Brazil's indigenous land is being invaded

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[Music] [Music] the carrot iana are an indigenous group here in Brazil they live on protected land deep in the Amazon rainforest when it was established in 1986 it was surrounded by rainforests but today it's almost completely surrounded by farms this kind of encroachment is happening across the Amazon Brazil has over 400 protected indigenous lands but it's booming agricultural industry has spent the past few decades clearing the rainforest around them now they want in and they have the perfect Ally to help them no this is only regard don't take my video Brazil Brazilian President jarba Sandero wants the expansion of farms to continue even at the expense of protected lands and that's put 900,000 indigenous people at the risk of losing their homes and their way of life using to prepare for this [Music] cheering - am i - aah - man thank our standard garden is not an engine but they give you some very unexpected perfectly rejection efika tirado whom des métiers metate shagging movie Mitch I got a mustiness keyframe pack pinkie print an E Roma will kick you back on this thing [Music] at the start of the 20th century Brazil was intent on becoming a modern country cities along the coast were already being developed but the Amazon which covers almost half the country was remote inaccessible and home to tens of thousands of indigenous people who had lived there for centuries around the 1920s brazil's government pushed an aggressive plan to change the shape of the amazon it brought telegraph lines roads schools and people into the amazon while forcibly pushing these indigenous groups out of the way then in the 1960s a brutal military dictatorship took over brazil and carried out genocide against indigenous people they took away their lands to build highways mines and dams across the Amazon during this time more than eighty three hundred and isness people were killed and tens of thousands had lost their homes in 1985 the military regime collapsed and Brazil became a democracy the new constitution included historic reparations for the country's indigenous people it recognises their culture and traditions and even gave them a way to get their lands back indigenous groups could claim their traditional territory with a government agency called Funai that would demarcate the borders of a new protected land after final approval from Brazil's president who now would then monitor and protect it may guess my size paranoid mi casa le multi-button proposed me Perico minivan Janine who came up my professor must say good answer give us a thing soon protected indigenous lands are being set up all over the Amazon and today they make up around 13% of the country which includes the care chiana's land but it wasn't long before these lands would be threatened again from the 90s to 2000 Brazil's economy was one of the fastest growing in the world fuelled primarily by agriculture the country became one of the top producers of beef and soybeans while logging and mining were also significant industries but the economic boom had a downside all of these industries needed more and more land a lot of which came from the Amazon the rainforest was rapidly cut down in Para Rondonia and Mata Grosso States to make room for cattle pastures and farms often leaving the protected indigenous lands as the only forests left before long Brazil's agricultural industry wanted to gain access to these areas too and they found support within the government they lobbied to weaken the rules around protected indigenous lands that they claimed were barriers to progress and their pressure started to show results from 2003 to 2010 President Lula da Silva approved 87 indigenous reserves but its successor Dilma Rousseff approved just 21 followed by Michel temer who only one Rousseff antemer also cut through noise funding which forced the agency to close dozens of offices in the Amazon leaving indigenous people unprotected as Funes Power declined illegal invasions of protected indigenous lands increased high quality nice clothes Tamaki no game cohosh today my daddy hated me I know you stamina you got that by 2017 Brazil's indigenous were under attack bloggers ranchers and farmers felt embolden under a government heavily influenced by the agricultural industry and soon the man leading Brazil's presidential race would further tip the scales in their favor as a former member of the army during the military regime he shared many of their oppressive political views especially those towards indigenous groups [Music] de vacas competi mich disco lights he's sick okay whoever did that these words earned him the endorsement of the agricultural industry but deeply word indigenous groups today makisu Kanta Flores for you practicing additional capital key food area me please follow the support money noises see choose a massage as soon as Boston era took office he turned his attention to the indigenous he /foo knives budget and hasn't approved any new lands in fact he's proposed taking away foon eyes power to demarcate new lands entirely and he's appointed a former police officer with strong ties to the agricultural industry to lead Funai under balsa narrow invasions of indigenous lands have skyrocketed in just the first nine months of 2019 just 10 days after Boston era took office in January 20 1940 armed men invaded this land by May 20 thousand illegal miners had invaded the Yanomami reserve and in July invaders cleared a huge section of forest in the citrine land the carrot iana are worried that they could be next illegal agricultural activities have been happening here right next to the care T on the land and they brought actual threats of violence to the people living there if we Macedonia watch me FAK says mez st. proud day industrialists are burdened all day you know puja visit an Akuma deunan es la luz que tu fais pas de los territory so masado in the past the indigenous groups had Funai a protective agency they could turn to for help but now they're left to rely on themselves [Music] okay acaba for the day I posted a DeMarcus and a preserver New Jersey she for them a preserve our quiche attained Canada's energy policy she'd be poisoning [Music] hi thanks for watching the third and final episode of vox atlas the amazon mini series my name is ana tejada EG and i'm a video journalist based in brazil i went to the Amazon to report on the ground and to meet with the people who provided us with invaluable information I want to thank them all for their time and for sharing their concerns with us make sure to watch the serious previous videos the first one explains what drives the first station in the rain forest and in the second video we take a look at the rubber industry in the Amazon and the work and legacy of chico mendes thanks again for watching
Channel: Vox
Views: 687,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atlas, amazon, bolsonaro, indigenous,, vox, explain, explainer, brazil, farm, deforestation, mining, logging, south america, indians, funai, amazon rainforest, rain forest, environmentalism, karitiana, brasil, conflict, international, poltics, lula, temer, rouseff, land, lands, protected lands, fires, wildfires, amazon crisis, crisis, deforestation rates, destruction, ranching, beef, soy, agriculture, economy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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