salt pepper do whatever you got to do to break up that sausage so that it is spread out throughout the whole pan and it gets crunchy butter [Music] make sure it's all scrambled all right we're calling this a stuffed breakfast quesadilla but you probably know where the original one came from it is time to assemble let's build this bad boy in order to build our quesadilla we need a very large tortilla there's so much folding that happens you're gonna need that extra real estate trust me refried beans all right we're gonna take some queso amarillo take some egg let's put some egg in there some nice cheap protein eggy weggies as i like to call them sausage in there look at that that smells fantastic all right we gotta get in there we gotta fold this breakfast quesadilla here's how we're gonna do it it's very important that you don't leave a hole in the middle so bring this slightly past the center and you're gonna come in and you're gonna start pleating this this is the only time the cleats are cool by the way like right around there you come to this situation and you gotta make a commitment now this will only hold itself together if you flip it over it could go directly into the pan but the weight of it should hold it together so now we're going to do that five more times these guys are all done we're going to cook them pleat side down in a hot pan so the high heat of this oil in this pan is going gonna cauterize the bottom of that quesadilla and ensure that the whole thing glues itself together you get a crunch and you get edible glue wow that is beautiful what's out of that listen to that look at that this looks even better than the original it's wrap and it's crunchy and it's gonna be better than the drive-through why is it gonna be better than the drive-through because it costs less money and we're using fresher healthier ingredients because we're making it at home let's cut this bad boy in half and see what's happening all right check this out look at how crunchy this is this is delicious oh my goodness what a wonderful vessel to carry food items this is a dollar ninety-eight there is no drive-through that's gonna sell you something that tastes this fresh and is this delicious at that price no no no and i'm gonna wrap these up for the rest of the week that's why i did this and then tomorrow all i gotta do is heat it up it's like i planned for it foil stuffed breakfast quesadilla fold fold fold and into the freezer breakfast it slows you down in the morning and you don't even realize it and it costs you money and that's why i just showed you three awesome ways to deal with breakfast this is faster this is more nutritious and it's cheaper that's the struggle meals way saving you time and money
Channel: Tastemade
Views: 382,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tastemade, recipe, food, cooking, how to, cook, bake, grill, sweet, dessert, savory, travel, home, lifestyle
Id: MJtXlYsQj2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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