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okay so I'm going to be finishing off a little bit of extra work in the bathroom before the Tyler comes uh we've got a few things I need to just tidy up and while Vivian is out with philli doing some shopping what I'm going to do today is finish up the paneling the odd bits that have to be done finish up the filling uh and tiing up the joints and making it ready to go to the next stage which is Pink and just while we're talking about doing the finishing touches I think Viv is making an announcement about what she's going to be doing cuz all of you have generously posted your comments thank you very much and told us what you think we should do and we've listened very carefully and I think she's going to surprise [Music] you it's a happy and a sad day here at the Chateau because our poor little baby puppy baby bodair baby Bowie has just had to come out of surgery what on Earth is going on what has happened to our poor little baby baby bow well do you see his little he's all shaved look at this he's been shaved off and you see his knee here well his elbow he's had a titanium plate put in there he's been limping for months and we have a huge thank you to tell one of our incredible viewers who left a message in the comments saying that she thought that maybe it was a problem that's genetic that her little puppy had so we went back to the vet and sure enough that's what happened little Bowie who's been limping for months um and we thought it was just a sprain it turns out that was this uh problem with his knee basically becoming dislocated and he's had to have a huge surgery his lower arm has basically been cut through they've had to move it up so that the space in his elbow is reduced like the other one where he still has movement but where he can actually put his weight on it and use it and so they put in a plate and they've moved his leg up and they've they've screwed it all together again and uh he's in obviously recovery has a cone on here to stop worrying his stitches and everything else but sweet little shaved little paw you keep calling his little chicken leg he does he looks like he's got a little chicken leg chicken leg it is and is isn't it amazing we never would have realized what was wrong with him everyone kept telling us it was a sprain including the vet and then we went in and said specifically we need more tests done and sure enough he has this genetic problem which hopefully is going to be all settled and all sorted and a huge thank you to everybody out there who does leave comments because actually we do read them and listen and in some cases it can save a little puppy's life who's hopefully going to be running around and playing with his other little friends he's got all sorts of doggy friends that he wants to go hang out with again very soon and he's say where are my buddies some of you remember him playing with little lanc aot over at La he also loves de at the CH San mhm and he loves Prince Wendell as well at chat pu he can't play with any of them they're too rambunctious they're all puppies all the little puppies except for Dexter Dexter is the Dexter is the the wise man of the bunch I know you have to be content with us little guy the good news though is that once he's recovered I have a located someone who can do his grooming for him and little groomer down I mean what this I mean that's quite first of all they could give him a bath cuz he's a bit smelly listen he's a chatan shatow sha I've seen are covered in dirt oh that's true and they're like us they're like us this is they come in they come in and out of the house covered in dirt and lie on the rugs and play everybody thinks that that chatow life is glamorous but we all know do really grubby isn't it and then later we're going to take him to the vet and see how he's coming along and hopefully fingers crossed when we take him to the vet we will get a clean bill of health and he will be recovering nicely we'll take you to the vet with us and let's hope for the best yes what do you think let's hope for the best I think he's on the menend now are you two going to be okay together today because I have a shopping date with Phillip we'll be okay you think you don't want to come with us I have to work and he has to and he has to I have to work and he has to recover he has to cuddle and recover and when I get home we will all cuddle up together now before I get dressed and take off I am so excited cuz the postman just arrived I ordered something very very special actually two things very specially from a French auction site and it's just arrived and it's in this box behind me um let's go see what it is now I really really hope that these are going to be as nice as I think they're going to be Simon got all excited because it says chocolate's on the outside but that's just the Box my sweetheart um French [Music] newspapers see oo oh wow okay there's one and let me grab the other oh my goodness okay so they've clearly been rewired which is great because it said that they were these are these incredibly beautiful guilt bronze bedside lamps okay that's interesting so on the the listing it had this image of a woman's face but this looks like a stately gent ooh that looks look like Jesus oh now that's interesting so that might be Mary um okay who's that supposed to be is that supposed to be Joseph is that supposed to be somebody else any ideas um okay let's look at this design it's like a quadrafoil design okay I wonder which bedroom those are going to go into I'm so excited they're beautiful okay I can't resist before I leave I have to see if they work okay might need slightly bigger Shades but let's see what happens oh look at that oh wow those are beautiful well I hope that Philip doesn't have to wait too long for me because the postman just came by again I wasn't expecting a delivery today and so I thought thought okay I'm just going to open it quickly in case you know it's something that I've ordered or or something and it turned out to be a very very special gift from hilly in Germany um you guys know that I I I don't solicit gifts um I'm more of a gift giver than a gift receiver and um when I have received gifts from from you guys out there it it's so touching but again I'm not one of these YouTubers that gets a lot of gifts and expects a lot of gifts and um uh it's just very very touching to me and so I just opened it up and I'm a little bit um overwhelmed because hilly has just sent me the most beautiful antique Cameo it is an extraordinary Cameo of the Three Graces and I love the imagery of the Three Graces just from a mythological standpoint but also of course the representation of three women who really love each other it's such a beautiful image so hilly just sent me the most beautiful card as well and she says your mom your sister and your daughter to be worn on your heart with shatow love and um hilly I'm going to be wearing you on my heart with shatow love as well uh this is truly an heirloom piece for me I'm never going to forget this beautiful moment receiving this beautiful gift it will get passed on to either you know my daughter or my niece or another woman in my family who's very beautiful and I'm just so touched thank you hilly Cameo Art is is extraordinary they're chating back over a thousand years they're exquisitely beautiful they can be carved of various Stones shells even gemstones and the Artistry the individual Artistry of each Unique Piece is so amazing unless they were cast pieces that are that were done after the 1950s and the 1960s each piece is truly a work of art and so aesthetically they're wonderful significantly some of them depict mythological scenes some of them depict beautiful women which could perhaps remind the wearer of a loved one uh some of them depict very handsome men some of them depict a couple today nothing is going to wipe the smile off of my face thank you H it has already been a good day for anti King and I haven't even left the house yet I love this drive into tour it is so beautiful especially this bit up ahead while Vivian is out with Phillip doing a little shopping I've had to take a little break from DIY to cuddle up and watch a little bit of television with this little guy living in France we don't always get access to our favorite programs there so a big thanks to nordvpn for sponsoring this episode because it means we get to watch all our favorite shows from around the world right here in France or when we travel and Vivian loves watching period dramas of course on PBS and acorn may I present my friend Mr dson and I love watching rugby and football in my own language but it's over it's over Rugby World Cup for South Africa with nordvpn we can connect instantly it's super fast it hides our location and it protects our data on our devices it's the best price and most reliable VPN out there click on the link in the description below to get four extra months on a 2-year plan now sadly back to work for me come on B [Music] it's amazing this is just a regular Road out in the countryside and there are these beautifully planted trees it's like a grand Alle going into the city beautiful yellow fields and everything is in Blossom and bud and it just smells like springtime wherever we [Music] go and I have just arrived at one of my favorite bro Huns here and I'm going to be meeting Phillip I can't wait to show him this place I really hope we find some treasures inside who I've spotted hello at the broot I am so excited you you've been here before many many many times and I can't wait for you to come and see inside I really hope that I actually really hope I haven't misled you I hope today's not the day that there's nothing inside wonderful and I feel feel very grateful that you show me one of your little HS exactly I know don't tell [Laughter] anybody o garden stuff yeah that's exciting those yeah that's really interesting we we haven't made it two steps in this place yet they're very beautiful and they're not too you know how a lot of the new stuff is fussy yes it's too fussy it's not authentic I mean I don't think that this is the real old stuff but it is uh I think it's composite it is composite but it's not again not too mhm fruy I quite like the mirrors very simple but just a little bit of color oh that's really pretty the price is great 250 if you get to buy them in the Netherlands yeah yeah also I like their W tables one painted one you just walked in I I thought it was be like that it's it's a treasure Trove yes okay that's not everyone's taste Phil I know the babies but I think it's calling me what would Stephanie say to that I don't think I can say that it would be it would be a version of you're out of your mind yes yes that would be the well that is cute pH and I just spotted this table which is magnificent sadly it doesn't have the leaves but it opens up yeah and it's only €340 and Simon will kill me if I buy it because I just made him buy another table for OS I was just looking at this one I really like this one it's got the the keys it's it's Duff tailed on the side it's a pretty color for Empire as well isn't it rather than it being very dark feel it can go pretty much anywhere yeah 300 300 good price looks like you might be coming back to visit me soon it would fit on the back seat it would fit in the back seat are you sure though is there is there a little bit of porcelain in the back of your car maybe the porcelain could go in the drawers that's true or on my lap there you go you could just drive down the road all the way to the LA with porcelain your lap like these mhm if you look these are both 300 and then this little G is 180 I'd rather get those for 300 you know we still that's the door right there we still haven't made it 4 feet into this place I do really really really like this trumo I wonder where that could go uh s okay uh 164 I just spotted a piece of furniture I really like and well you were saying that you didn't know what it was for but it's called the M PRI so it's a piece to to lean on I suppose and when it goes between two windows you can lean on it and read your newspaper with the light from the window I thought I knew a Lot About Antiques and I have just learned something marvelous we need a piece of Leaning Furniture I I and I like the um the yeah the market Tre is really pretty yeah need some work I think cuz it's starting to bulge a little bit but I just love the fact that it's so compact me too a small room that it's easy to find a spot for it absolutely possible we didn't buy anything I know we're leaving empty-handed but we might come back cuz we saw a bunch of things that we like it's just you have to catch a plane yes and if I don't run now I will miss my flight yes okay it was so good to see you thank you making time next time with Stephanie well I don't know how it's possible last week in the dordon we managed to buy something crazy like 26 things today I'm out shopping with Phillip and we saw loads of things that we liked but we've walked away empty-handed although I'm going to go home and measure there are a few things that I think might just be on my radar now because Phillip loves porcelain and he also loves jewelry I decided it would be fun to put on some of my best victoriana pieces from The Chateau love website it's really hard to find earrings and these ones are gold and enamel with coral they're so pretty and obviously very wearable everyday this incredible Grand Tour bracelet it's in sterling silver and it's featuring seven different gods racing chariots and each one represents a different day of the week and then this one This Magnificent painted miniature scene on porcelain as I'm celebrating cameos and rare Victorian pieces in this episode this brings me to one of the rarest and finest sets of jewelry that I'll probably ever have the privilege of sharing and selling this early Victorian perer of intaglio cameos in a beautiful rolled gold and silver filigree setting Victorian earrings are very rare due to the breakage of the wires so many were replaced in later years but these ones are still intact the brooch can also be worn as a pendant and so I'm including a gold ret chain to whomever buys it the quality of the carvings and the unusual green paste capons make this such a stunning set I wonder who made it who wore it and where all of those many years ago this is truly a set worthy of Queen Victoria herself what I'm going to do is put some wood some paneling across this slope as well okay to give us a nice smooth surface because here it's come away again and uh what we're going to do is prepare this so that it can be sealed [Music] okay so now I'm on my way to Emos I've said goodbye to Phillip maybe I'll have some luck here and I wanted to show all of you these incredible clouds when Isabella was little she used to call these Simpsons clouds I have to say that's exactly what they look like so I've never been to this Emma house before this is um one that's actually in the town and it might be great it might not be great I'm hoping I'm going to have a little success today oh it's pretty big well it's a real shame I had to say goodbye to philli because look at all of this stuff it is a porcelain Treasure Trove and some dead animals too I just found something I think will make Isabella very happy it's hand crocheted lace and some other beautiful pieces as [Music] well isn't that [Music] magnificent well one of my next projects of course is to work out what we're doing with these doors cuz they look a bit ugly at the moment but pretty good store room on the whole pretty good Workshop this to be able to come outside and do some work out here as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well paneling just like drywall you can waterproof paneling so you know in the same way you put a product on drywall to waterproof it when you're using it in a bathroom you do the same thing with paneling and you can buy paneling just the same way as you can with drywall that's already been treated and waterproofed okay like we have on this wall over here this paneling is already treated and is waterproofed for using bathrooms and damp humid areas so but on top of that we're going to use a waterproofing product to further waterproof it so that shouldn't be any issue [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so I finally got all the wood paneling up and it's time for us to plaster and after everybody's opinions from last week we've decided we're going to panel on the bottom third under the window and soon Vivian is going to reveal what the big Design's going to be on these sloping walls now it's time to call in the big guns and so we are going to there are three things we don't deal with really at the chatter one is electricity the other one is plumbing and the third one is waterproofing and so we need to get the Professionals in to do the waterproofing and the tiling it's very exciting it's all happening now this is our last bathroom in in the house and we are pushing to finish it woohoo [Music] yesterday was a very good day we have waterproofed and by we I mean the tyers have waterproofed this whole wall and then even though we have water resistant plaster board all of the holes have been sealed everything has been completely sealed and of course even though we have the original floor underneath here I laid this composite flooring on top which is actually really really effective looking and feels just like wood surprisingly and it's going to keep everything waterproof down below so that we don't ruin any of the beautiful moldings in the rooms down below we're out here making big decisions about paneling and which moldings to use as you can see Simon's got a whole big Workshop going on out here with lots of wood and of course what we really want to do is reuse what we've already got rather than going out and buying lots more which has led to um let's call it a lively debate about which ones of these will look the best and also what to put against the ceiling what are your thoughts sweetheart my thoughts are I'll do it the way you want it to be done that's all I just want to know how you want I just want to know how you want it done you're just saying that cuz I'm filming you now cuz five minutes ago you were like this one's fine this one's fine mind now you have it in mind great okay well let's go have a look let's go let's go see what it looks like we'll hold it up I want to do I don't mind let's hold it up let's take it upstairs and hold it up and see what it looks like okay veryy good y good stuff okay let's see how it looks look like that but there's going to be a gap okay so that's what I was saying a there's a big gap in the corner I see what you mean so it's going to be a you need the C around in there so I can bend and it's not something that we could work out with filler no but then the problem is the problem is that over here this bit there when the quarter round meets it's then going to be a totally different kind of molding going across the top unless use quar around up here too yeah but you can't use quar around there because quar around has a 90° angle and this is not a 90° angle on the slope of the wall It's Tricky the this isn't going to go straight you see the problem is that well that would that was meant to go flush against the even if it goes flush how is it going to like that like that exactly you cross there like that exactly it's a very early and very beautiful morning here in the French Countryside we are on our way to the vet so a little bodair is in the back seat and we're going to find out if everything went okay with the surgery fingers crossed that it did obviously we're extremely nervous um he seems to have a lot of energy and he's you know being really bouncy but look at his poor little shap s and he's had the cone on just to check of his um the metal plate they puts in his shoulder or his elbow and his screws to make sure everything's good and that's uh that's hopefully that'll go well yeah we'll see hopefully there's not going to be any uh [Music] setback here we are our little vet little vet probably been after CS already can you bring his documents yeah of course I know a I'll grab his documents hold on here we go let's go see him see the he's a good boy [Music] looks good good boy you are all bandaged up and the good news is he has a brand new bandage and the stitches get to come out in 5 days and hopefully the steel plate too won't that be a happy day and then you can start to run around again you tired yeah that was a lot wasn't it we are so relieved showing everybody on the internet my word you press me to your heart I'm in a world apart a world where roses bloom and when you speak Angels Sing from above everyday words seem to turn into love songs Give Your Heart and Soul to me and life will always be love [Music]
Channel: Chateau Love | Life in Paris and a French Castle
Views: 34,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau, france, chateaux, renovations, diy, Maximalism, Historic homes, French food, Romantic Gardens, Chateau Love, Chateau Chic, French Castle, French Country House, Romantic Interior Design, Castle Life, Interior Design, Chateau Vlog, French Life, Chateau Life, Escape to the Chateau, French Cheese, Travel in France, how to renovate a chateau, chateau diy, Chateau love Vlog, familyvlog, Loire Valley Castles, How to Renovate a Chateau, The Chateau Diaries, Life in France
Id: iXaTBA5dmgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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