Box Jellyfish: The World's Deadliest Creature | Animal Documentary

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beneath Australia's tropical waters lurks a creature known to be the most venomous on earth its sting causes agonizing pain sometimes death incredible crabs shifting all around my back my stomach I couldn't get comfortable I was in it takes pain I did stop breathing several times it was just easier not to try and breathe a lot of tremendous pain yeah agonizing pain I say they fellas don't even want to live [Music] and crop search is a mangrove Creek in August he's looking for an important early stage in the lifecycle of this deadly creature good Rock it's very possible to polyps adhering to this but no way can I see it with the naked eye so I like to take it back to the lab for Jamie to look at under the microscope dr. Jamie Seymour of James Cook University is intensively studying the little-known behavior and lifecycle of the creature Jamie sees the sedentary polyp stage affixed to the rock it reproduces itself a sexually by budding off additional creeping polyps a single stinging cell kills planktonic prey after months of feeding and budding the polyp begins its metamorphosis the complete transformation of its body into a swimming stage it's now a jellyfish Medusa struggling to break loose from the bottom and swim away [Music] it slowly changes shape to a minut box jellyfish the birth of chironex fleckeri the world's deadliest creature we seem to surmise so much you know to fill in all these gaps that that we don't know about the behavior even even where they go to spawn I mean I've always surmised that they come into the mouth of the rivers but maybe not whether or not they swim up the creeks and spawn whether they actually spawn at sea who knows we do know that the juvenile box jellyfish feed and grow and proliferate in the mangrove nursery awaiting their time to leave ultimately destined to become a threat to man [Music] [Music] [Music] it certainly are lots and lots of box jellyfish here they're all moving out of the history past my walls here around the point and by tomorrow they'll be all around on four mile beach this is the last week of November so they're spot on time because this is a normal time that they leave the air street and head around to the beach and that's where they'll find enough food and they'll grow big and fat and dangerous invisible killers invade our beautiful northern beaches nice size if there's one there's always a second or third one well juvenile quad regardless now only yesterday we saw all those box jellyfish coming out of the Airstream well they're here now they only took one day to swim out here about five nautical miles and there's hundreds and hundreds of them literally it's amazing just how many every few meters there's another box jelly fish swimming along feeding but fortunately for the swimmers here in Port Douglas this pod regardless is not deadly like like a slicker right and it won't kill you it won't even put you in hospital it'll sting and hurt and lonely grow about twice this size which isn't too bad Ben's dog Tuffy is too hairy to be stung sometimes the shadow is clearer than the creature which most people cannot see well he's a bot oh there's a whole group oh oh like he might hands a little bit tough and that doesn't hurt so so much but what I've got to be very careful of you know when I've got these tentacles on my fingers that I don't go and touch my face touch my nose or or ears or mouth because then I'll really scream they'll really hurt but my hands are pretty sort of used to getting stung like that now this guy quadriga at us it certainly could give you a lot of a lot of pain especially a child or a woman because most women waiting along here would have shave their legs and that bare skin that's very easy for those tentacles to to adhere to the skin and pump that all those in the medicine with the poison into the skin toughy look at that all right in front of your nose look at the tough Tuffy's are pretty hairy sort of dog about these noses vulnerable to this and if that thing attacks you on the nose you would have got one last thing to do is to get this vinegar pour it all over my hand and my fingers where I I got stung and that'll just stop any unfired the mouth assists on any tentacles that maybe they're you know stinging me again very very good idea to leave this vinegar on the beach here so that just in case you do get stung most popular beaches have a stinger net the large box jellyfish can't get through outside the stinger net you must wear a protective lycra see for this big adult chironex fleckeri will kill that's almost full adult size very very dangerous box jellyfish kill more people in the tropical north than crocodiles and sharks combined gambling with their lives some people still chance a swim on contact each tentacle fires millions of poisonous darts called nematocysts into the skin the shock and pain is intense [Music] why are you dragging here max while you've got this thing in there just behind to protect the bathers while doing these drags is determining what animals are about what jellyfish sherbert and what variety and what numbers that determines the amount of risk that we have today there's with the various jellyfish about a lot of people are very very interested about the jellyfish and we actually go out of a way to try and give the people the right information about these jellyfish so they too can enjoy the safety of swimming along the coast of North Queensland everyone the beach is clear of course we carry our primary first aid equipment for the jellyfish sting which has been again we carry least four liters in the hunt and there is other liters of vinegar at strategic places along the coastline we carry compress advantaging to limit the transfer of toxins through the body after a sting and it calls first aid equipment and oxygen equipment to further treat the a serious case and you still administer antivenin we no longer administer antivenin the Debenham and they're usually after the beats is very very quickly and hopefully within eight minutes we can have the patience for things beneath the singer that seems to be a real godsend for bathers in Far North Queensland certainly they are since they were first installed in the mid 80s no chance of a box jellyfish getting in there these nets are designed and improved each year those victims who survived their terrible whip-like scars from the millions of stinging Barb's they fade like memories painfully slowly believe it or not actually in this area right here yeah right here I was chasing my dog and yeah so right here was where it happened walked into him mr. Parris Goebel oh yeah a lot of tremendous pain agonizing pain thought it was sea lice at first but then my boyfriend grabbed me and lifted me up and out of the water all the tentacles came yeah it was a pretty big bad rush to the hospital within minutes the ambulance was here and and what about Andy Bennett they gave me the anti-venom and my thighs and scarring a little bit yeah not too much so I'm very lucky compared to what I got hit with well Jodie I guess the big question is do you still go back in the water I know I've actually I come down the beach a lot but no no swimming at all locals turn to freshwater pools in the hot summer months [Music] back on the beach the danger prevails good that's 30 40 animals so far this morning in the violent good morning for it nice and smooth no we have a nice shark Becky go that ray just whacked me right in there but didn't penetrate now I couldn't believe it he could get that barb on the tile right back yeah almost to the head clothes lots of them here isn't it dr. Seymour monitors for mile beach every week counting the population measuring their growth rate and logging the prevailing conditions gives us feet per minute as a wind speed reading which we then convert back to metric to kill him ears now 870 feet per minute what's the turbidity test for basically we're doing is dropping a standard white that sized white fish into the water deeper the second depth the clear water just like when you go to the reef and I said is 25 meter visibility yeah we're doing exactly the same thing here but using a standard disc so we can come back if it's if the SEC adapts one meter then it's reasonably turbid water you can't see anything second depth is six or seven meters which it is normally here that's really nice clear clean water basically whole thing's about trying to correlate when the animals turn up so if we can work out what physical parameters the animals like yeah should be able predict when they turn up and when they go away James Cook University is at the forefront of box jellyfish research the summer danger lessens the quality of our outdoor lifestyle these look pretty healthy they live about three days in the aquarium you know they start to shrivel up after a day or so they get smaller and smaller them eventually they're dead those euphranor food I think been I mean yeah we can feed them two or three times a day here full moment with food and it's gone within a couple of hours I mean I think given the animals only live a couple of months you know as adults you've got a stuffed food I think that's all right it's just eat and eat and eat and eat meat especially what we got your benefits across the temperature cabin keeps the water at a certain temperature what we're trying to do is keep the work out what breathing rate are the jellyfish is one of series is at the end of the season it's too cold and the animals die so what we're doing here - we've got the jellyfish constant temperature in water and we've got basically measuring the amount of oxygen that they use so other words they're breathing right put another way what the heart rates do now as you drop the water temperature their heart rate slows down so as it gets colder and colder let's slow down - eventually you reach a point where just gets too cold and then a heart stops now what we're doing so far is doing this at different temperatures need to find out what the relationship is and the data that we've got well the Matthews got so far suggest that the temperature that these animals stop working it's about 25 degrees C which is about the temperature at the end of the season sea water temperature end of the season sort of mangenuity so once you get dozen days a week worth of really cold water animals time that probably signals the end of the season not too sure but that's probably what happened in the course of his documentary film work and crop has also carried out 16 years of research on the box jellyfish and made several important discoveries of their behaviour by monitoring the creatures underwater his son Adam accompanies him I love the eerie waters of the mangrove it swarms with life the mangroves link with the box jellyfish is vital they grow up here and their food comes from here [Music] [Music] I see one barely escaped the closing jaws of a giant clam and then impale itself on the quivering barb of a sea urchin not a happy start to its day one swims inside the other and I don't know why their tentacles tangled and become a tug of war their main died a little shrimp and schooling bait fish for eyes one on each side of its Bell gives excellent vision wrapped up in tentacles it's now drawn into the stomach this prey is too large and escapes but I see its motley wounded when food is plentiful I've seen box jellyfish double their size in three days at a steady swimming speed of over two knots I follow a big one along the foreshore and watch how it stalks its prey [Music] [Music] Adam about 15 years ago that's when they discovered the Predators of the box jellyfish and that was a very important discovery because the predation is what keeps the population under control and I was quite amazed at the the fish that I found that ate the box jellyfish the butter fish now that's such an insignificant in a little fish people when they catch it they throw it back or they feed it to the cat not very important but it eats box jellyfish also the bat fish again official tends to get thrown away not eaten the most aggressive that I found eating the Box jelly was the spine foot I remember you know when you look in here among the roots there's always the spine foot swimming around among the roots a very very common very aggressive type of fish and they just loves box jellyfish but the the real predator I mean the best of all was the Hawksbill turtle and the hawksbill turtles I mean they just love box diligence they really do they just come up to a big one and just tear it apart as if it's their normal diet which it probably is because hawksbills you know they do live close inshore and they'd see these box jelly and all turtles eat jellyfish but the Hawksbill that in particular goes for the box jelly because it's in the area who here lives it's a pity also that these fish they're not protected if they're caught in the nets or caught on the line there regardless trash and they're thrown back or taken home for the cat the Hawksbill is protected but lots of them accordion nets barramundi nets or shark nets and so they're a bit on decline and this decline of those particular species may be the reason why there's been what appears to be a rapid increase in the box jellyfish population in these last year's so I'm getting to still search I still want to find out more predators because if we can find those out protect those animals then hopefully we can keep the population of the box jellyfish under control we for the war say the late thirties we used to do a lot of swimming all the time people come from near and far kids on the beach and we have to get a lot of turtles those days and cleaning them particularly the stomach part the intestines we always found quite a lot of jellyfish and in the process of cleaning quite often we've got stung on the hands some were severe stings somewhere and nothing but we didn't know anything about the different sorts of jellyfish so we did never take any notice of it they could have been Irukandji and then but I do know that there's a lot of jellyfish around now and very very few turtles I personally feel that the turtles did have a lot to do with the equipment population and jellyfish bill Marshall has a strong point aborigines say the turtles suffer from stomach fungus and worms and when all they eat jellyfish as a medicine Ben sees a rare flatback turtle eating a huge hair jelly with the turtles in trouble it swallowed too many tentacles and is groggy and can't dive in Ben crops quest to discover more predators of the box jellyfish he swims under his wharf and follows a blue swimmer crab agile aggressive feeder you [Music] you I found a new predator this blue swimmer crab now is very common here in the estuaries and have along the beaches and this guy just loves box jellyfish well I think I'll let you go you can go back and eat some more it's another important discovery or predation does hold the key to population control but we unwittingly regularly catch all the Predators of the box jellyfish the mangrove trees that breathe in the drowning tides Harbor a rich community of marine life for the mangroves single most important role is as a nursery it's an essential food and shelter in the juvenile stage of the lifecycle of almost every coastal sea creature [Music] [Music] mudcrab is probably another predator and a gourmet delight most other jellyfish grow up in the mangroves this one flips upside down because its food is above the mosaic jelly migrates ocean wide and commensal fish find sanctuary inside the belt the Portuguese man-of-war was unfairly blamed for early fatalities before the box jellyfish was recognized [Music] this is the hair jelly that paralyzed the turtle Tomoya fire jelly has four heavy whip-like tentacles and a powerful sting spotted papules on its Bell are clusters the creature is armed all over there has been very little research into first-aid remedies for box jellyfish stings vinegar is the only one recommended but there must be others then intends to find out the painful way another bad sighs that one yeah that one could put a child in hospital I didn't think me okay I'll see one get a tentacle stuck okay put it back in the water keep it alive oh oh boy Wow little red wheels coming up there Wow okay it's enough vinegar please don't be long oh okay see there's Rick oh okay that's enough that's enough well look at the tentacle left there see just in there now that vinegar is supposed to inhibit the than the matter sister that haven't been fired yet and so really if I press this again these tentacles now I'm not getting any any any further sting Oh talk about stinging up here yeah but there's no more sting so that that vinegar is inhibited and literally stopped those other the masters from firing that really made them dead so but it doesn't stop the pain I mean stopping a secondary skin but not the pain not at all okay next one then yes that'd be two ten Duyck I know you got to do it okay we'll just get c1 get some pinnacle see I gotta pull it off oh really hurt oh okay yeah stingers this thing is an element sulphate concentration and space it was developed for for box jellyfish they're not a little bit more okay our planes going a little that's going a little it's cool it's still hurting okay go press the tentacles here and see where I can make them fire again no I can feel what the pain up here but not down there that no more secondary ski stinging so the Stingers you know is working much the same as as a vinegar cost a bit more that's about all but oh boy oh I'm gonna have a sore arm after this both both arms saw what they doing Adam is that they they're not stopping the pain yeah they're not stopping the pain there's supposed to be a your first aid treatment their remedy and another very good remedy I mean really you know we've got to find something better than this because it's not stopping the pain it only maybe is stopping more pain on any further secondary stiffness sting well okay I got one more one more to do now this is the cry named Lily and the aborigines actually use this for a first aid on box jellyfish in fact a few years ago I saw that it actually in action a little Aboriginal kid got hit by box jellyfish and the parent ran out grabbed the kid dragged in a straw and then he raced up into the bush and he found one of these crying in Lily's came back and with it and then he started to actually crunch it all up and to get the juice out of it and then he applied that juice right over the the sting on a little aboriginal kid now I don't know how much would work because that poor little guy really was screaming a lot but they believe that this works just like how vinegar works on box jellyfish thing so I'm gonna try it I'm gonna put this guy I'm hurting on this arm I'm hurting on this and he leaves the legs it's okay I guess the inner side that's very sensitive just wake up on there I'm sorry I said that that's a very sensitive area okay take it away oh there's not even any juice coming out I remember the Aborigines rubbed it but I don't like that because all it's doing is making any any the matter sister fire again is it working oh oh look at the redness there that's better forget about this one I'm slightly with vinegar I'm gonna lie down you know this is the same place where only a few weeks ago we've got hundreds and hundreds of box jellyfish in the net today nothing absolutely nil in box jellyfish and you start to question why now there's not much food here so did they go elsewhere where there's more food or did they simply die off through lack of food because we do know that the box jellyfish requires a lot of food every day now a couple of weeks time the rains are going to come and I'm sure that there were a whole lot of box jellyfish back here again maybe a new wave coming out of the river or perhaps the guys who were here before coming back but the trouble is we surmise too much about the box jellyfish we don't really know a lot of that about their behavior too many gaps and we surmise to fill in those gaps we've still got a lot to learn along the tropical coast and out to sea works another deadly box jellyfish a thousand times smaller than the big conics yet it packs a punch so powerful the victims end up in intensive care and believe they will die it's golden Irukandji I was hit on the chest by four four of them yes excruciating pain I did stop breathing several times it was just easier not to try and breathe because it felt like I was paralyzed and we're in intensive care yes intravenous valium in the hospital Wow and they're only tiny that I can't see them two centimeters nothing not even that one centimeter across amazing amazing something so small can inflict so much pain well I can't remember being in that much we arrived at our first sight which is about 30 nautical miles northeast of here on the outer reef I was in there for about 10 minutes snorkeling around and I felt just a little irritation underneath the mast it's in my cheek and not not really that painful just a bit prickly sort of feeling not as bad as let's say a bluebottle sting and then I've got the back on board and I asked one of the crew members Lee I said can you see something then she said ah look it's slightly raised little bump you big wuss she said I said fair enough so that was okay and then I noticed pain in the in my lower back either side I don't normally get back pain it shifted I had incredible cramps shifting all around my back my stomach I couldn't get comfortable I was in intense pain and also I had nausea on top of that the feeling I had to throw up but there was nothing to throw up I thought you when they brought you back in here in the marina and yet you were a mess with face was all swollen up you were red your tears were running down your face I mean you must have felt as if you're going to die then they gave me pethidine straight away and that was the first bit of relief that was you know you just need massive pain killers just to slow everything down and by the time I went to hospital they hooked me up to the the old heart machine there and my heart was racing really racing and I figured later if I had of being someone with a weak heart it could have been worse did you feel as if you're going to die well I certainly felt as though I didn't want to live all swimmers in the far north the vulnerable whether scuba diving on the offshore reefs was swimming in the protective stinger nets these tiny creatures easily swim through the mesh and join the unsuspecting bathers most Irukandji stings occur here there has even been a victim in a swimming pool on a cruise ship marine biologist Russell hor is searching for the elusive Irukandji in the first two months of this year the creature has already put 15 victims into intensive care badly by hurricanes you didn't years ago I've got a fairly nasty sting just after Christmas and it was more inspiration to get involved with some of the research to find a little bit more about them I have a moment is free little known about them at all terms of especially in terms of life history and things like that well I've never seen one I mean I've seen thousands of box jellyfish but never never cane tea and then it's so tiny very few people have actually ever seen a white on mercury fields in dead one the world collection stands at less than 100 this is your favorite place this is the place where history tells us most things have a clear unfortunates about the only information that we can use to try and be down there to target them now you're catching many here not so much this year no I haven't but the conditions are just starting to come right today so we're especially hopeful for today this thing is is no bigger than a thumbnail and yet catch such a wallop I'm a Mason too grew the size of colonies it would just walk you out immediately the actual molecular weight of the venema ship to be properly calculated as being worked on at the moment for the consumable to Australia and Britain research universe is down in Melbourne that's all we're buying they're working towards is trying to get enough specimens here so we can develop an anti-venom gently forget something due to the aggravation of being in the net and whatever else so usually fairly active they'll be pumping across the surface of the water whenever deja leadership is not after not the one it's a very common jelica should we get up here the one they are sewing that another one in there spot gonna do another drag yes I believe you had a lot of sleep teammates here so we were seven suspected stings and the speech alone on Sunday afternoon and two more reporters things of mission beaching for Dobis yesterday as well all their accountant suspected has all been Irukandji the stage yes we know almost nothing about the life cycle of the euro kanji except for it's distressing symptoms which have a characteristic time delay of some 30 minutes oh yeah we're gonna fish few things in there yeah you see them it's getting the job you need a closer look okay cause what's happening just miracles alright get four tentacles it's story--it yeah that's it that's it after all this time there it is look it's so tiny Russell so Chinese how'd imagine that that's probably the most deadly speech on earth both speculations finally got one Peter how many people a year would get stung by the Irukandji well it does vary an awful lot to maybe say only 20 some years and up to 200 another it varies from season to season 200 in one year yes there's even been up to 50 on one day at one time which caused a bit of havoc in the local hospital and most of those end up in intensive care no not all of them some are just treated in the casualty unit the symptoms kind of severe but not too bad but others need to be admitted into the hospital and some need treatment in intensive care and there's been an increasing number this year we're just polishing your pulse your hearts beating 96 so it is quite elevated and we'll keep monitoring you for some time yet please I've got goose bumps then it's 20 minutes since you've come out of the water it is definitely a sign of a fossil one of our jellyfish stings how you feeling elsewhere in your body actually and we've a sore back and moment for EMS immediately they'll be about eight minutes before they get here favor please relax stay calm check electrodes Peter this little Irukandji I'm it's no bigger than my fingernail and yet it packs this incredible punch I mean it's got to be one of the world's deadliest creatures well you'd have to say that I mean carnac's has always been acknowledged as the most deadly creature in the world but chironex may be up to 30 centimeters in width this is only to say 2 centimeters in width and it can prostrate an adult fit adult for up to 8 days in intensive care so yes it's very very venomous for its size [Music] port Bradshaw is in the remote part of Arnhem Land and we've come here in search of the big and dangerous coronets flickery it's a scenic place that belies the danger lurking here Michele Mason is helping Jamie lycra suits are a must definitely a flicker eye if you have a look at the difference between the two the flexor I've got this big wicked spur on this you know right now haha and the quarry's we were getting at southern formal I've got almost a right angle and a right lease think about these really wicked looking spur it's another big one grief yeah he tried on it Jamie no thank you absolutely yeah this is full of things like rubber gloves I mean side they're all the donuts starting out with we're putting back again Jamie and I dragged the deeper water where it's hard to visually see the animal a lurking crocodile is more on our mind I'll keep an eye out for Crocs that's the sort of one that can kill you pity pity most of these tentacles have been lost in the net no but just shows you that they're here yeah if I pull that off we hand catch a healthy specimen for an experiment if you want to whip up there and grab some transmitter in the gluon sort out tracking the animal should give us a pattern of its daily movements yeah all right good hearing there seems like he's moving not very fast there will be still a little bit shell-shocked it seems like he might be heading offshore traveling down the beach a little bit and see what happens seems like you might be heading off the coast we're gonna put the surf ski in the water I think and fall into that South twelve degrees twenty nine point nine eight two minutes east 136 degrees forty six point five two units [Applause] but do you think he's gone they must have come in sure find out when we can pick him out from somewhere yeah hey can't be far away he's coming to shore I can see it right here transmitter moving the animal what you what's those tentacles oh you still got them look at the tank I'll remove the transmitter letting go of space yeah what are you doing Jamie doing a good student that's gonna work with me what we try to do is is to be able to identify the jellyfish from the tentacles then left on somebody so what you do is you're taxing some tentacles back to the lab yeah you know the other thing we do is we actually take a a gun that sample out of the animals yeah we take that back and you can use that for DNA sequencing so we can actually tell hopefully where the animals from you know who it's parents were at least that's the theory anyway yeah so they've got four eyes one are basically every facet of the of the cube they're called cube jelly so pyramid juicy so they've got four sides to them and then there's an eye on each side they've got stat assists in there too which are balance organs it's like a little grain of sand which is attached to hairs so as the animal turns upside down some of the hairs pull differently so I can tell whether it's right way over the water column or torso down the Aboriginal community of Port Bradshaw lived with the daily danger of the box jellyfish surprisingly they told Ben none of them had been stung box jellyfish do not attack all encounters are accidental when the animal has not been able to avoid the human I've been washed up and lift up on the high tide yes that's the biggest box jellyfish that's a big one in it yeah whenever I got washed on the beach yeah really unfortunate began with a huge gun at its full gun it so there is a mature age that's definitely what your animal yeah okay yes that's the mouth there it's hollow it's like like a straw yeah it runs right up through the middle there think about the middle there's the series a reproductive gastric pouches of stomachs on the top of the animals nests over the animal that's got stomachs you one there one there one there and one on the other side you know the cuban ahjussi everything's based on four four four corners - yeah four stomachs yeah amazing animal yeah there's a bigger animal oh wow watch your hands it's a bigger one yeah this is the biggest we've seen yet yeah it's biggest one here good frightening so really these tentacles will probably stretch out to about 10 feet animal that saw us you see the gun and that's internally they just look like the fingers anus of rubber gloves tentacles in handsome is that really big jellyfish we found today look at all the reproductive organs for them actually mature animal I'm gonna take some samples of that no we just put the animal straight in for one start you take it back to the lab yeah are you getting stunned Jamie yes a lot what Bradshaw looks like paradise under water it's not Jamie still drags 4 Mile Beach when the seas are rough though he knows they won't be there today dining so been sort of 2 or 3 days of our work rough weather in the animal just disappear I suspect I'm not too sure where the heck that guys speak they scoff Shaw somewhere find somewhere comments and settle on the bottom don't know really a gamble in bends sixteen years of observations of the box jellyfish he has witnessed their remarkable ability to sense an approaching storm what is it well these box jellyfish look they're going upriver here yeah I've seen this happen before remember that last cyclone they came up a day before we even got the warning yeah it looks perfect here now you know no storm but yet I bet there's a strong wind warming up tomorrow you know I can't believe it with these guys they've got no brain you could see the how transparent they are just know nothing inside them it appears and yet they must be able to sense the vibrations in the water maybe from a storm a thousand kilometers away or they may even feel the dropping pressure but I bet there will be a strong wind warning out tomorrow and these guys know it before we do there is indeed a storm the next day the cyclone Kona is sweeping in towards Port Douglas these posters do we important and Commonwealth go find some shelter the safest place in the cyclone is up in the mangroves they never blow down we spend a wild night with winds gusting over 80 knots but the real fury of the cyclone barely touches us up the mangrove Creek the deluge will flush the baitfish out of the creek and I expect a new wave of box jellyfish to appear trees are down in the town and this was my plane hangar now this is the first calm day after the storm and I can see quite a number of box jellyfish moving past the wharf here and heading out to sea now it beats me how they know that the storm has passed I mean that the last few days have been up in the mangrove where it's nice and sheltered and yet somehow they know that the storm has passed the seas are calm and it's time to go back out to sea and around to the beaches they're remarkably intelligent far more advanced than what we give them credit for because somehow they can sense the vibrations of the storm they knew it was coming before I did and they knew that the storm had passed and okay to come back out to sea in Ben's search for a better remedy Roy Gibson shows him an Aboriginal bush medicine sit him all gone Rani oh yeah either gotta make this girl plays in the mid I guess actually just gonna test us out on whatever you feel the Box jelly yeah well it's something I mean a vinegar is acetic acid and this is formic acid so it could work as you see him at some mall down the bottom you look at them I'll get the Box jelly's okay you've got the bad size is he right on that arm there I'm right here straight on I've gotta get stung before okay now wait okay well I'll leave a couple tentacles on the right pulled off now Oh oh boy this is a good one yes okay your remedy it's one day oh that's like a poultice yeah oh hey that's a bit of relief yeah this is a bit of a relief it's working a little bit as good as vinegar you've got so many herbal medicines that up in the rainforest see this we've got the other find something your works on the box jellyfish well I've looked all along here for mild beats and no box jellyfish now it's May 6 so I guess the season is over I guess I can do a drag just to make sure but I assume that the box jellyfish has gone back into the mouth of the river the sport weapon right there you are Jordan dinner tonight let's see if we can find any box jellies in this nail and you know conditions are perfect out here the seas are calm what's a little baitfish you saw less than a prawn jumping obviously it's the end of the season okay boys what a relief to find the stingers have gone we have six months of safe swimming before they return in a news cycle the box jellyfish tarnishes our image in the north and restricts our lifestyle we must fill in those unknown gaps in their behavior the more we learn about such a creature the less frightening it becomes even though it is the world's deadliest creature [Music] look at this look at this guy Wow good that is a big big and old you know a foot foot across 24 centimeters that's a full adult size and look it's June 10 a month after the stinger season was was over and here's this big big guy wandering a long four mile beach here boy I wouldn't like to run into this guy we take the sinkings over and here's this monster wandering along the beach [Applause] well I suppose we can let him go I think he's on his last legs out [Music] I think he's about to die
Channel: Real Wild
Views: 114,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Wild, animal behavior, dangerous marine animals, deadly creature, deadly jellyfish species, deadly sea creatures, deadly underwater creatures, killer jellyfish, lethal jellyfish stings study, marine biodiversity study, marine conservation, nature conservation, nature exploration, ocean exploration, ocean life, ocean wildlife documentary, oceanographic research, sea life study, venomous sea creatures, venomous sea life, wildlife conservation
Id: 6kNavDFYzz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 2sec (3182 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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