Brandon Ingram's Career (in 3 minutes or less)

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Miss this guy’s early days of content.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/alpacamegafan 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
in 2016 kobe bryant's retired in Laker town desperately searched for another superstar to worship and admire a couple months later Brandon Ingram was drafted with the hopes that one day his jersey would also hane in the rafters comparisons to Kevin Durant's were inevitable skinny tall can handle the ball with arms that stretched from wall to wall but in his rookie year he played like a baby his place now passive his passes hasty he averaged only nine points a game this is the guy people said was KD that's crazy what's wrong screamed Laker fans what's wrong why can't he finish at the rim with arms so lon is it because he's too skinny but maybe he needs to get strong is it because he doesn't care about playing basketball I mean he looks like he's constantly stifling a yawn or is it because he looks like he's always high off that green stuff on the lawn second year came and his numbers got better but not too good enough for the Lakers to sign him to max cheddar and even if he was okay the Lakers still stunk and every fan knows that good stats on a bad team are often just junk and the basketball analysts who really studied the tape found several issues with Ingram that did not vote well for his future sake in a league that shot more and more threes Ingram avoided taking threes like it was a disease when he drove he seemed unwilling to make contact with defense and when he went to the line he shot only 68 percent his favorite place to be was in the mid-range area but he was about as inefficient as drone strikes in Syria so he didn't shoot 3s he didn't drive to the rim he took bad mid-range jumpers and played like a chicken oh my god he's just a skinnier Andrew Wiggins the next summer brought to the King to LA and with that the pressure to content but not only did they fail to put a banner on this flight they didn't even make the playoffs much to LA's dismay meanwhile Ingram suffered nagging injuries concussion ankle sprain and then blood clots in his veins needless to say his stock was at an all-time low and the Lakers were running out of time because LeBron was getting old so on July 6th the Lakers dumped him and Godzilla brought a hotter girlfriend nobody cared about Ingram anymore because now he was in New Orleans where all the attention was focused on Zion Williamson for the summer though he quietly trained and in 2019 he came out to the gates ablaze he quadrupled his three-point attempts and pulled out moves that no defense could prevent his point per game went from 18 to 25 and when he played well the pelicans thrived his free-throw percentage went from 68 to 86 if you needed any proof that he worked hard on his game that's it then on January 17 he dropped a career-high 49 where he wined and dined against elite defensive minds ladies and gentlemen Brandon Ingram has arrived [Music] [Music]
Channel: MDJ
Views: 234,711
Rating: 4.9180417 out of 5
Keywords: mdj
Id: mLhNyQ2IwqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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