Bowl Carving 1, 2, 3 with Maverick

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hello I'm maverick Jillette with King Arthur's tools and today I'm going to show you how to carve a basic bowl using King Arthur's tools the whole process normally takes about 4 to 5 hours however we've compressed it down for you into just a few minutes so let's get carving always begin your project was proper safety gear beginning with the blank upside down I draw an outline of the bottom of the bowl using the Lancelot in the upright position I carve from the line down to the outer edge of the blank working right to left by working right to left you're creating a slot for the grinder gear head to fit into allowing you to carve at maximum depth continue to carve completely around the blank now the outside is bowl shaped changing to the holey Galahad grind away the chainsaw marks and do any final shaping that is necessary now I change to an 80 grit I grain flap sanding wheel and smooth the bottom and outside let's carve out the bowl scribe a line approximately 1 inch from the outside edge using the Lancelot cut grooves at 90 degrees to one another make several passes to achieve the maximum depth now carve from the line in cutting away each pie shaped section repeat those same cuts as necessary check the thickness of the walls this is what I call the indexing cut the bottom of this cut will be the final thickness of the bottom of the bowl I use the Lancelot side-to-side and what I call a fan cut cutting and thinning the sides down to the bottom of the indexing cut switching back to the holy galahad i smooth and check the inside to achieve the final thickness using the Guinevere sanding system I sand the bowl inside and out in four progressions from sixty grit to 323 using Guinevere organic food safe wax for a finish I began by warming up the bowl with a hairdryer or heat gun I hand apply the wax thoroughly rubbing it into the warm wood by reheating the wax and reapplying you achieve a deep lustrous food-safe finish after letting the wax dry for 30 to 45 minutes I polished the bowl with the Guinevere polishing sleeves now you'll have a beautiful functional bowl that will last a lifetime
Channel: TheLancelottool
Views: 2,604,437
Rating: 4.7925563 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, woodcarving, kingarthurstools, bowl, katools, woodart, woodturning, lancelot, powercarving, powertools, guinevere, wood, carving, how to, maverick, tallahassee, tools
Id: kkPXQ0d7iS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2015
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