Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers Present Seth with Las Culturistas' Best Vibe, Hands Down Award

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-Our next guests are very talented actors and comedians who host the critically acclaimed hit podcast "Las Culturistas." They are hosting the 2024 Las Culturistas Culture Awards this Saturday at the Kings Theatre in Brooklyn. Please welcome back to the show our friends Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ ♪♪ -What an exciting time to have you both. -Hello. -Thrilled to be alive. -Just a couple of days before the Culture Awards. -It's a big moment. -How's your summer been? Does it take up a lot of your bandwidth in the early parts of the summer? -Well, we tend to, like, approach it in a very diligent way, but we do -- In the past three years we've done this, we tend to do this right after a big vacation. -Yeah. -And the endorphins are gone. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -Our brains are on 2. -Yeah. -Yesterday, our voices [Deeply] sounded like this. -Yeah. -We were in Fire Island. [ Laughter ] So there's some understanding happening in the crowd. -I heard "knowing heterosexual groan." -Yeah. -Like, "Oh, okay." [ Laughter ] -We're exhausted by it. -Oh, that's why you're tired? -That's why. [ Laughter ] -Can you explain this photo that Matt just posted? -Yes. -That's me. Yeah. Go ahead. -That's Bowen at 2:00 p.m. [ Laughter ] -Perfect. And you can't do this on the mainland. You can only do this on Fire Island. You can't do this in polite society. -His commitment to rest. By the way, it was a big night the night before. -Yeah. -We had -- I don't know if I can say this word on TV. -Yeah, go for it. -But we had an orgy, which I actually -- we define as when four gay men or in a hot tub listening to Taylor Swift for two hours. [ Laughter ] -Okay. Gotcha. -That's what that was. -Yeah. -Well, that'll -- that'll take it out of you. -It got r-e-e-eally hot. -I would say, you know, shame on you, Matt, for posting this without Bowen's permission. But last time, Bowen, last time you were here... -Yes. kind of spoke out of school about your dear friend Matt. You said that when you were in college together at NYU, Matt stole ice cream. -Mm-hmm. From a bodega. Small business, as it were. [ Laughter ] And we said that this would be great fodder for the next time Matt comes on to share a story of a misdeed that I've done. -Yeah. -Correct. So I've had a lot of time to think about it. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -And I really, genuinely don't know what this is going to be. -And I just want to say, by the way, it's on, I think, Second Ave and Ninth Street. It haunts me. I will make it up to that bodega at some point. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] And it does seem, based on the fact that it happened in college, you've had more than enough time to make it up. [ Laughter ] -You would think. But, you know, Actually, Seth, I literally thought to myself, like, "What's an infraction I've seen Bowen, you know..." I've just -- There's nothing. There's nothing. He is a perfect person. -That's -- [ Laughs ] -And you know what else? Even if I could think of something, I certainly wouldn't go on national television... [ Laughter ] -I know that about you. -...on this huge platform... -Oh, no. -...and drag my ass. --Oh, no! I'm awful. -I'll tell you this. I certainly would rather know someone who stole ice cream than someone that would turn on their friend. -That would do this! [ Laughter ] -You know, in the words of many Real Housewives, you owe me an apology! [ Laughter ] -Now, I -- -I'm so sorry. -I forgive, I forgive. We got a show to do. -I always, always love listening to your podcast, but it is a special occasion. You stretch out the nominations over three days of listening, and the joy -- First of all, they're the funniest categories. The writing is just so impeccable, and yet it's -- it's just so much better based on the way you read the nomination. So I -- just for the people here, do you mind? I've written some of my favorites. Like, for example, one of the categories this year is Most Uncommon Accident. -Great. -Please. -So in the category of Most Uncommon accident, the nominees are... a fire performer at the circus falls over onto you, and you catch on fire. [ Laughter ] -"You called me Stacey in this text, you liar. Who is Stacey?" [ Laughter ] -Wake up from coma speaking a new language. [ Laughter ] -All your belongings get thrown into a machine with those giant gears that crush things. -And all skits from "Jackass Forever." Those guys are nuts. [ Laughter ] -These are the nominees for Most Uncommon Accident. -Yeah. -And do you mind? Just because -- -You know, I'm -- I'm -- Could I just jump in? Maybe I'll do the third one of this? -100%. So the second category is, This is the Make the Bed Award for thing we will get around to doing, maybe. [ Laughter ] And the nominees are... -Finish "Feud: Capote vs the Swans." -Really spend time in the Pacific Northwest. [ Laughter ] -Text Rachel back. It's literally not personal. -Correct. [ Laughter ] -Dentist. -And finally, realize my true power and potential. -Wow. -It's a very tough race. -Very tough race. [ Applause ] This is the Bene Gesserit Award for Most Slay Group of Women. So, the Bene Gesserit are from "Dune," and they are -- How would you describe them? -They're witches and they travel with, like, black shawls. -Okay. The Bene Gesserit Award for Most Slay Group of Women. The nominees are... Fifth Harmony. -Remember? [ Laughter ] -Lornettes. Do you want to describe what the Lornettes are? -Did I -- Was I the person who introduced the idea of them, or you had heard about them? -I heard about them, but then we had you on the podcast. -Yes. The Lornettes were what the -- the assistants -- Lorne's assistants who sit in a row of four desks. -Yes. -We call them the Lornettes. -The Lornettes. -And they are a slay group of women. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -Then we have the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. -Yeah. -The girl group -- new girl group called Flo. Check them out. They're great. -And Eras Tour backup dancers, and also the boys, too. Actually, gender doesn't even matter. What is this? The past? -The past? [ Laughter ] -Those are the nominees. -All right. Guys... [ Cheers and applause ] There's something very important I need to ask you about. Well, look, I'll just blow it here. You know, Jon Hamm and I did not win Father Award. But I was nominated for another award this year. And again, I texted you guys, and I felt, like, maybe a little thirsty texting you. I texted -- okay. -You're campaigning. -I was campaigning. -This is Hollywood. Everyone shamelessly campaigns, okay? -But I kind of could not believe the category I was in. I was nominated for Best Vibes, Hands Down. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -Don't we agree? Seth Meyers, best vibes, hands down. [ Cheers and applause ] -Hands down. -And I mean, look, I mean, I saw my fellow nom-- This is a case where it really, truly is an honor to be nominated because I don't feel like I, you know -- Again, I'm up against some real heavy hitters. -Sure. -Should we find out right now? Should we announce the winner of Best Vibe, Hands Down right now? [ Cheers and applause ] Oh, my God, this is crazy. We have the award and... -An envelope right here. -...and all the materials. -Oh, my gosh. -This is so wild. [ Laughter ] The nominees for Best Vibe, Hands Down, are... -SZA concert on mushrooms during Pisces season. [ Laughter ] -The Ace Hotel Palm Springs pool, Memorial Day weekend. [ Laughter ] -Super Nintendo World, anytime. [ Laughter ] -Cowboy Carter, "The Smoke Hour." -And finally, Seth Meyers. [ Cheers and applause ] -Okay. -And the winner is... -Seth Meyers! [ Cheers and applause ] -Oh, my God! [ Cheers and applause continues ] -That's amazing. You deserve that. You deserve that. -I'm... -Wow. -Thank you so -- I mean, I -- -Give a speech! Give a speech! -To have been nominated the same year as the Pacific Northwest... [ Laughter ] This is, uh -- This is beyond my wildest dreams. -Oh, this is really bad. -Oh, wait a minute. -What happened? -Twitter's really mad. -Twitter's not happy. -Twitter's not happy that you won. -They already know I won? -No, um... The Beyhive is really upset that you beat Beyoncé. -Okay, but, like... -You have to make this right. [ Laughter ] -How do you -- I don't know how to make it right. -No one knows how to make it right. It's 2024 online. It's the Wild West. -Have you guys put me in the jackpot? -[ Laughing ] Yeah. -Oh, my God. The SZA fans are upset now, too. -Oh, my God. So, wait, you've given me, like, a monkey paw. -Yes. This is bad. We can take it back for you. We'll take it -- We'll take it back from you. -I ain't touchin' it. -Thank you so much. This is -- I'm so, uh -- I'm so jealous of everybody who gets to be there on Saturday to see you, too. And let me just say, I love listening to you guys, but seeing your friendship in person is truly one of my favorite things in the world. -Why can't you come? [ Laughter ] Do you see what he tried to do? -Yeah. -He said, "Oh, I can't come. Whatever. You guys are amazing. You sparkle in person." Why can't you come? [ Laughter ] -What's -- What are you -- What are you doing on Saturday? -I'm doing, uh -- -I'm doing a stand -- I'm doing stand-up in Chicago. -Oh. -Yeah. -That is the straight-guy stock answer of them all. [ Laughter ] -Congratulations, Seth. Have a great show. [ Laughter ] Just kidding. We love you! -I love you! You guys are the best! Thank you so much for being here. I'm just so happy. -Congratulations. -Thank you. You guys, Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers. Everybody, "Las Culturistas" available wherever you get your podcasts. The Culture Awards are this Saturday at the Kings Theatre, Brooklyn. We'll be right back with more "Late Night."
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 132,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: late night, seth meyers, late night seth meyers interview, interview, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Bowen Yang, Matt Rogers, vacationing, Fire Island, Las Culturistas Awards, presenting, Best Vibe, Hands Down award, SNL, Las Culturistas, Podcast, lip-syncing, Saturday Night Live, lgbt, gay, gay male, improv, comedian, live, sketch comedy
Id: kUUWIenL1t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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