Bradwell Abbey Medieval Excavation - sensitivity warning

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[Music] [Music] when an individual's interred and when they have dirt straight on top of them everything is pretty much as it was the face was very carefully covered I mean it's really really well preserved [Music] the stones just in case I rather missed a bone or there's any evidence of jewelry or a brooch last thing I want to do is throw it over there so if this area which it mustard runkis if the bones are in really good condition it's a pretty consistent so there's not been extreme drying out or extreme wetness it's probably stayed very similar and I imagine it's to do with sort of the the corn brush and it is drainage in a sense [Music] and then we soften around the stomach pelvis area we can pick up if there are any gall stones or blood or stones if it's female then we can see if there's any in utero bones so evidence of pregnancy but that is why I'm going to start stuffing the soil in bags [Music] babies have more than 100 extra bones as you age the bones end up fusing together and you estimate how how old based on that but it the fusion process sort of completes between the ages of 20 and 25 and the clavicle actually so this bone is the last boat into fully fuse and everything to me looks fully fused so I would say it's sort of mid to late twenties I have always been in love with archeology my mum was an anthropologist and she did archeological digs when she was younger and so she used to take us to some when we were little and I just fell in love with the history of who we are as people and where we come from [Music] once I've revealed there I have to photograph it write my notes on the burial and then I can lift it I'll put some more of these tags in the ground so I take a load of photos and from different angles all the way around some close-ups especially of the vendee femur once I've done that they'll be able to create a 3d model well I think the most important to any archaeologist needs is good trowel this is what we used to do the bulk of our definition of things and then you can start moving into the finer tools once you start to see some of the bones so the first tool that we move into is their leaf trowel so it's a bit more heavy-duty there's not a lot of flex in that and then for the more delicate bits we have this leaf trowel which is a bit more flexible and certainly a lot thinner narrower can get into more places because it doesn't take up quite as much room the most useful non archaeological tool in your arsenal almost definitely being a spoon and then for good measure no archaeologist is going I mean it doesn't look good almost even looks like there could have been a fracture in here there's definitely some damage there which might explain the bowing from that perspective but yeah I mean all of this is sort of remodeled bone and it's obviously been trying to compensate for the damage it looks like it'd be quite painful [Music]
Channel: MKCDC at Bradwell Abbey
Views: 63,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #BradwellAbbey #MKCDC #Oxford Archaeology #DigitalArchaeologyWeek
Id: OyDYIst-Zu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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