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[Applause] hey you guys were here today at Linda Vista skate park with special guest Vinny bond and he is one of the most incredible skateboarders have ever seen in my entire life his local skate this is his Park if you go to Vinnie bonds Instagram at Vinnie bunny follow him you will see this park do you guys really down a weird so this is Braille team versus Vinnie bond game of skate at minivans local pardon ramsey anyways so it's gonna be team braille versus Vinnie bond you only have ska teehee you only have five letters the Braille team has skateboard we have ten letters let's go this is a game about sending yeah I'm gonna keep track of the score I'm gonna ref this it's gonna be tough judged okay no toes no heels nothing no no one elected official gets two tries everyone gets a try on the last trip though alright Rochambeau we're playing against Vinnie bond here we're not supposedly fighting amongst ourselves talking about paper-rock-scissors it's not game escape gargle back he has real estate he has real estate everyone's had already in my brain after some team Francisco right now and I'm pretty sure he is arguing to someone real quick before we start this game is there anything you'd like to say any condolences to the Braille team I mean any words of comfort for the moment that's about to occur any trick that I try I better see somebody at least try that's all I guess I don't see nobody saying it's full surround and then real quick before it before we start I heard the boy Vinny over here saying I will put Mowgli through it I would give it to her gonna break him in today just don't expect nothing from me I'm just kidding all right you're checked all your tricks where we going first okay we're gonna do we'll do front blunt fakie all right then predict your score right now what do you think hey Jada game yeah you know I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt I think we can get into a think Mowgli and Nigel got some tricks they can get them maybe easy thing I've ever seen like you will never see anything that easy next trick now we'll do front fifty on this rail see I've studied a lot of fantastic skaters Vinny is one that I don't get to watch skate very often so I really need to like hone in on you watching you I'm trying to figure you out flat I know what scares me the most is that Vinny seems to know most those tricks were like all my warm-up routine that's like what I do normally when I first get here is like a flip just said it's cool send around here he doesn't want to see anyone go I don't want to do it you got at least got a try there we go that's that's better not in this video you're gonna try it alright we'll do a trick into the bank that's the unconventional one okay it is control Nigel's up there let me just look at the way Vinny's got it dude [Applause] Holle up I'm flat to that at this point it's just Mowgli versus Vinny no I feel like that'd actually be a pretty good game what's happening right now yeah Mowgli versus Vinny game of skate who would win I know do you defense I'm not awake yet thing is that as we were in the car parking in the parking lot he goes I have way too much energy with that coffee I had now we know he crashed that's not a letter Nigel clutch that Mowgli yeah McHale do you give my baby all in there all right so we're counting Mowgli's that means we're still at the pop was proportionally your height let's do gyro to manual and then pop in quick not not taking it lengthy just a quick one they're really going through right now they are really going he's in one of his days right now or he's just feeling very negative about himself and we have to kind of pick him up you know we need to say we need to get him off a skateboard today he's gonna hurt himself yeah he's the best he does pop pop and always best all right that's a t4 Braille that's 5050 the hubba all right backside coming you got back picking us apart one more suicide 50 so he's doing is committing and not feeling so good 5050 that's what that means straight on somehow I don't know how you see me shift yet that was ridiculous and I still grind it both Chuck's wholesome moment oh that was nice yes so what should I try yeah I'll do a flip I said you should do a flip you guys all right I'll do a flip midnight she goes all right you heard you heard that I knew you were gonna do that grind into the bank okay you guys were watching the video seriously Vinnie is you're not gonna see many people as good as Vinnie bond so like otherworldly good it's amazing I thought this moment wouldn't happen I was just thinking how am I gonna survive is as I do I'm not okay all right here Nigel Nigel Nigel Mowgli said I don't even know what I'm gonna do if I get my own turn I'm just gonna go crazy I'm not gonna be strategic at all you need to control him I'm ready I'm gonna let you go first don't let you go first I'm gonna let you popu gore go go do that from people in terms I know you can do it I believe in you right here I believe in you in there because there's a little luck of a gap for this play I know you can do it all right I've been trying this for a little while let's go going on over here Dan my morale is way down why is your morale down I looked out the hardest every why does anybody come up with that trick you got to be super strategic here don't lose the turn that's all you got a coach man you guys blew it yeah you guys you seriously you cannot lose your turn right now anything that will not lose it like I'm offended by what are you doing I didn't get it back to 70 lit godly twice Mowgli your trick your turn the only thing that's bad about the flat bar is like it's always thing I try to tell you you say like hey Lucy what chick you're gonna do he's like I'm gonna do the five hey what are you gonna do the fives there [Applause] switch back lip down the rail what if I land 270 frontlet first try you continued again if you land it will continue and then it'll be your guys's turn yeah I like this a little bit of a bargain going on okay so basically if Nigel does a front 270 lip on the bump to bar not only do we stay in the game but that's our trick and Vinny has to do it on defense a lot riding on this one dad here it is Nigel this guy right here is a god amongst men Vinny bond a huge thanks to Vinny bond for letting us come to his local park and then absolutely handing it to us you want to check out his Instagram and his YouTube channel the links to be right down there in the description below there's some videos right there go ahead and check them out subscribe like leave a comment below and let us know what videos you'd like to see in the future learn how to skateboard I'll see you next time
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 282,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro, braille
Id: gwSoGxunGPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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