BOYNEXTDOOR (보이넥스트도어) '재미있어 보이넥' EP.1

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[FUNNEXTDOOR] [May 30, 2023 BOYNEXTDOOR opened up their doors] [Eye-catching pre-release track "But I Like You"] ["One and Only"] [And "Serenade"] [BOYNEXTDOOR opened the hearts of fans] [BOYNEXTDOOR's successful debut] [BOYNEXTDOOR, visual music..."One and Only"] [The BOYNEXTDOOR syndrome begins They know how to have fun] [First look into BOYNEXTDOOR before their debut on "FUNNEXTDOOR"] Wow! There are so many cameras! [Our "boys" are still amazed by cameras] Wow! [★Revealing★ BOYNEXTDOOR's home] I tend to spend time outside by myself [A close look into their daily lives] Wow, this one is so pretty Let's go, let's go Let's go, let's go That looks great! [But happier together, BOYNEXTDOOR] SUNGHO! I love you! I wonder what we'll be doing in three days? [What shining future lies ahead...?] -Wow! What's that?! -Woah! [A special trip for the boys] "The first BOYNEXTDOOR retreat" [At the retreat] [Only the strong will survive?!] Nice! Nice! -Thank you for this meal! -Thank you for this meal! [Making sure to eat well!] Open wide [A dizzying(?) talent contest] [and heart-stopping "test of nerves"] I'm so grateful that I get to debut with all of you I wasn't going to cry today... [And, of course, a campfire!] [Curious to see what has them tearing up?] [FUNNEXTDOOR] [-THE DOOR OPENS-] [At BOYNEXTDOOR's home ahead of their debut] [Silence] [Three seconds before they get home] [Got the password wrong] [Who is making this slightly clumsy entrance?!] [Fling] [Didn't know they'd be filming] [Is this really our home...?] [Peep] Hello... [Confused] -Hello -Hello [Roommates SUNGHO & RIWOO & LEEHAN] What's going on? Hello -Look at this! -Oh, wait Wait! Wait [Shocked] Wait, what? Wait, wait [Awkwardness x 530, as if they're visiting somebody] Hello [Awkward] [Stiff] -Wow, this is cool -Wow! [Looks around] [Homeowners are a little confused] [Feeling cautious] [Lights are finally turned on] There are so many cameras [Ta-da, lower home's door opens] First... We had work today, so I brought snacks Wow! [Snacks +3] [So many cameras] [Their reaction is understandable...] Oh? Do we have to carry this camera around? [Plop] [Plop 22] Wait! There are so many cameras! [File name: Confused lower home.bnd] Oh? [LEEHAN/KOZ artist, very polite] [Beep beep beep beep] [Door opens] -What? -What? -Ooh -Whoa! -What is this?! -Ooh Wow Wow [Not shy at all] Wow, this is so cool What's this? [Welcome] What?! [Hop] Hello! [Upper home's door opens] Wow! -Oh! -Oh, what? [The door opens, and cameras are waiting] Wow.. [No blind spots in any of the rooms] Wow! Even in the rooms? -Wow! -Wow [In this room too] This is so cool Wow! Wow! [Nice to meet you] Wow I've never seen cameras set up like this Oh? They're here too [Hi, I'm WOONHAK] They're over there, too! [WoonPuppy loves cameras] Wow! Wow, they're there too! [Me too, me too] Wow! [Such a difference in reaction from the previous home lol] Wow! Let's gather in front of one camera and explain the situation [Introducing BOYNEXTDOOR's homes] Let's explain who we are [Upper home, lower home] [JAEHYUN, TAESAN & WOONHAK] [LEEHAN & RIWOO, SUNGHO] The vibes of the houses are a little different [Not "a little"] Lower home is calmer... No, our floor feels more like a family home The lower home is... how would you say it Looks like it was put together by high school kids -Like a hangout space -Yes, like a hangout space! [Family home above, hangout space below] [Lower home, SUNGHO & RIWOO & LEEHAN] [Let's tour the "hangout space" first] [POINT 1. LEEHAN's fish tank] [POINT 2. LEEHAN's alien friend] In this house, it's me, LEEHAN, and SUNGHO [SUNGHO & RIWOO & LEEHAN's home] At first, we assigned rooms randomly [RIWOO & LEEHAN became roommates through a random draw] And I think it was fate that we became roommates [LEEHAN's bed, RIWOO's bed] JAEHYUN and I have our own rooms [Upstairs: JAEHYUN, downstairs: SUNGHO] Personally, I like to keep things tidy [SUNGHO's room is very tidy] The rooms have the same structure but look super different [JAEHYUN's room feels more relatable(?)] JAEHYUN will take his stuff and... leave them everywhere Can you fix that, please? [To. JAEHYUN] JAEHYUN, I love you [It's all out of love... (You know that, right? Wink)] [JAEHYUN / "P" human] I'm sorry, SUNGHO [I'm so sorry] [Upper home, JAEHYUN & TAESAN & WOONHAK] [WOONHAK's bed, TAESAN's bed] We like to spend lots of time together [JAEHYUN & TAESAN & WOONHAK "More fun when together"] The lower home is more about playing games [SUNGHO & RIWOO & LEEHAN "BIG respect for individual hobbies"] or LEEHAN is watching his fish most of the time [What do the lower home members do when they get home?] [LEEHAN's routine: Goes straight to his fish tank] [My babies, I'm home] They're my babies [LEEHAN / KOZ artist] Because I was born and raised in Busan [LEEHAN's love for fish is well-known] [LEEHAN♥Fish, an inseparable pair] I've always been close to the sea [From Busan] and I always had a fish tank [LEEHAN was always close to the ocean and fish tanks] When I was young after I got home from school and I was feeling tired and worn out I used to like staring at the fish thank Because of that I still like fish tanks to this day [Carried on from his childhood A prince who loves his fish tank] Fishes have this blank look to them [Best thing about it] but you can't see any evil in those eyes LEEHAN, you should unpack your bag -What? -At least unpack your bag [Can't hear him] Okay... [Full of affection] You look so sad -What? -You look so sad I'm happy right now [No sadness here] Let's get changed first [SUNGHO's routine] [Tidy guy SUNGHO puts away his clothes] Wow! [His bed is always tidy] Wow, wow! [Then, what does RIWOO do?] [My spot♥] I don't really do much I'm always lying down [RIWOO's routine] [Lying down(?)] I think that's how I recharge a lot of the time [Many different ways to lie down] [Let's take a closer look into how they live] Everyone gather around ♪ All together ♪ [Upper home members gather] ♪ Let's choose something to eat ♪ Let's choose what to have But I, oh... -Can we order from two places? -Yes [Everyone orders food lying down] It doesn't matter Want to have Chinese and pasta? [Chinese and pasta, let's go!] Do you think you can finish it all? [Realistic] I totally can I totally can't What about you? He can [Possible] -I'll take a look -Spicy jjajang sounds good! In TAESAN and my case [Upper home] [During the pre-meeting] We don't eat that much... We don't eat that much, and even if we do, it's like chicken breast... [You said you don't eat much...] The tangsuyuk looks better than the rolled shrimp Wow, jaengban jjajang, wow! Let's get both [Scandal: JAEHYUN said he doesn't eat much...] I'm so hungry right now What should I eat? [JAEHYUN / Fake light eater] [Really has no appetite] Jjajangmyeon Should I eat jjamppong or jjajangmyeon? [TAESAN gets up, feeling that it's going to take a while] Want to share? [One, two] [Heave-ho] What's that? I have to put this together Hurry up and order! It's way too expensive... -Wait -OMG... -Oh? Wait... -Let's see [Why is it so expensive?] -Chinese... -It's okay, it's okay 70,000 won at the Chinese place? The small plate of tangsuyuk is just... you know? No, I want it [Whine] No, I'm saying we should go for a big plate [No small portions!] Wow [FLEX of a guy born in 2006] We should go for a larger plate Wow, you're the real deal [Keeping the others on their toes] Let's have fried dumplings too! [Add fried dumplings♥] [Totally content] We can't eat all that [Says the guy with a small appetite] Do you think we can finish it? We can have the rest tomorrow [(Touched) WOONHAK is planning ahead] I'm going to play some games [Meanwhile, the lower home ▶▶▶] [Game?] [Happy] Please, nice [Game] [Staring at water] [Eye contact] Oh? Are you watching me? [Sweet boy] [Turn] [LEEHAN wants to show his fish tank to the fans] If you look at the shrimp here [LEEHAN CAM] they have all these eggs We're going to get baby shrimp soon [Shrimp are about to give birth] Do you see them eating the fallen fish food? [LEEHAN CAM] [Shrimp are eating fish food] The shrimp are supposed to eat the algae but they're eating the fish food... They aren't doing their jobs [Shrimp are slacking off] They aren't working hard right now Look at all the algae on the rocks [Calm scolding] Dakgangjeong? Want some? -Ga**ro? -Dakgangjeong? [Yes] [I love dakgangjeong♥] Let's have some [Happy dakgangjeong dance] The shrimp are like... [LEEHAN returns to underwater world...] They don't know where the food is so they're sifting through the sand But it's right here [Sifting] Give to Salah here! And Salah will! [Gaming, tank-watching, food dance] Nice! [Lower home seems very inclusive] [Bored] Let's go [Let's try to get his attention] Ayy, ayy [Pfft] That got my nose runny You're the one who was dancing [What's with you? LOL] The food here is actually for the striped friend here [LEEHAN / Not a fish tank expert (Still hanging out here)] The shrimp are so bad for stealing it [Camera suddenly moves?] [???CAM] [RIWOO filming LEEHAN filming the fish] There's one that should be eating right now but it isn't, and I'm not sure where it is [Worried about the fish eating] Let's recreate LEEHAN's fish scene in the MV [Let's see...] [LEEHAN CAM] [Blink] [The scene RIWOO is reenacting] [Checks in with LEEHAN] LEEHAN, did you win? You have to furrow your brows Like this? Too much, too much [Fish prince getting the details] A little Frown... a little [Frown] Oh, this moment [MV ver. / Reality ver.] [Interest +1] Do you see how the big shrimp is running away? [Must film this] One man's... They don't know where the food is [♪ There's a man who loves his fish ♪] -They're sifting through the sand -A nice slice of life [LOL] [LEEHAN's pet cam] What is he doing? I've never seen someone put a camera on their shoulder like that [♪ A man who loves his camera That's LEEHAN... ♪] [Time to check out what the upper home is doing] Let's give it a listen [Careful] [TAESAN's hobby involves a turntable] [Music, cue ♪] ♪ That tomorrow will be ♪ [Hum] [The Carpenters "Top Of The World"] ♪ just the same for you and me ♪ [This calls for a dance] ♪ Top of the world lookin' ♪ ♪ down on creation And the only explanation I can find ♪ [TAESAN's love for old pop] [MAX happiness] Wow! This makes it so much better [Very happy] Oh! But really... Vinyl! [MyeongPuppy following WoonPuppy] It sounds so much better [They all gather in one room again] Wow, these vibes! You can speed it up too [Showing it off] -Ooh! -Wow! [Max customer satisfaction] -Oooh! -Wow! [Proud] Oh! Wow, that speed-up Wait The song is already over, let's do it again [Can't mess with the flow] [Can make it even faster] Wow, this is awesome! Slow it down a little [☆Can match it to any speed★] Wow! Wow, it's so nice listening to old pop like this [Dancing along to the music] [TAESAN's treasure chest] [After a nice experience, they leave] [Following him again] [WoonPuppy's shadow→ MyeongPuppy] [Plop] [JAEHYUN's designated spot] [Bringing out tiger energy...?] What about milk? It's over there I have to get up again That was inefficient It isn't productive [Running over to get milk] Ah [I'm just going to stay down here] Wow! The expiration date on this milk is May 30th, our debut date Fate brought this milk and us together Fateful milk... ♪ Every ♪ [A fitting BGM] ♪ Sha-la-la-la ♪ ♪ Every Wo-o-wo-o ♪ [In charge of the BGM] ♪ Still shines ♪ [Upper home is filled with good vibes and love...] -Careful, careful -♪ Every shing-a-ling-a-ling ♪ [Eat lying down, and you become a cow A sight parents would dislike] -Get up, get up -♪ That they're startin' to sing's ♪ You have to get up, you're going to spill [In charge of the BGM] Here it is! "Goodbye to love" ♪ All my best memories ♪ WOONHAK, it's so good -♪ Some can even ♪ -It's so good [Means he wants more] ♪ make me cry ♪ ♪ Just like before ♪ [Perfectly suits the upper home's music Fish prince is still staring at his tank] Should we grill some meat? Do you want to grill, no, wait [Who wants some meat?] If I grill some meat does anyone want any? I'm good [No thanks] [Feeling full just looking at his tank] RIWOO! Do you want any meat? [Want some meat?] If you grill any [Meat...?] We should have more than meat [=I'm having dakgangjeong] Pour a little oil on the pan [*This video will make your mouth water] and turn on the stove [and make you very hungry at night] [and may cause you to order a late-night snack (Slurp)] Do you see this? [(★Ta-da★) Look how tasty it looks] It's out of this world [Yeeeees] [Meat-grilling ASMR] [Grilling a whole pack at once] This is it This is it [A mouth-watering scene] Because it's beef I don't need to cook it all the way through [SUNGHO's TIP for grilling meat Flip over when it's still a little red] Cut it up a little This is salt [Sprinkle a little salt] This is looking very good Turn off the stove [Time to move the meat to a plate] And now... Oh, it fell! [Nom] Mmm! [So good] Mmm! It's so good [Beautiful flavor...!] Now I can start grilling the rest of the meat [Into the pan] [Into the pan] This meat [[Lesson 1] Grilling meat is a tug of war] You have to get it just right Depending on what kind of meat it is and which cut it is [Om nom nom] you tweak your method a little [Pro-tip: Change the method of grilling depending on the meat] Why am I starting to talk... like I'm a cooking YouTuber? [SUNGHO / KOZ artist (not a food YouTuber) (Good at cooking)] [Max. concentration] [Even tidies up as soon as he's done] Into the sink it goes [Tidiness personified, cleaning as he cooks] Wipe it down Tidy things up And now the meat is ready [Chef Park's grilled beef is ready!] [Come Herez (Waiting for dakgangjeong)] [SUNGHO CAM] Can you see it? [Meat and kimchi are enough, right?] It's not that grand but it's a simple way to fill up on protein [Let's eat] And that's what I've prepared [V V] And some instant rice [Meat + Kimchi + White rice] This is... [=This is heaven♥] game over Wow, the kimchi smells so good [Mouth is watering] [Nom] [Amazing] [You know when something is so good that it makes you angry?] [Game over] It's over [BIG satisfaction] Oh? I should try doing this Can you see it? [LOL] -He's... -Can you see it? [Game livestream, Mukbang] It's like he's doing a mukbang Right now [SUNGHO CAM] I'm pretending to film a video [Example of a newbie mukbanger.bnd] Put the kimchi on top [SUNGHO's face is the future: Please have the kimchi too] [Enjoying various combinations A shot of the great trinity] Let me give it a try [Tasty] [Channel name "SUNGHO eats"] [Press the like button] [Upstairs, they're having Chinese food for their first round of meals-☆] Mmm! [Noodle slurping.asmr from our growing boy] Is it good? So good [So good x1129] [Despite having no appetite(?) JAEHYUN tries the shrimp♥] It's really good [Menu choice was perfect] Try the shrimp, WOONHAK [Sweetness to the MAX Leader JAEHYUN takes care of the others] -The shrimp is good -It is We should have ordered another one [Crunch] [Crunch22] Wow, the shrimp is so good [Proud] Who wants the last shrimp? [=Me] You have it [Gives it up] I'll have it You want it? Want to split it? -WOONHAK, you have it -You can have it [Gives it up22] Let's split it [Shrimp tastes better when it's shared♥] Let's give it a try It's good [Slurp] [Slurp 22] WOONHAK Yes? You can eat this all, right? Are you full already? No, I'm not [(Reads the room) (Is lying)] -Really? -No, I'm not full [Haven't even finished half of it!] I'm full [What the???] Me too [Actually, me too LOL] [Small appetite confirmed] My name is TAESAN, but my stomach is small That's funny We ordered two main dishes between the three of us and are already saying we're full when we're not done eating yet I wonder what the others are eating [Curious about their dinner menu] Should we go down there? [Are they eating well...] Want to have bingsu? Delivered? -Oh -Wow! [Finally, the dakgangjeong has arrived downstairs] Wow, it looks good, so good, so good [I love dakgangjeong] [I love the camera] I ordered it like this [★Ta-da★] Wow... [0g of soul] [Can't believe it...] It looks good It looks good [Time to say hello to the dakgangjeong] [Everyone watching this might end up ordering a late-night snack] [(Pour) Cola in a bowl] [Sitting like this so LEEHAN can look at his fish tank] I keep spilling [Drink] [Nom] Is it good? [LEEHAN also has a bite] Wow [In awe] This is the tastiest thing I've had recently We haven't been eating much to stay in shape [That's what makes it taste even better♥] It's a new flavor, but it's good We've never tried this flavor before [Nods] [SUNGHO is back] Then I get puffy even if I don't eat that much all-day Wow, it looks so good Have some Should I? [Passes over a fork] Thank you [Had kimchi, beef, and rice 10 minutes ago] It looks good The three of us like this ["BOYNEXTDOOR trivia" SUNGHO & RIWOO & LEEHAN and WOONHAK upstairs "like dakgangjeong"] And WOONHAK TAESAN and JAEHYUN don't like dakgangjeong This is good It's so good [It's good] I'm so happy What do you want to have after this? [Want to become even happier?] -Hmm? -Should we have something else too? [Smile] Yes What should we have? I have bingsu and waffles in my head [Battle of the Century: Bingsu vs waffles] [Thinking hard] Let's have pizza and go for some bingsu [♥Racing heart♥] -A pizza and bingsu? -Yes [A whole pizza and bingsu?] Hey, that's your plan, isn't it? Your plan is to fill me up with food, right? [Got you] "Fill me up with food" But really... There are times when he plays an act just so I will eat He always takes care of me and tries to feed me [Such a sweet, affectionate guy] [Having fun watching them] I've never seen someone drink cola like this before [Having fun watching them 22] The cup's too small The best cereal is BOYNEXTDOOR cereal [RIWOO / Can't act] Muahahahahahaha [What's going on?] But there is Fro*ted Fl*kes in the box Please don't say brand names [Beep, you've been warned] Oh?! BOYNEXTDOOR? [SUNGHO / Can't act 22] It has six different nutrients I'm sorry [Quick apology] Let me read you the options [(Not a human), choosing bingsu customizing shoes] Fresh strawberry bingsu -Premium strawberry bingsu -I feel like it will be too childish Yogurt strawberry bingsu I'm pine mango bing... Man... Mango bingsu Injeolmi mango bingsu Red bean injeolmi mango bingsu King mango bingsu [Together but not together...] Black sesame seed bingsu Green tea chocolate bingsu Cheese bingsu, chocolate brownie bingsu [Small stomach but serious about food] Real green tea bingsu Red bean injeolmi bingsu [Bingsu] Injeolmi bingsu [Bingsu] -Let's get them all -What? What should we have? [Customizing transformation] Red bean injeolmi or injeolmi [Final choice] -What? -Red bean injeolmi or injeolmi bingsu Red bean injeolmi Red bean injeolmi, injeolmi or chocolate brownie bingsu What? Red bean injeolmi, injeolmi or chocolate brownie bingsu Red bean injeolmi Lo**ker double chocolate bingsu [Energizer WOONHAK never stays still] -Let's just have red bean injeolmi -What should I wear tomorrow? [Red bean injeolmi 333] [All on a different planet.bnd] Red bean injeolmi or just injeolmi? [nth time at their final choice: Red bean injeolmi or injeolmi] Red bean injeolmi, I've said it 400 times [Teeth clenched] [LOL That's not the answer I want LOL] [WOONHAK has no idea what's going on but is laughing along LOL] Why is this so funny? I shouldn't wear anything inside [Choosing tomorrow's ootd] [Customizing shoes] because we're buying clothes [TAESAN / Has so many hobbies] [Hobbies: Customizing, meditation self-care, LP vinyls, reading novels, etc] -WOONHAK -Yes? -WOONHAK -Yes? -WOONHAK -Yes? [JAEHYUN only knows WOONHAK] -WOONHAK -Yes? -WOONHAK -Yes? -WOONHAK -Yes? Yes, yes? Yes? Yes? Yes? [Humors him by answering] [This is why I love you] -WOONHAK -Yes? Why do I want to bother WOONHAK so much? [=I love WOONHAK] [BOYNEXTDOOR trivia] [JAEHYUN's paradox: Wants to play with WOONHAK but will lie down in bed] [(Dun dun) Leader JAEHYUN's room] [Bed and storage space JAEHYUN's bed has no boundaries] [Just lies down] [With all of his items(?)] [Is this...] Where were you born? Describe what your hometown looks like [a sponge???] [Q. Why was there a sponge next to your bed?] I'm not sure why [JAEHYUN / Has a sponge next to his bed] [I don't know why... Pretend you didn't see it...] When I'm outside, I'm very active, and I do a lot of stuff [Q. Are you always lying down at home?] So when I'm home I like to lie down and sleep It's always one of three things I lie down on my bed [BOYNEXTDOOR trivia] [JAEHYUN's home rules 1. Lie in bed] lie on the couch or lie in WOONHAK's bed It's always one of those three Stay-at-home mom [Rule 1 in full force, one with the bed] I should try it on now [WOONHAK is figuring out his #ootd] [Not a human] [Time to try on outfits for the perfect #ootd] [The concept for TAESAN's shoes is coming together] [So curious] [All working hard] [#Perfecting his custom shoes] [Perfecting his #ootd] ["One and Only" brought to life] [We're going to become cooler] [TAESAN & WOONHAK enjoy the vibes] [Dreaming of injeolmi bingsu...] [Playing a game after finishing the dakgangjeong] What are you doing? Please open the door Nice! [Game just ended] -Great job -Great job! [Pizza had already arrived] It looks good [It's a party] Thank you [So happy] I'm going to cry [(Dance) So excited] You said you were ordering a small one, so why's this so big? -Wow -Wow [Late-night pizza is always good] If I just have it [Black gloves (Looking like a pro)] [♥Yummy♥] It's good [Very happy] [Nom] I really love to eat [This is what happiness is about...♥] [Is here to keep him company (but is also enjoying it)] [Tasty food is the best] [Om nom nom] [Nod x1022] [Enjoying it] Why is the pizza so good? [(Serious) So tasty, it makes him angry] Pizza and sweet food! That's all I need [RIWOO's favorite foods] I could eat those for the rest of my life [Shakes head] I can't... [Sorry] [Is so happy regardless] I can't have anymore [SUNGHO sticks to his schedule and gets ready to wash up] I'm so happy [LOL] I'm eating so much, oh no [He comes to his senses after the pizza disappears] I shouldn't be like this -What are you doing? -This is fun [What have you been up to?] [Droop] -What are you doing? -This is fun [LOL] [I'll join you] [Must try anything that's fun] [Ctrl+C] [Ctrl+V] [Tell us what's so funny...] [FUNNEXTDOOR... LOL] [Goodbye pizza, hello bubble tea] It's okay, pizza won't make you gain weight [Sip] Is it legendary? Is it good? [Curious but doesn't want any] I eat way too much [Moments of self-reflection] [BOYNEXTDOOR trivia: Dieter(?) rule] [Say something about yourself before anyone else can] Wow, they pack it like this It looks really good [So many dishes in one spot (Dun dun) Waffles with whipped cream] After this, I'll just work out more [Staying positive] Wow! Can you show us? [Nom] [Enjoying it] [Want some?] [No] I can't eat whipped cream Want me to wipe it off? [Into my mouth] [LOL] [So cool] [Our RIWOO is amazing...] [I'm here] Is SUNGHO not going to have any? [The two houses finally meet(?)] He's busy It's just us two [Full] What? The two of you had pizza, dakgangjeong... [Seriously???] A whole chicken... -A whole chicken? -And I had two waffles [Communication error] -What? -And I'm having this [And two waffles... RIWOO is somewhere between regret and satisfaction] Wow, really? [Are you being serious?] -Really? -Yes What am I going to do? [LOL] But... he really does eat a lot... It's like watching Doraemon [Satisfied♥] [RIWOO-aemon, let's get it] What is SUNGHO doing? He's washing up [Tidy prince] Oh, he must not be eating this because he's watching what he eats I am, as well [RIWOO explains] so I ended up filling my empty stomach with all this food It was that empty [What...? What are you talking about...?] While your stomachs are shrinking mine was just biding its time [=I waited for this day] Rationalization... [(Sure, sure) You should fill whatever is empty] What's with the rationalization? [The best thing to do, rationalize] Let's show them Five, six, seven, eight [Appears] [Back to slipping down their chairs] What are you doing? -What is this? -Hey Between the two of us, we had dakgangjeong, a large pizza [RIWOO-aemon's dinner] and I had two waffles with whipped cream and I'm now having this [Giant bubble tea] Time for cardio [What is this conversation...? End of dinner = Cardio] [Reactions have left the chat] [Looks around] [FUNNEXTDOOR... LOL] -What is this? -It's so funny [Fails to get a reaction out of it] I'll also do some cardio! [BOYNEXTDOOR trivia] [JAEHYUN's cardio: JAEHYUN lies down] What is this? Wait [Wow...] You look like.. [But I Like You] -You look like you're out of it right now -Cardio [You're watching what happens late at night when you eat a lot] Move, move! [★Real cardio equipment is here★] What is this? [It's mine] -This is so funny -What is this? [Two houses become one with chaotic cardio] Cardio you can do at home [This is what this is] [Like this] If you want to do cardio but can't jump at home... [3 am energy] [Please don't forget] [about TAESAN in his own little world...] [SUNGHO is deep into "Serenade"... LOL] Do you do this every day? No Real dieters buy stuff and never use them You only try it out on the first day and never again [Just being together makes them happy] I'm pretty sure I've used it more than he has [Slide] He's better at it than me [After a good laugh together...] [Time for some alone time...] [Just kidding!] [Is used to this but still finds it funny LOL] [How do I look?] [BOYNEXTDOOR trivia] [LEEHAN's strange(?) actions: Has no real reason for the things he does] [In deep thought(?)] [There is someone here] [SUNGHO decided to head to bed early] What should I wear tomorrow? [TAESAN CAM] [Name: Full of TAESAN's vibes by Giant Mountain] Bye bye I'll continue tomorrow [Customizing with TAESAN is over-☆] We're going to bed now [But we want to play more] Bye We can turn off the living room lights [Feeling like they can play more but going to bed...☆] [Goodnight, everyone] [Next episode] [We're not done yet] [The second day at their homes is even more realistic] [Blank...] [They start the day in their own ways] [*Not the same footage from yesterday] They like the sand [Staring at water +1] [Great chemistry everywhere] Wake up, wake up, wake up! [Come on] I'm scared What are you doing? What? [But BOYNEXTDOOR are happiest when they're all together] [Ctrl + C] [Ctrl + V] I'll be going on a walk [A peek into their daily lives Available only on "FUNNEXTDOOR"] [Our boys like to go on walks] Wow, this place is so pretty [Take breaks] Just keep lying down Wow, this place is amazing [Enjoy hobbies] There are so many cool things here Wow, this looks great [BOYNEXTDOOR know how to relax!] Oh, this is nice [To be continued next week] [*Bonus video] [Who made the logo of the first episode?] [Knock knock] [Bonus clip] [Polite SUNGHO appears] Did you just knock on the door? BOYNEXTDOOR... [Subconscious] It's not bad, right? [Working on the logo] I pay attention to all of these details [SUNGHO put a lot of effort into it] It needs something more [FUNNEXTDOOR]
Views: 1,363,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VmmcqC-MO14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.