Bourne Means Business - Part 3A: Intelligence

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I mean you were shot people do all kinds of weird and amazing stuff when they are scared I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs 215 pounds and knows how to handle himself I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab with a great truck outside and at this altitude I can run flat out for a half-mile before my hands start shaking this is Pamela Landy CI supervisor where do we stand thank you get away you're gonna listen to me real close Jason Boyd is armed and extremely dangerous last week in Berlin he assassinated two men what a highly experienced field officer I want you to secure that area I want any evidence secured and I want it done right now is that clear yes sir we're gonna find this son of a and take him down I'm not having Jason Bourne destroy any more of this agency area assassinated two men what a highly experienced field officer I want that area secured I want any evidence secured and I want it done right now it can teach me to meet them gasps emmalin landis me - even I'm not lying guitar Western Wall intention wouldn't ACMA stuff you see to Pamela Landy bitter yeah I'm reminiscing [Music] wasting all attention when talking with dr. Pamela Landy please Thank You hazel I wanted to call a guest Pamela Landy it's my second piece No [Music] I'm sorry saw the phones busy right now did you come either thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's take a look at the timeline what's borns objective now I want to break this out in boxes Naples outbound check everything flights trains police reports that's box one Teddy that's yours box number to call it prior connections I want to rerun all borns Treadstone material every footstep Kim box three I want to identify his method of travel stay on the local cops we need a vehicle a parking ticket something Danny box for I need fresh eyes review the by where we lost the nest me files timeline it with what we know about born smoothest mom guys we ran this guy's life with total control for all those years we should be a step ahead of him you want to go home find Jason Bourne no more Landy this is Jason Bourne are you running Treadstone truth stone was closed down two years ago you know that then what do you want with me you killed two people born born I want to come in I need someone I know to bring me in hmm it was a girl in Paris it's part of the program she used to handle logistics Alexandre Strasse 30 minutes under the world clock send her alone we need to give her your phone what if I can't find her she's standing right next to you put the snipers in place if things go bad we take him out [Music] [Music] [Music] don't put a purpose martin-dubost [Music] there's a trap coming towards you get she's moved to the tram place okay going where's it going it's going to Alexander Platz station is getting on the trans loads on the trail I don't think he's on the track these on the triumph this is survey three a lot of protesters get her out of there go dump the move now she's on here some some signal questions you're gonna answer me honestly or I swear to god I'm gonna kill you who's that is he here in Berlin did he run Treadstone did he run Treadstone yes Konkan reported to him you
Channel: Paul ClipMaster
Views: 2,110,753
Rating: 4.8540645 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Bourne, Matt Damon, paul greengrass, Bourne Supremacy, Bourne Identity, Action, Corruption, Spy, Intelligence, Tactical
Id: ENojrvjoT_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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