BRAIN TAPPING for Headaches, Migraines, Brain Fog | 10 Minute Daily Routines

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hello earth citizens in this video i will show you a 10 minute routine to do for brain tapping brain tapping is a technique developed by el chili from brain education where you use your fingers and your energy sense to clear blockages in your brain so brain tapping is really good for people who have frequent headaches migraine brain fog just a general sense of heaviness and blockage in your head brain tapping is very good to clear away that kind of stagnant energy so i'll show you how to do it where to focus and what to feel while you're doing the brain tapping first sit in a comfortable posture so if you want to sit on a chair that's great if you can sit with your spine straight if you slouch then your spine if it slouches it's hard for energy to travel up to your brain so you want to make your spine as straight as possible so that energy can flow up to your brain as best as it can alright so straighten your spine first if you're sitting on a chair i suggest putting your feet flat on the floor parallel so not your feet outward or inward or crossed over or like this your feet flat on the floor parallel to each other and first rest your hands on your knees and close your eyes close your eyes let's do a few breaths to get our mind and our body first deep breath in through your nose sigh out through your mouth [Music] breathe into your nose sigh out through your mouth [Music] one more time breathe in through your nose sigh out through your mouth now with your eyes stay staying closed visualize your brain so imagine your brain floating in the middle of your head underneath your skull visualize your brain as it sits inside of your head can you see our brain does your brain look like a healthy brain a bright brain or a dark brain a shriveled up brain or a very straight and clear looking brain whatever you see that's okay just feel and observe the condition of your brain as it is and now slowly open your eyes we're gonna use our fingertips to tap our brain so when you tap your brain imagine you are tapping through your skull into your brain so you're not just tapping the surface of your skin imagine energy coming from your fingertips like lasers like lasers coming through your fingertips and penetrating through your skull into your brain so your brain is being stimulated as you tap okay first we're gonna start from the top of our head this is your seventh chakra crown chakra the point the highest point on your head where babies have their soft spot tap up here first relaxing your wrists relaxing your fingers so not like this relax your wrists relax your fingers and tap the top of your head first if you have the movement down i suggest closing your eyes so you can feel your head a little bit better if there's some blockage here you will feel some pain do you feel some pain keep tapping imagine lasers pointing out through your fingertips breaking up the blockage on the top of your head tap tap tap and your breathing should be gentle and natural breathe gently and naturally if you feel a lot of pain scio say out the pain and imagine it pushing out of your body push out the pain through your exhale and now go to the back side of your head so behind the roundest point right here back side of your head and now down to the base of your skull there's a little dip at the base of your skull where your skull and neck meet so tap there base of your skull and around the horizontal axis of it so tap the base of your skull dip and then the side and back side and back in a horizontal line along that axis keeping your wrists relaxed fingers relaxed breathe out tension from your head [Music] as your brain releases tension here some common symptoms are yawning maybe some tears in your eyes heat on your face this is all blocked energy leaving your body now you're doing great and now from here tap the side of your head side side side and now down to your temples tap your temples lots of pain here for people who have lots of thinking lots of thinking lots of judgment lots of analyzing mind tension here tap tap tap through your fingers lasers are shooting into your brain breaking up blockages heavy thoughts negative thoughts judgments analyses sadness anger everything that's making you heavy break it up exhale the more pain you feel the more you should exhale because the more you exhale the more stagnant energy is going to leave your body and now behind your ear behind your ear tap behind your ear breathe and now one more time the circuit one more time start from the top of your head always start from the top of your head your seventh chakra and go down the back side tap the back of your head behind the roundest part of your skull tab try to tap a little bit deeper this time try to tap a little bit deeper into your brain like you're tapping into the middle of your brain deep inside breathe out sigh out your pain sigh out tension sigh out heaviness and now down to the base of your skull where your skull meets your neck base of your skull and along the horizontal axis of the base of your skull side middle and now to the side your shoulders might hurt right now keep exhaling instead of dropping your arms exhale exhale and guide the pain from your shoulders arms head out of your body through your breath and now temples temples here try to leave your jaw slightly open so you create a little bit more room in your temples rather than clamping down leave your jaw slightly open exhale through your mouth and now behind your ears behind your ears and now your forehead tap your forehead [Music] the front side of your brain is your thinking brain if you have a lot of thoughts this part will hurt but that's okay when you feel pain just breathe out great job stop rest your hands on your knees close your eyes feel your body especially your brain feel your brain and feel your head area do you feel some tingling sensation around your brain and head you might feel some pulsing sensation like a wum kind of feeling around your fingers head and brain do you feel some warmth in your fingers head and brain did you have some tears come out of your eyes maybe some yawning all of these are great signs that you released energy from inside of your brain you did a great job take a deep breath in through your nose cyan heaviness from your mouth again breathe in bring in fresh oxygen all the way into your brain exhale push heaviness out from your brain through your exhale one last time breathing through your nose let fresh oxygen go all the way into your brain and assaya open your eyes how did you do how does your brain feel do you feel lighter more clear sometimes if you pushed a lot of energy out your eyes can see a little bit more clearly keep practicing this until your head feels light and cool maybe just one 10 minute routine is not enough for all the heat that's trapped in your head to release but if you do it again keep tapping keep tapping until your head feels light and cool when your head is cool that is the optimal energy state you did great to experience a full one hour brain education based class please visit a local body and brain yoga studio near you you
Channel: Brain Education TV
Views: 1,206,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mental health, mental wellness, loneliness, anxiety, depression, stress, brain, brain education, brain tapping, brain tapping therapy, brain tapping for sleep, brain tapping sleep, tapping into your brain power, tapping for brain fog, brain tapping for depression, brain tapping reviews, body and brain tapping, tapping for brain function, brain exercises, brain games, brain exercise, tap the brain, tap brain
Id: okfSE627UpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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