Boy vs. Girl Prison Escape Challenge (MCPE)

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boy girl prison escape you're going down girl you're going down boy what are you a boy or a girl you better stand on the live class your plate boys are the best objective find all of the diamonds this is gonna be the easiest prison escape of my entire life okay seriously guys look at this the first diamond is literally just staring at me in the face so I'm gonna go ahead and grab that one up oh and what are these possibly choker boxes with diamonds I bet if Briana saw this she would have no idea what's even inside of these or even a check them in the first place oh and and now I sound really dumb because they're actually empty anyways moving along so I believe the map said that there are 10 hidden diamonds throughout this map one of these shell core boxes is gonna open up for me something here is gonna be hidden and there's gonna be a diamond this over here is sell Jade this one over here is unnamed oh wait maybe there's a shulker box in the floor check it out guys we've got even more cells over here this is the boys prison notices weights room is out of order ok well that's I mean obviously guys I'm lifting every single day so this is unacceptable check this prison out though guys like this is actually a pretty nice prison I'm not even gonna lie what is this over here oh we got the UH ha ha and you think you can hide diamonds from me over here prison escape map not a chance ooh look at the showers guys the showers even have lava that come out I want to take a shout okay whoa whoa whoa the Oh No okay Oh No all right I don't think this was supposed to happen the shower could not contain the awesomeness that is lava that is a little bit of bad news bears I think we're gonna be okay there looks like nothing is catching on fire thank God so we're gonna be okay now I'm noticing something right here looks like we got a little bit of a parkour challenge and as the parkour King we're gonna nail this it's gonna be easy so check this out we're gonna jump over okay I'm I'm have you talked a little bit of a big game right now I'm actually not sure who Oh jump when you go on the slime oh is this is the next area of the prison I think it is ladies and gentlemen yo check this out okay we're gonna do this again how do I get up here oh oh there's a diamond there okay that we need that diamond guys let me see if I owe okay all right jump boost there we go let's get the next diamond and check it out we just found the next area of the map oh there's a shulker box that you can open over here oh that is really cool I where we at right now Sauron cells see oh there's always something behind item frames guys don't think you could try to hide anything for me okay you know what hey don't tell the warden of this prison that I just broke that I don't know where the warden is exactly right now I feel like he should have been here some time ago I mean I'm kind of like a rogue prisoner right now finding diamonds inside of a prison but we now have four out of the ten diamonds I would say we're doing a pretty good job right now I'd be like I'm really impressed with us skills ladies and gentleman but the more diamonds you find everybody knows the more difficult it gets I'm sure that girl Breanna is gonna be struggling whenever she gets to her prison escape perspective she's probably like wondering right now what day see I told you guys there's something always hidden by an item frames I knew I wasn't crazy yeah that's right give me that fifth and final diamond well okay not them not final them but we are now at that halfway point with our diamond finding and what's over here and sell D oh yeah again another diamond thank you so much sell D for being so good to me and I think we've now checked every single one of these cells we might want to go back downstairs I'm just gonna check and see if there's anything on the roof now we did see that very interesting place over here where the chakra box was and I want to know how to get to that so I'm kind of curious can I like jump through this I mean I don't think you can I mean okay we're gonna try yeah yeah okay I figured that you couldn't jump through that but you know we had to test it for science guys so let me go back over here so we're gonna jump over here get a jumpers jump up here oh there's also this right down here too looks like there's like a secret area down here maybe there's a lever or no no okay nevermind I don't think that's actually a secret area that's just me being a Dunst alright can we please get back up here now hold on no I'm struggling right now this slime is being extra slimy alright there we go we're back up here okay so there's gotta be some way to get inside this area like look at this this is wait do I see it wait what does that say what I can't see what it says it's got a secret message guys hold on I need to know what this says oh I can't even see through the Shocker box this might not even be the right way but I thought we might have to go inside that shelter box or do something kind of crazy over there I think we've now checked everything in the upstairs cells maybe what we'll do is we might want to go back downstairs see if there's anything else down here before going back and upstairs we've got six diamonds and total right now there's only four more remaining so if you guys are seeing any right now on your screens I need you comment down below if you've seen any because I might have very well just ran fast some of them and check it out guys I think this right here this is the cafeteria oh yeah I'm gonna take that diamond give me that diamond oh and once you get all 10 diamonds place ten diamonds in the first slot of the chest okay all right well I'm gonna wait until have every single diamond before I place those down cuz right now we're actually doing a really good job whoa there's a security room in here with an invisible maze what is this security drop floor is active I'm just not gonna touch the floor I'm assuming you ever touch the floor something really bad happens hmm but there's a diamond here oh we got it okay didn't even have to touch the floor wait what is this what is this this is the storage room maybe wait I just solid I've in an f5 mode let's go ho ladies and gentlemen give me that last diamond why do I keep saying last diamond is technically the last diamond there's still one more diamond what does the same subscribe to t-series no do not subscribe to t-series dadgummit what are these memes that have been hidden over here inside of this boyish prison I gotta say by the way guys I am very impressed with this boy president it is a beautiful prison with so many cool things inside of it I am really enjoying my time in here so far I never thought I would say that about a prison but I've actually really enjoyed my time inside of this this this prison I know it's very strange to say you'll never hear me say that again I promise you that ladies and gentlemen I promise you that I wonder how Briana is gonna handle being in prison I mean you know she's a pretty girl pretty girls usually don't handle being in prison very well now that I think about unlike anybody angels prison very well pretty or not pretty okay what is this invisible maze you think this is gonna stop me the master of parkour and minecraft not a chance I'm gonna just lightning ball through okay Oh security room okay hey what's oh why is it pink inside of here this is not very boyish oh the escape block is over here Oh the last and final diamond let's go guys we're just that all ten diamonds lickety-split literally have no problem right there I am just master at price oh sorry I get a little bit excited whenever I'm playing prison man I just want to say right now though I probably would not have found all ten diamonds if it wasn't for the legendary Preston styles fire merch really down below in the description this ain't even out yet this is our pink camo look for it soon it's pretty cool isn't it now we've got to read a gate this invisible maze what should be literally the easiest thing in the entire planet but once we get out of here we put our ten diamonds in the chest and then I think we are gonna be able to go through the escape lock over there that's if I could find my way back through this invisible maze this is actually a little bit more difficult than I remembered it oh wait no no no no it's not no it's not there we go ladies and gentlemen let's put our diamonds in the chest and see way wouldn't what did I get all these items I don't even remember getting these items but whatever okay diamonds in the chest ladies and gentlemen security breach security escape but locked let's go ladies and gentlemen we gotta go back to the invisible maids double time double time okay this is not double time this is like singular time press oh you are missing a lot of these there should be a lot easier come on come on yes security room security room please let me through ladies and gentlemen wait justice can't wait we have an escape oh no hold on I might have got too excited guys I thought we escaped the prison we haven't escaped yet we gotta keep going we gotta keep going oh my gosh there's more what the heck is this all right we could do this we just gotta jump we're not going to follow the lava and die yes I told you guys we found in the lava and died we're back to escape this prison me where does the sign say it says exit let's go ladies and gentlemen let's go we're just escaped prison beat that girl so Preston thinks that he's gonna be able to beat me and a prison escape I don't think so girls rule boys drool let's get into it okay I have to find all of the red stone I can do this I mean it's pink I bet you guys that the boys prison is smelly I just like a soup like this is so pretty whoa here I found me a red stone what else do we have here this is so pretty I feel like I could watch a football game I'm not even afraid of this prison this girl's prison is pretty oh I found me another redstone how many is that now - and I have not even doing this one three okay what is over here guys okay I already found that one there is a garden in girl's prison y'all I bet you that boys do not have it guarded they don't have flowers in boys prison because boys present is stinky it's just a stinky prison okay so we're gonna look around the gardens have to find six more red stones okay okay you did find this but already I keep going back to the same place I came from I'm being silly okay so we found those you guys you gotta help me you gotta help me okay let's see let's see this cell is so nice have a pink bed I have an Seanna have a little wash and bin I mean I said hang out here there is a library I mean you literally I found another one I have half of my red stones down already guys literally what is this I mean this literally looks like a ballet bar I can be doing ballet right now I'm sure that's not one of this and you are gonna correct me down in the comments below but I'm gonna tell myself that this is a ballet bar because that's what I would like it to be I am using my imagination right now people what is this this looks fancy this looks like a fancy shower thing Oh cuz it is guys I think as I destroy it I think I am doing things that I'm not supposed to be doing but that's fine we're gonna ignore that oh oh oh I found another one I found six I found six ooh plus seven okay I'm shocked they were so close together they didn't even make me work hard for that one guys they're getting a little sneakier with the last couple cuz I have three more and I haven't found them ooh ooh eight okay okay eight is great but we need ten eight is great for me too guys tell me do you see it do you see it where is it where is Preston is probably beating me and he's not allowed to he's just he's not allowed to beat me girls have to win although the thing is is I'm kind of okay with being trapped in here it's pretty it's a really pretty person I know oh my okay I never thought I would say those words it's a bomb I never thought the words pretty prison would come out of my on my mouth maximum beauty so wait let's take a tour ladies and gentlemen oh oh okay so just this whole cell is a beauty cell yeah ladies and gents the boys cell is probably not called a beauty cell a cell of beauty y'all should be jealous okay so place all ten red stones in the first slot of the chest okay oh I did that wrong so that's fine but we're gonna put them there objectives scape through the tower I said scape through the tower I can't even speak English today scape through this hour they were escaping so I'm gonna put the slime block here okay I'm feeling like I'm gonna have to be doing some parkour and that makes me a little nervous but you know we're not gonna ever not gonna admit defeat just yet oh I like this I don't know why I'm really proud of that and y'all are probably like not impressed at all but I'm very proud of myself so yay that is a first step at escaping this rainbow wait it's not even a rainbow it's a boy versus girl prison now it's like a slime Beauty prison I never thought slime and beauty prison would be combined but ladies and gentlemen it is today and I am working on escaping it Wow look look wait did I make it do I make it what does this appear what is this where am I guys I'm lost there is so much going on and it's baby ooh yes please break me off a piece of whatever is happening maybe you just want to stay here maybe this is where he stop stop it right now did I is this what I wanted to do guys is this it is this the it exit it there is no way Preston beat me on this you guys I mean there's just no it I even give you a tour because I felt so comfortable I aced this is this test I feel very proud that girls won this round with my parkour practicing there's just no way girls got this in the bag I'll see you next time bar next boys versus girls I need your help my wife Breanna thinks that she's going to sell more of the pink lip bags at Preston Styles calm we need to prove to her that we're gonna sell more of the red lip bags the link is down below in the description loser gets slime please help us win this more so we can slime Breanna
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 8,298,195
Rating: 4.7852292 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, prestonplayz, preston, prestonplayz boy vs girl, boy vs girl prestonplayz, brianna playz, boy vs girl, boys vs girls
Id: asqxf36fZt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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