Brawadis on being Close to Proposing, Clarifying His Ex Situation, Bosley’s Passing EP: 6

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I know you just got out of like a relationship and it was a breakup bro I just know like when you love someone so much and you break up it's the worst feeling ever you just feel depressed like I just want to know how you handled it and like you know how you went about it my situation was really tough because um it was plastered all over the internet was there anything that like helped you forget or make it make it easier it was just ridiculous that we weren't even able to mourn like our dog's death because people were sending us hate it was just a I'm not going to lie it was a really dark time like I didn't upload on YouTube for a long time I think the only thing that helped was literally what up you guys welcome back to another episode of the official podcast we are on episode six number six oh my gosh and you guys already know who the [ __ ] is here oh my God I'm nervous we have our first freaking guest give a round of applause to wanted yo hey wait time out which camera do I look at that one or that one you could you can look at this one this one okay yeah okay yo thank you guys so much for having me I really really appreciate it it's actually an honor to be the first guest cuz I know this podcast is going to blow the [ __ ] up so just being the first guest I love you guys thank you love you yeah I love you bro it's going to be legendary guys oh yeah yes um we have a lot of crazy juicy [ __ ] that we're going to be talking about today so stay tuned go get some freaking shots in go get some snacks grab whatever the [ __ ] you want and let's get straight into it we took some shots actually yes we did take some shots we're also going to be taking a shot on camera I was going to say you said juicy questions if you want the like full truth and 100% honesty we need to take a shot you know what I mean we need a shot right now before we to smash things up a little you know yes we we also have a champagne bottle to pop open for our first guest and of course you guys already know what type of bottle it is oh yeah period and story for the first guest you know thank you so much Brandon for pulling up means a lot to us the stage that's crazy I had this bottle for over a year now and I'm popping it open for the first guest man I feel honored I swear I swear I feel honored oh yeah yes guys guys we're also doing a truth or drink on Brandon's Channel um go watch that on bradus it will be up two days from now so on Sunday thank you yes also if you guys are wondering what are you guys wearing oh my God what does it look like what does it look like we're wearing oh yeah toxic Love gmb's official brand not Merch this is not Merch this is our brand and you guys got to take a good look at it take good look oh oh oh oh oh don't don't mind the water oh that's not water homie that's tequila yeah hey I I'm going need a set I swear you're on the list please please I need those are actually dope I love the message it's simple but like it still stands out everybody could wear it I love it I love it so much BR we've been working on it for months and I'm about to cry not even months we've been working on this for 2 years damn two years actually I had working on this yeah for 2 years um finally pulled the trigger yeah finally did it made it come true there's another colorway by the way yeah just wait for the next episode we were supposed to actually wear that colorway today but we're waiting we're just waiting cuz we don't want to show you guys just yet initial drop date July 1st if I'm not wrong but we will keep you guys updated so stay tuned join our Early Access game Link in description we have like 123,000 members in there you guys get everything early so go ahead it's free completely free we're not charging nothing so yep but should we take a shot Let's Take a Shot we need to let's do it a little okay oh this is my hey you know I'm going to need a chaser you know yeah we turn red which that's just how it is okay cheers can can I give a cheers yes all right cheers to sorry cheers to your guys' podcast wish you guys nothing but the best and most successful podcast in the future oh yeah get yeah let's get it period disgusting absolutely disgusting terrible taste great feeling spoken like a true alcoholic right there he described it perfectly right I'm just going to put the leftover in here is this ASMR wait leftover no no no no no you didn't kill it I put the leftover in the Juice N oh the juice okay little cheat code okay oh you're smart okay now we're ready now we're ready now we're ready all right well we obviously have a lot of questions for you but I think the first ini thing is where did you grow up I feel that I okay wait no first let me start off with this have you ever been on a podcast before I've been on my brother's podcast you know I don't know if that counts cuz he's family so I kind of I had to be on that whether he wanted me as a guest or not I'm his brother so you better put me on there Brian uh and then I did I've done like two other podcasts um but I feel like this one is like this is this I love the setup and just everything about it like this is definitely feels like a podcast podcast than you I took my heart energy to this room yeah no I know it was all you you told me it was all you yeah oh me these guys but yeah um would you ever start your own podcast I feel like I would love to start a podcast if it was sports related if you guys don't know I love basketball I love all sports but basketball is like my main so I would love to start a podcast and maybe have some NBA players on it cuz I feel like um kind of similar to you guys where I'm a YouTuber so I post YouTube videos but on a podcast I could share kind of a different side of myself which thank you guys for allowing me to do that I feel like if I have a sports podcast NBA players people just know them as like oh they play basketball but you got on that quick cuz you just gave the idea hey hey no one take it but hey you got to have NBA player homies to do that which I do so not everyone can do it but hey that's fire idea bro you know they could like share their actual life with people that a lot of people don't know so we'll see maybe one day in the future no one take my idea by the way but yeah if you guys take it just know don't even watch that person cuz they just took the idea Fu don't even watch that person we're sending all the Doberman after you guys just know that just know yeah for real but um on your basketball topic I always wanted to I never really got into basketball that way I've always watched it growing up cuz like my dad would put it on some things like that but what made you like like the Suns okay so I live in San Diego everyone there is like a Lakers fan Lakers all the way Paul George you watching this you're my boy bro he's not even on the Lakers what is he on bro Larry Bird then bro what's up bro there's no way okay no where where I live San Diego everyone's a Lakers fan so um for me honestly the reason I'm a Suns fan everyone asks this but when I was like 10 years old that's when I first started getting into basketball it was like the year was 2006 mhm there's no sports team in San Diego so the Suns in 2006 they were the best team in in basketball so I'm like a little kid 10 years old I was like damn I like I like the Suns they're the best and then that's why I like them ever since then but it was a big tease cuz ever since then they haven't won one not one Championship don't matter they're going to win for sure I know Booker cuz of you actually bro a lot of people bro I used to come home from school like middle school and like throw my backpack on the ground and just open my laptop watch you you and your brother all day I would switch over bro when you had the Lexus with the red interior bro dude that's crazy that's so OG dude I'm telling you bro I'm OG that's okay I have a question for you guys then okay so I'm here on your guys' podcast as your guys' guest but like you mentioned you used to watch my videos is it like a surreal feeling like bro it's the same exact feeling what you got when you met Booker probably that's crazy bro like it was Unreal to me even like meeting rug and you guys like I met your parents like you guys are super like genuine and humble people like bro that's what I rock with bro I don't really trust anyone so when I first met you guys I felt your Vibe instantly like hell cool people yeah I felt that when we met you guys for the first time I don't mean for this to come off not humble yeah but it almost felt like it was supposed to happen yeah yeah yeah it felt very uh comfortable immediately when we met you guys you guys immediately just started talking to us and I just immediately knew that it was genuine both Middle Eastern too yeah exactly right no I know what you mean like it didn't feel like a collab with like two influencers it felt like we were homies like you know like we had met before yeah cuz there's like I mean same goes to you guys there's a lot of influencers I've met that I don't need to say names I'm sure you guys have had similar experiences they're just awkward in a nice way like rude cocky like they just whatever I know what you exactly what you all we actually did talk about that on a podcast and it got clipped and I saw it on Tik Tok and there was people on Tik Tok talking about oh um this this is how GMB always thinks they always think that people are after them this and that so it's really refreshing for you to to say that as well because I know me and gar weren't tripping to so many events and people are not genuine especially other influencers exactly bunch of Snakes in the Grass they think it's a competition I'm not trying to be a competition with you I just want to you know you you know we're we're we're trying to all eat yeah exactly we we could be like like that too and like freaking step on people's necks and act all big and stuff but like we're at the point where we're like we we deserved all this I do I say this you deserve we're humble basically yeah that's what I was going to say I've met so many influencers that just aren't that way so when I like you guys asked me to come on the podcast it was a no-brainer I'm like hell yeah cuz I rock with you guys you guys are like I don't care how big you are if you ask me to collab like if I don't rock with you I'm kind of like I'll pass it's more about like being genuine you guys are genuine you guys are humble so you know thank you br appreciate if you ever need us were there I got you thank you how how did that feel though going back to you meeting cuz I gar was telling me that you went to the son's game right and you met the team how was that feeling it was like I literally I'm not going to lie I could say now cuz like I'm not in the moment I was sweating like crazy my face was all red I was like literally shaking like okay I'll never forget they they were going uh they were about to paintball and I went there to meet them the whole team was there and then they were like oh like because I was a YouTuber at the time so they probably saw me as like oh this guy's cool he's a YouTuber but me I saw them as like damn this is like the Phoenix Suns so they asked me to paintball with them and I made the craziest excuse cuz I was too nervous I was like oh I have a haircut appointment I like I really need to go but it was really just cuz I was way way too ner I couldn't even talk like I couldn't even talk so I just got my pictures filmed a little Vlog part and then left I was like later on down the line now I wish I stayed and went paintballing with the Phoenix Suns team but before I was like I I would have fainted like literally would have passed out if I stayed and that's crazy bro like yeah it was just like imagine meeting your guys's favorite favorite favorite celebrity growing up like I used to watch all the Suns games as a kid I never thought the day would come where I would even go to a game let alone meet them like it was just insane and now fast forward to 2024 and like half the team follows me on Instagram I got half their phone numbers we like Deon Booker has been to my house I've been to his house that's legendary like I don't even pay I don't know if I should say this but I don't even pay to go to the games like they literally send me out whenever I want it's insane like I oh so you're himothy I'm himy when it comes to the Sun so hey I deserve it though I rocked with the sun when they were trash I watched every game when they were the worst team exactly one fan right here dude yeah yeah so now that they're good I'm glad they remember that I was there through the dark years and they repay me now so but it's still it's super dope and I don't know it's crazy you Nam your dogout out to the sons Booker that's literally my dog's name Devon Booker so that's crazy yeah it's crazy that's crazy man oh my goodness but getting back to your dog um Booker he's your your dog right yeah he's my dog he's your dog you were saying he's bad right um he has a a little uh he has an attitude well I mean we deal with that would you say brinny has a little attitude right she's like a little Booker right a little okay oh my God he's like a chihuahua with a doberman mix half Latina like just freaking everything she doesn't say good morning to me in the morning that's how like cranky shes she says wake the [ __ ] up her morning times are the worst yeah yeah I hate being woken up I just don't bother me in the morning I've always been like that since I was little don't sleep next to me then yeah so I've always been like that since I was little like my brother is here if you know even my dad will tell you don't bother me in the morning if I'm getting up to use the restroom or to go get breakfast let me wake up let me do my thing and then I'll warm up to you and be like hi good morning it's just I on purpose smuggle her like I like get on top of her I hug her I kiss her she that's your job you're her man you're supposed to bother her off tell me good morning now yeah yeah yeah that's funny yeah so I'd say Booker is like a little bit like you he has a little attitude he doesn't like to be bothered he's a little cranky but he's a he's cute his Looks makeup for his oh he looks so fluffy bro yeah he's very uhuh yeah he is he feels like this too actually yeah that's how our wiener dog is our wiener dog is so cute and the fact that he's so cute and makes up for his bad attitude you can't get mad at that you can't get mad at he gives you this eyes and like this look yes I mean he roll over on his back and look at you he used to then he got kind of fast so now he only goes like 34s of the way cuz if he goes on his back he can't get back up but I love Booker he's he's literally my screen sa I don't know you guys could see he's a PO right full po golden doodle a golden doodle a mini well he used to be mini and then he and then he got big he got a little big so he's like a big mini dud I feel like that happens a lot because um my aunt was just telling me that there was a wiener dog fest and one of and we were supposed to go we were supposed to go today fil we were supposed to go going to a wiener dog fest and actually one of my aunt's best friends ended up going and she has the same type of wiener dog that we do which is a mini doxen and um when people were asking her oh what type of like what type of we her dog is he and she would say a mini Doon and they were like that's not a mini Doon and our dogs are the same size so I'm like wait is my dog not a mini did they lie to us wait he's not a mini I don't know at this point I don't I don't know a I think he is a mini because I've seen some big do I mean Dober I see I've seen some big wiener dogs and they're like massive they look like Slinky or something yeah they're massive and he's pretty small he's about that big yeah no he's he's like this now yeah look he's getting he's getting a little fat too right now yeah that's I don't know how they have fat fat like f exactly yeah you got to be on top of it I need to I'm putting my dog on a diet yeah he's he's that's why that's what makes them fat after yeah you didn't know this so after they get fixed it's I don't know why but every single one of my dogs that I've noticed especially scar after I got him fixed dude he was fat really that makes sense fat as [ __ ] and we we told our trainer look he's getting fat our trainer hiked him mored him the [ __ ] out now he's now he's got muscles like when he stands up you can see his back muscles is crazy yeah right now it's taking him I don't know why he's kind of going through like a weird moment where he's taking a really long time to gain weight so I don't know what's going on with that but I've been giving him like some weight gainer protein it's been working so I think you'll get better definitely the neuter The Chopping of the nuts yeah I was going to say that happens dude but okay I wanted to ask you this how because you're Middle Eastern right like G said yeah I don't know exactly what your nationality is I've always wondered because G's Armenian but you've always said that you guys are Middle Eastern but I don't know exactly what um we're caldian okay so to be a little more specific caldian is so my parents are from Iraq okay and uh we're Catholic the majority of the Middle Easterns are Muslim so like calans are it's like a small um small percentage of of Middle Easterns are Cath and calans are Catholics so um yeah we're calan Assyrian we're not Assyrian but it's very similar if you guys have heard people say they're Syrian but yeah we're calans so both my parents from Iraq they were born there but me and my brother were born here but okay um we're very like traditional like our first language was calan um Aramaic we didn't learn English till we were in fifth grade I mean not sorry sorry 5 years old in kindergarten we went to school and we learned English so the first like four or five years of our life we literally just spoke um Aramaic with my parents at at the house so H unique bro actually yeah like I'm more like I speak good English but I'm more fluent in uh speaking calan than I am in English which is crazy I lost my Armenian bro like I like it's broken but I'm I'm hella like thing to um how you said it um family oriented and um like how do I say traditional traditional like very traditional like we would eat Armenian food like all the time I would have to talk Armenian in the household only but then like I started going to public schools and like talking English and I just stopped talking Armenian in the household and just forgot it all I don't forgot it all but it's broken like I stutter a lot yeah that's how my brother is because for me luckily my homie Dennis is also caldian and I lived with him so we were speaking it back and forth so that helped me um keep it and get it back my brother yeah he's his is he's still good he understands it but it's a little bit more broken like um my mom will take me to like a wedding or something I'll go with my mom and dad and then they'll always be like damn your son's um Calen is really good talking about me I'm like yeah it was my first language so it's cool but yeah we're very traditional we eat like Middle Eastern food all the time and like yeah yeah growing growing up do you think that your parents were strict or no cuz gar would tell me that his parents were a little strict yeah and even starting YouTube my parents are are very different my dad is Mexican my mom is is Swiss so oh really yeah my mom is from Switzerland my mom's dad is American bro she got Italian in her Puerto Rican like everything bro I was going to say I thought you were I knew you were half Hispanic and then I thought the other half was just American white I didn't know no my mom is my mom my grandma speaks fluent Swiss like not fluent she speaks English but Swiss and then my great grandma if you met my great grandma sweetest lady does she knows English but she has such a heart hard accent she makes the best dessert I need to try her dessert still yeah chocolate Swiss chocolate yeah she's her her story is so crazy yeah my great grandma's love story so crazy it's she's just a very traditional woman cuz she grew up in a different obviously genre than we did but she's the definition of loyalty bro yes yes she is but yeah my mom is Swiss and American and my dad is full Mexican yes so obviously when I told him that I was starting YouTube they were like they were like okay cool yeah but when gar started to tell his parents that he was doing YouTube they told him you know you need to do this and first of all I tried starting that with my brother and sister long time ago like like back in the day when I was in Middle School I was like yo let's prank each other I think it'll be funny my brother's like if you prank me I'm going suck you I'm going make your arm numb I'm like all right bro I go to my sister she's like I'll tell Mom like I'm like you know what whatever but you've always trying to been on your grind though you've been you've been on your grind though since you in middle school so look how it paid off yeah and I tried again in uh Co times in high school my brother did give me advice he's like he's like bro you're unique you're funny like go with it cuz we got older and stuff so he realized like you got potential bro keep doing it keep riding it cuz I would make Tik toks at school like funny cartoon characters in my school before I met Britney so I got like 180k followers and I wasn't even getting paid it was just for fun for fun and when I met her I'm like like yo let's switch my account to a couple's account so hey best decision you could have made now look at you guys both taking over this game God blessed us it's crazy yeah but did you did you ever did your parents ever tell you not to do YouTube or were they more strict on that cuz even now I think you were saying like your parents I think just started to kind of see how serious YouTube was my parents are more like older like you know um they're 60 years old but they still look very young they don't look their age but they don't speak English too well but they they understand English and their English is very broken but they don't know what like social media is and stuff know they were locked up for like 15 years too so like oh [ __ ] okay my dad left but so they were like they they don't know what's up with social media they don't know if it's a real job or or not but now they're they see people coming up to me like asking for pics they're like oh yeah that's my pH yeah but it's very new to them n for me luck my brother started a year before me so he was the one that had to take the heat from my parents and I was there obviously we lived in the same house so like I would hear it my parents weren't too happy um not that they would yell at him or get mad but it was just more like yo Brian like are you sure you don't want to go to college are you sure you don't want to do this and do that are you sure you want to play video games and open up a YouTube channel yeah cuz like you said they don't understand at least back then social media was so new my brother started 10 11 years ago it wasn't as big as it is now so when you tell your parents oh I want to do this do that social media they're like hell no like whatever but my brother pushed through it and now look at him over 20 million over 25 million subscribers one of the biggest YouTubers on the platform so luckily for me when I started my parents were like okay yeah do your thing like you know but but I would imagine though if I was the first one it would be tough like how gar yours were so yeah but my is a little different I was working at a grocery store and then I was going to college to be uh I was my major was like media studies and journalism cuz I wanted to be a reporter for the Phoenix Suns okay so I was like two years two and a half years into my college and I was just working a full-time like minimum wage job just to like pay for random [ __ ] and then my grocery store they got bought out so they they laid off they had to fire all the Baggers I was a bagger like literally would just bag groceries and push cards so when they fired everyone I was literally depressed I was like [ __ ] like I got to find a new job but I'm in college like I don't have too much time whatever um and then I just started a YouTube channel and then did Brian ever motivate you like yeah my brother was definitely like when I got fired he was like bro like that was like he was just doing video games at the time like vlogging wasn't really a thing like we've been doing yeah we've been doing YouTube for that long where vlogging was like not even I was just going to say I totally forgot that FaZe came from video games yeah I totally forgot that cuz um I would see FaZe rug on YouTube but doing the same the real life yeah the real life things and stuff like that that when gar told me that when he used to watch uh rug that it was when he was in like on the computer also the cocaine prank and stuff like that time Z yeah now my brother definitely was like bro I mean try like open up a YouTube channel you never know what could happen um and then I would just talk about basketball and then after a while me and my brother both he went from video games to real life I went from basketball to real life and then now we are where we are today which is crazy it's crazy to think that if I never got laid off from the grocery store like would you have that passion hell no I literally did it kind of cuz I was forced to like I didn't find a new job and I was in college so I just didn't really have the time to work another full-time job YouTube was done at my own time so I was like okay let me just try it and then um yeah I post it daily for my first 2 years I posted 700 videos in 700 days like literally right when I started it was I would daily Vlog like I remember you guys would every day like every day every day like no rest like I would come home from school I'm like yes I'm expecting a video yeah yeah and like I was still in school so like I would my class would start at 9:00 a.m. 8:50 to be exact so I would wake up at like 5:00 a.m. to edit my video um I would Vlog at school like just to get content like Vlog in my college classes and everything my dad would wake up to go to the uh his liquor store he owns a liquor store that's like that was his job um and he would open my door 5:00 a.m. he'd be leaving to work he'd see me I'd be editing my video he would say bye to me and then ID say bye and I'd finish editing upload go to school film again and like every day we tried in uh December to film every day to post every single day let me tell you it it is insanely hard and for the mental health it's insane oh my God yeah it took a really big toll on us we were talking about it on our last podcast I you guys hella respect for that bro thank you did it for like a year or like we did it like yeah like two years but I will say though YouTube is different now than it was back then back then you could I don't want to say post just anything and it would do good but it was before Mr Beast and before all these people so now the standards are a little bit higher you can't just post like [ __ ] trust me sometimes I'll film a video that's not that good I'll post it and it does not perform well whereas before you could get away with posting some [ __ ] and would still perform well but now other YouTubers have set the standard higher so daily vlogging is a lot harder now than it was before not to say it wasn't tough before like I deserve this [ __ ] crazy sh it's it's a little tricky sometimes because sometimes me and gar are like okay we have to film today and he's like let's just he's like let's Vlog today like Okay cool so we end up vlogging and we will think that it's not that good of a video and then we'll upload it he's like damn babe it's doing really good people are sitting here and and telling us to keep vlogging so I'm like okay let's film another one we film another one we upload it people are like no can we get back to the pranks I know I like oh my gosh it it just goes back to like you literally can't please everybody we were talking about this off camera we were you just like trust me I get the same comments we want the Vlogs back we want the OG Vlogs I'll post one okay cool everyone loves it if I do like two or three in a row dude is this all you're going to post like you're so boring I'm like all right guys you just you can never please everybody it's like it is what it is that's just I just think like the key is to be versatile nowadays that's true yeah do a little bit of everything and being consistent consistent you got to PO like have a schedule be on top of your [ __ ] these breaks and stuff are you could get ideas from other creators and make it better not copy it exactly but you know put your own twist to them and stuff that's how we used to do with our couples videos and Tik Tok we would see couples that would post it be like let's do this but make it our own twist and better people that hate on that are so weird like me and my brother that's how we get all of our ideas we see other YouTubers do it and then we just put our own twist on the trend oh yeah people dude yeah people that are like oh you copy this you copy that oh I got news for you everything's already been done in this world you are not the first person to do anything like exactly like everyone just cop dude like like my outfit I guarantee someone's probably going to see this and be like damn I kind of like that shirt I'm going go like we're just we're trained to just look at other things and want to do them so like we like tattoos also tattoos exactly that's why they give that title also of influencer because influence damn I never thought about that that's I look at myself as a Creator though content creator influencer just like uh it's cool like yeah I do influence people but some of the things I do is not like to be influenced I don't want people to do what I'm doing like same you know that's true that's true influencer yeah that's true I never actually like dug deep into the term I just say yeah I'm an influencer content creator but when you put it way I'm a content creator no one call me an influencer no more I don't want I don't want to hear over here too yeah I I like saying content creator just how gar said because I don't I know I'm not perfect just like anybody in this world I'm not perfect no one but I don't want to influence people with some mistakes that I'd be doing I know there's a lot of people that look everyone makes mistakes yeah there's a lot of people that I mean there's a lot of um YouTubers and everything that we all make mistakes but I wouldn't want anybody to take from be influenced yeah that's true yeah um it's freaking crazy though because we were yeah just talking about all of this how we don't really like that title influencers and we also don't like the title fans I don't like say fans I say supporters I say supporters too same I don't like saying family like family's dope yeah I don't like saying I don't like saying fans because I don't want you to be below below that's or put you at a different place I I don't like that you sit here and you watch me you're supporting exactly I don't want you to be a fan yeah I think that says a reason why we're even here now exactly they call themselves fans that's cool but I feel like if we say it from our mouth it's just like oh you're my fans it just I know we don't mean any harm but it just I'd rather say oh my supporters my viewers like yeah viewers I'm like that too I'm the same way yes we're back and we're about to pop open this champagne this is champagne right I think so as of spade Shout Out Future this is crazy this is going to be my first time actually drinking this champagne we got this we got this gifted to us for moving in our first place I think no I this was given to us from to arson from Arson yeah yeah arson gave this to us arson gave this to us um housewarming gift I think are you sure it's on our engagement maybe it's our engagement maybe I cuz I think he gave us two of these Aron's giv us two of these hoes can I speak uh on what gar wanted to do before Brittney yelled at him off camera he wanted to pop the explode the champagne in the room and the champagne was going to go everywhere and the bottle cap was going to pop through the roof br's like no that's definitely not happening no dude we have freaking expensive mics and expensive equipment in here I'm not trying to get all that [ __ ] sticky and gar you know me messed up do it yeah I don't but we got to listen to Britney though she's she's you know we got to listen to her don't dude okay okay okay hold up that was an accident that was an accident I I can tell look at his face that was an accident what what the [ __ ] dude oh my God where did that even go over there you almost got gunner in the face oh my gosh it literally went hey man it came to life hey The Memories We Got You shook it a bit it's cuz you shook it a bit imagine if you fully shook it that [ __ ] would have been so bad that was crazy that would take someone's eye out that was that that bro imagine if you got the light oh my gosh that would have been good content though freaking hard um for our engagement party I actually popped open open a bottle of champagne and I shook it I popped it open and it exploded right into G's face like guys dude and he was recording a video he was recording a video and he was like a he was wiping his eyes he's like [ __ ] it got into my eyes and he's recording the video still and I didn't even notice it's in his face so I'm like yes L that and so after he stopped recording and he he went to the side and he was wiping his eyes he's like dude it got into my eyes he opens his eyes his eyes are like bright red like damn funny yeah champagne in your eyes is no joke no joke at all but this is going to be my first time trying this champagne I usually do all day so cheers guys I just believe that happened dude it's because you wanted to do it cheers but it was an accident Che I manifested that cheers guys cheers oh yeah to the first guest to the first guest and cheers to everybody that supports us and makes this happen because this this like we we always say isn't done without you and this is a big blessing and I always like to make that known that this is the biggest blessing and we appreciate every single person love you guys hey cheers them too yes Cheers Cheers are you supposed to swivel this mm- that's wine swivel is crazy swivel damn it's actually good it tastes like water ever I got it like two years ago shout out to arson my brother it's two years um aged aged aged aged two years aged Ace of Spades that's what it's called Spades yeah I've always this is Rick Ross BR right is this Rick Ross's brand or he just promotes it future promotes it even though I don't even know if it's Oh I thought it was Rick Ross no Rick Ross does sarck right or no uh sorry P Diddy does I don't know no didy no Rick Ross does um I know which one it's a champagne too right no Ros Ros champagne yeah yeah yeah y it's R it's like rose color like Ricky Ros that's why he says that Ricky Ros Ricky Ros yeah I need to go to his car show next time he has a car show he had the biggest car car show in the world no way we missed damn where was that at in like Atlanta or something I don't even know probably was that's where all the car shows are in Atlanta Ricky Rose you know you know who the DM I got some cars on my fleet not as much as you but one day one day one day one day one day or day one end the story all right so I want to ask you a question um I know me and my siblings growing up we we got along but like there was fights throughout the relationship you know you guys obviously record in each other's videos and started off together and I just want to ask you how how was your guys' arguments and fights growing up like till now okay so that makes sense yeah me and my brother so the question is pretty much like did me and my brother used to fight and how were the arguments like yeah and if you guys held a grudge did it affect your filming and you know okay um I feel like like every sibling like every sibling like you guys fight you guys argue it's just normal like there's no if you have a sibling especially close in age and you say you guys have never fought you're just lying like I'm not Humane it's literally you're not normal like whatever so yeah me and my brother did used to argue we did use to fight just normal sibling stuff like uh I don't know like one thing I remember he used to play a lot of video games and uh his he his room would stink because because because it wasn't him it wasn't really him it was just like the heat from the computer and the TV and he would have food in there that sometimes he would forget to throw away and he'd be wearing like these green pajamas that like it was like his gaming outfit so he would just always wear the same one so i' walk in his room and be like bro it [ __ ] stinks like holy sh like whatever like we would just argue over little things like that or like just normal sibling stuff like actually my brother has chased me around with a screwdriver before and I've literally ran for my life and locked the bathroom door like bro leave me alone leave me yeah you would never think my brother's like that I imagine cuz rug is like small so it's like Chucky the killer doll like like running after you yeah bro I mean just like any other sibling we we did AR L was about to get screwed yes um yeah we used to argue we used to fight but now I mean I'm 28 he's 27 so like we don't we don't really argue anymore we don't fight we're just we're older we're grown like we're proud of each other like we're happy for each other we live in different houses like we're just adults I think it's normal to fight with siblings but if you're both almost 30 years old and you're still fighting then that might be like not normal that might be a little like maybe you guys really don't like each other me and my brother love each other like at least I love my brother I hope he loves me too but um I feel like a like a brother and a brother is different from like a brother and a sister yeah or like sister and a sister are you trying to say you still fight with your sister no oh well I don't I like to like I I don't I hate fighting so I like I hate drama and stuff but my older brother and my sister do bump heads so I just think it's like a brother and sister me and my brother don't fight at all yeah we do not argue like I think it has to do with personality too yeah definitely I think it has to do with personality because gar is very not distant but he doesn't he doesn't feed into the argument you're just like you're just like you let them argue with themselves you're like I'm out like whatever yeah I feel try to help here and there but like if they pick an argument with me you're like I'm good just they're arguing with themselves yeah yeah I feel that you know what I mean knows this too if you're watching this yeah girl you're you were right girls with their brothers are different because my brother is here and you guys we used to no we didn't argue we used to get down like get down get down because my dad is well not a perect not a professional boxer if that makes sense but my dad did box so for most of his life my dad did box and and um my uncle was actually a boxer a professional boxer unfortunately a lot of stuff happened my uncle went down a really bad path and um got deported back to Mexico and now we no longer have contact with him we don't even know he's live we don't know anything about that but I was I was born I have two older sisters but my I was my dad's princess but my dad was really close to my uncle and my dad always saw a potential in me to be a fighter so he wanted me to continue his legacy my my uncle's Legacy and wanted me to be a fighter and then my mom got pregnant with my brother and it's actually really crazy cuz my brother looks exactly like my uncle exactly so he's like Reincarnation of my uncle um so then once my brother was born um he got a little bit bigger my dad already had taught me how to box here and there and then started teaching him how to box [ __ ] on gun so he was so he would set us up and I would just start wailing on him just beating him up that's so what's the age Gap five years so oh no okay so how old are you how how old was him honestly five you were five 10 yeah yeah Gunner was 10 and he was about five and I remember you were 10 and gunar was five that's what I just said no you said gun no you said he was 10 but it's okay oh yeah it's tequila and the champagne it's all good so sorry yeah so I remember this one time we were getting down in the living room and I I think my dad still has this recorded and I have the boxing gloves on and he's smaller so I would just like get him in the face you know with the boxing gloves and these aren't like play boxing gloves these are real boxing gloves cuz my dad would box so he would wrap us up and everything and he'd be like okay fight and he would start getting us to fight and I remember my mom would always tell me just wait till he's bigger Britney just wait till he's bigger and I'm like no like I'm always gonna be able to beat him up and then one day this [ __ ] is bigger than me I'm like no for sure he picks me up and like can like [ __ ] throw me and [ __ ] I'm like damn dude yeah he did get bigger than me but no it was different because I don't I not a lot of people like have the same situation we would [ __ ] get so mad to the point we start just like wailing on [ __ ] there it's gotten so bad to the point where I've actually like pulled the hair out of his head that's insane with my hey it's not as worse than my brother buying a new pet shotgun freaking showing me it and then shooting me in my ass that's disrespectful he showed you it first and then he that's disrespectful he gave me he gave me a head start I ran away boom on my butt cheek That's crazy dude that's crazy yeah but no it was it was different now we don't argue now we argue obviously cuz we're a lot older it's more of I sit there and I want to be a better example don't and and weu like I do I'm older you you're older than me I could do this to you I'm like do it then boom boom just [ __ ] beating each other up it was bad dude I've had to drag him down the stairs before just dude that's crazy what's crazy is before like before I heard all this I would already say like Briny just looks like she knows how to fight like if I was a girl I would be scared like I'm not going to get a f with Britney now hearing all this yes you just look like like it's little ones you see you see how you said rug would chase you around and he's little so it's like Chucky it's the little ones you got wor about everybody Chucky she's Chucky's wife uh uh Tiffany Tiffany that's her name why do I know this no it takes me a long time it takes me a long time to get me mad for real it takes me a really long time cuz I have a lot of patience I think I have my mom's patience but then once I have my mom's patience and then that runs out it's like boom stra my dad straight my dad's anger and I just I'm done because straight BF in your activity yeah just straight done but no I I definitely have a lot of patience I I really do especially getting older I start to realize I need to have more patience because there's been day-to-day things that test me and I'm like okay but I'm sure you noticed that if you were younger you would let it just right away you would it would take you off I know trust me I'm the same way now that I'm 28 I'm like I pick and choose what I stress over it cuz I'm like too like if I play basketball like when I was like 20 or 21 any little time someone would Trash Talk we'd be fighting yeah now like if someone trash talks me I'm just like bro I'm 28 have you ever gone in a fight yeah hell yeah but it's all over basketball yeah really you've gone in a fist fight for but it's all over basketball that's the only thing that could piss me off to the point where I'll actually like like swing and [ __ ] crazy you know you said that you if you were a girl you I've actually never gotten in a fight really never I've never gotten in fight with aside from my brother oh aside from your boyfriend and your brother your F and your brother yeah yeah hey but look I never got I've never got I've never I've never gotten in a fight with girls before because um I don't think I have that personality I don't think I have that personality to sit here and keep wasting my time and energy arguing with girls and that's just something about me I'm not fake to girl so I never given a girl a reason to want to fight when I girls getting down it was she said this and she said this and this and this and this was said I'm like why can't y'all just I girls can't hold a relationship yeah I'm like why can't you go if you guys have a problem with each other why can't you just pull each other to the side hey why didn't you I like yeah why didn't you why did you say this about me and this and that I've never been that way I've never I've always had good friends that I've never had to get physical with them and get in a fight with them I mean there was one time I I did try to fight I'm not going to lie I did try to fight and um yeah she was a little crazy she was I I was I I'm small too yeah so I'm small and this girl was 10 times bigger than me see you're not you got to pick your fights sometimes I get angry to the point where I want to fight someone but I'm smart I'm like you know what Brandon you're smaller dude this guy will probably beat your ass so don't do it don't let your anger get no see me I was like I don't give a [ __ ] the bigger the [ __ ] the bigger he fall I don't give a [ __ ] so I was just sitting there and I was likeit activity yeah I was like okay you want to get it this and that and um at that at at that point when I when I was about to get in the fight all all my friends so they all stood next to me it wasn't going to be a jump they all stood next to me and we're like no like if you touch her we're all getting so she was like oh [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] with the wrong girl and I was like no like nobody jump in this is a 1 V one and all my girls were like no like we know how little you are you're not you're not you're not we know how big you are you're not doing this so I can understand why she stepped back a bit but I did you know I did tell my girls I was like you know like don't get in if this is this but I can also understand the other perspective you don't want to mess with somebody who has all these people standing behind her so it was just she chose peace yeah she chose peace yeah but that's like the only time and that person was actually fake actually and tried to call me fake and I was like oh there's no way there's no way I thought I was arguing with the Devil Himself I thought I was arguing with the Devil Himself but no that all got taken care of don't talk to that person anymore thank God thank him I feel like a lot of relationships like arguments or fights start because of people in the circle that try to get involved or just like I don't know it's yeah but I feel like everybody goes through through their toxic moments you have to go hell toxic we still are I there's people who sit there there's people who sit there and and talk about having to get through the hard times in order to get to the good moments of the relationship and no that is very true because me and gar have gone through toxic [ __ ] and if nobody else can agree with this other people can but there's been times like you cuss each other out and you're like no [ __ ] you no this and that and then you're like I love you yeah it's it everyone like people call it toxic but I feel like everyone has a little craziness to them like no one's perfect no one's normal every couple it starts good the first couple months you're like damn I can never imagine an argument I can never imagine a down day a bad day and then dude it just happens like but you got to get especially with the Latina you know oh my God I know I know that's my biggest weakness I'm addicted to Latinas and it's a dragging me down in life but it's all good though I love Latinas yeah it is what it I love them they do it best it got know what you sign up for I I told gar this from the jump I said look I'm not crazy bro you're crazy I'm not crazy I'm not dude I'm not crazy until you make me crazy so don't make me do this to you don't that's scary that's SC don't make me do that dude don't I'm not I'm not like that I'm crazy too everyone's crazy in a way it's just how crazy it has to do it has to do with childhood for sure it has to do with childhood and I and I always say this because people will always be like oh well why did she do this oh well why did she do that oh why did this happen dude we all make mistakes and everything happens and you got to learn from it I think that's big that's people's biggest um thing is that they sit there and they don't think that other people can make mistakes especially influencers or creators yeah creators I don't think that outside people sit there and and think that creators can make mistakes too but meanwhile you guys make mistakes every day bleed just like yall just because just because we don't sit here and and and talk about the mistakes that we've made doesn't mean anything we made mistakes we sit there and we grow from it off camera exactly that's that's what we do we sit and we talk to each other and we tell each other look like this wasn't right this wasn't right but this is what we can do instead and let's just move on from here it's not not worth it bro we had an argument like two days ago I had to sleep on the bunk bed yeah with the wean it is dude it's just like no couple is perfect if people think couples are perfect you've never been in a relationship I'm sorry like it's just it doesn't work like that like you said you go through the bad days the couples that aren't strong enough the bad days are the end the couples that are strong enough the bad days you push through and then you get the good you know however long it may be in the future then you know you're in the good and you're like damn remember those bad days like I'm glad we stuck through it and we talk through it and like so yeah I do want to ask you a question bro um I know you just got out of like a relationship and it was a breakup and bro I just know like when you love someone so much and you break up it's the worst feeling ever you just feel depressed like I just want to know how you handled it and like you know how you went about it so I mean my situation was really tough because um it was plastered all over the Internet so like you mentioned when you go through a break especially with someone you love it's already tough I mean I don't use this word Loosely but I feel like I could use it in this situation it could be depressing like that's like love is something that could bring out depression in someone if it doesn't work out so if you break up with someone it's already depressing now imagine with millions and millions and millions of eyes on it and like people talking about it it was like opinions yeah opinions and no one like truly knows what's going on and everyone just like it it was just a I'm not going to lie it was a really dark time like I didn't upload on YouTube for a long time cuz I'm not going to lie I love this person [ __ ] happened I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about I don't need to get too specific um so we ended up breaking up and it was a very dark time for myself I found myself not posting YouTube videos which is never like me I usually I'm usually really consistent I wasn't even playing basketball which is usually like I love going to the gym and playing but I didn't even want to leave my house um but I mean like it is what it is like it's just life like you can't like I've grown to learn that you can't expect everyone to have the same heart as you do yeah if you do that you're just gonna you're going to be disappointed like what helped you like hanging out with people like um like was there anything that like helped you forget or make it make it easier I think the only thing that helped was literally time time cuz people are always like oh hang out with the people you love like let your friends be there for you but I'm not going to lie in that moment even if my homies came to my door and knocked on my door I was like yo you guys need to leave like I don't want to see nobody like I just want to be by myself with my dog my dog I wanted my dog there yeah um yeah usually when I'm stressed out I would go play basketball and it helps me feel better but in this situation yeah it was tough so like I think time just heals it and then I don't think like I think like chasing other girls is it's just a distraction it doesn't heal it again even hanging out with your friends it just distracts you in the moment you're laughing you're hanging out but then I think time is the only thing that truly heals it and at the end of the day like I don't I've also grown to like I don't hate anybody yeah sometimes I don't understand why people do what they do like I could be like damn that was like a understand you know like why would you do that to someone do you not have a heart like are you cold like whatever but I've learned not to hate I feel like if I like hate that's what makes everything drag on like I've just like even this person that did what she did to me like I'm just like all right it is what it is like I don't hate nobody in this life but I do question like why do people do the things they do do the things they do which comes back to if you expect everyone to be as good as you then like I have a good uh of a heart as you do then you're just going to end up being disappointed so I I feel like me and Britney really got like lucky you guys are dude you guys are I've said it before you guys are the internet's best couple off camera on camera it doesn't matter like you guys are BR I want to go back to what you said because I think that that's super important for people to hear as well when you said you didn't go and give your self or your energy to other girls to distract you I think that that's something um that's really great of you to talk about because um when you're younger I feel that when you're angry or upset you seek revenge and you seek revenge in a really bad way that you're now degrading yourself and not just yourself but it's a regret so I think that's really cool for you to talk about because this is something that I wanted to talk about too with our viewers that I know that are a younger generation for sure because I've seen them us and I'm like damn remember being that and being like you know and I'm not that [ __ ] old but I'm I'm 21 about to turn 22 but I can see a change from when I was 21 versus when I was 16 yeah completely different um I feel like if now God forbid but if me and gar were to break up God forbid God forbid but I would cry I don't see I don't see I don't I don't see myself doing this the [ __ ] that you said like going and distracting myself with other people I don't see myself doing that because I'm at at such a different age that that's not something that you look comfort in and that's something that I want to tell younger viewers that you know if you get cheated on or if you get mistreated or whatever the situation is in your relationship you going and looking for another person to fill that void is not the answer let me just tell you that it it really isn't and that's really cool to hear from somebody else say that too especially after you heal it's fine though I feel like after you heal it's fine you can't use it to heal after you heal okay yeah it's and especially for me like I'm proud of myself because being in the position that I am obviously like not even in a cocky way but after that whole situation happened I'm sure you could imagine there's girls blowing up my phone oh I'll treat you way better come here let me make you feel better like oh fly me out like dude girls are so funny it's a nuring thing that it's like and I know and I know if I was younger if I was younger and I'm seeing these messages from literal like I'm not going to say any names but like IG models and like popular people I'd be like damn hell yeah like I just broke up with my girl like I'mma do this now but I'm just like it's again I'm older now I'm 28 like it's just a distraction again okay you're going to fly this girl out she's going to come over you're going to hook up with her then what when she leaves then what you're back to feeling depressed about your breakup like it's just a distraction so like yeah so trust me I had every chance like to be like okay I'm going to go this route to heal but I just know like that's not going to do anything so yeah to people watching this video just heal like on your own it's hard trust me it's hard but yeah you don't need all that I feel like I feel like um how a person truly is it's shown after a breakup it's easy to like be a type of way when you're with a partner like you know but once you're on your own and you got to make your own decisions and [ __ ] that's what really shows like who you are so yeah um but hey I'm proud of you for that bro no thank you that's that's crazy yeah with your imagine bro with the person that you that you were with your recent breakup did you ever have a feeling that it was going to end or did you think that that was your person N I think like similar to every relationship if you're dating that person especially for as long as I was you obviously have the intentions of marrying that person like I don't date just for fun um like I know this new culture some people like oh yeah I'm I'm bored I'm going to date this girl for a little bit and then when it's like summer I'm going break up with this person and have fun no I'm not like that in my tradition like you date to marry so obviously I thought this was going to be my person but like I said [ __ ] happens like it's out of your control and it is what it is like like it's just life so that's how me and gar are too um like if we go out separately most of the time when I go out I promise you I'm always with my sister-in-law yeah always that's his sister so you feel you know you're comfortable yeah I feel more secure to yeah it's different I'm always with with his sister cuz his sister is my even if she's out to like 1: 2 a.m. my sister's yeah your sister's going to be there yeah and my sister-in-law me and my sister-in-law are a lot alike so there's like I'm not going to lie there has been times where people do try to come come up and say something and my sister-in-law is like get away that's so dope and I'm like and I'm like I'm like hell yeah and I'm like I'm like you think you can [ __ ] talk to me and then we're both talking [ __ ] and then we'll just like laugh about it after and she's like see like like that's why we get along cuz it's just but every time that I go out even though I'm with his sister I already know he he tells me whatever you do is what you do and if I'm putting my trust in you that's I told her this before you [ __ ] up it's on you yeah like you obviously I'm going to be hurt and stuff what's your longest relationship my longest one I've only had two girlfriends I've talked to like whatever girls here and there but two actual like I said I only date to married right so I could be talking to a girl for a little bit I'm not going to actually ask her to be my girlfriend unless I see her being my future wife so I've only had two girlfriends the first one everyone already knows who it is that's like what I started my YouTube channel with it was me and Jackie that one was man OG yeah that one was like 5 years wow it was a long time this past one was a little bit over a year but it was deep like we were living together and [ __ ] so I don't think relationships are judged based off time um I think it's just more like how close you guys get how comfortable you guys are with each other cuz at moments like my one-year relationship I felt like I was in it longer than my 5-year on so um yeah and I think like the last thing I wanted to say about like the whole situation that happened is like people like to like oh if you break up with your partner it's just automatic hate like oh I hate that person like my ex you hear when people talk about their ex you hear nothing but bad you know what I mean that's the easy thing to do like oh [ __ ] my ex like they were the worst whatever but at the end of the day as much as you you don't want to admit it you still like that was still your person at the time like you still had all the good moments good memories like whatever so I just try not to let the one thing that happened and ruined the whole relationship I try not not to let that be the only thing I think about when I think of my relationship cuz there was like a lot of good times good memories like like I said I don't hate the person I just hate the choice that this person made and like yeah the whole situation was just like I don't wish that on nobody honestly but it's all good though like like I said some relationships work some don't it's just part of life like it is what it is but yeah I get you you guys both reached out though I appreciate that when everything happen so I texted Brandon I'm like bro I'm here for you whatever you need thank you I know you guys both I I know you needed some time too so I didn't want to really so yeah some people are hitting me up right away like yo bro are you good I'm like dude leave me the [ __ ] alone right now like please don't talk to me right now but yeah I don't I can't hate this person despite what they did just cuz we did have so many good memories together and like that was my person for a while if you hate your ex it's to me just kind of like a little bit weird cuz like at at some point in time like that was your lit like your whole life your other half like you guys went through so much together so like I said disappointed yeah but like I can't hate somebody that I've been through so much with like like upset yeah angry yeah disappointed yeah but hate is like I went through so much with this person I had plans to marry this person we live together I just I can't get myself to like hate it's more like questioning like why did this person do it like yeah but now the situation it was bad in the moment and now I'm just you know it is what it is that's just what I say it is what it is yeah you know I just need the sons to championship and I'll be good I just know they are bro and I know you're going to be there I hope bro I hope you're going to hold the trophy I just I Vision it for sure it will happen I believe it yeah so I saw after I can understand from your perspective from everything cuz I talked about in our l in our last podcast how I lost my cat my cat I've had since I was 5 years old and I lost two years ago right before my birthday and my brother actually had to see him andar saw him like in there they all try to get me to see him I had beef with him so gar my cat's name was lucky but gar always called him Lincoln I don't know why Lincoln there was a time where I was sleeping he attacked my head cuz he remember I like I tried putting him up against scar to see who would win cuz Briny wasn't home and I was bored bro he L [ __ ] up Scar and ran away hissed at me and ran away that night he tacked my head bro I told gar because I came home and gar told me he was like you don't want to know what I did I'm like what did you do he's like I put Scar and lucky in the same room and lucky [ __ ] scar up and I'm like dude why would you do that he remembers and I and gar was like what are you talking about I'm like you don't understand this cat is I was new to animals bro my parents never let me have an animal so I sat there and I told gar I'm like dude this cat is really smart he stands heed that [ __ ] I was like was like no like this and that dude there's so many times when I was little and I would sit there and not [ __ ] with him but I would like mess with him you know when you have cats you want to mess with them and play with them dude he would come in the middle of the night and start attacking me my mom would wake up grabb my scalp bro dude what and bit my forehead bro that same that same night after I told gar it would happened I was awake and I was on my phone and my cat crawled up on me and and came next to me and his and like cat keep sleeping yeah you can tell when cats are mad because they're really calm when their tail is going slow like this and then when they're mad it's like yeah it's like that so his tail started going like this and he was staring at gar and I was on my phone and I'm looking and I'm like oh [ __ ] and G's like sleeping like this and all of a sudden my cat just goes and grabs G's head with with his paw and he clenches down and he bites G's head like this let's go and runs away and gar wakes up he's like what the [ __ ] I tripped out bro I didn't to S the [ __ ] just happened he's like what the [ __ ] just happened I'm like dude I told you he remembers D okay gar I don't want to instigate nothing between you guys but she literally said she knows when the cat is angry in the Tails wagon she said she saw looking at you and she let it happen that's all I'm going to say that's crazy that's she knew took my eye out bro no I saw him like staring at your head so I was like bro bro that's crazy watch Dude I knew it was going to happen and I was just I was laughing because he was sitting there and telling me no no like you're tripping no and I was like okay I'm tripping so I let him do it and I was like I told you he's like what the [ __ ] he was like look at me he's like bunch of memories with that cat man yeah well I'm sorry to hear that RP l i I can understand a loss but sharing it with the world definitely I definitely I think took a toll because everybody started to she couldn't even do it bro she couldn't even come up been like expl she was like in a depressed state yeah yeah I didn't even do it I just I I told gar he's like are you going to talk about it on your Channel at all and I didn't I think film for like 2 weeks and if I did film around that era I just faked my [ __ ] I just F my smile what's up you guys this and that and then I would think about it again and of course um I didn't want to share it I I I really didn't I want it to be close to me but when I saw that you guys had shared it and the backlash that you got from it yeah I don't think that was fair at all just want to say R Bosley he's a legend forever thank you G's been watching you guys for a really long time so when gar told me that dude I even teared up I was like bro yeah I think um yeah it was just super sad cuz like um I feel like some pets like passing away yeah even though this is still sad some of it is expected you you know you notice them getting sick you take them to the vet and the vet is like hey you know sorry they only have like a week to live or a month to live they look sick and you're kind of like um you're warming up to it like you're expecting it a little bit which it still sucks the way that um Bosley passed away rest in peace Bosley um we were just taking him to the vet and it was my mom and dad and then he was literally in my mom's arms he just started like breathing really really really heavy and then he like he stopped breathing my mom like didn't she like starts screaming cuz my dad was driving she's like run run run he's not breathing he's not breathing so my dad like I can't even imagine the scene I was out of the state and so was my brother what are the odds that me and my brother this is our childhood dog we've had him since we were little kids and like all the way till we adults we loved him and we were both out of the state when this was happening so my mom's screaming at my dad Bosley stopped breathing my dad's like hitting a red light to try to rush to the vet he Parks um he runs inside while Bosley's like literally like in my mom's arms like they didn't know this yet but now we know he was dead in her arms they thought he like maybe like passed out or like something happened so my dad runs inside you guys need to come out the doctors come outside they grab Bosley from my mom's arms um rushed him inside and then my mom said right when they took him like she knew right away he was dead because um Bosley was very sensitive like if you even touch him he like he was blind so like if you touch him he like freaks out so she said the fact that the Dogers came and grabbed him and ran with him inside and he didn't even move she's like she knew so then like they called uh me I was at the airport I literally like like what it was just a crazy situation yeah so then yeah the fact that people were hating like it was I don't know just a very sad situation and like um my brother was in Vegas he booked a flight right away saw what he was doing he came back I had just landed in Arizona I was going to go to a son's game um I hadn't even I hadn't even left the airport yet I had just landed had just got off the phone with Dennis like yo Dennis you got me you're going to come pick me up got a call from my mom didn't even leave the airport I ran back to the ticket place and booked a flight right back home I don't want to say me and my brother didn't believe it in a sense of like oh my parents were pranking us but we didn't believe it in a sense of like there's no way Bosley's gone like we left to the airport we left the state we saw Bosley I I took Bosley out to I took him out to pee that morning before I went to the airport he was alive awake yeah we went there we went back to the house he literally wasn't there it's the first time we walked into a house in almost 11 years and didn't see Bosley I'm 28 my brother's 27 so since we were like 17 16 years old we saw my dad this was like the saddest thing cuz my you know I'm sure your guys is dads the same way they don't really like to show emotion dads are like you know we're tough we can handle everything my dad was literally crying I've never seen my dad cry my dad was crying he was hugging Bosley's blanket and my mom was obviously crying my mom's already like very emotional and then me and my brother like we walked in we like that's when like we believed it imagine that like looking at my dogs like dude it was so bad we're like where's I'm like where's Bosley like this isn't real they're like crying they couldn't even answer like me and my brother started crying like we're like where is he they're like he's at he like passed away he's at the animal hospital they said you need you can only go see him by tomorrow morning or else you know they're going to they can't keep the body there um so then the next morning me and my brother had to go see Bosley to say goodbye not even alive like that's how we said bye he was literally Frozen yeah and they wouldn't even show us his face he was like wrapped up they're like if you look at his face like we don't really want to show you it looks a little different and then I'm not going to lie me and my brother I was like bro should we just like you know like we wanted to see Bosley like we don't want to say bye to his back and his tail so like we when the vet left the room we like you know we saw him he was wrapped in a towel he was all Frozen like and that was the way we had to say bye to the dog that we literally grew up with so then we posted a video about it we started getting hate on the internet like oh you guys are using your dog passing away for views were like first of all none of the videos were monetized there was no ads we made zero doar off that video second of all like we've been filming videos for 9 or 10 years we have no problem coming up with video ideas we didn't use no like people will just hate on anything but that was definitely tough because like um like you know like with your cat if you lose a pet like it's so tough like it's so depressing like losing like I haven't felt that bro but like seeing B like I I feel like bsy was like my pet too I teared up too like I don't cry bro so yeah right it just bro I can't imagine with my dogs bro like sad I don't even want to see that day bro when a human passes away it's very very sad but what makes it so sad when an animal pass away it's like they they're just so helpless like you don't like they can't it's all on you like you got to take care of them you just feel not guilt but you're just like damn they can't help themselves it's so sad so like we're posting video obviously hoping you know support we're trying to feel better and oh you guys are using like what kind of animal parents are you that use your dog's death for views we're like dude you guys are sick in the head like I'm sorry like like yeah that dog was OG like even before YouTube like and you guys introduced them to your guys platform exactly was like people like you said you felt like bosy was your dog everyone like you know we were making the video just to update people like cuz he everyone felt like bosy was their own pet we would put him in every video they grew up with him so like yeah it was just ridiculous that we weren't even able to mourn like our dog's death because people were sending us hate my mom the other day it was uh Bosley's birthday like oh I think I saw yeah it was uh his birthday was in May we're in June right now so this was last month birthday Bosley yeah happy birthday Bosley so my mom obviously was really sad she was like crying that day and whatever like I went over and then um we have Bosley's like uh his ashes at the house um and then my mom was like crying and stuff and then she's like I I I can't even like post happy birthday Bosley because people are just going to hate and I'm like Mom [ __ ] those people like you post whatever you want like it my mom's not posting for clout she's a 50-year-old mom she's posting she has her friends family and sisters and stuff follow her on Instagram and you know she's like whatever but she couldn't even post be I'm like Mom you post whatever you want don't worry about what people think but like yeah it got to that point where like it's his birthday our childhood dog and we don't even post cuz we don't want to deal with the oh you guys are still using your dog for freaking CL like it was so dumb but and then if you didn't post about that they would be like why didn't you inform us exactly you don't love your supporters we loveed B our dog too it's always something they yeah yeah but that was definitely a tough situation like still to this day like I like I was hanging out with Anthony Sherman the other day Sherman's hilarious bro bring that out like he is funny as [ __ ] Bro n like I love Anthony but we were together and then um he was coming over to help me with a video but I was at my parents house so he walked into the house so Sherman picks me up and then we get in his car and then we're driving he's like bro like not to bring the sub but like the house feels so empty without Bosley like he like and then he also was like he's like and your parents like still like they still look kind of like sad I'm like bro it's been six months and my parents like I could I could tell I don't bring it up to them but like it's like I could just tell like they're still not like it was just such a traumatic like like I said like if a pet passes away and you're kind of expecting it that's tough enough but to have your dog like pass away in your arms like in the car like and they saw everything like me and my brother saw them the next day they saw everything happen in real time so like yeah cuz everyone knows like when you would first walk into my parents house you don't say hi to my mom and dad you first you greet Bosley that's the first thing you see and if you don't like talk to Bosley my dad would literally like get out get out of the house you go pet Bosley right now go talk to bosy so it's just so different but just yeah it was just crazy the fact that we went through all that and then we got hate for it just makes like I know the internet's crazy you be getting hate for everything but that's one thing I would have never expected to get hate never it's just crazy but it is what it is rest in peace Bosley we love you and we miss you I love you Bosley I never got to meet you but that's crazy you never met B I was supposed to I told rug whenever I first met you guys I was like I want I can't wait to see bosy and stuff I remember gar saying that but honestly I just want to tell you guys that you place honestly didn't deserve any of that you guys are great people and I know that you guys mean well and all you guys wanted to do was kind of update all of your um people what's going on and what's happening and for it to just cuz people grew up with this dog exactly we owe them a GRE up this dog like yeah and just for it to just spiral back to you guys you guys did not deserve that at all and especially cuz you guys are sitting there mourning about your loss and then you guys wake up one morning and see exact all of this random hate yeah we had a group chat like like we were already so depressed like we were so down over bosy passing away and then we're in a group chat like what's going on on the internet why are we getting hate like it's like we harmed somebody like in the middle of morning our childhood dog like passing away like it was just so the internet's ruthless I'm sure you guys know they don't care it like life is just ruthless but yeah this was definitely unexpected I I never saw this coming but I think it has to do definitely with a newer generation as well because I think back then there wasn't as much hate as there is now it's normalized it's normalized and that's why I think you guys got it because it's a newer generation that hates and I don't understand it I really don't I could sit there and do small things and people will sit there and hate and it's like dude I'm I could sit here and breathe and you and you'll hate I mean you can you go you feed the Homeless and it's well why did you record it it's like I don't know maybe because then other people will see it and then want to do the same thing that's where influencer does come into play like it's just yeah like yeah didn't Mr Beast get hate because he went and like buil afca in Africa and they're like well why did you record it and it's like dude Mr so many things and it's like saying like why'd you make the burger yeah like on good job man I know pleas it's uh just like big scar said um he's a rapper rest in peace um he said you're going to you're going to get what' he say if you're not doing something right no they're always going to have something to say even if it's good or bad yeah yeah they always going to hate yeah that's what he said like when in one of his songs he just he said that so yeah that I always I listen to that song and I love hearing that part cuz yeah no matter what it's either going to be good or bad they're always going to how he said it yeah it's not exactly how we said it but yeah and um kind of putting this into where we can see how genuine people are that really goes to show the people that reached out to you guys during this really hard time all the people that sat there and said like I'm really sorry about your boss and this and that versus the people that were like oh you guys only did this for views that just goes to show why we sit there and have trust issues it's because of people that are like that that can sit there and see that you're hurting and mourning and can sit there and be like well you guys are only doing this for you or it's just a dog like it's it's oh I yeah dude not just a dog my dogs are my kids yeah thank you it's different yeah it's different I think that I I I just went on Instagram the other day and was doing like a couple questions and people were asking me like hey when are you guys going to have kids I get that all the time got kids yeah when are you guys going to have kids when are you guys going to have kids and I made a post basically saying like I don't think I'm ready for kids right now because I still have really young dogs that need my attention right now and my dogs are already a lot and are very needy yeah dogs need attention too I had leave them neglect them they have feelings too and I had can't speak either yeah I had a couple people saying like well kids are humans too are you trying to compare the two like they're not the same and I'm like oh my goodness gracious no that's not what I'm saying I kids just talk back yeah I I really agree with that too dogs and kids are very similar except one doesn't talk no my dog talks back my dog talks back like I said he's bad he actually talks back to me a lot that's how our that's how our girl is our girl Zer is yeah but you can't understand him at least yeah at least a kid could say some meaningful things like my dog could cuss me out in his language or his mind but I don't know what he's saying so I'm just like it's okay it's okay it's okay so yeah it it's sucks dude because you want people to understand that it's not just a dog and even hearing that it's funny cuz outside I have um a poster up you can go outside and read it and it's like Doberman facts and then there's another one that says everything about my doberman and how I treat my dog is how I want other people to treat my dog and it basically says when you say it's just a dog it's not just a dog you can leave it's family and literally my sign says that I don't give a [ __ ] you sit there and you don't don't treat my dog with respect yeah [ __ ] you that's that's just how it is my dog is my baby I brought them up like a baby and I get people have different aspects of dogs like they think dogs are a little dirty and they let dogs sleep with them I can understand that because some people will have kids and set aside their dogs but I don't have kids so I put my dogs as a main priority like my kids dogs are kids I literally uh I have an imaginary timer in my house and when someone walks in they already know it it's just like uh I don't say this in my videos it's like an inside joke with my family I go 30 29 28 and that's meaning for 30 seconds you don't look my way you don't walk anywhere into my house you don't go to the snacks drinks nothing you spend 30 seconds with my dog Booker you pet him you talk to him you you like play with him when the timer reaches 1 second then yo what's up Brandon how are you bro thanks for letting me 30 seconds with my that's the first thing you do if you ignore my dog you get the [ __ ] out of my house that's it with us is just ignore scar I know that's us don't look at scar even look at scar yeah I'm like don't make eye contact unless you want to look like me bre that's crazy I'm like don't breathe just ignore him he's going to come up to you and smell you don't touch him don't do anything because the minute that he cons sense us like a little bit of fear is when he'll take the opportunity because now he feels like he has to be done Dom over you because you're showing a submissive side he's like okay cool I'll show you I'm bully you yeah he's like I'm going bully you well so that's why I always tell people when they come in I'm like just ignore him don't don't even mind him don't pay attention then you'll start to see a different scar you'll be hanging around and he'll come up to you and he'll literally put his head like like pet me pet me he's like pet me and then you'll pet him and be like oh good boy this and that and I he'll probably feel your Vibes and come up to honest really yeah cuz I did I I noticed him from the backyard he didn't look too too scary he looked he looked a little smiling he doesn't really do that bro okay good good maybe he knows I'm a dog person did my girl bark at you when you came in first she didn't even get up from the thing right she growled and stuff at first she came and wagged her tail okay yeah the little one likes me though yeah yeah the little one yeah he like he likes everybody right now really yeah [ __ ] our wiener dog too our Wier dog loves everybody he's like cool oh you see our wiener dog our weer dog loves everybody and he's been napping for like five hours at thisp sleeps for hours dude he sleeps it's because he goes crazy he has we call it like his crackhead moments yeah yeah he just has Zoomies and especially with this new puppy they've been getting each other's energy out a lot yeah so they've been getting each other's energy from literally like like 9:00 in the morning to like [ __ ] 5:00 smack me yeah and they're sitting there going crazy like chasing each other up and down that's why I got another puppy was cuz I felt bad for the wiener dog he needed his energy out but yeah dude I hate when people say it's just a dog cuz no they have personality they really do we know each and every one of our dogs individual personal myom too she calls me she's like get rid of your dogs and have kids I'm like Mom these are my kids I swear I have kids I have kids okay I have a question for you guys yeah so um this is going way back to the topic of like the fighting like I know you said a story how you got on a fight and stuff like that I saw something on uh on social media when you guys were at a car dealership right and some dude was just you were going crazy or he was going crazy and it it looked like it was about to go down oh yeah I was ready to rip that guy apart but I held back you know he was he was on something he was on a sick one I don't know what drug he was on but he was wearing 2000s fit it's 2024 my boy um I don't know bro he I guess he came in acting all tough I'm going to speed it up cuz I already talked about it but you already probably I already I watched it that I was going to ask you guys if you have another story like that one cuz the one where you said you got down was pretty interesting so if you guys have like something similar that you want to say that maybe hasn't been told yet oh [ __ ] there actually is like similar to that story we were at Joey's um eating and I have my Rolex on I'm just like I have my cardies on I'm just eating with my girl you know we both we both we both had jewelry on yeah and this is mind you most of the time that we go out we always have scar with us because really you can't you can't carry you can't carry in the state of California you can get a concealed to carry but it's a little harder process but we don't carry you can carry your gun with you but in you has to be in the Box in your trunk the time you even go in your trunk so the position that that we were in I'm sitting down eating bro and I'm sitting next to Britney the one time we don't have scar with us yeah so I'm sitting there and whatever I'm like I'm already antisocial as it is and when I go out in public I just people like stare at me and I know why they stare at me yeah and um it just I just don't like going outside bro it's just whatever it just I just don't want to get in a situation especially when I'm my girl if I'm by myself all means I'll throw hands with anybody but somebody comes up to me and he has like five six people with him so these group of like six people come up to me and they're black um and it's going back to the other Story the guy that was being racist to the Mexicans he was um black so he comes up to us and he he like aggressive with it he was like I I didn't know if he was joking or not but he was like what did he say babe he was like it was it was mind you I it was like seven heads so it's like all and I'm me and my girl bro and I'm already feeling threatened bro like and you're you're number one feeling threaten but you're trying to be a protector too obviously when you're with your girls you got to be more and he like like imagine I'm sitting and he's like looking at me like like this like and he was like he was like hey what's up with that situation with my uncle and then I'm like I'm like what Uncle who who are you like I straight up I was like what Uncle like what and then he's like at the dealership you had a problem with my uncle oh no way and then his homies are just dogging me and then I was about to get up and like I already knew they were going to start if that was true I already knew he was going to hit me one one of the kids was like yeah you got a problem with my uncle or what and gar was like I was balling my fist up I was about to get up and swing so right but he broke it right there he like he was like I'm just playing with you bro I hate and he even know who that was I'm like I told him straight I was about to start swinging bro people oh my gosh you don't play with me in front of my girl like I was just very confused I was like wa like I was caught off guard I'm like [ __ ] my heart started racing too cuz my girls here bro like like if it was just me okay we could I'll take all of you guys oneon-one or however you guys want dump me whatever I'll take it like I'll give you my watch too like I'm not going to lose my life over a Rolex oh yeah yeah I I just find that [ __ ] stupid people but whatever uh he caught me off guard and then whenever he started J like I was like aha whatever like like that's not funny like it's like it's not funny to them it's funny they probably like oh let's do it would be funny but like they don't understand the situation like yeah yes gar told me after he's like he's like what would you do if like they were dead serious dude in that situation you guys I had my phone down recording and I grabbed the fork dude I did she was Dripping a fork I grao the fork and I had my phone recording I was like I was like I'm just waiting cuz I don't give a [ __ ] the way they came up with me they were going to like swing on me bro it's seven on two you got to do what you got to do the for if the fork works you know you're already outnumbered I for sure would have hit like two three of them before I got like Seven's tough see me I'm a very smart I like to think like okay if there's seven of them at that point you know guys you want my [ __ ] you want my jewelry just [ __ ] it you know I'm not going to win seven on one bro but whenever he said that was my uncle I'm like we we kind of wait when when he said that I was like and what yeah yeah I swear gar did that he's like he's like you got a problem with my uncle and then gar was like yeah and what was yeah and gar was sitting down it was the fact that GAR didn't get up and tell him and what it was the fact that GAR felt so confident to sit there and be like and what yeah and he was and then that's when they kind of BR character see cuz they probably shot thought [ __ ] was sweet and then you put them in your plays he's like okay uh yeah okay that's your uncle something about it but and then in my head I'm like bro small world like I'm about to get my ass whoop by seven people I mean I would have stood my ground for sure but seven on one would have stabbed a couple too I would have got [ __ ] in in egg if I had to I I literally I had my phone like story though but that's why I don't like going out and like it just so weird to me like yeah could have been real you know yeah I mean the other day what could have happened this is like complete different like whatever but just to like your point of like you don't really like going out I went out I was at a gym and then um this random like dude came up to me he's like hey bro do you have a minute and obviously like I'm assuming like he's a you know supporter and I'm like uh yeah what's up bro he oh can I talk to you like can you come here I'm like like we we could talk right here bro like it's all good and he goes okay so like I came out with this brand like my shirt I'm wearing right now like you think you could post on your story and I'm like wait hold up bro wait wait wait I'm Brandon bro what's your name nice to meet you and he's like oh sorry and I'm like and then also do you want to ask how I'm doing like I'm human just like you I'm not a uh uh what did I use statue I'm not a I use something I'm like I'm not a a money machine you just come to me to use me to post something for your story come up ask me my name how I'm doing I'm going ask you how you're doing what's your name how's your day going and then you could ask if I could post something on my story then he's like okay I'm like so let's try that again he's like oh what's your name I'm like Brandon he's like oh how are you I'm like I'm good how about you bro he's like I'm good I'm like okay now did you need to ask something he's like yeah I came out with this brand um do you think you can post on your story I'm like I'll give you my manager's number you can talk to him if there's a fee you know you got to pay the fee and we'll talk from there but that's how you approach someone bro like it's manners respect yeah like I'm came up to us and just took picture and walked away this is this is actually happened dude and they're old they're old this guy was like 26 he wasn't like a little little kids I don't mind yeah cuz they're nervous they're nervous yeah I don't care I don't care it's the older people I'm like dude I'm human like you know just like you like bro they do me dirty sometimes like the girls that'll come up they'll be like can I get a picture not you and they give you the phone let me guess they give you the phone to take the picture of H rude I'm like okay [ __ ] I don't want to picture with you either bro I already know I already know I didn't even like I didn't even say do you want to picture like they just straight up be like no not you [ __ ] bro I'm straight up bro I didn't say [ __ ] you my like yeah they've done that before especially they'll be like oh my God Britney I love you but not you I don't [ __ ] with you but I love you and I picture and I'm and and I'm just like and I'll look at them and I'm like no that's not okay that's your man yeah I'm like no that's not okay and like can I still get a picture I'm like yeah but you don't got to talk to him like talk to me all world's most hated guard yeah I'm like I just don't think that's cool to that's my man at the end of the day I understand you [ __ ] with me but in order to [ __ ] with me you got to [ __ ] with my man they do it to her but they'll do it acting funny like they'll try to be funny with see but some girls would like laugh and go along with oh that's so funny but I respect her no he's my man you got to respect him if you like me you like my man if you [ __ ] with me you [ __ ] with my man like you know yeah I think it's just the new generation it's just like a little like the manners aren't really there like or the social skills cuz they're so just like everything's through a phone like yeah sometimes I understand the excitement I really do because there's been times that I see people and they ask for there's no high at all it's just can I have a picture and I see how much they're shaking and I don't I don't sit there and and and call them out I don't do it I see you're nervous and me and gar will even sit there and be like we get nervous too bro yeah you get nervous to I get nervous but me andar will sit there and talk to them and be like it's okay you don't you don't have to shake I them to nervous too like don't worry I say I'm like don't I'm like if you cry it's going to make me cry don't cry don't cry I'm like don't I see them shaking sometimes and I'm like don't shake it it's okay okay I'm like let's let's let's take the pict I make sure they know that I'm nervous too that's good too I always come with a very welcoming thing if I could tell that you're if I could tell that you're you're nervous I understand understand but it was that situation like how you said it was the it's not their fault it's their parents fault it's not see when it's the kids that's what I say if they're little kids and they're rude and stuff I can't even get mad I'm like they just weren't raised like it's it's okay their parents fault yeah no the kids though I'm like I'm like yeah sure sure sometimes I see kids come up to us and I tell gar I'm like why are these kids watching our videos same same I'm why are you watching my videos about does this happen to you guys oh my for some reason this pisses me off so the parent they'll have the kids and they'll come and be like I have no idea oh my God hear say that I have no idea who you guys are but my kid knows you so can I get a p can they get a picture I'm like what's the point like who are you guys hell I have no idea who the hell you guys are but my kid knows can they like okay if you don't know who you are that's okay I don't expect everyone to know us we're not fake we're not A-list celebrities that's cool hit that spot on bro that happens with so many times you need to say it why do you need like does is it like a ego thing like oh I don't know you but my kids do okay well maybe you should be a little more respectful if your kids look up to us you know what I mean like it just triggers me a little bit when they're like I don't know who the [ __ ] you are but they know youen dude I'm like that's literally happened to us before that there was a mom and she's like I don't know who y'all are but my kids do can they get a picture exactly and I wase they called me you to say that just say my kids know you can I get staring too people are staring and I'm like oh I'm holding hella shopping bags like my fingers are ripping I don't let her hold the bag just be like hey can I get a picture for my kids why do you have to throw in I don't know you personally like I'm too cool I don't know you guys but like dude just bro that happened to us and then on top of that we're with Scar and she's like why do you have a guard dog so people don't come and take pictures with you she didn't no she said it way you just sugarcoated it you just sugarcoated it even saying that is like dis I could bring my dog where the [ __ ] I want dark just sugarcoated it but she her kids were like her we were in Macy's I remember exactly we were in Macy's and it was her son and her daughter and the kids were like can we get a uh can we get a picture with you we really love your guys' videos and we said yeah stand on this side cuz our dog's not too friendly stand on this side let's get a picture so we we weet super sweet kids so we're like just stand on this side they're like yeah cool and the mom's sitting there with the camera and she goes do you you guys purposely do that you purposely bring out your dog so people don't take pictures with you huh oh while she's taking a oh my some like weird like face I'm like and I was like and me and just looked at each other and I was like I was like no actually we bring our dog out for our own protection it's not so that people don't not even we want our dog to like spend the day with us social it's social it's social anxiety that our dog has that we're trying to work on no he's actually good social though yeah he's super good but loves the mall if we say mall to him he'll fre Scar's favorite word is the mall is the mall yeah he goes crazy he wants to go because he likes to work yeah [ __ ] that's why we're there we brought him there cuz he likes them all [ __ ] so he sits there he sits there and he want he likes to work yeah so it was just that caught us off guard and I'm like oh [ __ ] like you don't even know what to say I don't want to be I'm not a mean person so but in my head I'm like if you want yeah hell yeah yeah but but whatever it is what it happens it comes it what it it is what it is it it it happens but honestly my take from it is the fact that I was able to sit there and ask the girls kind of sit there and tell them how are you and even you being able to check somebody like that and saying first off my name is Brandon yeah is super good cuz sometimes people don't see that and I I always was taught by my parents manners are a big big thing we would always go to our family events and my grandma's really big about this on my Hispanic side me and my brother always would have to sit there and go and say hi to everybody as soon as we walked in as soon as we walk in we have to say hi to every single person good I'm not going to say nothing but there was cousins in my families that would immediately go to the couch go on their phone not go and say hi to nobody nothing I that's so disrespectful and the minute if me and gar if me and gar if me and my brother didn't say hi to one person my parents would get it and be like your kids are so rude they didn't say hi to so and so this and that so growing up I immediately always knew I had to say Hi how are you to every single person me and my brother walk in everywhere and always immediately say Hi how are you how how I've been how have things been this and that that's how we were brought up and raised that that's that's the right eate that's what you have to do is Hi how are you I understand the excitement sometimes I do like I used to be like that once we once we see shaking hands once we see nervousness we understand or if it's like even like okay for a picture it's like oh they're excited can I have a picture okay but it's oh can you post this on uh your story for me like you're pretty much asking me to explode your brand make you a bunch of money know you and you first of all I don't control that my manager is going to ask for a cut it's a fee I can't just post a [ __ ] on my story but yeah not even a yo what's up Brandon like how are you bro I have a quick question for you like none of that just like Heyde you're a money machine can you make me some money and post this on your store I'm like bro just get the no I actually can't but you could take my manager's number and you could whatever but yeah yeah it's just just manners at the end of the day yeah you said it right though you you did say it respectfully too I can imagine but yeah and he was trying to like pull me to the side ruin my workout and everything yo can I talk to you over here to ask me that like I was like no we could just let me know right here what's up like blah blah blah but whatever understand that but honestly it's get super late you guys I think we talked about a lot of Juicy crazy stuff it's never too late actually we're about to go film a truth or dream I know this was an appetizer with the Ace of spad and the tequila shers this is yeah now but if you guys want to go watch that it's going to drop in two days Sunday B Channel it be linked Down Below in the description so well actually it'll be probably linked Down Below in the description two days later we'll update it yeah it'll be there you guys are good don't even Tri don't even it'll be there so just look out for that but thank you so much Brandon for coming up on the podcast it really means a lot to us especially since you're are first guest that means a lot to that means a lot to me that like like I said I I don't know if I told you this on camera or off camera but this podcast is going to blow up and I'll always look back and be like damn I was the first guest on now the world's biggest podcast like legendary I appreciate this is going to be legendary of course it's going to be legendary but yes you guys our first guest is finally here I know you guys have been waiting for it after all this time of just me and gar you guys don't have to see our faces anymore there will be more guests coming soon so stay tuned for that get my brother get my brother on here rug come on get ruggy on here I know you're hella busy and stuff but he'll make time for you guys he loves you guys he'll make time for you guys I love you too bro thank you so much again comment down below who you guys want to see on the podcast and we'll make it happen before we go I just want to say again like I love you guys you guys are like literally like family like like I don't feel like a collab right now it feels like I'm hanging out with my friends so like there's opportunities where me and my brother I've had to collab with people like bigger and it would probably benefit our like career but we don't mess with that you guys are like we mess with like genuine people that's you guys so thank you guys same you guys you guys ever need us bro hit me up bro I'll literally Drive San Diego I got a Hellcat BR I'll get there quick you'll get there yeah you'll get there a lot quicker than I someone's [ __ ] with you let me know bro I got you you guys are real ones I appreciate that for real it's hard to find people like that nowadays oh yeah super hard loyalty is key please keep your loyalty give this video a big thumbs up subscribe hit the post notification and we are out peace the [ __ ] out peace
Channel: The Official Podcast
Views: 398,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bQjoK85Z7TE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 38sec (6038 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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