Bounded Buffer Problem|Problems Of Synchronization part1| producer consumer problem using semaphore

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now let's see about classical problems of synchronization so one of the classical problems of synchronization is bounded buffer problem or we can also call Yassa producer-consumer problem using semaphores in the first video of process synchronization already we have seen how to solve producer-consumer problem with the help of a variable called counter variance in this concept we will solve the producer-consumer problem with the help of semaphores so in the examination if the question is given on producer-consumer problem and then we can write how to solve that problem using buffers as well as not using semaphores also okay so now let's see the problem here I mean if we can have a the end buffers each buffer can hold what I do so that means let me now five of us so very each buffer can hold one item okay so if there are five of us then with the help of those five purpose we can store five items okay next year totally we are using three semaphores the fastest ever for his Munich's the second one is food table is empty so totally we are using three semaphores so what is the first semaphore Munich's some mutex for mutual exclusion so in order to provide security to the bumper we are using Munich's so that only one process can enters into the critical section the initial value of the mutex is one so if the mutex is one that it specifies that there is no process in the critical section so we can execute a great operation and we can go into the critical section by implement a mutex value as 0 ok by determining mutex value ok so here the point is if mutex is 1 then it specifies that there is no process in the critical section various if mutex is 0 then it specifies that already a process is UI in the video section next to the semaphore is food so expressive rights that how many buffers are food the initial value of the Felicio why because initially all the buffers are now empty all the buffers are Norton so that's why the initial value of food is zero so the u.s. specifies that all the buffers are not next to semaphore in CMD so empty specifies that how many buffers are empty so initially all the buffers are empty so the initial value of unity is iam okay the initial value of your D is yet so this is nothing but producer-consumer problem so producer process produces an item and guesses that item in the buffer and turnover process can use that item from the buffer okay now this is the structure of producer process manias this is nothing but the structure of consumer process so let's see the structure of proteins and process so why not true so true specifies that this condition is always true so producer process produces an item and the responding item is stored in a variable gone next beep so now the transforming item will be stored in a variable called next week so before storing that time term in the buffer so first we have to check whether the buffer is when the buffer is full or not if the buffer useful then it is not possible to store any item in the buffer so now to check whether the buffer is full or not here for that we are using a condition corn we are executing an operation gardener made of yummy suppose if the empty value be 0 suppose if empty is 0 then we can say that the buffer is completely food why because M T is equal to 0 means there are no empty purpose there are no empty buffers so we can say that the buffer is food okay so in that occasion the producer process has to wait until the consumer process contains and interpret the buffer but here what is the initial value of the MD the initial value of the empty yet so yen specifies that alien values fun so it specifies that the fiber per sorry empty fiber casa y mt okay so what we have it up so wherever beta operation is executed then what will happen is it begins back as faulty value by one so five minus one means for next beta Munich's so this is further achieving the mutual exclusion so weight operation is performed on mu X variable so what is the initial value of mu mix but so whenever we come from marine operation on uni sum up our variable and first we have to determine it by one okay so after degree building will be get 0 has the research ok so what is the initial value of the mutex one so it specifies next there is no process is in the critical section so that that grows the scale so that the producer process can enter into the critical section so this is the video section okay so nobody's like what is the mood x value 0 so if some other process wants to enter into the critical section what is the mutex value 0 suppose if the semaphore variable is 0 then it specifies that already some process is deciding in the medical section so that the process can be waiting and it comes out from the critical section okay so the producer process comes will be the critical section so what is the code we have written here yeah next EP to the buffer so the corresponding value will be added to the buffer and the value is dead so it can be the story here so next statement what is the next statement so now after yadi an item into the buffer then the producer process is going so it has to come out from the critical section so consumer process candidates into the critical section so that's why we have to execute an operation corner signal of Unix so signal means the corresponding value will be incremented by 1 so what is the previous value in UNIX do you know it becomes 1 so 1 specifies that now the critical section is free so that some other process can index into the critical section now one item is entered into the buffer so we pick up one why because for meaningful purpose one okay so signal out full so full means what signal means what the corresponding ninety be willing to make a payment now food become one so what the producer process is doing the producer process is decrementing empty purpose by one of areas it is implementing full purpose fiber so likewise the producer process will bucks now let's see how the consumer process will work so why not true so it specifies that the condition is always two next in order to consume writer from the buffer so the buffer should not be empty so first we have to check whether the buffer is empty or not so for that we are using a condition from net we have in executing an operation bond weight of food suppose in full value is zero suppose if we value is zero then we can say that all the buffers are empty so full is equal to zero means there are no full purpose so that means all the buffers are empty but he around what is full value near full value is 1 so it specifies that one buffer is full so whenever if this condition is true if this condition is true then the consumer process has debate and if the producer process produces an item in the buffer but fortunately this commission is not false when depositing in the film enemies 1 so that so whenever beta flow operation is executed then the full semaphore value will be decremented by 1 so 1 minus 1 means to you okay so the control goes to the next statement okay so now the consumer process has to consume an idiot on the buffer so before that it has to check whether the critical section is free or not suppose if the semaphore value is 1 then we can say that the critical section is free so let's check whether the critical section is free or not so made of Munich's what is mute expand 1 so this one specifies that critical section is free I mean so that whenever we perform 8 operation then what we have it in degree means the value by 1 so that no other process is allowed in the middle section until this process also from the critical section okay next one this is nothing but so in this section what the consumer process will do that animal process removes an idea from remover and that buffer will be stored in the available corner next to see okay so now critical section is executed so that the consumer process will counter from the critical section then after that one be happened so the consumer process makes the producer process available to the critical section so for that we are executing an operation border signal of mutex so signal means that responding UNIX they would be implemented so the previous value of UNIX is you know mutex will become one so that now the reduced process we entered into the critical section when because mu DX is 1 now what is the next operation C so an extra statement signal of MD here the consumer process is consuming an item from the buffer so that the empty locations will be incremented by 1 so previously we have a 1 item in the buffer but the consumer process is deleting the data from the buffer so what is the previous value in mt4 so whenever we perform signal operation on UT then this 4 will be implemented by birth so now this md value will become final pocket so whenever consumer process is executed then it increments empty semaphore by month and it remains full semaphore by month okay actually the previous value of fully is 1 but whenever we executed consumer process full value will be come to you why because an item is deleted from the per foot so that the corresponding full value will be decremented by path so likewise a empty semaphore will be incremented by 1 so previously the value of empty semaphore is 4 so it specifies that for buffers are free but whenever we execute this Wagner we really take 10 from the community and from the buffer so that 5 reverse ARMA 3 now okay so here the point is consumer process the grievance the value of full semaphore by 1 and increments mt7 4x1 various the producer process degree means the value of M t7 for payment and implements the value of three semaphore behind a pocket so this is about bounded buffer so why is known as a boundary buffer why because you have the size of the bubble is bounded the size of the buffer is fix it so in this way we can solve bounded buffer problem or we can solve the producer-consumer problem with the help of semaphore
Channel: Sudhakar Atchala
Views: 6,027
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: process Synchronization, The Critical-Section Problem, Peterson‘s Solution, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Classical Problems of Synchronization, Monitors, Synchronization Examples, sudhakar, atchala, operating system, os, lectures, Producer Consumer Problem, Classical Problems Of Synchronization, Bounded Buffer Problem, producer consumer problem using semaphore
Id: yw__NPExEH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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