Brawlhalla WINTER DOUBLES CHAMPIONSHIP - EU AND SA FULL Highlights (ft: Pavelski, Godly, Kyna, +)

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so the second day of the brala winter doubles Championship was played and here are the highlights from the European and South American regions and oh what no followup oh that would have been so great the the ground pound there was fantastic went for the recovery gets the recovery off the down and then the exhaust to recovery catching a fast falling really he faked him out and it looks like we're just going to go ahead and break up the fighting a little bit here's an opportunity combo oh sidelights Blaze combos it into a Cider on a Godly and then finishes the team combo on The Blaze for the double knock really the best it does right I feel like that's play rocket Lance you just got to jump fast ball side area and see what you end up with talking about jump fastball St like oh hit C's gone no that's oh that's almost certainly going to be ground pound yeah no it's that's probably curtains at that point we'll see on if they get him off stage are they going to posture on the on the side plat again let's find out here we go oh Delight s cider Relentless uh Esra ends up going down there FR all kicks they start off pretty strong and then the queen n all right down to the sck I think it's always like hypothetically been a very good tw's pick just slides with the down so gets kicked Away by the down light can as well get the stock yes he can neutral signature coming out afterwards I mean hey Queen I's got some of the longest lasting followups in the game anything else I feel like B picked up gets theing after dashing back sidelight Air recovery zapy sent flying TM is he out of there he's gone for it okay zapa's got to go for the save I don't blame him weap stops him for making a back dive kick like ground pound Jesus I can't is getting cooked with the save and it koos with the recovery couldn't create enough space betweeny take him down please oh no there's another stock wait there's a CH if God n almost him on the way down too things are not looking great for z Oh The Clash on the ground the Dare ooh Flex on him let him know what is he flexing he's a skeleton I was but they really spaced it well yeah being able to go for stuff like that when the game States this close Jakey gets cresu and now Blitz is in the one2 down would knock out here oh go for the read he got sere Blitz no way I think s spent his recovery a little bit earlier so now he get Jakey Jake's going to go for the read sight and air okay Canon Delight n would knock out gets the neutral light is that going to be weapon throw and that's the comeback Blitz a cresu make it to match point works Nobody Does it you know so Sentinel would be the worst right kar's Hammer probably probably yeah Al I think Hammer would just do fine to be honest o nice with the side Sig cresu all let's take peek here Jakey coming in with those boots kind of looking to get something on the left side of the field here but we have Team combo coming up from C down sing in the side Sig okay Blitz and cresu making up for that deficit nicely done Jakey goes down Safir where you going oh they didn't want to go for that edge guard there I felt like they is here recovery comes through seir tried to fall down with that neutral okay neutral light does connect neutral from jaky but he gets hit by the recovery from cresu now a one hit game all around weapon throw Blitz doesn't make it back with the Dare the double dare he's going for the edge card here but the recovery connects and seir gets the knock out on the way back to stage of playing the um uh really forward here to make up for how much damage that cr's taking but that side s be Blitz goes down before cresu recovery comes through flambo blue team may have made the reverse three happen who has no weapon Crossover with Kyle whatsoever and they may need to maybe not but might need to take this Legend Choice back to the drawing B demon Island made it a little bit more difficult to KO there little bit of Team damage come out that could be dangerous maybe it was just a reposition Here Comes s you fell for the classic blunder Sparky what was that how did BR Team end up dying there what wow KN sent Anno over there he felt confident and in control enough and we have ourselves a 2v one in favor of the blue team n is the least healthy on the board P's close and just like that knocked out o there's overlapping damage on the red team the Blue team's doing right now but he also needs to do more damage he only did 284 and we see a double KO to the other teammate here good off stage here we go they're follow him great knes picked up two people Anno was there to follow up now they have the team combo okay let's see it and they have it set up all right we got one on the board Sparky I'm seeing some signs of life here really really solid so far mun with the finisher almost every single stock I think in this first game as I say it though mun will be the first to drop and so will red team in this first game he's he's an incredibly strong player like he's he's been around in the scene for a long time he had his Heyday I can't remember exactly the years that he oh my gosh go no resources just completely chasing under the stage and still getting back yeah tell me a little bit about Canon and doubl cuz I've heard a couple things uh Canon and doubles is interesting I feel like it takes a special player and maybe munir might not be that guy right now look so far this is kick a St you're not that guy buddy as he red damage so any any second now either going to go out but okay that's the this oh no dude that's S stinks man he was a a six step plan and I feel like most people would just like fold under the pressure of what is currently happening to them the cut scene that they're essentially watching that is a super early KO and that is one of the reasons you play a high strength Legend fighting his way out of the 2v one really really good stuff let's see what kind of sandwich comes in right here nothing to be had Jakey again just fighting his way back but in the mix of everything seir loses stock oh he's going to confirm it for sure Gauntlet side airs to move himself over to the edge stock so early a very high strength Legend with two heavy weapons so the damage output is huge but Jakey Jakey just took out Godly and he turned around and put the pressure on the blade and again oh nice slap and he goes for the Delight into the ground pound and the save but the weapon tosses there that ended up interrupting him and out comes the neutral signature from kiix so he has those simple setup tools that can lead to a stock oh that's that's what I'm talking about that's Peli overextending tab with double sights are not coming through at least so far wow okay sarm small little pick up right there going to jump to get out and the Pogo comes through as well for a little bit added space Oh s coming in with that one contact sarm in the orange okay kick a running back to try to protect frol for just a little bit longer the stock will be dropped right there but on a fresh one oh no that is a crucial 2v one for red team to pick up right there awareness from sarm to keep that stock alive knowing Peli was just going to run out of resources in just a moment this is so scary this is so scary stop all the save from fry all right who's going to fall I someone has to right how many how long have they been on stage Sparky what is happening how did T die there what I'm sorry down signature I believe done right okay here's the save and sarm turning around they end up getting kicks and knocking him out Sparky I don't even know what just happened there but that's going to be a wrap on this game it looks like it the end of the game is what's happening and pel's down there he got bored here kelki looking for the ground power thatd that was a down air from the orb as well and now he's back over on the site the perfect serving to to serve s up to kick a sarm unarmed right now weapon toss going to come through it's off stage right here crazy recovery to thread the needle but no weapons to be found no stock either right here desperate recovery coming through got to be Just One More Fry looks for everything I think this might be over soon but wait oh no that was so slow wait smky oh he touched hang on hang on one opening decides it all right here in this critical game five the wall slip is going to come through sarm playing The Edge so perfectly right here here comes the opening oh he was looking for the sidelight reset the side and that does it sarm takes it sarm and pavelski win the best of five and guarantee them has got to be able to put out that damage and make sure this gets a little bit more even yeah I mean it doesn't help that zap is also looking a little worse for wear here that's a deep dark red and oh oh how no that's so unfortunate now a 2V1 scenario the rest of the you can hit it back you can hit it back that is true but right now again uh zap's really not even doing that bad right now considering it was four stocks to two and now it's two stocks to one yo and look at this this is huge there's no way right team even though they kind of need them y I mean M was definitely doing a really great job on stage as being a disruptive force and now closing out huge stock there great edgeu guard and now it's another 2V1 scenario but TM on the one this time does not matter not I I can tell you as a a player in my own rights I do not have the mentality to be in the right position at the right time I just hit button I mean it's like it's just great communication but also just knowing your teammate so well oh my God that ground pound that was so dirty he went around it he's gone it's just a matter of just trying to find that hit but there we go gets right back onto the stab munir just kind of catching his hands a little you saved him all right you got him but you did save him briefly for a moment oh team combo but Coco footing here and kind of get a lead somewhat back for you really just shaking off the results of the last one immediate combo again down Z into the side Spector it's been 30 seconds and you're down to your final stock this is not looking good had to have like taken what is it what's that stuff that like the the powerlifter sniff before they over lot of Weights the smelling salts or something yeah that's what they did they're going insane I don't know why I thought bat salts don't don't do that they start eating each other oh man Spectre is out of there we are seeing a Spectre of the blue team holy cow don't let them team combo dude yo yo one more dude this for a minute and 15 seconds into this game and this is just ridiculous where's it going where's it going okay back into it neutral Sig oh you didn't hit your last smoke those platforms kind of keep those really crazy combo extensions going so I'm all for it and red team does seem to be a little bit more on their game here for never mind never mind oh oh okay great follow up from Spectre there KOCO in turn is also going to take down aan throw him back down all right but there we go Blue Team kind of keeping this lead oh no oh goodness dude they can do combos anywhere in the air in the Open Seas on the stage all over you droing oh that's not good and now spectre's probably going to lose his stock here he gets through okay he get sent right back out there he's sweating that's definitely going to clean it up blue team he may as well just be walking this one right into the end zone man you got you got no problems here this the classic Playbook but KOCO not able to finish it so aane second chance at life but Lon is going to take it away gravity cancel neutral light to finish that one out not good position to be in and me still in trouble but toois look at this the 2v one like I'll take both of you on you're the homie you stay out there there's no way a oneman army KCK say tried he's out there just trying to put his hand in the water recovery out there here's the combo he misses the endig kick a lives and this is still doable yes and now a One V one scenario this Mev has what it takes to make the big upset happen that's not going to take it it's definely going him in a good position though he gets the N there's the weapon spawn me gets disarmed kick a takes advantage qar is unarmed we're just prank dancing he's crazy we're just prank dancing now we got the goet in hand though goet versus Qatar this is the n kick with the finish here in game number two ooh I like that even though you got hit you still set up your teammate for a huge combo that rocket Lance and he carried him all the way off to the Blast Zone on the side it was really familiar uh with between KOCO and munir so ooh the IG out in the left side move the meme of like the couple finishes each other's sentences but it's like they start one word of the sentence and the rest of the sentence is already there they're already done they know exactly what's being said and being told as that is going to be it for the blue team to close it out three and he did it he did he he ate he ate the pizza he didn't Whi that's what I'm hoping we're going to see a little bit more of as they continue to send this lead further and further unless fry just takes Mo out on his own go for the recovery that's it it doesn't matter FR might go down he goes down exchanges his first St for Mo second absolutely worth it tip of that down air sent straight down cider will catch him while he sweat and f as get hit by one ground pound n could come through cider spikes with the side of the stage ground pound takes him down and that's going to be it kick they can't get there in time to save him and just like before it's a 2v one weapon throw dive kick jeez oh this game it might be too it might be too late mun hit so many attacks on the hammer here alone sers and there is coming through that cider almost just takes down FR all on it own side cider ground p double edge guard grab sing Mo here oh was just playing around appar Blaze gets team comboed onto them and now Godly off stage there goes Coco and moir almost follows suit right afterwards sidelight n sidelight n the neutral signature Blaze and godly have got every single team combos has to fight this 2V1 and godly is looking to close it all Taza is it U Through The Blue Team let's find out Koko's got to find a weapon and the S comes through and that's going to be a Godly in blaze are your European winter doubles Champions as they go undefeated through the rest of the bracket taking out everybody Coco being the final team to fight and not even they with their best team composition I'm watching respective respectively oh my god oh that's respectfully not respectively which respectively respectfully you know whatever English sucks oh why send them that way yeah he like you know what I'm going just whip myself out the building so so hard for the blue team but they do manage to even up the stock count and this is an opportunity converts into that onyx enig on fire immediately and it looked like blue team was kind of taking it back but they're like all right you know what we already got this far doing what we do playing our game we're going to turn it back up again and it looks like they might be ready for oh oh my goodness they still get some oh that was so sick shift the blame all right well right now ooh trying to go for big call out again kind of hit his teammates oh wait yeah this is a 2V1 scenario now oh this is oh goodness oh yep that's spear might be a little bit rough but it probably would allow you to poke for a little bit more and just kind of like really bide your time without like you know getting too caught up in the mess you're not getting a weapon oh he went for the double to the recovery you can see Power was like send me the pass bro pass me the RO pass team off to a really good start here the red team is able to answer back that was that was that soft pitch okay as we speak though Su with the stock right there getting a little bit 2v one AC right there and it's a double kill here we go excuse me yeah know that was beautiful space nice response right there I'm a little nervous though especially as sum approaches red Health as well you really want space to be the one playing forward in the situation what a stock was that what tell me what just happened that biggest commitment of all it does not pan out but if that hit that would have been the as you're saying all of it too fiend just falls off the top right there hipper just goes for a crazy aggressive edgeguard off the red side oh my God what why's got in with the Delight right now blue team is looking uh pretty excellent okay split up forces hipper into a 2V1 situation just does not want any of that side air to get right out okay stock trade you kind of take it for now I guess fiend isn't but there goes can okay hip looking for the neutral able to get the able to get the downer using the air Dodge to stall maybe try to go for like a react GC option didn't actually find it that's going to be the spike blue team is popping off it now four stocks to One D this is looking rough and Red Team knows it what an ending here oh wow and this is just a four player stack right out the gate Dar I'm a little bit scared at what kind of scrambles come out of this okay Ma breaks up the action though forces it over to the left side and wow really good yep that is the gauntlets but what is happening off stage steer kind of caus that to happen and West still able to actually touch the very lip of the stage making it back on West finding a ground pound of his own and all of a sudden it is red team that comes out on top it is Red Team all the way D you are not wrong about out the teammate what is happening off stage Wes is looking for a lot and lost a stock at practically zero for that that was crazy yeah two stocks a piece for red team at the moment blue team Ste is still holding on Ste is the MVP of blue team at the moment wow there is a lot of off stage happening right now hit could just call anything a stock right there on the side of fiend it's super dicey right here but as I say if Vina kind of just falls off the left side I don't even know but that doesn't KO Hipp going all the way off the top we were about this you want to make a name it comes with the ground pound there's one stock it's one V one it's one V one and look at the advantage that you have built up for yourself just about anything you want to set up that 5050 with a sidelight you want to get that Delight you tossing out that weapon and now you eating a couple of hits as well Clos it out right here Dar I am so scared now cannon in hand not much to do here on the side of NES and it's over the 2v one you know what that was that was a Tempo mix up and a half that is okay L lores is going to end up falling off the bottom side of the screen putting kind in the 1v2 definitely a winnable 1v2 given how damag Lopez is unless they keep this going can they get the stock off of it almost not quite enough strength there on Powers dwson but they're able to clean it up right after that doesn't hit Lopez lores actually eats a weapon toss on the the right side and kind of can't get the hit he needs to come back up but the Dare still gets the wall touch blue team playing it very safe here oh no way real look at him jungle the web kind of so good oh goes for the Lopez on the other side there's dude power's not even they're so scared he just did it unbelievable is right dude that's how good Ka is is the blue team was 100% 1 power does get a n shoving lores off stage but lores gets pass nice nare there but the ground power is going to get taken out first that's rough and the full team wipe there there I didn't know over medium was a thing until I dated a girl who got hers over medium what a Freak no no she she was she was fine she this was not a red flag at all this is totally fine over medium is great I mean she's you're not still with her so like obviously there's some problems well you know it was it was amicable that Qatar neutral signature or that Qatar down signature okay down going to launch down Sig from them launches a little harder there and there's the follow up nice sort of spy but he goes off stage for the side air to finish it off exactly like F's neutral signature on Yo everybody's going down there it's complete chaos over on the edge hipper he tried his best can the red team take off this or neutral signature as well but if you have someone like Wes who can serve the opponent up really well or really easily with it then all of a sudden yo no way hipper's going to fall for that but we even wor the boys as well yo West he was just a fly in the sky came in to hit that side air off the followup from them fiend going to make that a trade Wes currently unarmed and he's going to get caught by the N from Fiend I heard production scream on that one blue team downlight into the side air tries to rotate over to go up on the hipper what's the follow up side air from themm great timing from themm on that didn't choke it out what's his name cuz he is the only one on his final stock what nice he's going to get it hipper trying to get the save but no can't find the hit stays low Wes has to be so careful every move he throws out has the potential to be the start of a team combo zoning H he actually got the KO off for that all he needed was two side airs fiend in the ready a weapon toss and West with the clutch in the one V2 but that one V them with the side air combo into the recovery West and VM going to take game number one in VM was almost ready at the perfect time with that neutral signature would have bounced off the stage but would have been nice he grabs that one though and that is the full team wipe and all of a sudden I like you saw them trying to get that followup oh what I didn't even see what happened we need to censor this for you that's what should be happening is everyone's parents should be censoring this because them is going to fall on the right side let's wall slip happen and that's going to do it Kaa and lores with a quick three 0 lores and Kaa are the South American winter doubles champion
Channel: Shtep
Views: 3,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brawlhalla, blue mammoth games, brawlhalla esports, brawlhalla gameplay, brawlhalla tournament, brawlhalla tournament highlights, brawlhalla pro gameplay, brawlhalla pro players, brawlhalla pro tournament, brawlhalla pros, gdsandstorm, sandstorm brawlhalla, brawlhalla sandstorm, pavelski brawlhalla, brawlhalla competitive, brawlhalla winter doubles, brawlhalla 2v2 tournament, pavelski tournament, brawlhalla pavelski, pavelski sarme, brawlhalla winter championship, pavelskibh
Id: vyb4hquIhYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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