brand new ultra rare & specific ASMR [one hour]

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hello everybody it's gv this is ultra rare and specific specific spookwork asmr this is a series where i ask you what are the asmr triggers that you never get to see rarely get to see have only seen once and now you're searching across the internet just hoping and praying that someone else will do it again i am here to help so i asked on twitter and i asked on the youtube community page i got a lot of suggestions and i tried to pick ones that i thought i haven't seen or i haven't done before um or at least you know are rare enough that they deserve another go-around so the i picked 11 but the first one is one that i'll be doing throughout the entire video i'm going to read it to you now this says this is going to sound weird but i really appreciate when there's total silence in the pacing so many people do slow triggers but flow right from one to the next with no gaps it doesn't even need to be fully anticipatory stuff just a second or two of silence occasionally so what i'm going to do is not have vast edit between the triggers um we're going to do very minimal editing just cutting out like sounds or mistakes or stuff like that um but i'll let sort of like the silence simmer in this video i feel like we usually don't we do edit them to go from trigger to trigger to trigger i will not be doing that this time so i'll be like walking over to my table to get the next items and stuff like that i'm just gonna have a vest keep that in um which could be fun different interesting rare but now there's a plane coming so i will have to edit okay it's gone i'm gonna try to do i think each one would be fine to do for a full like three minutes i think that gives you enough time that like you get immersed in the trigger and are able to enjoy it and you could like loop it if you wanted to so this first one is from yousef and it's book spine tapping book spine tapping has to be one of the most underrated triggers i've ever seen they're always on the side of the book tapping and never lasts that long hoping we can get a couple of minutes straight okay okay i see what you're saying so i have some books here we're gonna move the laptop over here and i'm gonna go get my books um because it's true like i do tap on the front and back of the book as well um but today we're just going to tap on the spine i have a few different textures but we're going to start with jojo sorry no i'm not sorry because it's a nice textured spine so here we go are you ready are you ready okay okay just making sure you uh so so so do there you go book spine tapping okay next one oh this is a good one from akira in your barely touching your face video you did something where you counted to 10 by touching the screen for each number but at 10 you would make a circle and tap in the middle love that one still remains to be one of the only things to give me tingles ever thank you okay so what i did in the video was this and i'm gonna touch your face okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten like that um i actually think i did it farther away so i'm gonna do just variations of that for a couple minutes one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten dude one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 2 10 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten dude one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six 7 8 9 and 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten there you go i like that one let's see um okay do i have this one oh actually i think it's in a box over there so i'll leave you here let me grab it maybe this one yes okay so what the request is says okay here's a weird one that i feel like i've never seen anyone do but i totally get asmr tingles from it hot wheels cars slowly rolling like um rolling slowly over hard surfaces something about the sound of the tiny wheels rolling back and forth is just really peaceful let's use our books here okay so this one this dnd player's handbook good service so i have purple and yellow my problem is i think they're kind of they're squeaky they're kind of old but let me see if i can do that i need to oil them up so maybe maybe the squeaks add to the a somewhere but um i'll have time stamps in case you want to skip ahead if you don't like the sound i'll just try the yellow one maybe a little squeak glass okay that's better i feel like i want to make that more in focus there just wanted to focus on my face i'm going to move it like closer to you ready maybe i'll move out of the way actually hmm i can just tilt it sometimes these ultra rare triggers they're like most of them are like kind of new for me so i'm experimenting as well i'll try this off i feel like mostly it's just too squeaky so maybe i need to buy new hot wheels cars but i'm sorry if that was bad the next one is copying movements like mirror me it's so rare every time i find one video with it i keep rewatching it let's do that that sounds really fun i used to like warm up with this when you do acting like acting camps for kids like i don't know they always had us do this just to be like more in tune with your stage partners so all you have to do is follow my movements um and we'll start now so and up and close it and other hand turn good good and back down to the center open and away arms down close your eyes open turn your head up and down frowny face happy face and open to the side to pink two thumbs up hands to your side the shoulders and one more up and i want you to bring your hands together and um like yoga good now push to one side push to the other side back to center and done awesome that was fun i like that okay the next suggestion i'm not sure i can do this for three minutes but um this is from jelly bean green requesting when people do massage videos and keep lightly pronouncing the g like a d g sound instead of a j massage also a huge fan of people very lightly pronouncing the g in ing words i'm going to start with the ing words okay so the ing words it would be this is like the i think it's called a gerund like a a verb in progress like if you are walking down the street and talking with someone on the phone um and they're kind of saying like you know things that they're doing that day and you have to come with them and maybe you'll be helping them later um just with you know eating them and anything that they need to get done that day so you know you could be in the kitchen dicing cutting cooking baking aerating i don't know it's an eight letter words alerting avenging assuring i like walking walking i know exactly what you mean jelly bean it's so good i love what people do that do i definitely don't do that when i'm talking i like and end it right there but when other people are talking and they kind of get that extra syllable um when they're pronouncing the g words it's hard for me to do because i don't naturally do it but you know anybody who does it i almost feel like asmr darling does it like she has a very very nice accent that just maybe i'm wrong maybe she doesn't do it but that's the first person i thought of but i'll give you a little um shoulder massage now that's fine so sort of on the sides here like it can turn a little bit into a neck massage but mostly when you do a shoulder massage it should be to get that tension out you really want to get the tension out and that's what um that's the beauty of massage because it feels nice and then it actually helps in the long run so i'm just going to massage the left side and then we'll massage the right side and then i want to move this over because the fan sound is so loud i will finish your massage on both sides there you go massage complete is it i don't know if it's effective if someone does it on purpose but that was fun to drive just texting my mother back let's see from the sushi can't say no to miss fushi cold metal chain sounds so i do have some nice gold necklaces that are chain chain links i'll show you one hmm three and four so we'll start with the lightest one this isn't necessarily a chain it's teddy fresh it has um like barbed wire in between each one i'm gonna move the microphones a little closer all right this is a great one love that necklace you see it all the time in my videos and then we have this silver chain you there's a plane coming so we'll give that a second we have this one which i really like it's got fake diamonds and it's like nice choker length and then finally have my double chain necklace that has a magnet closure yeah this one's jenny bird super flat there you have it one two three there you go actually i'll lay them out over here now i think one more before i'm going to turn the camera down because some of these are for like a close-up um but this last one before i do that is from emma rose and i liked the first suggestion so this is what i'm doing sounds from the back of the microphone like coming from behind your head so i almost never do this which is why i'm interested to see if it'll actually work i'm going to show you the triggers that i have so i have i might do one more three triggers and i'll be softly speaking i have the wooden blocks i have a bag of artificial snowflakes and i have scissors so i'm gonna get out of here i guess and go to the back of your head bye okay so almost immediately i feel like a plane's coming but you might be okay this feels so wrong like i can't possibly be doing do all the way over here at least i have my handy dandy artificial snowflakes i want to hear just the actual snowflakes okay open it back and then i have like wooden i'm gonna toms that behind your head oh that's such a soft sound i wonder if you can hear your ear behind your head okay now there's artificial snow i'm just going to keep that the tongs in the back okay that's enough of that here i come how was that okay i never do that to be fair that is a very rare trigger from me so hopefully that worked and the mics picked up something um but i have a few now i think three two let's look dvd cases spoilers tweezers and wood that might be it too oh no the dry erase oh i'm so excited about this one i am so excited about this one this video is gonna be long this is gonna be a long video let me tell you okay let's turn the camera down okay so i'm gonna switch to whispering i think and this request says from chloetron putting paper in sheets like these and then tracing them with dry erase markers my first asmr experience was in elementary school with this exact thing same i love this in elementary school you put this like on the projector and you'd be able to see it up on the screen so i have some dry erase markers and some worksheets that we're going to do and together i just painted my nails really fast because i was like wait my nails look so crusty but i painted them a little too fast so uh just don't look at them don't look at those pineapple bath unclear why this is pineapple math um but you know there's pineapples on the page so i guess it's pineapple math let's get started so we're going to add the numbers and you can tell we're going to add them because there is the addition sign on every single one of these okay so let's start five plus three is eight there is a very big chance you will watch me get one of these wrong two plus four is six so twenty-five plus forty-three is sixty-eight very good one plus six is seven seven plus two is nine so 71 plus 26 is 97 very good four plus two is six five plus three is eight not me having to think about that so 54 plus 32 is 86 very good zero plus eight is eight three plus one is four so thirty plus eighteen is forty-eight now one plus six is seven five plus four is nine 51 plus 46 97 i just got this expo markers they shouldn't be dry seven plus two is nine four plus two and six oh my gosh 47 plus 22 is 69 dudes wow what is wrong with this mark i want to refund eight plus zero is eight six plus one is seven sixty-eight plus ten seventy eight four plus two is six five plus three is eight thirty-two plus fifty-four eighty-six zero plus seven is seven seven plus one is eight seventy plus seventeen is eighty-seven six plus three is nine and eight plus one is nine so eighty-three plus sixteen equals ninety-nine very good five plus four is nine four plus two or two plus four is six oh my gosh 25 plus 44 equals 69. 9 plus 0 equals 9. y is the only repeating number oh actually there's a couple of repeating numbers still weird six plus two is eight sixty nine plus twenty is eighty nine so good so good and i guess we'll use the last one here eight plus one nine and four plus three is seven so 48 plus 31 seventy-nine six plus two is eight five plus three is eight so thirty-six plus fifty-two would be 88 7 plus 1 is 8. 5 plus 2 is 7. 57 plus 21 78 now i definitely definitely have some form of like math dyslexia something is wrong with my brain and math so hopefully this is correct but we're gonna move on from math to a little bit of english this is called beginning blends we're going to look at each illustration okay what consonant blend matches the beginning of the word color in the bubble next to the correct answer so for the first one here this is grapes grapes so we're looking for the beginning of the word we're looking for the consonant blend so the beginning of the word grape grape gr is the constant blend next we have now i was gonna say toast but i'm guessing it's not toast we have a piece of bread piece of bread here now it's a pink piece of bread so we know if we wrote out bread at the beginning of the word consonant blend next up we have a truck we have a truck here a little truck i'm gonna outline the truck and when you see this trunk for truck next we have this flower we have a flower yep the first one good job and then finally we can't use this red marker because it's broken we can use orange again yep very very good okay all done because i should probably just make a full video out of this to be honest i think i shall doing like worksheets with you guys in this plastic is so good i think i accidentally just filmed for like 10 minutes my bad okay that was such a good suggestion thank you so much the next request i went a little overboard this is from serena one of my biggest triggers is playing with tweezers and wood not separately at the same time will suffice if done separately though don't worry we'll do it together so i have like my regular metal tweezers i also have wood tweezers and a couple of those i also have wood pliers and then a couple of wooden objects here so it's a little frog i don't know where his handle is though i'm going to take these tweezers and we're just going to inspect our little frog here sort of pull out anything that shouldn't be there pulling out the splinters if you will something right there there we go i don't wanna run my tweezers oh he's actually quite hollow it's interesting but then we also you know the wood tweezers we can tweeze the tweezers and then we'll twist the tweezers right back like that okay like i don't know what i was expecting like to use this bowl like this is definitely a rare trigger because spoon you know it hasn't been twisted ever so it's probably overdue i got this little mini spoon you can use it to scoop small things just making sure everything's out of there perfect and then our handle we got this this but you know gotta make sure it's all good so i'm just tweezing away and our wormwood box gb g i i actually can tweeze the sateen air out of this miniature figure holder case because she likes to get into everything she leaves a trail behind oh i just squeezed out the phone okay i actually did tweeze out the dog hair that was good i'm sure that's nice and clean the miniature guy can go there all right looking good that was loud and there you have it the wood has been tweezed okey dokey so the last trigger is from minty the request says i love the sounds of people opening and closing slash wiping down slash general handling of dvd cases along with the disk removal and insertion let's do it because i got some dvd stuff i want to handle so you're probably wondering jp this is such a random movie why do you have it it's because i'm obsessed with you mcgregor or at least i was i am now old enough where i am no longer obsessed with you know real life people so i really do love him as an actor and i had this fixation of the idea of watching every single movie he's ever been in this doesn't even look like him they like photoshopped his face weird and i was like i've never done that before for any actor and it would be a good excuse to like watch some random movies so this was one of those random movies i think this one was a bit more of a blockbuster he has been in some random movies and i have seen them i have seen them all so this is the island i'm going to just spray it down a little bit it's about i think it's like spoilers if i talk about it but it's awesome it's such an old movie it was fun it was really good there's like a twist and all that good stuff scarlett johansson there we go i'm just gonna open the tabs here oh yeah save six dollars i do like gladiator i do love gladiator um so this is oops sorry that probably was not very smart a dreamworks home entertainment movie here oh i did not press hard enough there we go it looks pretty pretty clean hi you can see yourself up there hello um looks pretty clean i'm not gonna mess with it so just wanna pop that back in the case a little loud probably have to edit that down but the inside of the case has definitely been doing its job i think i only watched this movie once in high school so it has not been opened again i don't really buy dvds too much anymore oh it's michael bay it's michael pay movie i did not know that or at least i did not remember that so there you go there's ewan mcgregor um okay this next one is such a good one i've watched this one many times down with love holy moly molly molly this movie is so good there's a sticker on it i'm not going to are we going to we should probably maybe attempt to oh yes nice okay so this is renee zlwecker mcgregor down with love two thumbs up love this film and this is such a cute movie i love the energy of it i bought it used to go me um i think i bought a lot of these on ebay like to find his old films was hard this is from 2003. so it came out when i was in like third grade moulin rouge came out in 2001. so this is post moulin rouge and yeah very charming thoroughly charming there you go if you like the vibe uh you'll love this movie very aesthetic very fun in fact i may watch this i may watch this tonight one little baby scratch on there but nothing crazy in case it's doing it in case it's doing work this is a hot pink case then we have big fish oh my goodness gracious calling gosh you gotta watch big fish you gotta watch big fish okay apparently this is tim burton he definitely didn't write it like i'm guessing he just directed it it's been a while danny devito said this you gotta watch this movie it is so good directed by different but who wrote it screenplay by john august there you go this is they gonna tell me when this came out you're not gonna tell me not gonna tell me when this came out i don't know how to describe this movie but it is gone oh no oh don't oh no no no no no no no oh no no no i actually watched this one a lot i would i usually rank moulin rouge as my favorite ewan mcgregor movie then big fish then down with love those are like typically my top three if you made me choose you know oh definitely danny devito gosh this movie is so cute okay well the dvd is somewhere sorry and then i also got the avatar the last airbender complete series water earth air fire first time on blu-ray yes thank you you didn't have to put a sticker on that to tell me that you know what i mean like right i i know it's the first time on blu-ray that's why i bought it i'm gonna be so mad if this doesn't come up okay let me try my handy dandy thumb there we go oh mamma mia let's go this is screen cleaner by the way [Applause] there's our little baby aang and there is zuko my personal favorite my personal favorite character toff saka katara and so i have not opened this yet funnily enough it's because since i moved i have not set up a way to watch discs i have not watched a disc in my house isn't that crazy disc one water five book three fire fire fire and those are the three seasons of avatar boom bam and i wanted to make sure i had this just in case you know for future baby gbs to make sure i like had this for them to watch there you go there you have it i accidentally created an entire second videos worth length of triggers here but you guys had such fun ideas so i can't help myself it's hard for me to go like to speed through i'm like i just want to take my time you know and i feel like you guys like that better too so there you have it more rare triggers for you all i hope you enjoyed i hope you enjoyed and if you want to check out my other videos um i've done this a couple times you'll always find some fun and random things in there so sleep well everyone and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: Gibi ASMR
Views: 3,419,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gibi, asmr, gibi asmr, rare, ultra rare, specific, triggers, for sleep, request, requests, unique, stress relief, hot wheels, necklace, silence, mirror me, book spine tapping, ing, behind the microphone sounds, behind head, behind mic, dry erase, worksheets, wood, tweezers, tweezing, dvds, personal attention, soft speaking
Id: bQhrFdwiCZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 8sec (4028 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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