Branford Marsalis Quartet Four MFs Playin' Tunes Overview

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[Music] people always ask about the van concept and I just mean if you start talking about what your concept is then every song has to fit that concept and that to me that's why a lot of Records tend to sound exactly the same one every saw our concept was just to play jazz learn a hundred years of it and then play whatever and about rehearsing and and about writing original tunes if we got some originals great but if we don't find tunes that are good I mean it's always a bug tune [Music] there's an old jazz guy named bin sidrĂ³n who had a television show and a radio show and he would interview musicians and one time he interviewed Art Blakey and he said if you had to describe jazz in one word what would it be and art said the same word three times he said intensity intensity intensity even on the ballets and that stuck with me when he said it and I heard it in my late 20s when jazz was that it's most popular was when the music had that kind of intensity that people could relate to and when is that his least popular is when the strong points of the songs are these harmonic devices that lay people have no grasp on at all so even if you have people who don't know what we're doing they'll feel what we're doing and from the first song it was clear that that was just it was just there on the first day it just started in its state for the entire day and that was a that was kind of [Music] doesn't several records together so I mean that the process is real natural it feels very natural very at home you know Bradford's always talked about your the first second takes and you read that in jazz literature you know monk was very adamant about that you know you go in and you hit and if you don't get it on the first couple takes then you know you're just ass out we record the way they recorded sixty years ago it's not Frank Sinatra comes in every day and our guy goes and picks songs with the composers with different composers Frank shows up does a rehearsal largest tunes they go into missing 15 20 tunes and then the record company puts those tunes again and puts out an album PP that was what it was I mean when you listen to those Miles Davis records like Nefertiti and Myles smiles and all that they just brought those Tunes in and played him and never even played him on the road in his killing that's that's that's what I want to be like them [Music] somebody says hey let's do this then you know it's like there's an implicit trust I feel this like goat let's do that you know joy changed the court in in one of the tunes today that that I had and it was like dave was totally like yeah you know there's a very important thing well I mean I don't think there's ever been like you know I'll know man I want this and you know the head-butting things that just doesn't exist there we identify problems in we solve problems and musically we identify problems and then Revis will say hey man let's try it this way and enjoy you say but like one of the songs we that we did today that doesn't have a name I could you know a cat a cat you know we were playing it and I said you just do an intro just do an intro and Joey says now I don't do an intro like a regular introduced something cool like six beats because I was thinking two bars and Joey says not man don't do that everybody does that six beats and he played six beats and it completely hooks the song [Music] well we had this monk to kneel and we did two versions and one was swinging and the other had a static drumbeat static drumbeat got thrown out in the middle of the song I was like okay enough of that was one of those songs that sounded like it was a jazz radio tune and I said well that's basically sounds like Jed radio right there that new champ anyway [Music] [Music] we may just write a tune on stage we may not have a tune and you know we'll take time out to figure out okay so hmm what can I do to make this tune an actual song rather than a bunch of notes on a page and then the process of creating something beyond the page I've really never experienced that prior to me coming in this band and it's it's a humbling experience just because I was completely lost at some points and it was it really put in perspective the things that you know I need to work on and the things that as a band being as though I am now the new addition to the band as a band what you know they need to kind of help me with and since we just did it joy just wrote agreed to an hour and a half ago I mean he's been talking about got this tune it's gonna be great it's gonna be great then we get he's like I got it so where is it oh I haven't written it out yet so he took a minute you know we took an hour break and he wrote his tune out and we played it and we did it two times in the second take was the hit and we rehearsed it before you know so how long you know we took we hearst knows a little more longer than that 45 minutes and then we say okay we got the form and then we played it either you can play you can play [Music] it's like a way we communicate where we communicate at the airport it's the way we communicate you know on the telephone it's the way we philosophy you know it's not like you know oh yeah we're gonna do that you know it's we all have tricks I guess you could call them or you know things that we fall back on it's kind of like a you know conversation dialogue [Music] [Music] yeah I think I met Jesse he was like 14 where was the first gig in Texas no the first oh yeah yeah San Antonio when he was 16 years old and he joined the band when he was 18 that's been it's not fun to use yeah it's been fun I think you fellas don't go to you it's too late too late listen listen listen I'm humble [Music] [Music] I'll miss the hate I love this room it's a great room what I won't miss is uh playing a beautiful ballad and having a truck Rumble by and then having to stop and start over which was amazing we didn't get it this time Brack town was done here and metamorphose one was done here do all record was done here you know my my record was done YouTube this is our this is our last record here this was actually the the easiest for me rob hunter our engineer made it a change we used to have the base completely isolated and the drums partially isolated but on this record he switched it around and he isolated the drums completely impartial II isolated the bass which actually works better so much like what we're doing he's constantly developing his technique and working on stuff and I got to give a shout out to Roderick ward to the great beater man the logistics man hooked our stuff up eloquently you know [Music] [Music] clean thank y'all for a great two days appreciated yeah yeah I want all the songs we've done I don't have a favor I don't have a favorite my favorite moments of songs but but all the stuff is killing it's all really good no everything's not gonna be on the record you know some of the things gonna be bonus tracks Joey wrote a ballad I got a ballad Revis as a ballad the kid was right in the barrel and you think I'll just wait we were done [Music]
Channel: MarsalisMusic
Views: 116,354
Rating: 4.9140401 out of 5
Keywords: Branford Marsalis Quartet, Four MFs Playin' Tunes, Joey Calderazzo, Eric Revis, Justin Faulkner, Marsalis Music, Hayti Heritage Center, Raleigh, North Carolina, North Carolina (US State), Jazz, Around, Orleans
Id: 6r_FPvSn0RY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2012
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