Bracelet Upgrades for your OMEGA Speedmaster and SEIKO SARB033

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hey everybody i'm guy and you're watching the just bluefish channel now today we're taking a look at some aftermarket bracelets for a few of my favorite watches from the uncle seiko brand now of course everybody knows uncle seiko and they're great bracelets designed for divers like the skx007 but did you know that they have some great options for the omega speedmaster as well today we're going to take a look at a couple of their awesome speedy options and a bracelet for the sarb033 which is a must must-have upgrade for what is already a must-have watch but that's not all because uncle seiko gave me these bracelets for the review free of charge that means that i'm going to be giving some of them away to you so stick around till the end and learn how to enter the giveaway and get a chance to win a couple of these excellent bracelets uncle sako sent me three bracelets to share with you guys and overall i gotta say i'm impressed with all three first there's a pair of bracelets for the omega speedmaster moonwatch one in a beads of royce style and the other pattern after the vintage us-mexico holzer bracelet finally we'll also be checking out a president-style bracelet for the seiko sarbs 0-33 that i do absolutely love and it has taken a watch that i love and transformed it into a watch that i don't think i could live without first up the holzer speedy bracelet my favorite of the two models that they sent over for review it is a really cool upgrade for the speedmaster and it gives the watch a vintage speedy aesthetic but of course you'll have all of the conveniences of a modern production movement and a modern timepiece if you have one of the prior generation moonwatch models like mine one that comes with the more clunky omega bracelet you should really give this holzer brace little look the oem bracelet is nice don't get me wrong but it has little to no taper from the lugs to the clasp and the stock clasp has almost no micro adjust so getting a comfortable fit on the wrist can be a major hassle but this uncle seiko bracelet solves both of those common complaints and it looks really good doing it specs on the holzer bracelet include 20 to 16 millimeters of taper from the lugs to the clasp 316l stainless steel with a pressure lock clasp and it's available in a 19 millimeter lug model with as well so you can even get it for your first omega in space speedy variants as well as other models i'd assume now some might complain about the hollow end links and the stamped steel clasp but those are really non-issues for me first it keeps the weight down second fitting hollow end links to the watch case tends to be much easier than machined solid end links because there's variance in manufacturing and that can make it really difficult to get the holes to line up speaking of the clasp did i mention micro adjustment because that's a huge sticking point for me on the stock omega bracelet there is almost none on the omega clasp and it's absolutely ridiculous now i went out and i spent hundreds of dollars on a clasp and n links for a seamaster bracelet to upgrade my watch because it lacked adjustability and i couldn't get a good fit with this clasp you have plenty of adjustability and getting a comfortable fit on the wrist is something that is hugely important to me when it comes to wearing watches that i want to enjoy for 89 bucks you really can't beat these omega speedmaster bracelets and coming in at the exact same price we also have this beads of rice version to check out now this model is the same great quality of construction in 316l stainless steel but it does differ from the holzer in a few ways first it has a bit less taper going from 20 millimeters down to 18 millimeters at the clasp and it has a double flip lock clasp now the clasp does have plenty of micro adjustability and it also features machined blades on the swing arm it also will fit some seamaster models so if you own a few omega watches and you like the beads of rice style this is one to consider that you can switch between your watch collection it's great if you're looking to mix up the look of your watch and it's modern utilitarian bracelet for something that's a bit more vintage in style now last and certainly not least we have the seiko sarb zero 33 president bracelet and i am a big fan of this watch but i was never super happy with the bracelet both in terms of the style and the functionality now for starters the stock bracelet is a little bit bland compared to the watch head and second the clasp on the stock bracelet really is nothing great but this uncle seiko takes a great watch and brings it all the way up to the next level specifications on this model include 316l stainless steel a 20 to 16 millimeter taper from lugs to clasp and a flip lock friction locked clasp with seven points of micro adjustment and of course solid end links which if i'm being honest were a little tricky to fit to the watch head but once it's installed it's locked in place securely there really isn't enough good things that i can say about this one other than to tell you that if you're like me you have a sarb zero 33 and you've always been a little bit disappointed with the oem bracelet you should probably buy this i don't think you will be disappointed so i'm guessing if you're still tuned in and watching you want to know how you can win these bracelets and the giveaway first let me say that i'm sorry but i'm keeping the sarp bracelet it is just too good to let go but since i sold my speedy not too long ago i do want to pass on these omega bracelets to one of you guys and here's how it's going to work pretty simple leave a comment down below make sure you include the hashtag uncle seiko in the message that in a couple of weeks i'm going to go ahead and pick a winner and i'll announce that winner of the giveaway in a future video so make sure you're subscribed and that you have notifications turned on so you don't miss the announcement because i have no way of hunting you down if you're not watching also the winner will unfortunately have to cover the cost of shipping i am sorry but the loss of work during the pandemic has given my finances a bit of a beating and i just can't spring for the shipping like i normally would but that's it it is pretty simple just leave a comment and let me know if you want to win all right guys that'll wrap this one up for today as always thanks for tuning in and of course thanks to uncle seiko for sending these bracelets over for review now don't forget to hit the like and subscribe button if you haven't already and of course check the description for ways that you can help me out and support the channel now with all that said i'm gonna go ahead sign off and say bye now [Music] so you
Channel: JustBlueFish Watch Reviews
Views: 4,684
Rating: 4.8779659 out of 5
Keywords: Seiko, SARB033, Omega, Speedmaster, Uncle Seiko, Bracelets, Watch Upgrades
Id: yenjjWzanHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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