Bread Pudding Recipe from 1748 - Old Cookbook Show

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Welcome Friends welcome back to the kitchen welcome back to Sunday morning in the old cookbook show today we're going to do a recipe out of this old cookbook the art of cookery made plain and easy which far exceeds anything of the kind ever yet published this was published by a lady we now know that that lady was Hannah glass my copy is the Third Edition printed in London in 1748. and it's a very pivotal cookbook um 1748 published by a woman self-published by a woman in 1748 she was able to find patrons she calls them her subscribers and she's got a section at the front here where she shouts out to them these are people that believed in her these are people that gave her money so that she could complete her her dream of publishing this cookbook it is though definitely a cookbook that is uh it's crib notes you have to know how to cook for most of these recipes you already have to know how to cook a lot of it's written in very shorthand um she expects that you already have been trained you have lived your life in the kitchen and all you need is some props to kind of get you through the recipe and you're going to do it with your own Flair and you're going to add your own steps and you're going to add your own things a lot of them are very vague today we're going to do something called a baked bread pudding there are several bread pudding recipes in this book and bread pudding is one of those things that I find kind of interesting because anytime I see a bread pudding like this one made on the internet there's a whole ream of of comments saying that that's not a bread pudding that's not a real bread pudding and other people talking about bread and butter pudding which is a separate recipe a separate recipe that appears in cookbooks in this time period and into the 1800s becomes more prolific but we're gonna follow this one because I had some bread crumbs so let's go says take the crumb of a penny Loaf and as much flour I'm assuming it's by weight because the next ingredient is sugar and that is weighed so I've got my crumb and the same amount of flour goes in and then the sugar goes in after the sugar it's salt and ginger and I'm supposed to mix that together or just sort of as much as you can I suppose so there we go that's our dry ingredients I suppose now it asks for four yolks and two whites so that's my interpretation of that is two whole eggs and two egg yolks so into this jug I'm gonna put two whole eggs and two whites so now I'm just gonna doesn't say to beat them but I get the feeling that beating them up a little bit would be a good idea so just using a fork now it doesn't give an amount for milk which is pretty much standard um for this type of recipe in this time period it just says enough milk to make it like a good batter so normally you would measure the milk in you probably put it in with the egg and you'd beat it together and then you'd put it in but because I don't know how much milk I don't want to add the milk to the egg so we need to add the egg into the dry ingredients now um mix it in and then add the milk and one of the one of the things I find very interesting about this recipe this time period um 1748. is that for the baked good recipes they're flavorings are quite interesting it's mostly rose water which is expected in this time period there's no vanilla none of these recipes have vanilla and the reason for that is vanilla is known vanilla is known in Europe from you know the 1500s explorers come back from Mexico bearing these these vanilla pods and everyone goes crazy for it but the problem is no one can figure out how to grow it it can only you can only grow it wild and you can only grow it wild in Mexico because there's a very specific pollinator that lives in Mexico that pollinates the flowers so that you get the beans of the pods even though the French and the Spanish took the vanilla plant all over the world they planted it everywhere they thought oh we're going to make billions of dollars you know in that time period from this plant because everyone's going to love the flavor of vanilla but they couldn't make it work they didn't realize that it was missing the pollinator and they couldn't figure out how to pollinate the plant either they didn't know how to pollinate the plant or they didn't know that it didn't need it to be pollinated um until on an island in the Indian Ocean you'll verbal a young slave boy figures out how to pollinate the flower that's in 1841 I believe so this kid on the island figures it out in 1841 takes a few years to get production going to disseminate the information get production going so as a flavoring vanilla doesn't start to show up until the 1850s so it's not in this book at all it's known people would know that vanilla existed but they just couldn't afford it it was a very small amounts being produced in Mexico super expensive only the highest class people or the richest people would be able to afford it last two ingredients are raisins and currents and currents of course in this type of in this context are just another dried raisin they are the dried raisin of the Corinthian grape or Corinth grape or Zante grape um for some reason they're called currants and that's very confusing because people confuse it with the black currant or the red currant which is a completely different plant family so we mix those in and then I'm supposed to put it into a buttered dish and bake it no temperature no time no information Beyond bake it so it goes into my butter dish get it all in there probably could have used a smaller dish this will be fine and into the oven hey Glenn federals hey friends hurray there's raisins is that for me raisins and currants oh and currents there we go types of raisins two raisins in one oh okay yeah yeah oh I yeah I assumed you had a spoon so bread pudding from 17. 1748 there we go it's in mcmlx what drives me nuts okay so let's see I'm just happy there's raisins and currants oh I like the ginger mm-hmm why have I never had Ginger and bread pudding before these are good questions because I've always had vanilla available and vanilla is not an option at this point so there you go that's really good okay a little bit dry there's no milk it doesn't give a milk amount it just says until it makes a nice batter I could have added more milk but it's not like it's not dry red dry I don't know um but that opens you up to the opportunity to drizzle a little bit of cream over the top and stick it in the microwave and heat it up and there I was thinking you were going to put maple syrup on it maple syrup on it that mine's almost gone so I I too really like the uh the ginger hmm it's not often we give a thumbs up to a really old recipe no so um tell us about your family recipe for bread pudding do you still make bread pudding did your grandma make bread pudding it is kind of a stodgy dessert that has fallen out of favor really um not a lot of people I keep a little thing of bread crumbs on the side if I have some bread that's going off Cube it up dried out put it in the container are you ready for any bread pudding emergency um on tree plant ages ago it was a while ago when I was what I was checking for who was I checking for I think it was Kimberly Clark and or was it back in Ontario anyway I was checking I wasn't planting I was checking and the Plant company that I was working for they made bread pudding but every day they make sandwiches for everybody to take out into the bush and I asked the cook could you make my sandwiches out of the bread ends and then other people started asking for bread and sandwiches because everybody liked the crust I like the crust and then there was pudding nothing for bread pudding and everybody got angry because there was no bread pudding so I had to go back to having regular sandwiches that's drama of Glenn's life apropos of nothing anyway um Ginger no Ginger tell us what you like thanks for stopping by see you again soon
Channel: Glen And Friends Cooking
Views: 18,765
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Keywords: Glen And Friends Cooking, historical cooking, canadian cooking show, canadian cooks, baked bread pudding, bread pudding recipe, 18th century cooking, hannah glasse, old cookbook, community cookbook recipe, glen and friends old cookbook show, glen cook, old cook book show, food history, cooking history, early english cooking, early british cooking, ye olde english, old cookbook recipes, old cookbook show, glen and friends old cookbook, english pudding
Id: LIksK4qv3Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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