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to bother is to cause troll the thing that bothers can be a person or a thing he is bothering and then you have to have an object here me this isn't the present continuous tense the present tense he bothers me past tense he bothered me there is someone at work who bothers me or there's someone at work who is bothering me if someone is giving you difficulty or causing trouble then use the imperative form starting with the verb stop stop bothering me the subject is you but we don't use you for a command or for the imperative form so this is the verb and then following the verb is a gerund stop bothering me stop bothering them stop bothering us use this when talking directly to somebody who is causing problems for you or someone else we use the word bother when talking about aches and pains my tooth is bothering me my tooth hurts I have a toothache and my tooth is bothering me or we could put any part of the body here my leg is bothering me my back is bothering me my foot is bothering me I have a pain in my foot it's bothering me we often use the word bother for noise that noise is bothering me it's causing trouble it's bothering me the light is bothering me there's too much light I'm trying to get to sleep but I can't because the light is bothering me you can also use the word bother like this it bothers me to know and then you'll put something here if you have some knowledge that bothers you it bothers me to know that those people aren't getting the help they need so the first part is it bothers me to know and then we can use that to separate the first part from the second part and then this is the the problem or the situation those people aren't getting the help they need you
Channel: LearnAmericanEnglishOnline
Views: 17,780
Rating: 4.9537868 out of 5
Keywords: English as a second language, esl, english vocabulary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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